The G-Lab Clavier Keyz Carbon-E mécanique rétroéclairé

49.95 EUR
Le clavier The G-LAB Keyz Carbon-E est un modèle mécanique efficace avec ses switches bleus qui permettent une réactivité hors du commun au clic. Il s'agit d'un clavier solide qui tient la promesse de la lo...


42.9 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

The G-Lab Combo Helium clavier Souris incluse Jouer USB AZERTY Français Noir

19.92 EUR
COMBO HELIUMLE COMBO IDÉAL POUR ENTRER DANS L'ARÈNEUn parfait set up comprenant une souris rétroéclairée, un clavier rétroéclairé, des intra-auriculaires gaming et un tapis de souris pour entrer dans l’arène. Libérez votre potentiel !Un Clavier multicolore conçu pour gagnerCe clavier rétroéclairé vous offre une qualité de frappe remarquable ! Effectuez une multitude de tirs avec précision. Les 6 touches anti-ghosting permettent d’éviter des actions non intentionnelles lorsque de nombreuses touches sont pressées simultanément.Une Souris rétroéclairé Ultra RéactiveLa Kult Helium arbore un design ambidextre qui s’adaptera parfaitement à votre main. La texture soft-touch qui recouvre votre souris offre un support tactile confortable lors des longues sessions de jeux.Avec son rétroéclairage étendu sur tout le contour de votre Kult Helium, choisissez parmi les sept couleurs disponibles en fonction de votre niveau de DPI et donnez un look électrique à votre set up gaming.Des écouteurs précis avec microLes intra-auriculaires renforcent l’immersion dans le jeu, notamment dans les FPS et jeux de simulation. Le son ultra-immersif amplifie chaque effet sonore et vous permet de situer précisément où se déroule l’action!Son micro intégré retranscrira parfaitement votre voix pour vous faire entendre sur le terrain et la molette de contrôle vous permettra d’ajuster le volume sonore en un glissement de pouce.Glissez-les dans votre poche et écoutez de la musique partout où vous allez !Un Pad Antidérapant idéalLe pad offre une glisse parfaite grâce à une texture lisse sur le dessus et un grip antidérapant sur le dessous. Il accompagnera vos gestes en toutes circonstances, vous offrant précision et rapidité d’exécution.Un Capteur PuissantMontez jusqu'à 3200 DPI !RétroéclairageUn clavier et une souris rétroéclairés pour un set up flamboyant !Anti-GhostingGrâce à ses 6 touches anti-ghosting soyez sûr que vos actions soient parfaitement exécutés !écouteurs puissantsLe son ultra-immersif amplifie chaque action et vous permet de situer précisément chaque action.

The G-Lab Keyz Mercury clavier Jouer USB AZERTY Français Noir

34.99 EUR
Le Keyz Mercury est véritablement bâti pour la performance ultime ! Avec ses switches RED, la frappe est ultra réactive pour vous permettre d'être plus rapide que vos adversaires. Sa taille compacte sans pavé numérique laisse plus de place sur votre bureau, idéal pour les joueurs à faible sensibilité. Vous avez la possibilité de créer des macros et gérer le rétroéclairage grâce au pilote de personnalisation dédié. Le Keyz Mercury est compatible sur PC, Playstation et Xbox. Qualité de frappe Supérieure - Red Switches : Le Keyz Mercury est doté de Switchs RED, les meilleurs pour le gaming et l'esport. Ces switches mécaniques nécessitent une force d'actionnement de 45g seulement, les plus légers en terme de résistance. Le switch a une course totale de 4mm et la distance d'activation est de 2mm. Bénéficiez d'une réactivité maximale et d'une véritable précision d’exécution. 20 Effets de Rétroéclairage variés : Illuminez votre bureau avec le Keyz Mercury et son rétroéclairage RGB resplendissant. Choisissez parmi 20 modes lumineux variés et dynamiques selon vos envies. Il est aussi possible de personnaliser les LED du clavier avec 7 couleurs différentes. Le rétroéclairage du clavier se configure de 2 façons possibles : depuis notre logiciel Windows dédié ou bien directement sur le clavier avec des combinaisons de touches très simples. Format compact TKL : Le Keyz Mercury est un clavier compact dit TKL. Il n’y a donc pas de pavé numérique sur le côté droit du clavier. Le Mercury prend beaucoup moins d’espace sur votre bureau et limite les risques de toucher votre clavier avec vos mouvements de souris. Ce clavier est donc idéal pour les joueurs avec une faible sensibilité qui ont besoin de plus de place pour de grands mouvements de souris.

Clavier gaming The G-Lab Keyz Neon

18.59 EUR
Dans la pénombre ou dans le noir, adoptez le meilleur des look gaming pour votre set up! Soyez prêt à relever tous les défis.Avec les 19 touches anti-ghosting sur les zones clés du clavier, les combinaisons rapides s'enchaînent dans la fluidité même lorsque l'on presse plusieurs touches à la fois. L'anti-ghosting évite aussi des actions non intentionnelles lorsque de nombreuses touches sont pressées simultanément.


34.99 EUR
Couleur : Noir Connectivité : USB Sans fil : Non

Pack gamer 3-en-1 The G-Lab Selenium

44.99 EUR
Pack gamer 3-en-1 The G-Lab Selenium


23.99 EUR

Souris gaming The G-Lab Kult Nitrogen Neutron

24.9 EUR

The G-Lab Clavier filaire Gaming GLAB Caesium - Membrane - RGB - Précis et silencieux - Noir

16.62 EUR
Le Keyz Caesium est le tout nouveau clavier gaming haute performance The G-Lab ! Ce modèle vous garantit une frappe rapide, précise et confortable. Il y a 11 modes de rétroéclairage prédéfinis et 7 couleurs différentes à personnaliser. Grâce aux 15 macros et 5 profils différents, vous serez plus rapides en jeu pour vos actions complexes. - Frappe ultra réactive et silencieuse - Rétroéclairage RGB 11 Effets - 15 macros personnalisables - Résistant et durable - Compatible sur PC - PS4 - Xbox One Frappe Réactive et Silencieuse Devenez plus rapide que jamais pour taper au clavier grâce au clavier Keyz Caesium. Spécialement conçu pour le jeu, ses touches ultras réactives vous garantissent un temps de réponse optimal pour surpasser vos adversaires dans les situations cruciales. Plus performant que les autres claviers à membrane sur le marché, les touches offrent une frappe confortable et silencieuse, sans sacrifice de performance pour autant. Votre entourage ne se plaindra plus jamais du bruit de votre clavier. Rétroéclairage RGB 11 effets Illuminez votre bureau avec le Keyz Caesium et son rétroéclairage RGB resplendissant. Choisissez parmi 11 modes lumineux variés et dynamiques selon vos envies. Il est aussi possible de personnaliser les LED du clavier avec 7 couleurs différentes. Le rétroéclairage du clavier se configure de 2 façons possibles : depuis notre logiciel Windows dédié ou bien directement sur le clavier avec des combinaisons de touches très simples. 15 macros Programmables Grâce à notre pilote Windows dédié, vous pourrez ainsi programmez toutes les touches du clavier pour réaliser vos macros. Cela vous permettra d'être plus rapide que vos adversaires et de gagner un avantage certain au moment de réaliser des actions complexes en jeu. Avec 5 profils différents, vous avez au total 15 macros disponibles à utiliser et changer selon vos envies. Robuste et durable Ce clavier est réalisé en ABS, un thermoplastique particulièrement résistant : vous n'aurez plus jamais peur de le faire tomber accidentellement. Le clavier pèse 510 g et reste parfaitement stable quand vous jouez, il ne bougera pas d'un centimètre une fois sur votre bureau. Le câble tressé renforcé est lui aussi conçu pour durer dans le temps. En cas de question ou problème, notre équipe sera toujours là pour vous aider et répondre en -24h. Compatibilité Multiplateformes Très facile à utiliser, il vous suffit de brancher le Keyz Caesium et il fonctionne instantanément. L'anti- ghosting vous permet de presser 26 touches simultanément sans le moindre conflit d’intérêt pour vos actions en jeu les plus complexes. Jouez à vos jeux préférés peu importe le support. Le Keyz Caesium se branche en USB et est compatible sur PC, PS4 et Xbox One. Type de touche: Membrane Rétroéclairage: 7 couleurs + 11 modes Nombre de macros programmables: 15 Anti-ghosting: 26 touches Pilote de personnalisation: ✓ Compatibilité: PC,PS4, XBOX ONE Poids: 509g

The G-Lab Souris gaming Kult Nitrogen CORE

29.95 EUR
La souris Kult Nitrogen CORE est dotée de 11 boutons programmables et d'un capteur AVAGO 3325 conçu pour une précision jusqu'à 10 000 dpi ! Choisissez le rétroéclairage RGB parmi de nombr...

Souris gaming The G-Lab Kult Nitrogen Atom

18.9 EUR

Casque gaming The G-Lab Korp Oxygen

22.47 EUR
Hauts parleur 40 mmTechnologie stéréo X-TRA BassMicro ajustable et flexibleCompatible PC, consoles, smartphones et tablettesGarantie constructeur 2 ans


24.99 EUR
KORP VANADIUMCASQUE GAMING ULTRA CONFORTABLE ET FULL RGB !Le Korp Vanadium a été conçu pour le confort et l’immersion, le tout associé à un look blanc glossy. Son système de son Xtra Bass vous plongera au cœur du jeu pour restituer avec précision les sons du jeu. Son rétroéclairage RGB lui confère un look 100% gaming.DES BASSESEXPLOSIVESLe Système de son X-Tra bass du Korp Vanadium est ultra-immersif car chaque action est amplifiée par le système de basses. Ajustez facilement le son et coupez le micro directement sur la télécommande.UN CONFORTIMMÉDIATAvec son système de double arceau, le Korp Vanadium s’adapte à la forme de votre tête pour un maximum de confort ! Les mousses à mémoire de forme sont recouvertes d’un tissu e-sport qui laisse passer l’air pour procurer un confort durable pendant de longues parties.UN MICROPRÉCIS !Equipé d’un micro unidirectionnel, le micro du Korp Vanadium se concentre sur l’essentiel : votre voix. La communication devient claire et limpide pour vous donner un véritable avantage en jeu.UN LOOK100% GAMING !Son rétroéclairage RGB respirant du plus bel effet met en valeur le glossy white du Korp Vanadium.Son câble USB sert à alimenter le RGB et son câble Jack sert pour l’audio. Il est donc compatible avec les PC, les principales consoles.

The G-Lab Korp Cobalt Casque Avec fil Arceau Jouer Blanc

16.99 EUR
KORP COBALT WHITE JOUEZ SUR TOUTES LES PLATEFORMESBranchez le sur votre Nintendo Switch, votre manette de PS4 ou Xbox One et jouez à vos jeux préférés ! Son finish blanc est idéal pour jouer dans le salon comme dans la chambre !UN CASQUE CONÇU POUR LE JEU !Petit et conçu pour le jeu, l’arceau réglable adapte le Korp Cobalt à toutes les morphologies. Son arceau rembourré et ses coussinets en tissu respirant laissent passer l’air ce qui réduit la chaleur et procure une sensation de légèreté dans la durée.Des Basses Puissantes !Le Système de son X-Tra bass du Korp Cobalt est ultra-immersif car chaque action est amplifiée par le système de basses. Une explosion dans le jeu est reproduite avec une fidélité extrême pour encore plus de sensations.Une Communication Efficace !Lors de sessions où la communication avec son équipe est essentielle, le micro ajustable transmet à coup sûr l’information. Son bras articulé place le micro au plus près de la bouche sans gêner. Si la partie se déroule sans parler, pas de soucis, le micro se range pour se faire discret.Des Basses PuissantesSa technologie X-TRA Bass procure un son profond, sans distorsion et parfaitement équilibré.Tissu E-Sport RespirantSon tissu e-sport respirant laisse passer l'air favorisant le confort sur la durée.Avec TélécommandeAjustez le son et coupez le micro instantanément.MultiplateformeCompatible PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch (selon les jeux), Xbox One, Smartphones & Tablettes.

The G-Lab Korp Cobalt Écouteurs Avec fil Arceau Jouer Noir

15.29 EUR
The G-Lab Korp Cobalt. Type de produit: Écouteurs. Technologie de connectivité: Avec fil. Utilisation recommandée: Jouer. Fréquence des écouteurs: 20 - 20000 Hz. Longueur de câble: 2,5 m. Poids: 304 g. Couleur du produit: Noir

RAPANDA Ampoule Led Grand Globe Edison Ampoule G125 Rose Couleur Coeur Filament 2W Dimmable Spécialité Ampoule Décorative 220-240V E27 avec base en noyer

18.78 EUR
1. CE certification, quality and safety guaranteed 2. The whole lamp adopts high-quality materials, the appearance is more individual and high-end, and the wall lamp has a long life. Turned off it looks very decorative, turned on it gives off cozy light for a cozy atmosphere. Wall sconces can be more scenarios, suitable for a variety of multi-scene decoration style wild selection. Wall mounted lamp easy to install: perfect for lighting and decoration purpose for dining room, bathroom, staircase, corridor, porch, study room, dresser, mirror cabinet, bedside night light.

RAPANDA Ampoule Led Grand Globe Edison Ampoule G125 Rose Couleur Coeur Filament 2W Dimmable Spécialité Ampoule Décorative 220-240V E27 avec base en noyer

18.78 EUR
1. CE certification, quality and safety guaranteed 2. The whole lamp adopts high-quality materials, the appearance is more individual and high-end, and the wall lamp has a long life. Turned off it looks very decorative, turned on it gives off cozy light for a cozy atmosphere. Wall sconces can be more scenarios, suitable for a variety of multi-scene decoration style wild selection. Wall mounted lamp easy to install: perfect for lighting and decoration purpose for dining room, bathroom, staircase, corridor, porch, study room, dresser, mirror cabinet, bedside night light.

Santana Feat.the Product G&B Maria Maria (Intl. Version)

14.49 EUR
Binding : Audio CD, Label : Arista (Sony Music), Publisher : Arista (Sony Music), NumberOfDiscs : 1, Format : Single, medium : Audio CD, publicationDate : 2000-01-01, releaseDate : 2000-02-07, artists : Santana Feat.the Product G&B,; languages : german

Round Lab - Cica Pad Apaisant au Pin - 195ml (50pièces)

16.39 EUR
Double-wave sheet cools and adds rich hydration to the skin with its air-hole structure. Patented pine and CICA complex quickly calm sensitized skin. Sonic-extracted ingredient from fallen pine needles powerfully soothes skin. Triple Hyaluronic Acid provides rich and intensive hydrating care.

144pcs Verrues Remover Patch Skin Tags Remover Verrues Traitement Verrues Autocollants

24.95 EUR
Taille: 3.6 * 1 * 9.5cm Poids: 25G Quantité: 144 autocollants Ingrédients: Oriental Golden Cypress Leaf Extrait Huile d’arbre à thé (Melaleuca Alba) Vitamine E (Acétate de tocophéryle) Acide salicylique Extrait d’héliotrope instruction: Étape 1 Nettoyez et séchez les mains et les zones à appliquer. Étape 2 Appliquez le patch sur la zone souhaitée pendant 12 heures maximum. Étape 3 Utilisez le patch deux fois par jour jusqu’à ce qu’il sèche et tombe.

Google Pixel 9 Pro XL 17,3 cm (6.8") Double SIM Android 14 5G USB Type-C 16 Go 256 Go 5060 mAh Noir

1221.06 EUR
All pro.Pure magic.It's the most powerful Pixel yet with Gemini, your built-in AI assistant.Beautifully designed.The Pixel 9 Pro's elevated new design has a silky matt glass back, beautiful dual-finish camera bar and polished-finish metal frame that feels as good as it looks.Highly acclaimed camera. Pro-level photos.The Pixel 9 Pro triple rear camera system gives you super-close closeups, sharp selfies and rich colours – even in low light.50 MP main camera for incredible image quality.Take amazing low-light photos and stunning closeups with the ƒ/1.68 aperture and 2x optical quality.48 MP telephoto for pro-level zoom.The dedicated 5x telephoto lens enables 10x optical quality, and can go up to 30x with Super Res Zoom.48 MP ultrawide for Pixel's best Macro Focus.Get up close, and even closer with Macro Focus. You can also zoom way out super wide for astrophotography.42 MP front camera for super-sharp selfies.Super wide 103° field of view, dedicated autofocus, and 30% better low-light performanceVideos that move you.A first for video zoom.Pixel 9 Pro combines a powerful telephoto lens with advanced video processing to give you smooth, high-quality video up to 20x with Super Res Zoom VideoAmazing video after dark.Night Sight Video takes sharp videos in low-light situations like restaurants and night-time skylines. So that you see rich detail and colour, even when it's dark.Cutting-edge 8K video.Video Boost enhances your video up to 8K resolution. It improves colour, lighting and stabilisation for the best quality video ever on Pixel.Control your camera like a pro.Bring your vision to life with advanced camera settings like shutter speed, manual focus and more. The camera also supports full-resolution images.The camera that makes you feel seen.True-to-you skin tones.Real Tone represents the nuances of skin tones beautifully, authentically and accurately in photos and video.Selfies for everyone.Guided Frame helps people with low vision take the best selfies. It uses audio and haptics to guide a face right into frame.Work your magic.Add your own creative vision to your photos with Pixel 9 Pro's advanced editing and AI tools.Take a picture. And be in it, too.Add Me makes sure that no one is left out of a photo. Take one with the group, then swap in the photographer. Pixel magically merges both photosGroup pics that the whole group loves.Get an amazing group photo by combining similar photos. Pixel finds the best moment, or you can choose everyone's best expressionZoom. Snap. Zoom some more.Zoom Enhance helps you get even closer, even after you've zoomed in. AI enhances details and quality, so that the photo looks sharp.The cure for blur.Photo Unblur in Google Photos sharpens your fuzzy pics – new or old – in just a few taps.Reimagine your photos, just like that.Magic Editor in Google Photos makes advanced photo editing easy with AI and a few taps.A perfect way to frame it.Magic Editor can suggest the best crop and reframe your photo. It even expands...

Google Pixel 9 Pro 16 cm (6.3") Double SIM Android 14 5G USB Type-C 16 Go 256 Go 4700 mAh Noir

1127.07 EUR
All pro.Pure magic.It's the most powerful Pixel yet with Gemini, your built-in AI assistant.Beautifully designed.The Pixel 9 Pro's elevated new design has a silky matt glass back, beautiful dual-finish camera bar and polished-finish metal frame that feels as good as it looks.Highly acclaimed camera. Pro-level photos.The Pixel 9 Pro triple rear camera system gives you super-close closeups, sharp selfies and rich colours – even in low light.50 MP main camera for incredible image quality.Take amazing low-light photos and stunning closeups with the ƒ/1.68 aperture and 2x optical quality.48 MP telephoto for pro-level zoom.The dedicated 5x telephoto lens enables 10x optical quality, and can go up to 30x with Super Res Zoom.48 MP ultrawide for Pixel's best Macro Focus.Get up close, and even closer with Macro Focus. You can also zoom way out super wide for astrophotography.42 MP front camera for super-sharp selfies.Super wide 103° field of view, dedicated autofocus, and 30% better low-light performanceVideos that move you.A first for video zoom.Pixel 9 Pro combines a powerful telephoto lens with advanced video processing to give you smooth, high-quality video up to 20x with Super Res Zoom VideoAmazing video after dark.Night Sight Video takes sharp videos in low-light situations like restaurants and night-time skylines. So that you see rich detail and colour, even when it's dark.Cutting-edge 8K video.Video Boost enhances your video up to 8K resolution. It improves colour, lighting and stabilisation for the best quality video ever on Pixel.Control your camera like a pro.Bring your vision to life with advanced camera settings like shutter speed, manual focus and more. The camera also supports full-resolution images.The camera that makes you feel seen.True-to-you skin tones.Real Tone represents the nuances of skin tones beautifully, authentically and accurately in photos and video.Selfies for everyone.Guided Frame helps people with low vision take the best selfies. It uses audio and haptics to guide a face right into frame.Work your magic.Add your own creative vision to your photos with Pixel 9 Pro's advanced editing and AI tools.Take a picture. And be in it, too.Add Me makes sure that no one is left out of a photo. Take one with the group, then swap in the photographer. Pixel magically merges both photosGroup pics that the whole group loves.Get an amazing group photo by combining similar photos. Pixel finds the best moment, or you can choose everyone's best expressionZoom. Snap. Zoom some more.Zoom Enhance helps you get even closer, even after you've zoomed in. AI enhances details and quality, so that the photo looks sharp.The cure for blur.Photo Unblur in Google Photos sharpens your fuzzy pics – new or old – in just a few taps.Reimagine your photos, just like that.Magic Editor in Google Photos makes advanced photo editing easy with AI and a few taps.A perfect way to frame it.Magic Editor can suggest the best crop and reframe your photo. It even expands...

Dr. FORHAIR - UNOVE - Deep Damage Treatment EX - Tender Bloom -...

41.59 EUR
Dr. FORHAIR - Shampoing réparateur en profondeur UNOVE - 500g UNOVE's signature perfume blends a zesty citrus scent with sweet berries, romantic herb florals, creating a sophisticated and elegant image. High protein ampoule formula deliver nutrients to the scalp and hair while cleansing the skin and removing impurities. Dr. FORHAIR - UNOVE - Traitement des dommages profonds EX - Tender Bloom - 320 ml A hair pack for extremely damaged hair such as perm, dyed hair, burnt hair, and melted hair. Nutrients are strongly absorbed into rough and brittle damaged hair, quickly replenishing protein and creating healthy hair.

The International Agency for Research on Pathology And Genetics Of Skin Tumours (World Organization Classification Of Tumors, Band 10)

45.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : WORLD HEALTH ORGN, Publisher : WORLD HEALTH ORGN, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 355, publicationDate : 2005-12-01, authors : The International Agency for Research on, publishers : P.E. LeBoit, G. Burg, ISBN : 9283224140

I'm From - Nettoyant en poudre aux enzymes de figue - 50g

12.19 EUR
Creates a rich foam due to its quick melting and dissolving properties, which reduces skin irritation and thoroughly cleanses impurities. Furthermore, it has successfully completed a skin irritation test, which makes it suitable for sensitive skin. The cleanser keeps your skin hydrated due to fig water, plant-based glycerin, and hyaluronic acid to maintain moisture after washing, leaving skin healthy and vibrant. Achieve smooth, hydrated, and healthy skin with triple enzymes.

Gundam Unit G-Armor G-Fighter+Rx-78-2 Gundam Hguc 1144 Scale

54.29 EUR
pTwo kits in one, this HG G Armor kit comes with parts to build the G Fighter and the RX-78-2 Gundam Not a speck of detail is lost, even in this fairly small scale The G Fighter can transform into the G Blue, G Blue E-z, G Sky, and G Sky E-z, when completed. The RX-78-2 is transformable, too (well, its lower half comes off) to allow you to build the Gundam Sky. Neat PVC caterpillar tracks are included for the G Blue and G Blue E-z (the tracks can also be retracted into the body of the main machine), and an unbuilt display base allows you to show off the various modes to their very best effect Of course all the parts are molded in coloured plastic, and snap together, so no paint or glue are required. Polycaps are included for all the movable joints foil stickers are included for detail.p

SKINFOOD - Masque de riz à laver - 120g

11.59 EUR
Brighten and soften with nutrient rich rice! This classic mask wash off featuring Rice Bran Water packed with Vitamin E and antioxidants, gently exfoliates the skin while brightening and softening the skin for a clear and hydrated complexion.

Marshall Emberton II Enceinte portable stéréo Noir, Laiton 20 W

130.48 EUR
EMBERTON IIEmberton II now packs an even bigger punch than before. The bestselling Marshall outdoor speaker now comes with 10 more hours of playtime than its predecessor so you can enjoy 30+ hours of listening. This new generation has Stack Mode so you can amplify your session by connecting to other Emberton II speakers. There’s also the addition of app support, giving you more control over your sound. Two 2’’ full range drivers, two passive radiators and True Stereophonic mean this wireless speaker brings you the heavy Marshall sound you know and love.SUPERIOR SIGNATURE SOUNDEmberton II delivers sound that is rich, clear and loud, like the artist intended. Experience absolute 360° sound with True Stereophonic, a unique form of multi-directional sound from Marshall – where every spot is a sweet spot. By separating out the spatial content of stereo recordings, Emberton II produces a sound much larger than its size and outperforms most speakers in its class.30+ HOURS OF PORTABLE PLAYTIMEEmberton II offers 30+ hours of portable playtime on a single charge. Its compact size, rugged durability and reliable playtime make it perfect to take with you. When you’re out of battery, Emberton II won’t keep you waiting long – plug in your speaker and return to full battery in 3 hours.ROADWORTHY IP67-RATED DESIGNEmberton II is tough and resilient, boasting an extremely durable and easy-to-use design that features an IP67 dust- and water-resistance rating. It won’t let rain or dirt get in the way of your music.PAIR, PLAY AND BRING THE LOUDEmberton II won’t slow you down with a lengthy set-up–pair, play and let the good times roll. Download the dedicated app if you want to find the right sound with equaliser presets, and to keep your speaker up to date with Over-the-Air (OTA) updates.HOST A MULTI-SPEAKER SESSION WITH STACK MODEEmberton II has been powered up with Stack Mode. Amplify your sound with a multi-speaker session by connecting your speaker to other Emberton II speakers. Create a sound as big as your imagination.A MORE SUSTAINABLE APPROACHEmberton II is faithful to the iconic heritage design of the brand while taking a more sustainable approach. This speaker’s sturdy build comprises 50% post-consumer recycled plastic from used electronics, water bottles and automotive light covers, and is 100% PVC-free.ICONIC MARSHALL DESIGNEmberton II combines contemporary technology with iconic Marshall design to deliver hard-hitting sound while retaining a classic look. You’ll want to proudly display this speaker anywhere you go.BLUETOOTH 5.1Emberton II comes equipped with Bluetooth 5.1 technology for simple connectivity, exceptional audio quality and wireless music play.

Brandt BPI6364B plaque Noir Intégré 60 cm Plaque avec zone à induction 3 zone(s)

270 EUR
28cmhearth With its self-adaptable 28cm hearth and its maximum power of 3600W, all types of cooking are possible, from the gentlest simmering to the most lively frying.TimerYour hob offers you 3 timers from 1 to 99 minutes with automatic shutdown. This is the guarantee of the right cooking time and success for all preparations.10-pointsecurity Integral security: anti-overheating, anti-overflow, residual heat indicators, keypad lock, automatic stop, detection of containers, small objects, low overvoltage intensity and poor connection.


29.9 EUR
PRODUIT: • Dimensions: 65 x 65 x 28mm • Poids: 195±2g • Longueur câble: 2m CONNEXION: • Puissance entrée: 100-240V~50/60Hz-1A max • Puissance sortie: 5V - 3A/9V - 3A/12V - 3A/15V - 3A/20V - 2.25A LES + : • Embout USB-C pour tous vos appareils• Technologie Power Delivery• Charge hyper rapide• Protection contre les courts-circuitsCOMPATIBILITÉ: • Ultrabooks, notebooks & laptops PACKAGING: •Type: Closed box + windows • Taille: 175 x 124 x 40mm • Colisage: 5pcs/inner & 20pcs/master 


16.99 EUR
PRODUIT: • Dimensions: 101,5 x 62 x 11 mm • Poids: 110g CONNEXION: • Chargement entrée: micro USB • Chargement sortie: 2 (USB & USB-C) CARACTERISTIQUES: • Type: Lithium polymer • Capacité: 5000mAh • Puissance entrée: 5V 2A (micro USB) / 3A (USB-C) • Puissance sortie: 5V 2.4A (USB) / 3A (USB-C) • Temps de recharge: 2.5h COMPATIBILITÉ: • Smartphone & tablets • Appareils électroniquesLES + : • Design sobre et élégant• Rechargement super rapide• Témoins LED de charge• Câble micro USB inclus• Finition aluminiumPACKAGING: • Type: Closed box • Taille: 150 x 80 x 20 mm • Colisage: 5pcs/inner & 20pcs/master

JBL FLIP 6 Enceinte portable stéréo Vert 20 W

99.99 EUR
Your adventure. Your soundtrack. The bold JBL Flip 6 delivers powerful JBL Original Pro Sound with exceptional clarity thanks to its 2-way speaker system consisting of an optimized racetrack-shaped driver, separate tweeter, and dual pumping bass radiators. This big-sounding, yet easy to carry speaker is waterproof and dustproof, so you can take it anywhere in any weather. And with 12 hours of battery life, you can party 'til the sun goes down—or comes up—wherever the music moves you. Use PartyBoost to link multiple compatible speakers. The Flip 6 comes in a variety of cool colors.The beat goes on with the JBL Flip 6 2-way speaker system, engineered to deliver loud, crystal clear, powerful sound. Its racetrack-shaped woofer delivers exceptional low frequencies and midrange, while a separate tweeter produces crisp, clear high-frequencies. Flip 6 also features optimized dual passive radiators for deep bass, fine-tuned with using Harman's advanced algorithm.To the pool. To the park. JBL Flip 6 is IP67 waterproof and dustproof, so you can bring your speaker anywhere.Don't sweat the small stuff like charging your battery. JBL Flip 6 gives you up to 12 hours of playtime on a single charge.Bold audio meets bold design. Big-sounding yet easy to carry, the design fits any personal style. Stand it vertical or horizontal and choose from a variety of vibrant colors.

Mobility Lab BATTERIE EXTERNE 18000 MAH - Noir

29.9 EUR
PRODUIT:• Dimensions: 70 x 141 x 28mm • Poids: 383g ± 5g CONNEXION: • Chargement entrée: micro USB/USB-C • Chargement sortie charging: 2 USB CARACTERISTIQUES: • Type: Lithium-ion • Capacit: 18000mAh • Puissance entrée: 5V 2.0A • Puissance sortie: 5V 2.1A • Temps de recharge: 12h • Puissance : 66.6Wh COMPATIBILITÉ: • Smartphone & tablets • Appareils électroniquesLES + : • Design compact• Rechargement rapide• Témoins LED de charge• Câble USB-C inclus• Finition aluminiumPACKAGING: • Type: Closed box • Taille: 73 x 32 x 156mm  • Colisage: 20pcs/master, 5pcs/inner

Acer Predator PO3-640 Intel® Core™ i5 i5-12400F 32 Go DDR4-SDRAM 512 Go SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Windows 11 Home Bureau PC Noir

1999 EUR
Within the confines of the small yet sharply defined Orion 3000 lays a monster in wait – a powerful, compact PC eager to put its 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 processor1 to the test. Top it off with up to a GeForce RTX™ 30701 and enjoy watching those frames climb higher and higher.READY FOR ANYTHINGGame, stream, edit – do it all – with a12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 Processor1 and GeForce RTX™ 30701 at your beck and call. Top that off with up to 64GB of 3200MHz DDR4 memory, up to 2TB1 PCIe NVMe SSD and plenty of space for additional HDD storage and you have yourself a gaming goliath.BUILT FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF GAMINGKick your Intel gaming PC into gear with 12th Generation processors and the world’s first x86 scalable hybrid performance architecture that integrates two all-new core microarchitectures into a single die plus new platform enhancements.NVIDIA® GEFORCE RTX™ 30 SERIESThese GPUs deliver the ultimate performance for gamers and creators. Powered by NVIDIA’s 2nd Gen RTX Ampere architecture – with new Ray Tracing Cores, Tensor Cores, and streaming multiprocessors for a huge leap in performance.3RD GEN TENSOR CORESGet up to 2X the throughput with structural sparsity and advanced AI algorithms such as DLSS. These cores deliver a massive boost in game performance and all-new AI capabilities.2ND GEN RT CORESRay tracing simulates the true behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic quality rendering to the most visually intense games.NVIDIA DLSSAI rendering that boosts frame rates with uncompromised image quality.LOAD FASTER, PLAY SOONERWith M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSDs and SATA3 HDD – you can quickly swap between and load apps with ease. And, with Gen5 on the horizon, having an upgradeable gaming PC means you can immediately swap out and upgrade when the time comes.STAY FROSTYThe Orion 3000 sections off cooling between the CPU/GPU area and the power supply/hard drives. This cleaner airflow through the system and is empowered by new Predator FrostBlade™ 2.0 fans. Each of the fans includes four RGB LEDS and utilize a static pressure design to optimize cooling while reducing vibration and noise via sealed rifle bearings and a new arc-shaped design along the ends of the fins.BE TRANSPARENTWreathed in darkened glass2, plastic, metal, and mesh – Orion’s obsidian-hued, spartan-inspired chassis blazes forth in brilliant RGB radiance for all to see. The addition of the optional EMI-Compliant side panel also keeps internals protected from outside interference.LIGHT IT UPPersonalize the machine to your style with lights in all the right places with up to 16.7M colors at your avail. Make use of Pulsar Lighting via PredatorSense™ to customize to your heart’s content. Go with something simple or more complex and watch them spin up in a vivid spectrum of rainbow lighting.JUST PLUG INWhether it’s on the desk or on the floor – sometimes you just and don’t feel like reaching behind the PC. Just give the USB ports (1x Type-A & 1xType-C) and ever-so convenient audio jacks a...

Acer Predator PO3-640 Intel® Core™ i5 i5-12400F 16 Go DDR4-SDRAM 512 Go SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Windows 11 Home PC Noir

1549 EUR
Within the confines of the small yet sharply defined Orion 3000 lays a monster in wait – a powerful, compact PC eager to put its 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 processor1 to the test. Top it off with up to a GeForce RTX™ 30701 and enjoy watching those frames climb higher and higher.READY FOR ANYTHINGGame, stream, edit – do it all – with a12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 Processor1 and GeForce RTX™ 30701 at your beck and call. Top that off with up to 64GB of 3200MHz DDR4 memory, up to 2TB1 PCIe NVMe SSD and plenty of space for additional HDD storage and you have yourself a gaming goliath.BUILT FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF GAMINGKick your Intel gaming PC into gear with 12th Generation processors and the world’s first x86 scalable hybrid performance architecture that integrates two all-new core microarchitectures into a single die plus new platform enhancements.NVIDIA® GEFORCE RTX™ 30 SERIESThese GPUs deliver the ultimate performance for gamers and creators. Powered by NVIDIA’s 2nd Gen RTX Ampere architecture – with new Ray Tracing Cores, Tensor Cores, and streaming multiprocessors for a huge leap in performance.3RD GEN TENSOR CORESGet up to 2X the throughput with structural sparsity and advanced AI algorithms such as DLSS. These cores deliver a massive boost in game performance and all-new AI capabilities.2ND GEN RT CORESRay tracing simulates the true behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic quality rendering to the most visually intense games.NVIDIA DLSSAI rendering that boosts frame rates with uncompromised image quality.LOAD FASTER, PLAY SOONERWith M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSDs and SATA3 HDD – you can quickly swap between and load apps with ease. And, with Gen5 on the horizon, having an upgradeable gaming PC means you can immediately swap out and upgrade when the time comes.STAY FROSTYThe Orion 3000 sections off cooling between the CPU/GPU area and the power supply/hard drives. This cleaner airflow through the system and is empowered by new Predator FrostBlade™ 2.0 fans. Each of the fans includes four RGB LEDS and utilize a static pressure design to optimize cooling while reducing vibration and noise via sealed rifle bearings and a new arc-shaped design along the ends of the fins.BE TRANSPARENTWreathed in darkened glass2, plastic, metal, and mesh – Orion’s obsidian-hued, spartan-inspired chassis blazes forth in brilliant RGB radiance for all to see. The addition of the optional EMI-Compliant side panel also keeps internals protected from outside interference.LIGHT IT UPPersonalize the machine to your style with lights in all the right places with up to 16.7M colors at your avail. Make use of Pulsar Lighting via PredatorSense™ to customize to your heart’s content. Go with something simple or more complex and watch them spin up in a vivid spectrum of rainbow lighting.JUST PLUG INWhether it’s on the desk or on the floor – sometimes you just and don’t feel like reaching behind the PC. Just give the USB ports (1x Type-A & 1xType-C) and ever-so convenient audio jacks a...

BRAUN IS1012BL - Centrale vapeur Carestyle 1 - 5,5 bars

76.4 EUR
The new CareStyle 1 delivers fast and easy ironing results compared to a traditional steam iron. The new super ceramic coating delivers smooth gliding and is 60% more durable than the previous Braun ceramic soleplate. Powerful steam outputs deliver continuous steam up to 110 g/min and steam shot of up to 340 g/min which eliminates the toughest wrinkles. The safety iron auto-off means when the appliance is in auto-off mode, it only consumes 0.3 watts.Double Steam technology allows 2x more steam compared to traditional steam irons

Trust GXT 313 Casque Avec fil Arceau Jouer Noir, Rouge

39.99 EUR
Over-ear gaming headset with adjustable mic and illuminated sidesTake your gaming to the next level with the GXT 313! This illuminated PC headset is perfect for playing your favourite games because of its soft ear pads, adjustable microphone and inline remote.LED illuminated sidesComplete your gaming set-up with this eye-catcher. With the GXT 313 headset you will not only feel like a real gaming champion, but you will look the part to. The red LED illumination placed on the sides of the headset ensures an attractive design.Convenient microphoneThe GXT 313 has a foldable microphone, which can be used for chatting. So your fellow gamers will not miss a word you are saying during that crucial battle.The included 3.5mm jack is ideal to connect the headset to your laptop, but in the box you’ll also find an adapter cable to connect the headset to your PC.Comfortable designThe GXT 313 features soft over-ear pads, which ensure comfort during long gaming sessions. The headband can be adjusted to create the perfect fit. The GXT 313 has a flexible cable of 2m, which allows you to move around freely during a gaming session. The cable includes an inline remote with volume control and microphone mute.

Polaroid 9097 appareil photo instantanée Blanc

79 EUR
It’s really small (the smallest camera in the world) but comes with big creative potential featuring a selfie mirror, self-timer, double exposure, and can be paired with its own teeny tiny color filters. All in the classic design, and now made with 30% recycled materials. Compatible with Polaroid Go film, our smallest Polaroid instant film format Selfie mirror Self-timer Double exposure Large aperture range (F9-F42) Precise light sensor Accurate, human-friendly flash Internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery Wrist strap and USB-C charging cable included Compatible with Polaroid Go filters Works with Polaroid Go film White colour


44.84 EUR
PRODUIT: • Dimensions: 65 x 65 x 28mm • Poids: 227g • Longueur câble: 2m CONNEXION: • Puissance entrée: 100-240V~50/60Hz-2A max • Puissance sortie: 20V 4.5A max LES + : • Embout USB-C pour tous vos appareils• Technologie Power Delivery• Charge hyper rapide/hyper Fast Charge • Protection contre les courts-circuitsCOMPATIBILITÉ: • Ultrabooks, notebooks & laptops PACKAGING: • Type: Closed box + windows • Taille: 175 x 124 x 40mm • Colisage: 5pcs/inner & 20pcs/master

Polaroid 9096 appareil photo instantanée Noir

79 EUR
It’s really small (the smallest camera in the world) but comes with big creative potential featuring a selfie mirror, self-timer, double exposure, and can be paired with its own teeny tiny color filters. All in the classic design, and now made with 30% recycled materials. Compatible with Polaroid Go film, our smallest Polaroid instant film format Selfie mirror Self-timer Double exposure Large aperture range (F9-F42) Precise light sensor Accurate, human-friendly flash Internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery Wrist strap and USB-C charging cable included Compatible with Polaroid Go filters Works with Polaroid Go film Black colour

Lampe led à monter en saillie Briloner leuchten fire, 24,5 w, 2400 lm, IP20, chrome mat, métal-plastique, ø 40,5 cm

64.95 EUR
a Modern, round LED bracket in Chrom-Matt, made of metal plastic a Due to its simple design, the ceiling lamp can be used in many ways, e.g. as a living room light, bedroom light or kitchen lamp-the Silver Frame rend la lumiere montee sur la surface simple et noble en meme temps - La carte LED fixe convainc avec une energie de 24,5 watts, 2 400 lumens et une temperature de couleur de 4000 Kelvin (couleur de lumiere blanche neutre) - c'est ainsi que Vos chambres sont eclairees de maniere optimale - la duree de vie moyenne de la planche est d'environ 25 000 heures - le type de protection de la lampe de salon est IP20 a dimensions du produit: 405x32 mm (DXH)

BEAUTY BUFFET - Crème de Bain Lait Blanchissant Q10 - 450ml

10.79 EUR
Turn your shower or bath into a skin-enhancing beauty treatment.Scentio Whitening Milk Bath Cream is rich in Co Q10, known for its skin revitalizing properties. Together with Super Vitamin E, it also forms a powerful antioxidant complex to protect against the damaging effects of free radicals. While Milk Extracts keeps your skin nourished, and leaves skin fine, brighter, and even-toned.