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pWhere found from Portugal to Japan, from Finland to India, from Northern Africa to the Niger and the Sudan, in Europe often in Spain and Portugal, Southern France, the Southern Alps, the Apennines and the Balkans, as well as in Scandinavia and Russia. In Switzerland, Austria, and Germany only several hundred owl pairs remain. Color varies according to origin. Interesting facts one of the largest owls in the world, the Eagle owl is sometimes also known as the King of the night. owls can typically turn their heads around 270 degrees so they can keep their environment completely in view. Owls are adaptable birds and cope well in many different habitats. They inhabit plains and high mountains, steppes, dense forests and even deserts. Owls have always had a special fascination for humans with their large, forward-facing eyes, the face of an owl is somewhat reminiscent of a human face. They are also considered very wise and clever. Owls are most active at dusk and at night. In the evening they begin to hunt, while during the day they remain well hidden they choose a hiding spot in a tree trunk or under a rock.p