Royal Canin Croquettes Gastro Intestinal Chat Sac 400 G - Veterinary Health Nutrition

11.71 EUR
Royal Canin Gastro-intestinal FélineRoyal Canin a mis au point cette gamme de croquettes diététiques spécialement conçue pour chats présentant des troubles digestifs.Ce produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Excellente nourriture qui offre un taux énergétique élevé, riche en matières grasses et bonne sapidité, spécialement recommandée pour le régime alimentaire des chats souffrant de problèmes digestifs afin de leur favoriser une récupération rapide ou bien en état de convalescence. Vise également à réduire les troubles aiguës d'absorption intestinale.Disponible en sacs de 0.4 kg, 2 kg et 4 kg. Également disponible en sachets de 100 g.Caractéristiques principales: Très énergétique : répond parfaitement aux besoins en énergie (entretien, convalescence) et permet de réduire la ration alimentaire, évitant ainsi les digestions trop lourdes. Très bonne sapidité : pour assurer une consommation spontanée et un suivi du traitement. Entretien du tractus digestif : les ac...

Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

17 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Santra Life Health Power Whey Portein Powder 1080 Gr 30 Pieces

215.02 EUR
It does not contain any additives, preservatives, colorants, sweeteners, and is completely NATURAL. DOES NOT CONTAIN sweeteners, additives, preservatives or added sugar. CONTAINS 100% NATURAL FARMING CERTIFIED CAROB FLOUR

Santra Life Zeus Nutrition Cream Of Rice 1000g-india-flavored

71.29 EUR
20,12,2027 It is a practical, delicious and healthy carbohydrate source. Thanks to its micronized structure, it mixes, cooks and thickens easily. Portions can be easily adjusted thanks to the scale inside. It is obtained by crushing fresh and high quality rice. Cream of Rice is an easy-to-digest complex carbohydrate made from white rice flour. It is gluten-free and a great option for your bodybuilding diet. Additionally, it is your source of extra calories during your snacks or meals throughout the day. carbohydrates It contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal muscle functions after high-intensity and/or long-term physical exercise, which reduces glycogen stores in skeletal muscles and causes muscle fatigue. Practical and fast carbohydrate source It contains 38g of carbohydrates per serving. You can use it alone or by adding it to your recipes. Coconut Flavored: Micronized Rice Flour, Flavoring, Sweetener: Sucralose. Put 1 scoop (about 50g) of the product in a pan or pot, cook over low heat with 200ml of water or milk until it thickens. You can use it whenever you want during the day, according to your own schedule.

New Life. Complexe de soutien articulaire New Life (Phyto Health Forte For Articulations comprimés, Elixir Articulations) Course 1 Month

51.25 EUR
Un complexe spécial de produits pour le soutien et la prévention des maladies articulaires 👌 Le fabricant recommande l'utilisation conjointe de ces outils pour augmenter l'efficacité, ainsi que pour améliorer les propriétés des composants les uns des autres. DANS LE CADRE DU COMPLEXE: ✔️ Le complément alimentaire Phyto Health Forte For Articulations New Life en comprimés est recommandé pour améliorer le fonctionnement du système musculo-squelettique. A un effet anti-inflammatoire. Soulage les douleurs articulaires. Aide contre les rhumatismes, l'arthrose, l'arthrite, l'inflammation des tendons et des ligaments, avec une mauvaise mobilité articulaire, l'ostéochondrose, la goutte et diverses blessures. Normalise l'équilibre eau-sel. ✔️ New Life Joint Elixir est utilisé pour les maladies du système musculo-squelettique: ostéochondrose, arthrite, arthrose. A un effet anti-inflammatoire, bactéricide et analgésique RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION. Les fonds recommandés sont prélevés en même temps❗ ✔️ Phyto Health Forte For Articulations Complément Alimentaire New Life 1 comprimé 2 fois par jour 10 minutes avant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2 à 3 fois par an. ✔️ Elixir pour Articulations Nouvelle Vie 7-10 gouttes 2 fois par jour avant les repas sur l'eau. 1 flacon de 30 ml suffit pour 2 semaines. Cours d'admission recommandé à partir de 1 mois. Si nécessaire, il peut être répété, il ne crée pas de dépendance, au contraire, il s'accumule dans le corps et agit pendant un certain temps après la fin de la prise.. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus.. Il doit être spécifié individuellement. COMPOSITION DU COMPLEXE POUR LE COURS 1 MOIS ✔️ Complément alimentaire Phyto Health Forte For Articulations New Life - 60 comprimés 500 mg ✔️ Elixir Articulations Nouvelle Vie - 2 flacons de 30 ml. COMPOSITION DU PRODUIT ✔️ Complément alimentaire Phyto Health Forte For Articulations New Life:pied d'alouette, potentille, reine des prés, feuille d'airelle rouge, racine de pissenlit, écorce de saule, feuille de bouleau, graminée de succession, millepertuis. Composants auxiliaires - lactose, cellulose microcristalline, polyvinylpyrrolidone, stéarate de calcium. ✔️ Elixir Articulations Nouvelle Vie - extraits liquides: fruit de cassis, feuille de laurier, mélisse, racine de pissenlit, bourgeon de bouleau, feuille d'airelle rouge, écorce de saule, fleur de camomille, bourgeon de pin, ortie, ficelle, fruit d'églantier. Composants auxiliaires - eau déminéralisée, propylène glycol, glycérine DURÉE DE CONSERVATION: ✔️ Complément alimentaire Phyto Health Forte For Articulations New Life - 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication. ✔️ Elixir Articulations Nouvelle Vie - 2 ans à compter de la date de fabrication. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le...

New Life. Picolinate de Chrome Cr New Life Health Source de Chrome 60 Gélules Végétales 60 capsules (for 1 month)

32.59 EUR
Recommandé pour réguler la glycémie. Réduit l'appétit et favorise la perte de poids. Améliore le fonctionnement du système nerveux central, renforce les vaisseaux sanguins, stimule la synthèse de collagène et d'élastine À un rythme effréné, votre cerveau a besoin de plus de calories ! Si une main cherche constamment du savoureux et du sucré, apprenez à l'autre à ajouter du CHROME PICOLINATE à votre alimentation. Le PICOLINATE DE CHROME bioadditif de NEW LIFE participe aux processus suivants: ✔️ réduit l'appétit et régule la glycémie; ✔️ normalise le métabolisme glucido-lipidique; ✔️ Reconstitue la carence en chrome dans le corps; ✔️ Abaisse la glycémie; ✔️ améliore le métabolisme intracellulaire; ✔️ Favorise la perte de poids en améliorant la combustion des graisses; ✔️ normalise le fonctionnement du système nerveux central; ✔️ stimule la synthèse de collagène et d'élastine. FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 60 gélules de 400 mg (Gélules Végétales) Composition: Ingrédients actifs pour 1 capsule - picolinate de chrome (400 mcg) Composants auxiliaires / autres ingrédients - maltodextrine / maltodextrine, dioxyde de silicium / silice hydratée, stéarate de calcium / stéarate de calcium RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 gélule 2 fois par jour pendant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2-3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Le picolinate de chrome est la forme active du minéral, qui a un taux d'absorption élevé. Le but principal du picolinate de chrome est la régulation de la glycémie. L'apport en minéraux réduit l'intensité de la synthèse des graisses, réduit l'appétit, contribuant ainsi à la perte de poids naturelle. En combinaison avec l'insuline, le picolinate de chrome le transforme en une forme plus active, grâce à laquelle la lipolyse est activée et la quantité de lipides dans le sang diminue. La prise de picolinate de chrome permet une réduction stable de l'appétit tout au long de la journée. Pour une perte de poids efficace, vous devez équilibrer votre alimentation et ajouter des exercices quotidiens. Le picolinate de chrome est également recommandé pour la prévention du diabète sucré, de l'athérosclérose et des maladies cardiovasculaires. ✔️ Le picolinate de chrome contribue à la normalisation des réactions neuropsychiatriques - insomnie, anxiété, troubles nerveux ✔️ Le picolinate de chrome procure un effet cosmétique ...

New Life. Phyto Health Forte For Pancreas Complément Alimentaire New Life 60 tablets (for 1 month)

30.59 EUR
Recommandé pour améliorer le fonctionnement du pancréas, normaliser la digestion et le métabolisme. Stimule la production de suc gastrique, d'enzymes biliaires et pancréatiques, aide à éliminer les spasmes des muscles lisses des voies biliaires, soulage l'inflammation, favorise la régénération des tissus endommagés. FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 20 comprimés de 500 mg 60 comprimés de 500 mg Le mode d'emploi complet (en anglais, espagnol, russe et ukrainien) se trouve dans un emballage de 20 comprimés. Un paquet de 60 comprimés a une brève description sur le paquet lui-même sans instructions complètes.. Composition: Ingrédients actifs: St. John herbe de moût / hyperici Herba, fruits Sophora / sophora fructus, racine Potentilla / potentille alba rhizomata, racines aunée et rhizomes / inulae rhizomata et radices, fleurs de feuilles de calendula / Calendulae flos, racine de pissenlit / taraxa radci / plantaginis Majoris folium, fruit d'églantier / rozae fructus, sporisha herb / polygoni avicularis herba, haricots à feuilles / phaseoli valvae fructum, prêle herba / equiseti arvensis herba. Composants auxiliaires / autres composants : lactose / lactose, cellulose microcristalline / cellulose microcristalline, polyvinylpyrrolidone / polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp), stéarate de calcium / stéarate de calcium. RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 comprimé 2 fois par jour 10 minutes avant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2-3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Millepertuis - réduit l'inflammation du pancréas, a un effet antispasmodique sur les muscles lisses, normalise la fonction excrétrice des glandes gastriques, a un effet tonique sur les voies biliaires, présente des effets astringents, bactériostatiques et anti-inflammatoires sur les muqueuses membranes du tube digestif, améliore la régulation du métabolisme. ✔️ Fruits Sophora - soulagent l'inflammation, favorisent la régénération des tissus endommagés, rétablissent l'appétit, aident à éliminer les toxines et présentent des propriétés antioxydantes. ✔️ Racine blanche de potentille - normalise la sécrétion de bile, présente des propriétés antiseptiques, astringentes, cicatrisantes et antitumorales. ✔️ Racines et rhizomes d'aunée - augmentent la sécrétion de bile et la production de mucus, soulagent l'inflammation et les spasmes, réduisent l'acidité du contenu de l'estomac, normalisant sa...

New Life. Phyto Health Forte Pour Le Système Nerveux Complément Alimentaire New Life 60 pills (for 1 month)

32.59 EUR
Recommandé pour améliorer l'état des systèmes nerveux et cardiovasculaire. Améliore la qualité du sommeil, régule sa durée. Réduit l'anxiété, la tension, le stress et les maux de tête. A un effet de renforcement général sur le corps. FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 60 comprimés de 500 mg (cours 1 mois) 180 comprimés de 500 mg (cours 3 mois) Apprenez-en davantage sur le complément alimentaire ici ou sur le site Web du fabricant, indiqué sur chaque pot. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant n'écrit qu'une brève description en anglais, espagnol, russe et ukrainien.. Composition: Principes actifs / principes actifs : - agripaume / leonuri herba, origan herb / origani herba, racine de valériane à rhizomes / valerianae rhizomata cum radicibus, aubépine fruit / crataegi fructus, mélisse herb / melissae herba, pasiflora herb / passiflore herba / citronnelle herba , herbe citronnelle Cymbopogon Herba, fleurs de bruyère / calluna flos, fleurs de camomille / matricariae flos, thym herbe / thymi Herba. Composants auxiliaires / autres composants : - lactose / lactose, cellulose microcristalline / cellulose microcristalline, polyvinylpyrrolidone / polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), stéarate de calcium / stéarate de calcium. RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 comprimé 2 fois par jour 10 minutes avant les repas. La durée de traitement recommandée est de 1 à 3 mois. La durée du traitement dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2 à 3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Herbe d'agripaume - normalise la fréquence cardiaque, augmente la force des contractions cardiaques, réduit l'excitabilité du système nerveux central, améliore le sommeil. Possède des propriétés sédatives, hypotensives (abaisse la tension artérielle), antispasmodiques et diurétiques légères. ✔️Herbe d'origan - a un effet calmant sur le système nerveux central. Efficace contre les maux de tête, la mauvaise humeur, la faiblesse générale et les troubles mentaux. ✔️Racine de valériane avec rhizomes - aide à se débarrasser du stress, de l'insomnie, réduit les troubles végétatifs-vasculaires. Il a un effet antispasmodique, ralentit le rythme cardiaque et dilate les vaisseaux coronaires. A un effet bénéfique sur le système nerveux central, réduisant son excitabilité et facilitant l'endormissement. ✔️Les fruits d'aubépine réduisent l'excitabilité du système nerveux central. Ils ont un effet antispasmodique. Ils ont tendance à dilater les vaisseaux coronaires et cérébraux, à réduire l'excitabilité du...

New Life. Complément alimentaire Phyto Health Forte Kidney New Life 60 tablets (for 1 month)

30.49 EUR
Il est recommandé pour améliorer le fonctionnement des reins et des voies urinaires, a des effets anti-inflammatoires et diurétiques. Favorise l'élimination du sable et des petites pierres des reins, aide au traitement des maladies des voies urinaires, soulage l'inflammation dans les maladies chroniques des reins, de la vessie, des voies urinaires et de la rétention urinaire. FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 20 comprimés de 500 mg 60 comprimés de 500 mg Le mode d'emploi complet (en anglais, espagnol, russe et ukrainien) se trouve dans un emballage de 20 comprimés. Un paquet de 60 comprimés a une brève description sur le paquet lui-même sans instructions complètes.. Composition: Ingrédients actifs / actifs: bearberry herbe / SEAC ursi Herba, orthosiphon herbe / orthosiphonis Herba, vin de Bordeaux blanc / Lamium flos album, fleurs de calendula / Calendulae flos, fleurs Bleuet / centaureae flos, bouleau bourgeons / Betulae gemmae, fruits de genièvre / juniperi-, carotte graines / carota semina, prêle des champs / equiseti herba, racine de garance à rhizomes / rubiae rhizomata et radices. Composants auxiliaires / autres composants : lactose / lactose, cellulose microcristalline / cellulose microcristalline, polyvinylpyrrolidone / polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), stéarate de calcium / stéarate de calcium. RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 comprimé 2 fois par jour 10 minutes avant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2-3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Busserole - aide au traitement des maladies infectieuses des voies urinaires, a des effets diurétiques, anti-inflammatoires et antiseptiques. ✔️ Herbe orthosiphon - a un effet diurétique prononcé, qui s'accompagne de la libération d'acide urique, d'urée, de chlorures, ainsi que de sels de métaux lourds, a des propriétés cytostatiques et anti-inflammatoires. ✔️ Agneau blanc - aide à se débarrasser des processus inflammatoires aigus et chroniques dans les voies urinaires, présente des propriétés diurétiques, astringentes, anti-inflammatoires, toniques et expectorantes. ✔️ Fleurs de calendula - aident à restaurer la fonction rénale, améliorent les processus de régénération cellulaire, présentent des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, analgésiques, antivirales, cicatrisantes et antiseptiques. ✔️ Fleurs de bleuet - soulagent les processus inflammatoires dans les maladies chroniques des reins, de la...

New Life. Phyto Health Forte pour la thyroïde Complément alimentaire New Life 60 tablets (for 1 month)

33.99 EUR
Recommandé comme remède qui améliore le fonctionnement de la glande thyroïde et normalise le métabolisme, est une source naturelle d'iode, équilibre l'équilibre hormonal, neutralise les radicaux libres et présente des effets antiprolifératifs FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 20 comprimés de 500 mg 60 comprimés de 500 mg Le mode d'emploi complet (en anglais, espagnol, russe et ukrainien) se trouve dans un emballage de 20 comprimés. Un paquet de 60 comprimés a une brève description sur le paquet lui-même sans instructions complètes.. Composition: Ingrédients actifs / ingrédients actifs - kelp / thalles laminaires, potentille racine blanche / potentille alba rhizomata, aronia / aroniae melanocarpae fructus, herbe cocklebur / Xanthium Herba, regia membrane / juglans noyer membranes, herbe Renouée / fruit herbe polyicular / Rozae fructus, ortie herbe / urticae herba Composants auxiliaires / autres ingrédients - lactose / lactose, cellulose microcristalline / cellulose microcristalline, polyvinylpyrrolidone / polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), stéarate de calcium / stéarate de calcium. RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 comprimé 2 fois par jour 10 minutes avant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2-3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Thalle laminaire - enrichit le corps en iode, contribue à la normalisation de la glande thyroïde, aide à éliminer les radionucléides du corps, stimule le système immunitaire, a une activité antitumorale, antimicrobienne, anti-inflammatoire et antispasmodique ✔️ Racine blanche de potentille - normalise le métabolisme des minéraux et du sel dans le corps, équilibre l'équilibre hormonal, normalise la structure et la fonction de la glande thyroïde, neutralise les radicaux libres ✔️ Fruits de l'aronia - présentent des propriétés hypotensives, antispasmodiques, anti-inflammatoires, antimicrobiennes, diurétiques et cholérétiques, ont un effet activateur notable sur le système d'hémostase ✔️ Herbe Cocklebur - contribue à la lutte contre la carence en iode et les troubles du métabolisme de l'iode, a un effet antiprolifératif, anti-inflammatoire, antimicrobien ✔️ Cloisons en noyer - améliorent le fonctionnement de la glande thyroïde, renforcent le système nerveux, ont des effets anti-inflammatoires et antibactériens, améliorent l'activité mentale, réduisent la fatigue et rétablissent un sommeil sain ✔️ Noeud d'herbe - a des...

New Life. Magnésium Glycinate Mg New Life Health Source Magnésium 60 Gélules Végétales 60 capsules (for 1 month)

50.77 EUR
Recommandé pour renforcer le système nerveux, augmenter la force et l'énergie du corps. Renforce le système cardiovasculaire. Normalise la pression artérielle, prévient la contraction musculaire convulsive, soulage le vasospasme, favorise la minéralisation osseuse, prévient le dépôt de calculs rénaux Même pendant vos vacances, pensez-vous au travail, aux délais et aux affaires inachevées ? Comment garder son calme et sauver son corps des angoisses et des soucis épuisants ? GLYCINATE DE MAGNÉSIUM NEW LIFE - votre source de calme, de force et d'énergie! PROPRIÉTÉS: ✔️ normalise le pouls, dilate les vaisseaux sanguins, abaisse la tension artérielle, régule le niveau d'oxygène et de sucre dans le sang; ✔️ réduit le risque de caillots sanguins; ✔️ a un effet anti-stress, normalise le sommeil, réduit la fatigue et l'irritabilité; ✔️ soulage les spasmes musculaires et les détend, surtout après un stress vécu; ✔️ améliore le fonctionnement des systèmes digestif et génito-urinaire. GLYCINATE DE MAGNÉSIUM NEW LIFE et plus de stress! FORMULAIRE DE DÉCHARGE: 60 gélules de 600mg (Gélules Végétales) Composition: Ingrédients actifs pour 1 capsule - glycinate de magnésium (450 mg) Composants auxiliaires - maltodextrine, dioxyde de silicium, stéarate de calcium RECOMMANDATIONS D'UTILISATION: 1 gélule 2 fois par jour pendant les repas. Le cours d'admission recommandé est à partir de 1 mois. La durée de l'admission dépend de la gravité et de la négligence du processus. Si nécessaire, répétez le cours 2-3 fois par an. CONDITIONS GÉNÉRALES DE STOCKAGE: 3 ans à compter de la date de fabrication à des températures de +5°C à +25°C. ❗❗❗ Ces produits sont fabriqués en Ukraine. Sur l'emballage, le fabricant indique la date de fabrication et le numéro de lot. La date de fabrication est déchiffrée (jour, mois, année). 👉 AVERTISSEMENTS : intolérance individuelle aux composants. Si une personne est sujette aux allergies, vous devez étudier attentivement la composition avant d'acheter. DESCRIPTION DES COMPOSANTS ACTIFS ✔️ Le glycinate de magnésium est une forme chélatée du minéral, qui a un haut degré de digestibilité et est très confortable pour le tractus gastro-intestinal. Ce magnésium est entièrement absorbé par l'organisme. ✔️ Le magnésium est impliqué dans de nombreuses réactions enzymatiques de l'organisme et est destiné à apporter un soutien nutritionnel au cœur, aux muscles, aux systèmes nerveux et cardiovasculaire ✔️ Le magnésium augmente le niveau de production d'énergie, joue un rôle important dans la minéralisation osseuse, participe à la transmission de l'influx nerveux, est important pour convertir les aliments en énergie, normalise le métabolisme au niveau cellulaire, participe à la synthèse des acides gras, des protéines et métabolisme du glucose ✔️ Le magnésium agit sur le fonctionnement du système cardiovasculaire : il normalise la tension artérielle et le nombre de battements cardiaques. C'est un minéral indispensable dans la lutte contre... Korea Life GRN+ Carb Cut Pink Pocket 14pack/30.8g (Fat CUT/ Health care/ Slimming/ Vitamin/ HCA/ Catechin/ Aloe/ Supplement/ Biotin) 1box

20.69 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Package Quantity: 1000mg x 2 tablets x 14 packets Benefits: Easy-to-take diet supplement that helps cut down excess absorption of carbohydrates and replenish body with multi-vitamins. Infused with Garcinia Cambogia Extract which contains HCA that helps repress carbohydrates from converting to fat in body. Enriched with 9 types of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, B2, and Zinc to replenish nutrients essential to proper function of body. Main ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA): Might improve weight loss by preventing fat storage by repressing carbohydrates from converting to fat and controlling appetite. How to take: Take once a day, 1 packet each time before eating with water. Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, L-Ascorbic Acid, Nicotinamide, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A Concoction (Vitamin A Acetate, Glucose Syrup Powder, Corn Starch, Arabic Gum, dl-α-Tocopherol), Sodium Selenite Concoction (Sodium Selenite, Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic), Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids) Weight Management Supplement Functions: Slimming Country of Origin: Korea Expiry Date: 1766847600

Santra Life New Whey Protein Chocolate 864 Gr 36 Servings - Creatine (creatine) Bcaa Orange 360g 5g Bcaa 5g Creatine

214.99 EUR
Whey protein is the most practical way for athletes to meet their protein needs. As Mysupplement, our aim is to provide you with a protein powder that will be your first choice with its quality and taste. The first thing you should look at when choosing protein powder is the quality of the raw materials. Mysupplement protein powders are produced with imported 100% whey concentrate. Each serving contains 18 grams of protein. You can see the quality of the raw material by looking at its amino acid content. Highlights: - 18 g protein per serving - 4.1 g BCAA in 1 serving - 3.4 g glutamine precursors in 1 serving - High raw material quality - How Should You Use It? The ideal time to take protein powder is right after a workout. Therefore, our recommendation is to drink 1 scoop within 30 minutes after training. If your training pace is high and your protein deficit is high, you can take 1 more scoop of whey protein before your workout or during snacks (a total of 2 scoops during the day). BCAA CREATINE is a mixture of BCAA and creatine in powder form. It contains 5000mg 4:1:1 BCAA and 5000mg creatine in each serving. BCAAs consist of 3 amino acids that have different properties among the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are the most important amino acids that initiate protein synthesis, promote growth, and prevent your muscles from breaking down. Research shows that muscle repair is accelerated and new muscle formation is increased in people taking BCAA supplements. Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are metabolized in the muscles rather than the liver. In this way, it acts quickly and provides a significant increase in energy (in the form of ATP) during training. What Does Creatine Do? Creatine is a supplement whose main function is to provide energy to the muscles during short-term and intense physical activities. It is especially effective for developing explosive power. During short-term intense exercises, the body converts creatine into ATP, the main energy source. Creatine also helps muscle cells expand. Thanks to this feature, creatine is one of the most frequently used supplements by athletes who want to gain volume. What is the creatine mesh size? Contains 200 mesh fine micronized creatine. Creatine mesh size refers to the size of creatine particles. The gold standard in this regard in the world is 200 mesh creatine. 200 mesh creatine mixes easily and quickly in water. It is rapidly absorbed in the body and has high bioavailability.

Santra Life Zeus Nutrition Whey Protein 1000 Gr-india-aroma

107.99 EUR
* Whey Protein contains 77% premium quality whey protein. Europe This product is produced in modern facilities with GMP certification. It offers 20g of protein per serving. 3g of whey protein per serving The amino acid you need with its content of BCAA and 3 grams of glutamine precursors It will meet your needs in the purest way and at the most affordable cost. protein muscle Contributes to the increase and maintenance of mass. At the same time, protein Helps maintain normal bones.

Santra Life Zeus Nutrition Whey Protein 1000 Gr-cookie-aroma

106.99 EUR
Whey Protein contains 77% high quality whey protein. Produced in modern facilities with GMP certification at European standards, this product offers 20 g of protein per serving. With 3 grams of BCAA and 3 grams of glutamine precursors coming from whey protein in each serving, it will meet your amino acid needs in the purest way and at an affordable cost. Protein contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass. At the same time, protein helps maintain normal bones.

G.J. Ebrahim Mtchm;Nutrition/child Health Pr

2.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Macmillan Education, Publisher : Macmillan Education, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 209, publicationDate : 1983-04-28, releaseDate : 1983-04-28, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, John Grant, ISBN : 0333269667

Santra Life Swiss Whey Platinum 85 Chocolate Fudge Cake 1020g / 34 Servings

178.99 EUR
SWISS NUTRITION PLATINUM 85 SWISS WHEY PLATINUM 85 is a high protein content in one serving, high quality To meet your protein needs with its raw materials and delicious flavors. It is a candidate to be your indispensable supplement. Its special formula and the digestive enzyme it contains With its mixture, you can easily consume it without any digestive problems. Each service includes: 25.5 grams of protein 5.7 grams of BCAAs 4.6 grams of Glutamine Contains 30 mg Digestive Enzyme.

Santra Life Whey Protein Premium Chocolate Milkshake 1170g 35 Serves Spm

176.99 EUR
WHEY PROTEIN PREMIUM 1170g 35 SERVES Whey Protein Premium is a whey protein product that offers a balanced combination of the best whey types with its new production technology. The protein raw material it contains is obtained from 100% whey. Whey Protein Premium contains 24 grams of protein, 5 grams of BCAA and 4 grams of Glutamine in one serving (1 scoop). Whey Protein Premium is also supported with Vitamin B6, which repairs muscle damage and provides muscle growth and strength by supporting protein synthesis in the muscles. Additionally, Whey Protein Premium, which contains lower fat and lactose, is more easily digested in the body and reaches the muscles in a short time by providing rapid absorption. It has a high bioavailability rate. The product contributes to the preservation and increase of muscle mass. Among the main features of Whey Protein Premium are: Whey Protein Premium can support the gain of lean muscle mass thanks to its low fat and carbohydrate content. This may be advantageous for individuals who aim to grow and strengthen muscles. Whey Protein Premium is a protein source with high biological value. This means that it can be used more effectively by the body. Whey Protein Premium offers comfortable use and drinking with its low lactose content. Additionally, it can provide a more comfortable use, especially for individuals with lactose intolerance. Whey Protein Premium offers different flavor options. Additionally, it can be easily prepared by mixing it with milk or water. REMARKABLE FEATURES OF WHEY PROTEIN PREMIUM - 24g protein in each serving (33 g)* - 5000 mg BCAA in each serving - 4000 mg GLUTAMINE in each serving - Quality Raw Material - Vitamin B6 - Easy to mix - Delicious aroma and varieties. What Does It Not Contain? GMO pork contribution Gluten Artificial Colorant Preservative meat product

G.J. Ebrahim Maternal/child Health In Pract

2.09 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Macmillan Education, Publisher : Macmillan Education, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 1988-11-24, releaseDate : 1988-11-24, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, ISBN : 0333472187

G.J. Ebrahim Care Of The born In Developing Countries (Macmillan Tropical Community Health Manuals)

2.07 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Palgrave, Publisher : Palgrave, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 1978-12-01, releaseDate : 1978-12-01, authors : G.J. Ebrahim, ISBN : 0333253620

Santra Life Iron Whey Protein Concentrate

174.99 EUR
IFN Iron Whey Protein Concentrate Iron Whey, brought to by Iron Fit Nutrition Canada, is a high-quality imported whey protein powder crafted to fuel your muscles, enhance your recovery, and support your health and fitness goals. Designed for athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, it is a trusted companion for your journey towards improved strength, muscle growth, and overall health. Made with non-gmo, gluten free ingredients, free from soy, fillers and hormones. Iron whey aligns perfectly with your clean and health-conscious lifestyle.

Santra Life Iron Whey Protein Concentrate

191.97 EUR
IFN Iron Whey Protein Concentrate Iron Whey, brought to by Iron Fit Nutrition Canada, is a high-quality imported whey protein powder crafted to fuel your muscles, enhance your recovery, and support your health and fitness goals. Designed for athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, it is a trusted companion for your journey towards improved strength, muscle growth, and overall health. Made with non-gmo, gluten free ingredients, free from soy, fillers and hormones. Iron whey aligns perfectly with your clean and health-conscious lifestyle.

Santra Life Iron Whey Protein Concentrate

204.83 EUR
IFN Iron Whey Protein Concentrate Iron Whey, brought to by Iron Fit Nutrition Canada, is a high-quality imported whey protein powder crafted to fuel your muscles, enhance your recovery, and support your health and fitness goals. Designed for athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, it is a trusted companion for your journey towards improved strength, muscle growth, and overall health. Made with non-gmo, gluten free ingredients, free from soy, fillers and hormones. Iron whey aligns perfectly with your clean and health-conscious lifestyle.

Santra Life Whey Protein Powder 1200 Gr 40 Servings Cookie Flavored

189.99 EUR
1 shaker and 2 BCAA disposable sachets are included with the product. West nutrition whey protein powder 1200 grams 40 serves Each serving of the product contains 22000 mg protein, 5300 mg BCAA, 2900 mg glutamine precursor, 2050 mg creatine monohydrate and vitamin B6. How to use: Mix 1 serving (1 scoop, 30g) with 200ml of water or low-fat milk before or after training and use 1-2 servings (30g-60g) per day. For cookie flavored product, whey protein concentrate (whey concentrate), creatine monohydrate, bcaa 4:1:1, cookie flavor, anti-caking agents (silicon dioxide e551, tri calcium phosphate e341 (iii)), sweetener (sucralose e955), vitamin b6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). allergens: Contains dairy products. It may contain sulfites and gluten from aroma. It contains phenylalanine, a source of whey protein. This food should be consumed with an adequate and balanced diet; It does not meet all nutritional needs on its own. These products should be used according to the recommendations of physicians and dietitians. This food contains creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and impair kidney function in some people. Warning: Children under the age of 15 and pregnant women can only consume it under the supervision of a physician or dietician. Purpose of use: Helps maintain protein balance during periods of intense physical activity. Business registration number: Tr-35-K-035184 It is produced in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Sports Food Communiqu.

Santra Life Whey Protein Powder 1200 Gr 40 Servings Chocolate Flavored

189.66 EUR
1 shaker and 2 BCAA disposable sachets are included with the product. West nutrition whey protein powder 1200 grams 40 serves Each serving of the product contains 22000 mg protein, 5300 mg BCAA, 2900 mg glutamine precursor, 2050 mg creatine monohydrate and vitamin B6. How to use: Mix 1 serving (1 scoop, 30g) with 200ml of water or low-fat milk before or after training and use 1-2 servings (30g-60g) per day. For chocolate flavored product, Whey protein concentrate (whey concentrate), creatine monohydrate, BCAA 4:1:1, Reduced fat cocoa powder, nature-identical chocolate flavor, anti-caking agents (silicon dioxide e551, tri calcium phosphate e341 (iii)), sweetener (sucralose e955), vitamin b6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). Allergens: Contains dairy products. May contain sulfites and gluten from aroma. It contains phenylalanine, a source of whey protein. This food should be consumed with an adequate and balanced diet; it does not meet all nutritional needs on its own. These products should be used according to the recommendations of physicians and dietitians. This food contains creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and impair kidney function in some people. Warning: Children under the age of 15 and pregnant women can only consume it under the supervision of a physician or dietician. Purpose of use: Helps maintain protein balance during periods of intense physical activity. Business registration number: Tr-35-K-035184 It is produced in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Sports Food Communiqu.

Santra Life 4x Magnesium Complex 200 Mg - Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Quercetin - 4-pack Complex

55.39 EUR
Contains 200 mg Magnesium in Each Tablet: Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Biglycinate, Magnesium Taurate and Magnesium Malate chain: Important for supporting the immune system, cell growth and repair, and overall body health. Vitamin B6: Supports nervous system functions, contributes to energy metabolism and general health. Vitamin D: Vitamin B12: It is important in energy production. Supports nervous system health and helps the formation of red blood cells quercetin: A powerful antioxidant, it may help reduce inflammation It provides high absorption thanks to its chelated magnesium forms. It is produced using high quality Magnesia GMBH raw materials from Germany.

Santra Life Adek Kids Multivitamin Drops 30 Ml

67.99 EUR
More Than Adek Kids Multivitamin Drops 30 mlA, D3, E, K2 (MK-4) Vitamin Food Supplement Containing Pumpkin Seed Oil Component Name Quantity / 1 Drop %BRD Vitamin A 120 g RE 15% Vitamin D3 3.125g 62.5% Vitamin E 2 mg (a-TE) 16.67% Vitamin K2 12g 16 %% NRD(Nutrition Reference Value)Ingredients:Pumpkin Seed Oil, D- Alpha Tocopherol, Retinyl Palmitate, Menauquinone 4, CholecalciferolUsage Information: Daily for children aged 4-10 and adults aged 11 and over. It is consumed as 1 drop. Allergen Warning: Contains pumpkin seeds. Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily use dose. Food supplements It cannot replace normal nutrition. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and illness or Consult your doctor when using medication. out of reach of children Keep it on the ground. Recommended consumption date (TETT) and batch number are on the packaging. Storage Conditions: Store in a cool and dry place. *Does not contain chemical sweeteners, gluten and preservatives.

Santra Life Adek Kids Multivitamin Drops 30 Ml

63.99 EUR
More Than Adek Kids Multivitamin Drops 30 mlA, D3, E, K2 (MK-4) Vitamin Food Supplement Containing Pumpkin Seed Oil Component Name Quantity / 1 Drop %BRD Vitamin A 120 g RE 15% Vitamin D3 3.125g 62.5% Vitamin E 2 mg (a-TE) 16.67% Vitamin K2 12g 16% % NRD(Nutrition Reference Value) Ingredients: Pumpkin Seed Oil, D- Alpha Tocopherol, Retinyl Palmitate, Menauquinone 4, CholecalciferolUsage Information: Daily for children aged 4-10 and adults aged 11 and over. It is consumed as 1 drop. Allergen Warning: Contains pumpkin seeds. Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily use dose. Food supplements It cannot replace normal nutrition. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and illness or Consult your doctor when using medication. out of reach of children Keep it on the ground. Recommended consumption date (TETT) and batch number are on the packaging. Storage Conditions: Store in a cool and dry place. *Does not contain chemical sweeteners, gluten and preservatives.

Santra Life Whey Protein 1410 Gr 56 Servings Chocolate Hazelnut

134.99 EUR
''TET: MAY 2026 [OUR PRODUCTS; LAND OF PROTEIN ON YOUR BEHALF WITH Sports Nutrition ASSURANCE SHIPPING IS PROVIDED WITH AN INVOICE! ]WHAT IS NUTRIKING WHEY PROTEIN 1410 GR? NutriKing Isolated Whey 2000 G is suitable for athletes and people with active lifestyles. It is specially formulated to meet protein needs.Available in delicious flavor options:- Hazelnut Chocolate NutriKing provides the protein, vitamins and minerals that athletes need It is a supplemented protein powder. Our product is produced in accordance with high quality standards and each It appeals to different tastes with its flavor options. In every service; - 20 grams of protein - 2G BCAA 4:1:1 - 2 mg L-Glutamine - 1.5g Creatine Monohydrate - 1 G Taurine - Contains 80 grams of digestive enzymes. High protein content (20 grams per serving) Important for the body such as BCAA 4:1:1, L-Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate, Taurine Enriched with nutrients. It provides easier digestibility with digestive enzymes and Coenzyme Q10. Each serving contains Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Zinc. Does not contain gluten, does not contain GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)! EACH SERVING 1 SCALE (30 grams) NUMBER OF SERVICES 56 TOTAL 1410 GR AROMA HAZELNUT CHOCOLATE USAGE INFORMATION:- TRAINING DAY: 1 scoop after breakfast, 1 scoop after training- DAY YOU DO NOT TRAIN: 1 scoop after breakfast

HEALTH HELPER Max Cut Diet Fit 3.1 (14 Sticks)

49.99 EUR
Item and Product Name : HEALH HELPER Max Cut Diet Fit 3.1 (14 Sticks) Expiration date and storage method : [Manufacturer] Hanmi Natural Nutrition Ltd. Seonyu Plant / 100, Donyu 2-ro, Paju-eup, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do [Manufacturer] Next Player Co., Ltd. Volume (Weight), Quantity : 10g*14 Sticks Effects : Ingredient: L-Carnitine Tartrate helps to reduce body fat and relieve fatigue from exercise. Fructooligosaccharides may support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and bowel movements. Feature: Watermix formula, turning emerald green when mixed with water, lemonade flavor Disclaimer for Non-Pharmaceutical Products : N Country of Manufacture : South Korea

Gary Null The Complete Guide To Health And Nutrition: A Sourcebook For A Healthier Life

13.99 EUR
Brand : Dell, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Dell, Publisher : Dell, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 608, publicationDate : 1986-08-01, releaseDate : 1986-08-01, authors : Gary Null, ISBN : 0440506123

Müller, Manfred J. Gesundheit Und Ernährung - Public Health Nutrition (Uni-Taschenbücher M)

10.99 EUR
Binding : Broschiert, Edition : 1., Aufl., Label : Utb, Publisher : Utb, medium : Broschiert, numberOfPages : 304, publicationDate : 2005-09-01, authors : Müller, Manfred J., Trautwein, Elke A., languages : german, ISBN : 3825226670

Carcache de Blanco, Esperanza J Nutrition: An Approach To Good Health And Disease Management

3.15 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Bentham Science Publishers, Publisher : Bentham Science Publishers, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 363, publicationDate : 2017-11-29, authors : Carcache de Blanco, Esperanza J, Jay Mirtallo, ISBN : 1681081091

Crook, William G. The Yeast Connection Cookbook: A Guide To Good Nutrition And Better Health

8.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Revised, Label : HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 379, publicationDate : 1989-08-01, authors : Crook, William G., Jones, Marjorie Hurt, languages : english, ISBN : 093347816X

D'Adamo, Peter J. Live Right For Your Type: The Individualised Prescription For Maximizing Health, Metabolism, And Vitality In Every Stage Of Your Life

10.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Penguin, Publisher : Penguin, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 400, publicationDate : 2002-03-07, authors : D'Adamo, Peter J., languages : english, ISBN : 0140297855

Kinslow, Dr. Frank J. The Kinslow System: Your Path To Proven Success In Health, Love And Life

13.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Hay House Uk, Publisher : Hay House Uk, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 352, publicationDate : 2013-05-06, releaseDate : 2013-05-06, authors : Kinslow, Dr. Frank J., languages : english, ISBN : 1781801428

BeautyGlam Dr. Emil Nutrition, Multi Collagen Peptides, with Hyaluronic Acid, Unflavored, 633g

132.99 EUR
Product Description: Hyaluronic Acid 20g Collagen Per Serving GO® Fat Olive Oil Supplement for Skin, Hair, Nail and Joint Health Dairy-Free, Non-GMO, Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free Paleo Certified Skin Firming Skin Moisturizing Healthy Bones Healthy Bones and joints. Take with warm or cold drinks. Contains ingredients extracted from bovine bark. Revitalizes the skin from within - Contains 20g of multi-collagen hydrolysate peptide with high bioavailability. Provides optimal benefits including anti-aging, joint health, hair, skin and nail strengthening.Easy to mix - Our formula dissolves easily in hot or cold beverages and contains GoFat® Olive Oil Powder, a keto-friendly healthy fat. It ensures a smooth texture without clumping, making it suitable for coffee and smoothies. Vibrant appearance - Dr. Emil Nutrition Collagen Powder contains 90mg of hyaluronic acid per serving to promote a youthful appearance, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin hydration and elasticity. Clean, high-quality formula - Dr. Emil's Collagen Powder is Paleo and Keto friendly and contains no sugar, gluten, dairy, or GMOs. Product Usage: As a supplement, mix 2 scoops of Multi Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid in 8 oz of water, coffee or beverage of your choice. Mix and enjoy. Ingredients: Contains fish (tilapia) This product is manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) registered facility. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing, children under 18 years of age, or have a medical condition. Consult your healthcare professional before taking this product or any other supplement. Dr. Emil Nutrition, Multi Collagen Peptides, with Hyaluronic Acid, Unflavored, 633g

BeautyGlam Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated, Whole Foods Magnesium Powder, Orange, 419.5g (14.8oz)

97.99 EUR
Product Description: Stress Prevention + Calmness + Balance Non-GMO Project Verified Whole Food Supplement Kosher B. Corp. Certified NSF - Certified Gluten-Free Certified Vegan Certified Sugar-Free Created by Dr. David Perlmutter, America's leading brain health expert, board-certified neurologist, #1 New York Times bestselling author, leading researcher at the American College of Nutrition and expert on the human microbiome. This is the formula.Dr. Formulated with whole-food magnesium powder, this delicious soda can help you relieve tension and fatigue, get a good night's sleep, and restore your body's magnesium levels to optimal levels.Dr. Formulated Whole Food Magnesium contains organic brown rice protein magnesium chelates and live probiotics to not only promote digestive health but also help relieve occasional constipation. Directions for use: Pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 8 ounces of room temperature water. When foam appears, stir well and enjoy. Ingredients: Ionic Magnesium Carbonate Blend (Non-GMO Citric Acid, Magnesium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate), Organic Brown Rice Protein Magnesium Chelate, Organic Orange Cream Flavor, Organic Stevia Extract (Leaf), Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus Bacillus acidophilus. Dairy or soy ingredients, nuts, sugars or preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. Free. Manufactured in a facility capable of processing egg, milk, soy, wheat, and tree nuts. Precautions: Caution: As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, scheduled for surgery, taking regular medication, or treating any medical condition. Children should consume under supervision only after consulting a healthcare professional. This product is not intended to treat chronic constipation, which may be a symptom of a serious illness. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Contents are packaged by weight, not volume. Contents may sink. Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated, Whole Foods Magnesium Powder, Orange, 419.5 g (14.8 oz) Korea Life Vitahalo Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium 1box/120g(2g*60ea) 1box

48.99 EUR
Vitahalo Probiotics Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium (2g X 60 Stick)Protect your child's intestinal health with premium lactobacillus.Helps with lactobacillus growth.Helps with bowel movements.5 types of patented lactobacillus and 1 type of breast-derived lactobacillus were used.Various probiotics are used.Contains New Zealand superfluous ingredients It is packed with disposable sticks for children to eat. Vitahalo Probiotics Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium (2g X 60 Stick) Protect your child's intestinal health with premium lactobacillus. Helps with lactobacillus growth. Helps with bowel movements. 5 types of patented lactobacillus and 1 type of breast-derived lactobacillus were used. Various probiotics are used. Contains New Zealand superfluous ingredients It is packed with disposable sticks for children to eat. Yogurt-flavored content

BeautyGlam Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated, Whole Foods Magnesium Powder, Orange, 419.5g (14.8oz)

91.99 EUR
Product Description: Stress Prevention + Calmness + Balance Non-GMO Project Verified Whole Food Supplement Kosher B. Corp. Certified NSF - Certified Gluten-Free Certified Vegan Certified Sugar-Free Created by Dr. David Perlmutter, America's leading brain health expert, board-certified neurologist, #1 New York Times bestselling author, leading researcher at the American College of Nutrition and expert on the human microbiome. This is the formula.Dr. Formulated with whole-food magnesium powder, this delicious soda can help you relieve tension and fatigue, get a good night's sleep, and restore your body's magnesium levels to optimal levels.Dr. Formulated Whole Food Magnesium contains organic brown rice protein magnesium chelates and live probiotics to not only promote digestive health but also help relieve occasional constipation. Directions for use: Pour 1 teaspoon of powder into 8 ounces of room temperature water. When foam appears, stir well and enjoy. Ingredients: Ionic Magnesium Carbonate Blend (Non-GMO Citric Acid, Magnesium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate), Organic Brown Rice Protein Magnesium Chelate, Organic Orange Cream Flavor, Organic Stevia Extract (Leaf), Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus Bacillus acidophilus. Dairy or soy ingredients, nuts, sugars or preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. Free. Manufactured in a facility capable of processing egg, milk, soy, wheat, and tree nuts. Precautions: Caution: As with any supplement, consult your doctor before taking this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, scheduled for surgery, taking regular medication, or treating any medical condition. Children should consume under supervision only after consulting a healthcare professional. This product is not intended to treat chronic constipation, which may be a symptom of a serious illness. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Contents are packaged by weight, not volume. Contents may sink. Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated, Whole Foods Magnesium Powder, Orange, 419.5 g (14.8 oz) Korea Life FOODOLOGY - Manology Cut Pro 1box/64g(800mg*80ea) 1box/64g

95.08 EUR
Package quantity: 800mg x 80 tablets Benefits: Suitable for people who have oily meals, it helps reduce body fat and helps firmer body shape. Contains 372mg of Polyphenol from green apple extract to help reduce body fat. May help maintain liver health by reducing ALT and AST in the liver, with 130mg of Silymarin from milk thistle extract. Formulated with 40mg of plant-derived Octacosanol, which may increase Glycogen in body. GMP certified. Main ingredients: Polyphenol: It seems to block fat and cholesterol from entering the body and slow the production of fat and cholesterol. Milk Thistle: Contains Silymarin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and might help protect the liver from toxins. Octacosanol: It might help to reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increase levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It might also improve the health of fat cells. How to use: Take 2 times a day with water after meal, 1 tablet each time. ingredients:Green Apple Extract Applephenon (Functional Ingredient Recognition No. 2020-9) (China), Milk Thistle Extract Powder (USA), Octacosanol-Containing Oil And Fat (USA), Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Silicon Dioxide, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Maca Extract Powder, Dried Yeast, Turmeric Root Extract Powder, Pu'er Tea Extract Powder, Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids, Taurine, Seaweed Powder, Vitamin Mineral Concoction {Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic, L-Ascorbic Acid, dl-α-Tocopherol Concoction (dl-α-Tocopheryl Acetate, Food Starch Modified, Glucose Syrup Powder, Silicon Dioxide), Ferrous Fumarate, Nicotinamide, Vitamin A Concoction (Glucose Syrup Powder, Corn Starch, Gum arabic, Retinyl Acetate, dl-α-Tocopherol), Zinc Oxide, Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Biotin}, Amino Acid Concoction (L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Leucine), Citric Acid Anhydrous,L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Artichoke Extract Powder, Dandelion Extract Concentrate Powder, Folic Acid Korea Life Nutrione Active Multivitamin for Men 36g 1box/1200mg*30ea 1 box

64.93 EUR
Consumption date (or expiration date): Products on or after 2026-03-19 Target audience: Men Total Capsules/Tablet Quantity: 30 tablets Nutritional Ingredients: Complex nutritional supplement Health functional food: certified Consumption date (or expiration date): Products on or after March 19, 2026 Date of manufacture: Products manufactured after March 30, 2024 Weight, Quantity: 30 tablets

Prescott, Susan L. Secret Life Of Your Microbiome: Why Nature And Biodiversity Are Essential To Health And Happiness

10.49 EUR
Brand : New Society Publishers, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : New Society Publishers, Publisher : New Society Publishers, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 336, publicationDate : 2017-08-14, releaseDate : 2017-08-14, authors : Prescott, Susan L., Logan, Alan C., ISBN : 0865718512

Elisabeth Hsu Wind, Life, Health: Anthropological And Historical Perspectives (Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute Special Issue Book Series)

16.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New., Label : John Wiley & Sons, Publisher : John Wiley & Sons, PackageQuantity : 5, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2007-12-19, authors : Elisabeth Hsu, Chris Low, languages : english, ISBN : 1405178930

Sarah Bounds Recipes For Health - Low-Fat Cooking: Over 100 Low-Fat Recipes For A Healthier Life

2.75 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : Thorsons, Publisher : Thorsons, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 1995-10-01, releaseDate : 1995-10-01, authors : Sarah Bounds, ISBN : 0722531729

John Robbins Diet For A America: How Your Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness & The Future Of Life On Earth

14.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : H J Kramer, Publisher : H J Kramer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 423, publicationDate : 1998-05-29, authors : John Robbins, languages : english, ISBN : 0915811812

Goscienski, Philip J. Health Secrets Of The Stone Age: What We Can Learn From Deep In Prehistory To Become Leaner, Livelier And Longer-Lived

2.38 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2, Label : Better Life Pub, Publisher : Better Life Pub, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 285, publicationDate : 2005-01-30, authors : Goscienski, Philip J., ISBN : 0975910205

Barrett, Stephan J. Chemical Sensitivity: The Truth About Environmental Illness (Consumer Health Library)

27.99 EUR
Brand : Prometheus Books, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : New, Label : Prometheus Books, Publisher : Prometheus Books, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 212, publicationDate : 1998-04-01, releaseDate : 1998-04-01, authors : Barrett, Stephan J., Ronald Gots, ISBN : 1573921955

Casper, Monica J. Missing Bodies: The Politics Of Visibility (Biopolitics: Medicine, Technoscience, And Health In The 21st Century)

9.99 EUR
Brand : New York University Press, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : NEW YORK UNIV PR, Publisher : NEW YORK UNIV PR, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 223, publicationDate : 2009-07-01, releaseDate : 2009-07-01, authors : Casper, Monica J., Moore, Lisa Jean, ISBN : 0814716784

Partners In Health: How Physicians And Hospitals Can Be Accountable Together (J-B Public Health/health Services Text, 44, Band 44)

29.49 EUR
Brand : JOSSEY-BASS, Binding : hardcover, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Partners in Health : How Physicians and Hospitals Can Be Accountable Together (J-b Public Health/Health Services Text, 44, Band 44), NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : illustrated, Feature : New, medium : hardcover, numberOfPages : 336, publicationDate : 2010-04-19, releaseDate : 2010-04-19, languages : english, ISBN : 0470550961

I.A.G. MacQueen Family Health: Medical Encyclopaedia

2.76 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : New, Label : Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, Publisher : Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 544, publicationDate : 1988-03-15, publishers : I.A.G. MacQueen, ISBN : 0907408842

Top Secret Nutrition, Lean, Fish Oil & CLA Megablend, with Lipase, 120 Fish Gelatin Softgels

93.41 EUR
Product Description: Supplement Omega 3 Fatty Acids 100mgSupports Healthy Weight Loss Builds Lean Muscle During Diet Fish Oil & CLA Mega Blend with Lipase takes the unique health benefits of these oils to a whole new level. A new study suggests that combining fish oil with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may provide additional benefits for weight loss. Studies also show that conjugated linoleic acid strengthens lean muscle, which is good news for dieters. Lipase is used in the body to increase the absorption of fatty acids and improve digestion. Product Directions: As a supplement, take 2 softgels up to 2 times daily with meals. Ingredients: Fish gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, flavoring, natural lemon oil, sunflower, lecithin and caramel color. Contains: Fish (anchovies). Allergy risk warning: This product contains milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish and crustaceans, nuts, Manufactured in a facility that processes products containing peanuts. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if you are under 18 years of age. Do not consume if pregnant or lactating. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Always consult your doctor before taking supplements. Store in a cool, dry place. Top Secret Nutrition, Lean, Fish Oil & CLA Megablend, with Lipase, 120 Fish Gelatin Softgels

Top Secret Nutrition, Lean, Fish Oil & CLA Megablend, with Lipase, 120 Fish Gelatin Softgels

93.99 EUR
Product Description: Supplement Omega 3 Fatty Acids 100mgSupports Healthy Weight Loss Builds Lean Muscle During Diet Fish Oil & CLA Mega Blend with Lipase takes the unique health benefits of these oils to a whole new level. A new study suggests that combining fish oil with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may provide additional benefits for weight loss. Studies also show that conjugated linoleic acid strengthens lean muscle, which is good news for dieters. Lipase is used in the body to increase the absorption of fatty acids and improve digestion. Product Directions: As a supplement, take 2 softgels up to 2 times daily with meals. Ingredients: Fish gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, flavoring, natural lemon oil, sunflower, lecithin and caramel color. Contains: Fish (anchovies). Allergy risk warning: This product contains milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish and crustaceans, nuts, Manufactured in a facility that processes products containing peanuts. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if you are under 18 years of age. Do not consume if pregnant or lactating. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Always consult your doctor before taking supplements. Store in a cool, dry place. Top Secret Nutrition, Lean, Fish Oil & CLA Megablend, with Lipase, 120 Fish Gelatin Softgels

Nance, Wayne E. The 3-Minute Difference: Alter Your Health, Money, And Relationships Without Changing Who You Are

2.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New, Label : MISSION BOOKS, Publisher : MISSION BOOKS, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2012-07-01, authors : Nance, Wayne E., William Hendricks, Lewis, J. Keet, ISBN : 1618431188

Christiane Wolf A Clinician'S Guide To Teaching Mindfulness: The Comprehensive Session-By-Session Program For Mental Health Professionals And Health Care Providers

38.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : New Harbinger, Publisher : New Harbinger, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 200, publicationDate : 2015-06-25, releaseDate : 2015-06-25, authors : Christiane Wolf, Serpa MD, J. Greg, ISBN : 1626251398

Nature's Plus- Source of Life, Animal Parade, Tooth Fairy Probiotic, Children's Chewable, Natural Vanilla Flavor, 90 Animals

45.83 EUR
Description. Probiotics for children (Tooth Fairy Probiotic Animal Parade) 90 chewable tablets with vanilla flavor Probiotics for children (Tooth Fairy Probiotic Animal Parade) is a new supplement with live probiotic cells M18, L. acidophilus, vitamin D3 and calcium for dental health. Manufacturer: Nature's Plus, USA. Release form: 90 chewable tablets Age: 2+ Composition: Component-Composition of 2 chewable tablets Calories-5 kcal Total carbohydrates - 2 g Xylitol-2 g Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)-400 IU Calcium (as a chelate) - 300 mg L. acidophilus-150 mg (2 billion CFU) S. salivarius M18 -10 mg (1 billion CFU) Other ingredients: silite, dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, stearic acid, natural flavorings, natural flavoring with vanilla flavor, herbal complex to support teeth: spinach (Spinacia oleracea leaf extract), broccoli (Brassica oleracea flower extract), fig concentrate, date concentrate ( Phoenix dactylifera), magnesium stearate, guar gum. S.salivarius M18 may contain a small amount of milk. Does not contain: gluten, artificial colors and preservatives. Functional action: Probiotics for children (Tooth Fairy Probiotic Animal Parade) are necessary for building teeth and reducing the risk of caries. Tooth Fairy's delicious vanilla chewables in the shape of funny animals also contain a whole complex of natural nutrients that are good for teeth. Application: Chew 2 chewing candies per day. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Korea Life NUTRIONE Lutein Zeaxanthin164 (500mg X 30ea) 1 BOX 1box

36.47 EUR
Product name: Nutrione Lutein Zeaxanthin 164 Serving Container: 500g x 30 softgels (15g) • Nutrione, the Leading and Fast-growing Health and Beauty Supplement Brand in Korea • Protect Eye Health • Scientifically Proven 4:1 Ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin • Eye's Formula of Lutein and Zeaxanthin • Zinc, Selenium • Vitamin A, B1, B2, E • Maintains & Protects Health of the Macular Region • Maintains Visual Sharpness • 30 Capsules * Provides nutrients that form the protective macular pigment of the eye, which may help to protect the health of the eye. * An eye's formula of lutein and zeaxanthin to assist with the support of healthy eye function. * The scientific ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin supported by the US National Eye Institute's recommendation. * It also contains selenium and Vitamins to improve support for healthy eyes. * Improves eye strain and dryness worn out by close contacts with electronic devices for a long period. * Able to obtain Lutein and Zeaxanthin at once. * Maintains & protects health of the macular region. * Helps increase the density of the macular pigment in the eye. * Maintains visual sharpness. Key Ingredients * Lutein: Creates a protective layer to help filter harmful UV and blue light. Protects eyesight and eye health to make sure it functions properly. * Zeaxanthin: Reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Helps to maintain macular pigment density - maximum daily intake 20mg (16mg/4mg, Lutein Zeaxanthin 164 has ratio of 16:4) * Bilberry: Provides nutrition to eye tissues, improves blood circulation and strengthened eyesight. Useful Tips for Your Healthy Life! Human bodies cannot produce lutein or zeaxanthin, so they must be obtained from the diet or supplement. Sub-ingredients * Grape seed, Vitamin A, B1, B2 & E, Zinc, Selenium Directions Take 1 capsule once a day with water. Pack Size 500mg x 30 capsules Caution For adults only. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Store in a cool dry place. Manufacturer: NOVAREX CO., LTD Country of Origin: Republic of Korea

NaturesPlus, Source of Life® Garden, Certified Organic Vitamin B12, 60 Veggie Capsules

52.99 EUR
Product Description: USDA Organic CertifiedSupplementEcoCert® Certified OrganicGluten-FreeVeganSupports nutrition for energy and vitality, cardiovascular health and overall well-being.NaturesPlus Source of Life Garden Organic Gold Standard Nutrients Vitamin B12 boosts energy and vitality It is the first certified organic supplement to contain vitamin B12 in convenient organic capsules. This high-potency B12 supplement contains certified organic foods rich in cofactors that work synergistically with methylcobalamin, a highly effective form of this essential vitamin. Certified Organic NaturesPlus Source of Life Garden Vitamin B12 delivers the highest quality nutrients you can feel the difference for yourself.Source of Life Garden Vitamin B12 Features: Vitamin B12 in the premium form of methylcobalamin. Contains guava, holy basil and lemon extracts. Certified Organic Blend - Provides synergistic natural food cofactors Certified Organic Whole Foods - 20+ colorful fruits, vegetables and botanicals for optimal health benefitsUSDA Organic Certified, Non-GMO Free, Gluten FreeMade with 20+ Organic Whole FoodsUSDA Organic - USDA NOP Organic certification ensures the pure, wholesome status of this formula, made without the use of synthetic/chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers.Genetically modified. Certified Free of Ingredients - Independently certified to be free of genetically modified substances and substances associated with genetically modified organisms.Environmentally conscious - Manufactured using the most environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly methods.Recyclable - Products are organic natural ingredients and We use recyclable packaging materials to ensure sustainability throughout the product lifecycle.Vegan: Made without animal ingredients.Gluten-free - Contains no wheat, barley or gluten-contributing ingredients and is independently certified to meet all gluten-free standards. Tested and certified.Yeast-Free: Designed and produced without yeast or yeast by-products, eliminating any potential side effects from yeast.Independent GMP Certified - Good Manufacturing and Quality Control Standards that are more stringent than those required by U.S. law. (GMP) This is a manufacturing facility that has been independently certified to meet the requirements. Product usage: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules per day. Ingredients: Organic rice maltodextrin, organic capsule (pullulan prebiotic polysaccharide [extracted from Aureobasidium pullulans]), organic rice protein, organic potato starch. Free ingredients: magnesium stearate, stearic acid, titanium dioxide, Carnauba wax, talc, yeast, hexane, artificial, sweeteners and preservatives.Free from synthetic ingredients: colors and preservatives. Free from: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans and sesame seeds. Precautions: Close lid tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. NaturesPlus, Source of Life® Garden, Certified...

Meiji Zavas Advanced Whey Protein 100 Cocoa Flavor 280g ZABAS ZABAS 1 set

68.99 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Protein > ZABAS > Meiji Zavas Advanced Whey Protein 100 Cocoa Flavor 280g ZABAS Contains whey protein that is easily absorbed. ---how to---[ - ** , ( ) . Nutrition Facts (per 30g serving)] Energy 105kcal Protein 20g Fat 0.9g Carbohydrate 4.1g Salt equivalent 0.16-0.68g

Nutrist.JP Tominaga Boeki Manuka Honey & Propolis Candy 30g Immunity Propolis 1 set

25.03 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Immunity > Propolis > Tominaga Boeki Manuka Honey & Propolis Candy 30g Immunity Throat lozenges made by Manuka Health, the No.1 Manuka Honey brand. ---how to---[ - . ---Ingredients: Sugar, glucose, honey, propolis/vitamin C, flavoring [Nutrition Facts] per 4.5g capsule (energy - 17kcal protein - 0g fat - 0g carbohydrate - 4g salt equivalent - 0.005g This is a guide only.

Meiji Amino Collagen 196g Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

60.99 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > Meiji Amino Collagen 196g Beautiful Skin Contains carefully selected low molecular weight fish collagen and beauty ingredients for a moisturized, healthy and beautiful daily life. ---how to---[ - , . ---Ingredients: Fish collagen peptide (manufactured in Japan), maltodextrin, vegetable oil and fat/glucosamine, V.C., arginine, thickener (gum arabic), emulsifier, flavor (some ingredients include milk ingredients, orange, soy, gelatin) [Nutrition Facts] (per 7g serving)

Nutrition Solutions: A Guide And Cookbook To Live Longer And Stronger

29.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Health Life Publishing, Publisher : Health Life Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, ISBN : 1930847475

Dorothy Breininger Time Efficiency Makeover: Own Your Time And Your Life By Conquering Procrastination

14.53 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New title, Label : HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, Publisher : HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 164, publicationDate : 2005-05-03, authors : Dorothy Breininger, Bitticks, Debby S., ISBN : 0757303501

BeautyGlam Force Factor, Apigenin, 50mg, 60 Veggie Capsules

48.09 EUR
Product Description: Prostate Health SupportPremium QualityVeganGelatin-FreeNon-GMOSupplementsUNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL® Healthy nutrition improves quality of life. If you want to improve your mind, body, and athletic performance, we have a formula to help you do it. Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Product Description: Take only as directed. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Product usage: Take one capsule per day, preferably with a meal. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.Allergy risk warning: Processing products containing milk, eggs, soybeans, wheat, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts and sesame seeds. Manufactured in our facility. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Take only according to the product instructions. If pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or taking prescription medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Force Factor, Apigenin, 50mg, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, Beet + Mushroom, 120 Veggie Capsules

57.54 EUR
Product Description: 1,000 mg per servingTraditionally used for everyday health and wellness7 Functional MushroomsPremium Quality Soy-FreeNon-GMOSupplementsUnleash Your Potential® Healthy nutrition improves quality of life. If you want to improve your mind, body, or athletic performance, this formula is for you. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. Manufactured by equipment which may process products containing milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame.Proudly manufactured in the U.S. from imported and domestic ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For adult use only.Use only as directed. Consult a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or use prescription medications. Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from heat, light, and moisture Force Factor, Beet + Mushroom, 120 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, Beet + Mushroom, 120 Veggie Capsules

56.99 EUR
Product Description: 1,000 mg per servingTraditionally used for everyday health and wellness7 Functional MushroomsPremium Quality Soy-FreeNon-GMOSupplementsUnleash Your Potential® Healthy nutrition improves quality of life. If you want to improve your mind, body, or athletic performance, this formula is for you. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate. Manufactured by equipment which may process products containing milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame.Proudly manufactured in the U.S. from imported and domestic ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For adult use only.Use only as directed. Consult a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or use prescription medications. Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from heat, light, and moisture Force Factor, Beet + Mushroom, 120 Veggie Capsules

Meiji Verm Athlete Granule Pineapple Flavor 4.7gx10 Powder Amino Acid Powder 1 set

62.69 EUR
Health Food > Supplements > Amino Acid > Powder > Meiji Verm Athlete Granule Pineapple Flavor 4.7gx10 Powder Amino Acid Contains 3000 mg of ARF amino acids, the same as the Smart Fit series of functional foods. ---how to---[ - , . Color (V.B2) [Main Nutrition Facts (per 3.3g bag)] Energy 9kcal, Protein 1.8g, Fat 0g, Carbohydrate 1.4g, Salt equivalent 0g (375mg alanine, 375mg arginine, 750mg phenylalanine)