Montre Connect¿¿E Homme Femme,1.7"" Sport Smartwatch Ip67 Sport Fitness Tracker Avec Appel Bluetooth/Podometre/Spo2/Pression Art¿¿Rielle/Fr¿¿Quence Cardiaque/Moniteur De Sommeil Pour Ios/Android,Noir

65.96 EUR
Appels Bluetooth et alertes de mes s apr¿¿s avoir connect¿¿ votre smartwatch ¿¿ votre t¿¿l¿¿phone via Bluetooth, vous pouvez r¿¿pondre, passer et refuser des appels, stocker des contacts, consulter l'historique des appels, recevoir des mes s d'applications telles que WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc., vous pouvez configurer des notifications de mes s suppl¿¿mentaires dans L'application ""Da fit"". Vous ne manquerez jamais d'appels et d'informations lors de r¿¿unions, d'exercices et de balades Life Assistant for All Day Health Monitoring surveillance automatique de la fr¿¿quence cardiaque 24 heures sur 24, mesure en temps r¿¿el la pression art¿¿rielle et l'oxyg¿¿ne dans le sang et enregistre la qualit¿¿ du sommeil nocturne (sommeil profond, sommeil l¿¿ger et heures d'¿¿veil). Vous pouvez voir clairement les statistiques quotidiennes et agr¿¿g¿¿es dans l'application pour vous aider ¿¿ mener une vie saine Mode multisports / ¿¿tanche IP67 la montre intelligente de sport peut fournir 28 modes d'exercice,tels que la marche,la course,l'¿¿quitation,le etc.Enregistrez vos donn¿¿es de fitness telles que votre fr¿¿quence cardiaque, vos pas, vos ies, votre distance et votre temps en temps r¿¿el pour obtenir les meilleurs r¿¿sultats.Le Fitness Tracker est ¿¿tanche IP67,vous pouvez donc le porter pendant les activit¿¿s de plein air,les jours de pluie et lorsque vous vous lavez les mains ¿¿cran tactile HD / batterie de grande capacit¿¿ avec un ¿¿cran TFT de 1,7 pouces, l'ext¿¿rieur est prot¿¿g¿¿ par un alliage de zinc et un verre Composite haute r¿¿sistance pour assurer un fonctionnement lisse et lisse de l'¿¿cran tactile. 235mah batterie de grande capacit¿¿, peut rester en veille pendant 10 jours apr¿¿s une charge compl¿¿te, 2 - 3 jours pour une utilisation quotidienne. (Note d¿¿pend de l'utilisation personnelle) Multifonction Multi-dial Smartwatch et l'application ""dafit"" ont de nombreux utilitaires tels que l'entra?nement respiratoire,rappel s¿¿dentaire,m¿¿t¿¿o,chronom¿¿tre,minuterie,r¿¿veil intelligent,contr?le de la cam¿¿ra,lampe de poche,r¿¿glage de la luminosit¿¿,contr?le de la musique,trouver un t¿¿l¿¿phone portable,etc.vous pouvez t¿¿l¿¿charger plus de 100 styles de cadran gratuitement dans l'application dafit ou t¿¿l¿¿charger vos images pr¿¿f¿¿r¿¿es,Pour personnal r votre montre et montrer votre style unique

Montre Connect¿¿E Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth 5.3, Smartwatch Suivi Des R¿¿Gles/120+ Modes Sport/Spo2/Fr¿¿Quence Cardiaque/Sommeil/Tension Art¿¿Rielle Podometre Calories Ip68 Android Ios Or Noir

119.98 EUR
OR NOIR CLASSIQUE ET INTEMPORELLE RUXINGX derni¿¿re montre connect¿¿e femme util un ¿¿cran tactile complet en verre incurv¿¿ 2,5D avec une r¿¿solution ultra haute de 360 ??x 360, rendant la vision plus claire et plus agr¿¿able ¿¿ l'?il. Le poids du corps n'est que de 39 g ce qui convient aux femmes qui portent des montre intelligente pendant longtemps. Le corp montre dor¿¿, avec le bracelet ais noir ¿¿l¿¿gant et le bracelet silicone rose confort, noble et ¿¿l¿¿gant, ¿¿ la mode et polyvalent. ? 24/7 PROT¿¿GER SA SANT¿¿ RUXINGX montre connect¿¿e femme a am¿¿lior¿¿ les fonctions des femmes, prend en charge la pr¿¿vision des menstruations, pr¿ºte attention au meilleur moment de la grossesse et de l'accouchement, enregistre si votre cycle est r¿¿gulier ou approche de la m¿¿nopause. Elle peut ¿¿galement surveiller votre fr¿¿quence cardiaque, la Spo2, la tension art¿¿rielle, l'¿¿tat du sommeil, etc, convient aux besoins des femmes de tous ages, c'est un cadeau id¿¿al pour maman, femme ou petite amie. ???¡â 120+ SPORTS QUE LES FEMMES ADORENT La montre connect¿¿e femme propose 9 sport int¿¿gr¿¿s et 120+ sport dans l'APP pour les femmes qui aiment le sport. Choisissez votre sport pr¿¿f¿¿r¿¿ ¿¿ ajouter ¿¿ la montre, comme le yoga, la course, le fitness, etc. ¿¿quip¿¿e de divers capteurs int¿¿gr¿¿s pour vous fournir le imum d'informations sur votre entra?nement sportif, notamment les pas, la distance, les ies, la fr¿¿quence cardiaque, etc. Elle se veut un accessoire qui facilite votre quotidien. APPELS BLUETOOTH FACILES ¿¿ UTIL R Grace ¿¿ la puce BLE5.3 r¿¿cemment m ¿¿ niveau, une seule connexion Bluetooth peut facilement r¿¿pondre, passer et rejeter des appels sur la montre connect¿¿e, ¿¿vitant ainsi les ¿¿tapes de connexion fastidieuses et facilitant son utilisation. RUXINGX montre connectee femme avec appel peut recevoir des notifications (WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS, etc.) en temps r¿¿el, et dispose ¿¿galement d'un assistant vocal. Syst¿¿me compatible Android 4.4+ ou iOS 9.0+. BONNE AUTONOMIE ET MULTIFONCTION Cette smartwatch dure 7 ¿¿ 9 jours et ne prend que 2 heures pour ¿ºtre compl¿¿tement charg¿¿e. La montre femme prend en charge les cadrans personnalis¿¿s, et il y a 200+ cadrans de montre dans ¡°Fitcloud Pro¡± APP. Elle poss¿¿de ¿¿galement de nombreuses autres fonctions int¿¿ressantes, telles que le syst¿¿me fran?ais, ¿¿cran toujours allum¿¿, la cam¿¿ra ¿¿ distance, la lecture de musique, le rappel s¿¿dentaire, le r¿¿glage de la luminosit¿¿, le podom¿¿tre, le chronom¿¿tre, etc

Montre Connect??E Homme Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth, 1,85'' Sport Smartwatch Moniteur De Fr??Quence Cardiaque/Tension Art??Rielle/Spo2/Podom??Tre/Sommeil, Montre Intelligente Pour Android Ios

72.18 EUR
Appel Bluetooth et Rappels Intelligents Vous pouvez facilement passer et recevoir des appels avec cette montre Bluetooth. Synchron z vos contacts t??l??phoniques pr??f??r??s avec votre smartwatch pour rester en contact avec les personnes qui vous sont ch??res. La smartwatch peut ??galement recevoir des mes s SMS et des notifications App(WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram..), Vous pouvez supprimer les notifications sur votre montre. Montre de Sport Vitalit?? La montre intelligente P66 dispose d'une vari??t?? de modes sportifs courants, adapt??s ?? toutes sortes de personnes. Vous pouvez afficher des donn??es d'exercice d??taill??es sur l'application, ce qui vous aide ?? comprendre clairement la r??alisation de chaque objectif et ?? rendre votre exercice plus efficace. Votre Partenaire Sant?? La montre connect??e a pour fonction de mesurer la fr??quence cardiaque, le sommeil, la pression art??rielle et l'oxyg??ne sanguin, et g??n??re un rapport de sant?? hebdomadaire ?? partir de ces donn??es. Il dispose ??galement d'une fonction d'enregistrement du cycle menstruel sp??cialement pr??par??e pour les femmes. Noter les donn??es de mesure sont uniquement ?? des fins d'exercice, et non ?? des fins m??dicales. Design cool et cadran personnalis?? la montre dispose d'un ??cran tactile couleur de 1,85 pouces et est livr??e avec 2 bracelets en silicone, un noir et un bleu, qui peuvent changer votre humeur. L'application GloryFit propose plus de 100 cadrans de montre ??l??gants dans diff??rents styles. Vous pouvez ??galement choisir votre photo pr??f??r??e comme arri??re-plan de la montre. Plus de Multifonction et Dur??e de la Batterie Cette montre a des fonctions plus utiles telles que le contr le de la musique, le rappel s??dentaire, le r??veil, la minuterie, le chronom??tre, les pr??visions m??t??o, etc. L'application GloryFit est compatible avec smartphones Android 5.0 ou iOS 9.0 ou sup??rieur, Bluetooth 4.0. La montre peut ??tre utilis??e normalement pendant 3 ?? 5 jours ou en veille pendant 10 ?? 15 jours apr??s une charge de deux heures.

Montre Connect??E Homme Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth, 1,85'' Sport Smartwatch Moniteur De Fr??Quence Cardiaque/Tension Art??Rielle/Spo2/Podom??Tre/Sommeil, Montre Intelligente Pour Android Ios

99.98 EUR
Appel Bluetooth et Rappels Intelligents Vous pouvez facilement passer et recevoir des appels avec cette montre Bluetooth. Synchron z vos contacts t l phoniques pr f r s avec votre smartwatch pour rester en contact avec les personnes qui vous sont ch res. La smartwatch peut galement recevoir des mes s SMS et des notifications App(WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram..), Vous pouvez supprimer les notifications sur votre montre. Montre de Sport Vitalit La montre intelligente P66 dispose d'une vari t de modes sportifs courants, adapt s toutes sortes de personnes. Vous pouvez afficher des donn es d'exercice d taill es sur l'application, ce qui vous aide comprendre clairement la r alisation de chaque objectif et rendre votre exercice plus efficace. Votre Partenaire Sant La montre connect e a pour fonction de mesurer la fr quence cardiaque, le sommeil, la pression art rielle et l'oxyg ne sanguin, et g n re un rapport de sant hebdomadaire partir de ces donn es. Il dispose galement d'une fonction d'enregistrement du cycle menstruel sp cialement pr par e pour les femmes. Noter les donn es de mesure sont uniquement des fins d'exercice, et non des fins m dicales. Design cool et cadran personnalis la montre dispose d'un cran tactile couleur de 1,85 pouces et est livr e avec 2 bracelets en silicone, un noir et un bleu, qui peuvent changer votre humeur. L'application GloryFit propose plus de 100 cadrans de montre l gants dans diff rents styles. Vous pouvez galement choisir votre photo pr f r e comme arri re-plan de la montre. Plus de Multifonction et Dur e de la Batterie Cette montre a des fonctions plus utiles telles que le contr le de la musique, le rappel s dentaire, le r veil, la minuterie, le chronom tre, les pr visions m t o, etc. L'application GloryFit est compatible avec smartphones Android 5.0 ou iOS 9.0 ou sup rieur, Bluetooth 4.0. La montre peut tre utilis e normalement pendant 3 5 jours ou en veille pendant 10 15 jours apr s une charge de deux heures.

Montre Connect¿¿E Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth 1.58"" Hd Smartwatch, Montre Femme Connect¿¿E 120+ Sports, Fr¿¿Quence Cardiaque Sommeil Tension Art¿¿Rielle Spo2, Intelligente Bracelet Pour Android Ios Rose

67.98 EUR
??Montre Connect¿¿e Bluetooth d'appel et de Mes Montre Connect¿¿e Homme est ¿¿quip¿¿e de la Derni¿¿re puce BLE 5.0 et d'un Microphone R¿¿actif. Apr¿¿s avoir Connect¿¿ votre T¿¿l¿¿phone Portable via Bluetooth, Pouvez Passer et recevoir des notifications pour les appels,les mes s SMS et SNS, Whatsapp, Facebook et plus encore (pas de fonction d'envoi et de r¿¿ponse aux mes s). Toutes les notifications sont affich¿¿es sur vos Montre Intelligente et rap es par vibration. Cette montre connect¿¿e femme est un cadeau de No?l tr¿¿s appropri¿¿ pour votre femme, petite amie, m¿¿re, coll¿¿gue et amie. ??¿¿cran Tactile Ultra-fin AMOLED HD de 1,58"" &100+; Montre Cadrans DIY Bracelet Montre Homme est ¿¿quip¿¿e d'un ¿¿cran couleur Full Touch HD de 1,58"",Montre Connect¿¿e Rectangulaire la r¿¿solution est 300*500, offrant un toucher tr¿¿s r¿¿actif, qui peut vous apporter une toute nouvelle exp¿¿rience visuelle et une meilleure exp¿¿rience interactive. Bracelet Connect¿¿ Homme ultra-mince, Bracelet en Silicone Souple, Corps en Alliage L¿¿ger, Aucune Pression ¿¿ Porter Montre Intelligente De Soins Homme Montre digitale femme des derniers capteurs pour une surveillance pr¿¿c 24 heures sur 24 de la fr¿¿quence cardiaque, de la SpO2, de la pression art¿¿rielle et plus encore. En outre, la Montre Homme Connect¿¿e surveille ¿¿galement le sommeil dans trois modes diff¿¿rents sommeil paradoxal, sommeil l¿¿ger et sommeil profond, Bracelet Montre Homme Suivez votre temps de sommeil et analysez de mani¿¿re exhaustive la qualit¿¿ de votre sommeil \u200d??\u200d¡âMontre Connect¿¿e Sport Femme Prend En Charge de 120+ Modes Sportifs, y compris la course, la marche, le v¿¿lo et les activit¿¿s de fitness. Montre Sport Homme enregistre des donn¿¿es telles que la fr¿¿quence cardiaque, le nombre de pas et les ies r¿¿ellement br?l¿¿es pendant vos exercices. Montre Bluetooth Homme Sport est ¿¿tanche IP68, vous permettant de la porter m¿ºme lorsque vous vous lavez les mains ou le vi , r¿¿pondant ainsi ¿¿ vos besoins quotidiens en mati¿¿re d'¿¿tanch¿¿it¿¿ Longue Dur¿¿e De Vie De La Batterie Montre Podom¿¿tre avec une batterie int¿¿gr¿¿e de capacit¿¿ de 300 mAh7 ¿¿ 10 jours d'utilisation quotidienne et une longue autonomie en veille de 10 ¿¿ 25 jours ultra longue. Chargez avec une charge magn¿¿tique rapide en seulement 2 heures, Montre Bracelet Connect¿¿e Etanche ce qui le rend id¿¿al pour les sports de plein air et les voyages d'affaires.Cadeau de f¿ºte des p¿¿res ou d'anniversaire pour petit ami, mari

Montre Connect??E Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth, 1.32"" Smartwatch Avec Fonction F??Minine Fr??Quence Cardiaque Sommeil Podometre Spo2 Pression Art??Rielle, Etanche Montre Sport Ronde Pour Android Ios Noir

139.98 EUR
Montre Connect e R pondre Appel et Mes Intelligentes Cette montre connecter pour femme int gre un microphone et un haut-parleur pour g rer les appels et la musique. Restez en contact avec vos proches grace des appels clairs et ne manquez plus aucune notification grace la vibration pour les SMS et les notifications SNS (WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.). Util z galement l'assistant AI (Siri, Bixby, etc.) de votre t l phone directement depuis la montre femme. Design l gant avec Plus de 200 Cadrans Profitez d'un style raffin et d'une technologie avanc e avec notre bracelet montre femme. Son cran couleur haute d finition assure une qualit d'image exceptionnelle. Choisissez parmi plus de 200 cadrans ou personnal z avec votre photo pr f r e. La montre connectee femme est fournie avec trois bracelets interchangeables un en acier inoxydable noir pour une touche d' l gance, et deux en silicone noir et blanc pour votre confort quotidien. Tracker d'Activit et 20 Modes Sportifs Montre sport femme quip e de capteurs optiques performants faisant office de montre podometre pour enregistrer vos pas, ies br l es, et la distance parcourue tout au long de la journ e. Supporte 20 modes sportifs (marche, course, yoga, cyclisme, etc.), et suit la fr quence cardiaque et les ies br l es. C'est l'outil parfait pour vous guider vers vos objectifs sportifs avec efficacit et motivation. Surveillance Compl te de la Sant Profitez d'une sant surveill e avec pr cision grace notre montre connect e. Utilisant des principes photo lectriques avanc s, elle surveille votre fr quence cardiaque, l'oxyg ne sanguin et la pression art rielle. Cette montre digitale offre galement un suivi automatique du sommeil entre 21h00 et 9h00. Montre connect adulte avec des rappels pour l'hydratation, des alertes d'inactivit et le suivi du cycle menstruel, elle est con ue pour une sant optimale. Fonctions Pratiques et Polyvalentes Notre montre connect e iPhone et Android est con ue pour la compatibilit universelle, fonctionnant parfaitement avec iOS 7.1+ et Android 4.4+. IARET montre connect e homme femme offre des fonctionnalit s utiles comme la recherche de t l phone, un r veil vibration, des pr visions m t o, un cran qui s'allume avec le mouvement de la main, un chronom tre, et le contr le de l'appareil photo. tanche pour r sister la sueur et au lavage des mains.

Montre Connect??E Homme,??Cran Amoled 1,43'' 530mah,??Tanch??It?? 5atm,100+Modes Sport,Appels Bluetooth Suivi Sant?? Pas Calories Fr??Quence Cardiaque Tension Art??Rielle Sommeil Noir Obsidienne

179.98 EUR
[530mAh Grande Batterie & Norme Militaire] La montre connect??e militaire 2024 est ??quip??e d'une batterie haute capacit?? de 530mAh, offrant une autonomie impressionnante de 5 ?? 8 jours en utilisation quotidienne et jusqu'?? 30 jours en mode veille. Cette montre robuste est dot??e d'un bo tier en m??tal ultra-r??sistant en alliage de zinc, test?? rigoureusement contre les chocs, les perforations, les chutes et les temp??ratures extr??mes. Sa qualit?? militaire indestructible garantit une durabilit?? exceptionnelle, id??ale pour vous accompagner en toute confiance lors de vos aventures en plein air. [??cran AMOLED & 3 Bracelets] La montre connect??e pour homme FOXBOX est dot??e d'un ??cran AMOLED haute r??solution de 1,43'' (466*466) avec une interface tactile r??active, offrant une exp??rience immersive grace ?? son affichage HD color??. Grace ?? la fonction Always-On-Display , vous pouvez consulter l'heure ?? tout moment en toute simplicit??. Cette montre AMOLED est livr??e avec un bracelet en acier inoxydable, un bracelet en silicone et un bracelet en cuir, s'adaptant parfaitement ?? tous les styles et oc ns. [Appels Bluetooth et Notifications de Mes s] Cette montre connect??e est ??quip??e d'un haut-parleur sans perte et d'un microphone int??gr??s, vous permettant de passer et de recevoir des appels directement depuis la montre, avec une qualit?? d'appel stable et fluide. La montre Bluetooth synchron en temps r??el vos mes s texte et notifications d'applications (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) afin que vous puissiez les consulter rapidement et ne manquiez aucune information importante. Vous pouvez ??galement util r l'assistant vocal intelligent pour poser des questions, r??gler des alarmes et ??couter de la musique, vous offrant ainsi une exp??rience mains libres pratique. [Montre Sant?? 24h/24] Cette montre intelligente de sant?? surveille en continu votre fr??quence cardiaque et votre tension art??rielle tout au long de la journ??e, tout en enregistrant en temps r??el des donn??es d'activit?? telles que les pas, la distance parcourue et les ies br l??es. Grace ?? ses cadrans personnalis??s, vous pouvez consulter vos donn??es d'activit?? d'un seul coup d' il. Elle est ??galement ??quip??e d'une fonction de suivi du sommeil qui enregistre les phases d'??veil, de sommeil profond, de sommeil l??ger et de sieste, tout en fournissant une analyse de la qualit?? du sommeil. [100+ Modes Sport & ??tanch??it?? IP68] La montre fitness pour hommes, dot??e de plus de 100 modes sportifs, enregistre en d??tail vos donn??es d'entra nement (fr??quence cardiaque, zone de fr??quence cardiaque, ies br l??es, pas, distance, cadence, longueur de foul??e, vitesse, etc.), vous permettant de mieux comprendre votre condition physique. C'est le compagnon id??al pour vos s??ances d'entra nement. Avec son ??tanch??it?? IP68, cette montre connect??e r??siste facilement ?? la transpiration, au lavage des mains, ?? la pluie et ?? une immersion courte. [Montre...

Montre Connect¿¿E Femme Avec Appel Bluetooth, 1.32"" Smartwatch Avec Fonction F¿¿Minine Fr¿¿Quence Cardiaque Sommeil Podometre Spo2 Pression Art¿¿Rielle, Etanche Montre Sport Ronde Pour Android Ios Argent

139.98 EUR
Communication Facile et Notifications Instantan¿¿es Restez connect¿¿e sans effort avec IARET montre femme. Recevez et passez des appels via Bluetooth, et soyez alert¿¿e par vibration pour vos mes s et notifications de r¿¿seaux sociaux. Contr?lez facilement votre assistant vocal pr¿¿f¿¿r¿¿ (Siri, Bixby, Google) directement depuis votre poignet. ¿¿l¿¿gance et Technologie ¿¿ votre Poignet ¿¿l¿¿gance et technologie fusionnent dans notre montre connect¿¿e femme ronde. Un ¿¿cran HD tactile de 1,32"", une r¿¿solution de 360 x 360, pour une exp¿¿rience visuelle sans pareil. Choisissez parmi plus de 200 cadrans ou personnal z-le avec votre image pr¿¿f¿¿r¿¿e. Trois bracelets interchangeables inclus pour s'adapter ¿¿ tous vos styles. Votre Coach Sportif Intelligent D¿¿couvrez le potentiel de notre montre sport, ¿¿quip¿¿e d'un bracelet montre confortable et con?ue pour les athl¿¿tes. Avec 20 modes sportifs et des trackers d'activit¿¿ avanc¿¿s, elle suit pr¿¿cis¿¿ment vos performances quotidiennes. Analysez vos donn¿¿es en d¿¿tail pour un entra?nement plus efficace. Un accessoire essentiel pour tout passionn¿¿ de fitness cherchant ¿¿ optim r ses s¿¿ances d'exercice. Votre Alli¿¿ Sant¿¿ au Quotidien Prenez soin de votre sant¿¿ de fa?on holistique avec notre montre femme connect¿¿e. Surveillez votre fr¿¿quence cardiaque, tension, SpO2 et sommeil. Des fonctionnalit¿¿s comme le suivi du cycle menstruel et des rappels d'hydratation vous accompagnent au quotidien. (Remarque pas pour u m¿¿dical). Connectivit¿¿ Optimale avec Montre Digitale Femme Profitez de la polyvalence avec notre montre connecter pour femme compatible avec les smartphones Android 4.4+, iOS 7.1+. Cette smartwatch ¿¿l¿¿gante d'une batterie longue dur¿¿e (3-7 jours) et est certifi¿¿e ¿¿tanche IP67. Smart watch vous offre des fonctionnalit¿¿s vari¿¿es comme les pr¿¿visions m¿¿t¿¿orologiques, des alarmes personnalisables, le contr?le de votre musique, et bien plus, pour une interaction harmonieuse avec votre quotidien.

Seiko Men's SBSA117 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Beige

339.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA117 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA117 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 77g Band Color: Beige Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:200.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA203 (5SPORTS Field Suits Style Mechanical Men's Leather Band) Round Watch Black

337.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA203 (5SPORTS Field Suits Style Mechanical Men's Leather Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA203 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 62g Band Color: Black Band Material: Leather(calf) *Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA113 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

337.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA113 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA113 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 146g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA143 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Black

373.64 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA143 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA143 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 75g Band Color: Black Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA115 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Gray

314.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA115 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA115 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 77g Band Color: Gray Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:200.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA167 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Black

374.44 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA167 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA167 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.1mm x 39.4mm x 48.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 77g Band Color: Black Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:220.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA199 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Beige

339.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA199 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA199 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 64g Band Color: Beige Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:225.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA197 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

337.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA197 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA197 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 114g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko SBSC013 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Leather Band) Round Watch Black

461.63 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko SBSC013 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Leather Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSC013 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 47.9mm x 39.4mm x 13.6mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: Self-Winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 79g Band Color: Black Band Material: Leather(calf) *Maximum strap length:225.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA201 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Olive

339.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA201 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA201 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 64g Band Color: Olive Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:225.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA111 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

339.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA111 (5SPORTS Field Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA111 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 146g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA141 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Analog

337.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA141 (5SPORTS Field Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA141 Field designA series of authentic designs inherited from traditional field designs, with specifications adapted for town use to fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.2mm x 39.4mm x 48.1mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 75g Band Color: Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:200.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA003 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

359.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA003 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA003 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 170g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Neo Sports Chronograph Black Dial Quartz SSB399 SSB399P1 SSB399P 100M Montre Homme noir

239 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko Neo Sports chronographe cadran noir Quartz SSB399 SSB399P1 SSB399P 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement à quartz Calibre: 8T63 Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Affichage analogique Échelle tachymétrique Fonction Chronographe Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage de la date Affichage 12/24 heures Fond de boîtier vissé Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 41mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12mm Largeur approximative de la cosse: 22mm

5 SPORTS Automatic Mechanical Distribution Limited Model Watch Seiko Five Sports Sports SRPD53K1 Blue x Red Pepsi Color Product Number [Seiko]

333.99 EUR
Case size: Thickness: 13.4 mm Width: 42.5 mm Height: 46 mm Waterproofing: Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM), Lumibrite: Available (hands and indexes) Drive method: Mechanical automatic winding (with manual winding), Drive period: Approximately 41 hours at maximum winding, with calendar (date and day of the week) function, number of jewels 24 jewels, second hand stop function Case material: Stainless steel Back cover: Stainless steel and glass, Glass material: Hardlex Other specifications: See-through back Screw back (Due to manufacturing reasons, the orientation of the back lid may vary between individuals) Double lock clasp Reverse rotation prevention bezel

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports automatique fabriquée au Japon avec 23 bijoux SNZB23J2 noir

169.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports automatique fabriquée au Japon avec 23 bijoux SNZB23J2 Caractéristiques: Fabriqué au Japon Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en caoutchouc Mouvement automatique Calibre: 7S36 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Fermoir à boucle Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 39mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12.5mm

Seiko 5 Sports SKX 'Skeleton Style' Blue Dial SRPJ45K1 Bracelet, Bracelet

639.99 EUR
Band color: silver Band width:22 Dial Color: Green 100M water resistant 2-year manufacturer Product shape: round Product shape circle clasp type extension clasp Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style Midi avec cadran bleu sarcelle automatique SRPK33K1 100M bleu pétrole

295 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style Midi Cadran sarcelle automatique SRPK33K SRPK33K1 SRPK33K 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex Cadran bleu sarcelle Affichage analogique Réserve de marche jusqu’à 41 heures Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Couronne de retrait Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 38mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12.1mm Largeur approximative de la cosse : 20mm

[Seiko Watch] Watch Five Sports Sports Style SBSA005 Men's Silver

466.27 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Montre Seiko] Montre Five Sports Solid Boy Sports Style SBSA048 Homme Argent + Or Rose

450.47 EUR
Carte de garantie nationale, boîte personnelle, pièces de rechange Billet automatique mécanique (y compris le passage à la main) Dure environ 41 heures à portance maximale Jour +45 secondes à -35 secondes Calendrier (date/jour) fonction attachée Assurez-vous de vérifier la description détaillée du produit en bas et les précautions avant d'acheter ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

Seiko Automatic Watch - 5 Sports - Day/Date Calendar, LumiBrite Hands and Markers, Rotating Bezel, Water Resistant to 100m, Black - SRPJ09

769.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. - Durable practicality: Water resistant up to 100 meters. This men's watch features a black ion stainless steel watch case and bracelet for durability and a dramatic look. Day/Date Calendar: With a rich black dial and a 24-hour inner ring and calendar, this men's watch helps you stay organized. ・Light-emitting indicator: The hands and number markers of the dial indicator glow gently even in dark places, making it easy to read the time even in the dark. - Common search terms: men's watch, gift for him, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch, analog watch, skeleton watch , men's automatic watches, men's automatic watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's mechanical watches, men's silver watches, men's sports watches, automatic watches, men's watches. Watches Sturdy Men's Watches explanation Seiko 5 Sports Collection. Inspired by a vintage field/military look with a design inspired by all-black street style, this dramatic watch offers cutting-edge all-day versatility. Offering automatic technology that puts you in control with every movement, this dynamic watch is powered by a 24-jewel movement that vibrates at a frequency of 21,600 vibrations per hour, has a power reserve of approximately 41 hours, and features manual winding. . The rich black dial is accented with a variety of applied materials, textures and finishes, and features a 24-hour inner ring, day/date calendar, and luminous hands and markers. Made of stainless steel with black ion finish. Tri-fold push button release clasp with lock. This outstanding timepiece features a screw-down, see-through case back for classic timekeeping. 10 ATM, 100m waterproof. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales...

Seiko Montre pour hommes 5 Sports SKX Style, la nouvelle minuterie de régate, édition spéciale, cadran noir, automatique, SRPK13K1, 100M noir

312 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style La nouvelle minuterie de régate édition spéciale cadran noir automatique SRPK13 SRPK13K1 SRPK13K 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex incurvé Cadran noir Affichage analogique Réserve de marche jusqu’à 41 heures Fonction d’arrêt de l’aiguille des secondes Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Couronne de traction/poussée Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Boucle déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 42,5 mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 13,4 mm Largeur approximative de la cosse: 22mm

Seiko Men's SBSA005 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

356.7 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA005 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA005 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 170g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Mechanical Watch Seiko Five Sports Made in Japan SSK001 Black Overseas Model [Seiko] Men's [Item]

589.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese instruction manual (copy), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

Montre unisexe Seiko SRPE65K1 (5 Sports Auto Bracelet en nylon GR pour homme) Regarder

333.99 EUR
Nous vendons d'autres modèles dans cette catégorie. Veuillez consulter notre page de liste. Montre unisexe Seiko SRPE65K1 (5 Sports Auto Bracelet en nylon GR pour homme) Regarder État : NOUVEAU Marque : Seiko Numéro de modèle : SRPE65K1 Dimensionnement: cas: Imperméable: Matériel de verre: Calendrier: Boîtier: Mouvement: Afficher: Une fonction: Couleur de bande: Matériel de bande: cas:

[Seiko] SEIKO 5 SPORTS Automatic Mechanical Distribution Limited Model Watch Men's Seiko Five Sports SRPD51 Blue [Parallel Import]

440.76 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. Day/Date Calendar & Rotating Bezel: Striking blue sunray dial features a built-in calendar, LumiBrite dial indicator hands and markers, and a unidirectional rotating bezel for timer function. Stainless Steel: Designed with a see-through skeleton case back, the SRPD51 features a stainless steel watch case and bracelet for a durable, versatile and classic look. ・100m waterproof: Waterproof up to 100 meters (330 feet). This versatile men's watch can withstand splashes, showers, and brief immersion. -Common search terms: men's watch, sports watch, men's watch, men's gift, men's watch, men's birthday present, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch , Analog Watch, Skeleton Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Mechanical Watch, Men's Silver Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Automatic Watch, Rugged Men's. watch explanation Warranty and manuals are available on the manufacturer's website [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Men's SNZG11J1 (Seiko5 Sports 5 self-winding Yellow Nylon Navy) Round Watch Black Stainless

402.52 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SNZG11J1 (Seiko5 Sports 5 self-winding Yellow Nylon Navy) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SNZG11J1 SEIKO 5?h is a series of automatic watches introduced by SEIKO in the 1960s. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use Glass Material: Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless Movement: self-winding Display: Analog Function: Band Color: Black Band Material: Fabric Case: Round

Montre unisexe Seiko SRPD85K1 (5 Sports IP Nylon Band 10BAR BR M) Regarder

381.61 EUR
Nous vendons d'autres modèles dans cette catégorie. Veuillez consulter notre page de liste. Montre unisexe Seiko SRPD85K1 (5 Sports IP Nylon Band 10BAR BR M) Regarder État : NOUVEAU Marque : Seiko Numéro de modèle : SRPD85K1 Dimensionnement: cas: Imperméable: Matériel de verre: Calendrier: Boîtier: Mouvement: Afficher: Une fonction: Couleur de bande: Matériel de bande: cas:

[Seiko] Watch SEIKO 5 SPORTS Automatic Mechanical Distribution Limited Model SRPD63 Men's (Green)

499.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. Day/Date Calendar & Toting Bezel: Beautiful forest green dial features rose accents, built-in calendar, LumiBrite dial indicator hands and markers, and green unidirectional rotating bezel for timer function. Stainless Steel: Designed with a see-through skeleton case back, the SRPD63 features a stainless steel watch case and bracelet for a durable, versatile and classic look. ・100m waterproof: Waterproof up to 100 meters (330 feet). This versatile men's watch can withstand splashes, showers, and brief immersion. -Common search terms: men's watch, sports watch, men's watch, men's gift, men's watch, men's birthday present, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch , Analog Watch, Skeleton Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Mechanical Watch, Men's Silver Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Automatic Watch, Rugged Men's. watch explanation Express your style. Easy to move. For over 50 years, Seiko 5 Sports has consistently provided high levels of reliability, durability and performance. For reliable timekeeping in everyday life, the outstanding men's sports watch SRPD63 is powered by an automatic movement with a power reserve of approximately 41 hours, features a day/date calendar, LumiBrite hands and markers, and a see-through case. It features a back. With a durable stainless steel case and bracelet and a beautiful forest green dial surrounded by a green rotating bezel, this versatile watch is water resistant to 100 meters. Perfect for your style on any day. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports en acier inoxydable doré avec cadran doré 21 bijoux automatique SNZ450J1 100M or

199.99 EUR
Seiko 5 Sports Gold Tone Acier Inoxydable Cadran Or 21 Rubis Automatique SNZ450 SNZ450J1 SNZ450J 100M Montre Homme Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Gold Tone Bracelet en acier inoxydable Gold Tone Mouvement automatique 21 Joyaux Cristal minéral Cadran en or Affichage analogique Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Couronne de traction/poussée Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 38mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12mm

Seiko Men's SBSA025 (5SPORTS SKX Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Watch Black Analog

391.96 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA025 5SPORTS SKX Street Style Mechanical Men's Nylon Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA025 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 94g Band Color: Black Band Material: Nylon *Maximum strap length:220.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Montre automatique pour homme 5 Sports SKX Style Midi cadran noir SRPK29K1 100M noir

329.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style Midi cadran noir automatique SRPK29 SRPK29K1 SRPK29K 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Affichage analogique Réserve de marche jusqu’à 41 heures Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Couronne de retrait Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Boucle déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 38mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12.1mm Largeur approximative de la cosse : 20mm

5 Model SEIKO5 5 Sports 100m Waterproof Mechanical (Automatic) SNZB23J2 Men's

437.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

Seiko Automatic Watch - 5 Sports - Day/Date Calendar, LumiBrite Hands and Markers, Rotating Bezel, Blue - SRPG29

646.45 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. Durable Practicality: Water resistant up to 100 meters, this men's watch features a stainless steel watch case and bracelet for a durable, versatile and classic look. Day/Date Calendar: With a dark blue dial featuring a red-tipped second hand and a built-in calendar, these men's watches will help you stay organized. ・Light-emitting indicator: The hands and large number markers of the dial indicator glow gently even in dark places, making it easy to read the time even in the dark. - Common search terms: men's watch, gift for him, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch, analog watch, skeleton watch , men's automatic watches, men's automatic watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's mechanical watches, men's silver watches, men's sports watches, automatic watches, men's watches. Watches Sturdy Men's Watches explanation Seiko 5 Sports. A stylish retro men's sports watch inspired by classic field/military design, the SRPG29 offers durability and authentic lines for all-day excellence. Offering automatic technology to control every movement, this versatile watch is powered by a 24-jewel movement that beats at a frequency of 21,600 vibrations per hour. It has a power reserve of approximately 41 hours and features manual winding. The blue dial features Arabic numerals, a day/date calendar, a red-orange tipped seconds hand, and luminous hands and markers. Made of stainless steel with a screw-down, see-through case back, you can keep classic timekeeping. 10 ATM, 100m waterproof. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Street Style avec bracelet en nylon et cadran camouflage automatique SRPJ37K1 100M camouflage

296 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Street Style avec bracelet en nylon et cadran camouflage automatique SRPJ37 SRPJ37K1 SRPJ37K 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Courroie en nylon Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex Cadran de camouflage Affichage analogique Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Couronne de traction/poussée Fond de boîtier vissé Fermoir à boucle Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 42,5 mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 13,4 mm Largeur approximative de la cosse: 22mm

Seiko SBSA257 (Montre mécanique à bracelet en métal pour homme de la série SNXS de style sportif 5SPORTS) Montre Ronde Argent

435.99 EUR
Nous vendons d'autres modèles dans cette catégorie. Veuillez consulter notre page de liste. Seiko SBSA257 (Montre mécanique à bracelet en métal pour homme de la série SNXS de style sportif 5SPORTS) État : NOUVEAU Marque : Seiko Numéro de modèle : SBSA257 Style sportifUne série de montres pour les scènes actives. Dimensionnement: cas: 44,7 mm x 37,4 mm x 12,5 mm Imperméable: résistant à l'eau pour une utilisation quotidienne *10 atm Matériel de verre: Courbe Hardlex Calendrier: Oui Boîtier: Acier inoxydable *Fond du boîtier:Verre inoxydable Mouvement: remontage automatique *également manuel Afficher: Analogique Une fonction: 125g Couleur de bande: argent Matériel de bande: Bracelet en métal * Triple pliage en une seule pression / Longueur maximale de la sangle:205,0 mm cas: Rond

[Montre Seiko] Montre Five Sports Solid Boy Sports Style SBSA055 Homme Vert

462.07 EUR
Carte de garantie nationale, boîte personnelle, pièces de rechange Billet automatique mécanique (y compris le passage à la main) Dure environ 41 heures à portance maximale Jour +45 secondes à -35 secondes Calendrier (date/jour) fonction attachée Assurez-vous de vérifier la description détaillée du produit en bas et les précautions avant d'acheter ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

Seiko Men's Analog Automatic Watch 5 Sports, Green, 1K1, 1K1

497.32 EUR
Double sided Auto Lift (magick Lever) power spare 41 hours STAINLESS STAINLESS HOUSING STAINLESS STAINLESS WRING WITH SAFE PUSH BUTTONS STAINLESS CLASP WITH HREX SCREW Glass Bottom Diameter 43.0mm 100m Water Resistive One-Way Spinning Bezels Day and Date LUMIBRITE 43 x 13mm 4R36 Be sure to check the product information below and the points to keep in mind when you buy before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko 5 Sports Automatic SNKK67 SNKK67K1 SNKK67K Montre Homme gris

139.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports automatique SNKK67 SNKK67K1 SNKK67K Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 7S26 21 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Cadran gris Mains lumineuses Affichage du jour et de la date Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 30m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 37mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 11mm

[Seiko] SEIKO 5 SPORTS Watch Automatic SNZB23J1 Men's [Reimported]

368.9 EUR
Movement: automatic roll Case size (approx.): (width) 38 mm× (thickness) 12 mm Waterproof performance: Reinforced waterproofing for everyday use (10 bar) calendar (date, day) Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

SEIKO5 Sports Mechanical SSK003K1 Product GMT Movement Navy Blue Automatic Manual Winding SKX Sports Style (Domestic Number: SBSC003) [Item]

520.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (length x width x thickness): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), lug width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length Length (longest) 205mm, weight: approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese manual (copy), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives) This model is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation. Movement Caliber No.: 4R34 Drive system: Mechanical automatic winding (with manual winding) Accuracy: +45 seconds to -35 seconds per day Driving period: Approximately 41 hours at maximum winding Count of jewels: 24 jewels Function: 24-hour hand, second hand stop function Case/Band Case material: Stainless steel Back cover: Stainless steel and glass Case size: Length: 46.0 x Width: 42.5 x Thickness: 13.6 mm Glass material: Hardlex with lens Lumibrite: Available (hands/index) Clasp: One-push three-fold method Arm circumference (longest): 205.0 mm Watch specifications Water resistance: Reinforced waterproof for daily life (10 atm) Magnetic resistance: Yes Weight: 161.0g Other features: See-through back, screw back, rotating bezel, double lock clasp, see-through screw back lid

Seiko SBSA269 (5SPORTS SKX series 1968 Reissue Limited Edition Heritage Reissue Model Mechanical Men's Metal Band)

595.49 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko SBSA269 5SPORTS SKX 1968 Reissue Limited Heritage Mechanical Men's Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA269 5Sport is a casual watch brand that has been popular all over the world for more than half a century since its birth in 1968, and continues to evolve in its own unique way in terms of both function and design. Sizing: Case: 44.8mm x 38.5mm x 12.4mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless Movement: self-winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 142g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold Case: Round

Seiko 5 Sports Automatic SNZG11 SNZG11K1 SNZG11K Montre Homme bleu

195.99 EUR
Montre Seiko 5 Sports automatique SNZG11 SNZG11K1 SNZG11K pour homme Quiconque cherche pour la première fois une belle montre automatique d’entrée de gamme trouvera cela irrésistible! Une construction solide lui donne l’aspect dur; aussi solide que la réputation de Seiko dans le monde entier. Le mouvement automatique choisi pour cette montre joue également un rôle dans la détermination de sa solidité et de sa valeur.; par conséquent, si les compliments et l’attention vous dérangent, ce n’est peut-être pas un très bon choix. Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Courroie en nylon Mouvement automatique 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Montre de sport Cadran bleu Lumibrite Mains Et Marqueurs Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Affichage du jour et de la date à 3 heures Couronne à 3 heures Résistant à l’eau 100m (10 bar) Mesures approximatives Diamètre du boîtier: 41mm (À l’exclusion de la Couronne) Diamètre du boîtier: 43mm (Y compris la Couronne)

Seiko 5 Military Automatic Sports Japan Made SNZG07 SNZG07J1 SNZG07J Montre Homme beige

214 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Military Automatic Sports fabriquée au Japon SNZG07 SNZG07J1 SNZG07J Un mouvement automatique high-tech, précis et à 21 rubis sous un style analogique classique. Les aiguilles lumineuses aux tons argentés sont d’une grande aide pour les travaux nocturnes sur le terrain, tout comme les index de bâton. Tout le corps en acier inoxydable et résiste à l’eau jusqu’à 100 pieds. Bien fait et valant chaque centime payé, une sensation et un look grands et solides dans un style épuré ont toujours été une race rare. Caractéristiques: Fabriqué au Japon Mouvement automatique Boîtier en acier inoxydable Courroie en nylon Cadran beige Noir avec aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Fond transparent du boîtier 100m Résistant à l’eau 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Affichage du jour et de la date à 3 heures Diamètre du boîtier: 40,5 millimètres (hors couronne) Diamètre du boîtier: 43 millimètres (y compris la couronne)

5 Modèle SEIKO5 5 Sport Mécanique (Automatique) Montre-bracelet pour homme importée d'outre-mer SNKL43K1

226.99 EUR
Notre magasin propose une sélection soignée de produits japonais authentiques. Vous pouvez faire vos achats en toute tranquillité d'esprit en sachant que tous nos articles sont authentiques. Veuillez noter que les instructions et le manuel de ce produit peuvent n'être disponibles qu'en japonais.

Seiko 5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Winding Mechanical Limited Distribution Model Watch Five Sports Made in Japan Made in Japan SSK005

549.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese instruction manual (copy), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design will differ each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

Seiko Men's SBSC003 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

531.02 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSC003 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Metal Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSC003 Sports style - extraordinary. Sizing: Case: 13.6mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: lense Hardlex Calendar: Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 161g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

[Seiko Watch] Watch Five Sports Sports Style SBSA009 Men's Silver

444.25 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko Men's SBSA227 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

355.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA227 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA227 SKX designThis series inherits the perfected sports design from the diver's watches, and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 12.1mm x 38.0mm x 44.2mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 140g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Automatic Watch - 5 Sports - Day/Date Calendar, LumiBrite Hands and Markers, Rotating Bezel, Turquoise - SRPJ45

619.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. Durable Practicality: Water resistant to 100 meters, this men's watch has a stainless steel watch case and bracelet for a durable and dramatic look. Day/Date Wheel: With its signature teal dial and day/date disc, this men's watch helps keep you organized. ・Bi-color rotating bezel: One-way bezel allows timer function. Easy-to-read dial indicator hands and markers glow gently even in the dark. - Common search terms: men's watch, gift for him, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch, analog watch, skeleton watch , men's automatic watches, men's automatic watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's watches, men's mechanical watches, men's silver watches, men's sports watches, automatic watches, men's watches. Watches Sturdy Men's Watches explanation Seiko 5 Sports Collection. A homage to Seiko's iconic 'Time Sonar' of the 1970s, this outstanding timepiece features a unique translucent turquoise dial, allowing you to see the day and date discs. Surrounded by a bicolor unidirectional rotating bezel, the dial features bold luminescent hands and markers and a contrasting seconds hand accent. Offering automatic technology that puts you in control with every movement, this dynamic timepiece is powered by a 24-jewel movement that vibrates at a frequency of 21,600 vibrations per hour, has a power reserve of approximately 41 hours, manual winding capability, and a screw-down Visible through the see-through case back. Made of stainless steel. Includes a locking tri-fold push button release clasp. 10 ATM, 100m waterproof. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Seiko SBSA255 (5SPORTS Sports Style SNXS series Mechanical Metal Band Men's) Round Watch Silver

439.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko SBSA255 (5SPORTS Sports Style SNXS series Mechanical Metal Band Men's) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA255 Sports styleA series of watches for active scenes. Sizing: Case: 44.7mm x 37.4mm x 12.5mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 125g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko SRPE74 5 Sports 24-Jewel Gold Tone Watch

689.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・Japanese 23 jewel automatic movement (Caliber 7S36). - Stainless steel case and band, push button release clasp. Day/date display, Arabic option, luminous hands and markers, Hardlex mineral crystal for durability. ・Case size: Diameter 41mm, thickness 12mm. ・Waterproof - 100m, screw-down transparent case back. explanation SEIKO 5 - Meaning of 5 . Great marketers had an idea in the 70's. To be a SEIKO 5, a watch must have the following five attributes (hence the name SEIKO 5): Automatic, 2. 3. Waterproof. Shockproof, 4.Date, 5.Day. Some parts of SEIKO 5 are actually from SEIKO 4. If the Day function is omitted, Caliber 7S25 will be used. The only difference from the normally seen 7S26 is the omission of the day wheel. SEIKO 5 Sports reissues also often use the 7S36 caliber. Again the 7S36 is similar to the most popular 7S26, but features 23 jewels as opposed to the 7S26's 21 jewels. Note that all of these movements hit at a speed of 21 feet, 600 bph (beats per hour) or 6 bps (beats per second). As a comparison, the ETA 2824-2 beats at 28'800 bph or 8 bps. The Miyota 82xx hits 21 feet at 600 bph. Why mention these three movements? Because they are probably found in 80% of all cheap automatic watches. Market share, while huge, has recently (2006) been challenged by the proliferation of inexpensive Chinese automatic movements. An automatic watch (also called a self-winding watch) is a mechanical watch, usually with a balance wheel escapement, whose mainspring is wound by the movement of the wearer's arm, eliminating the need for daily manual winding. Quartz watches are powered by electricity, while mechanical watches are powered by a mainspring that requires the clock to be rewound. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Montre de sport SEIKO 5 modèle japonais SNZB26J1 [Seiko] pour homme [Importation parallèle]

309.99 EUR
Taille: (H x L x P) Environ. 38 x 38 x 12 mm Matériel: acier inoxydable Caractéristiques: Remontage automatique, calendrier (date et jour de la semaine), Lumibrite (lumineux, aiguilles et index), Résistant à l'eau jusqu'à 100 m, lunette anti-retour, fabriqué au Japon Accessoires: étui, garantie, mode d'emploi Taille: cas: Environ. 38 x 38 x 12 mm/poids: Environ. 130g Matériel ·Cas: Acier inoxydable ·Groupe: Acier inoxydable fonction ·Mécanique (à remontage automatique) ・Étanche à 100 M ・Affichage du calendrier ・Dos transparent ·Fabriqué au Japon ·Précision: ±60 secondes par jour

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports avec bracelet en caoutchouc et cadran noir automatique SNZB33J2 100M noir

177.99 EUR
Seiko 5 Sports Bracelet Caoutchouc Cadran Noir Automatique SNZB33 SNZB33J2 SNZB33J 100M Montre Homme Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en caoutchouc Mouvement automatique Calibre: 7S36 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Affichage analogique Réserve de marche jusqu’à 40 heures Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Fermoir à boucle Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 43mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 13mm Largeur approximative de la cosse : 20mm

Montre Seiko pour homme SBSC009 (Montre mécanique GMT pour homme avec bracelet en métal Field Sports de 5SPORTS) Montre Ronde Argent

499.99 EUR
Nous vendons d'autres modèles dans cette catégorie. Veuillez consulter notre page de liste. Montre Seiko pour homme SBSC009 (Montre mécanique GMT pour homme avec bracelet en métal Field Sports de 5SPORTS) État : NOUVEAU Marque : Seiko Numéro de modèle : SBSC009 Aménagement de terrainUne série de designs authentiques hérités des conceptions de terrains traditionnelles, avec des spécifications adaptées à l'utilisation en ville pour s'adapter aux valeurs modernes. Dimensionnement: cas: 47,9 mm x 39,4 mm x 13,6 mm Imperméable: résistant à l'eau pour une utilisation quotidienne *10 atm Matériel de verre: Courbe Hardlex Calendrier: Boîtier: Acier inoxydable *Fond du boîtier:Verre inoxydable Mouvement: Remontage automatique *également manuel Afficher: Analogique Une fonction: 147g Couleur de bande: argent Matériel de bande: Bracelet en métal * Triple pliage en une seule pression / Longueur maximale de la sangle:205,0 mm cas: Rond

Seiko Men's SNZG09K1 (5 Sports SS Nylon 10BAR GRE) Round Watch Green Analog

413.75 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SNZG09K1 (5 Sports SS Nylon 10BAR GRE) Round Watch Green Analog Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SNZG09K1 Sizing: Case: WaterProof: Glass Material: Calendar: yes Case Material: Movement: self-winding Display: Analog Function: Band Color: Green Band Material: Fabric Case: Round

5 Reimported Model SEIKO5 5 Sports Mechanical (Automatic) SNKL43K1 [Overseas Import] Men's Watch Clock

289.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] Dress watch, self-winding (21 jewels), continuous polished silver-tone sweeping seconds hand, polished silver-tone dauphine hands with bright accents, applied polished silver-tone baton markers with luminous tips, white indexes with minute tracks around them Forming a dual-panel analog day and date aperture at 3 o'clock, silver-tone with sophisticated details, adjustable links and push-button clasp Stainless Steel Bracelet Brushed Polished Silver Tone Shield Logo Appliqué Below 12 O'clock, Brushed Blue Dial, Polished Silver Tone Stainless Steel Bezel, Brushed/Polished Silver Tone Stainless Steel Tonneau Case, Textured Steel Crown, Stainless Steel Screws Down exhibition see-through back, Hardlex crystal, 3 ATM (water resistant to 30 meters/100 feet) [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports Style automatique SRPD53 SRPD53K1 SRPD53K 100M bleu

329.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports Style automatique SRPD53 SRPD53K1 SRPD53K 100M C'est une montre construite avec un objectif véritable et spécifique, qui est axé d'une manière qui s'aligne non seulement sur les 5 spécificités, mais aussi sur certains piliers des domaines de la plongée.. En termes simples, il offre tout ce qu’offre n’importe quelle montre Seiko 5 avec des spécifications de plongeur stellaire. Maintenant, cela ressemble à une recette pour une montre excellente et fiable qui peut être prise au milieu de certains extérieurs très durs. Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex Cadran bleu Affichage analogique Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100 m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 42 mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 13 millimètres

Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style La nouvelle montre pour hommes Double Hurricane édition spéciale cadran orange automatique SRPK11K1 100M orange

319.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SKX Style La nouvelle édition spéciale Double Hurricane avec cadran orange automatique SRPK11 SRPK11K1 SRPK11K 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 4R36 24 Bijoux Cristal Hardlex incurvé Cadran orange Affichage analogique Réserve de marche jusqu’à 41 heures Fonction d’arrêt de l’aiguille des secondes Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Couronne de traction/poussée Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Boucle déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 42,5 mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 13,4 mm Largeur approximative de la cosse: 22mm

Montre Astron Global Line Sport 5X Titanium Regular SBXC103 Argent [Montre Seiko] Homme

2229.99 EUR
Boîte individuelle, manuel d'instructions et garantie inclus Fonction de correction du fuseau horaire, capteur super intelligent (fonction de correction automatique de l'heure), fonction de correction forcée du temps par réception des ondes radio satellite GPS Fonction calendrier perpétuel (jusqu'au 28 février 2100) Fonction heure mondiale (39 fuseaux horaires) Fonction d'affichage double heure

Seiko 5 Sports SKX Series Checker Flag Special Edition Black And White Dial Automatic SRPK67K1 100M Men's Watch noir

364.99 EUR
Seiko 5 Sports SKX Series Checker Flag Special Edition Black And White Dial Automatic SRPK67 SRPK67K1 SRPK67K 100M Men's Watch Features: Stainless Steel Case Stainless Steel Bracelet Automatic Movement Caliber: 4R36 24 Jewels Curved Hardlex Crystal Black Dial Analog Display Magnetic resistance Manual Winding Power Reserve Up to 41 Hours Luminous Hands And Markers Day And Date Display Unidirectional Rotating Bezel See Through Case Back Deployment Clasp 100M Water Resistance Approximate Case Diameter: 42.50 mm Approximate Case Thickness: 13.40 mm Approximate Lug Width: 22.00 mm

[Seiko] SEIKO 5 SPORTS Automatic Mechanical Limited Distribution Model Watch Men's Seiko Five Sports Sports SRPD61K1 Emerald Green (Domestic Product N

484.45 EUR
Case size: thickness: 13.4 mm width: 42.5 mm length: 46 mm water resistant: Strong water resistant for every day use (10 bar), Rumibrite: Yes (acupuncture, index) Drive method: automatic automatic winding (including handwheel), operation period: lasts about 41 hours at maximum winding, includes a schedule (date and day) function, 24 seat count, second stop function Case Material: stainless steel Lid: stainless steel and glass, glass material: hard rex Other Specifications: See-through Back Screwback (There are some different backside orientations due to manufacture) Double Locking Mid Line Anticorrosion Bezels Please be sure to check the product information below and precautions before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Montre Seiko] Montre Five Sports 5 Sports Field GMT Style sportif SBSC009 Homme Argent

619.99 EUR
Horloge 24 heures (avec une fonction de double affichage du temps) Jour +45 sec~-35 s Machine à billets automatique (y compris un manuel) Dure environ 41 heures en rotation maximale Matériaux: verre, acier inoxydable Assurez-vous de consulter les informations sur le produit ci-dessous et les points à noter lors de la commande ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

[SEIKO] Watch 5 SPORTS AUTOMATIC Sports Automatic SRPD71K2 Men's

460.99 EUR
SEIKO SEIKO commercialised Japan's first wristwatch and the world's first quartz watch, and its achievements are well-known and it often participates as an official sponsor and official timer at world championships such as the Olympic Games, etc. It is a watch brand that is fascinated by its Japanese technology and is patronised by celebrities overseas as well as Japanese celebrities. SEIKO is a watch manufacturer with a higher reputation overseas than in Japan, and releases various models around the world that are not officially on sale in Japan. SEIKO is loved by many watch fans because it surpasses other domestic brands in terms of the degree of perfection of design and the finish of the exterior, such as the case and bracelet, although the reliability of the movement is high. Styles Face style Plain Case shape Circular Pattern Plain Band colour Black Dial colour Blue Functions and specifications Clasp Tongue buckle Type of clasp Buckle Movement Automatic Display type Analogue Power source Automatic winding Materials and care Case material Stainless steel Windscreen material Mineral crystal Band material Silicone Size Case thickness 13 millimetres Band width 22 millimetres Case diameter 42 mm

Seiko Men's SBSA261 (5SPORTS SKX Suits Styke Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver Analog

419.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA261 (5SPORTS SKX Suits Styke Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA261 SKX designThis series inherits the perfected sports design from the diver's watches, and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 46.0mm x 42.5mm x 14.2mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: Self-Winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 169g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA229 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

338.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA229 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA229 SKX designThis series inherits the perfected sports design from the diver's watches, and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 12.1mm x 38.0mm x 44.2mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 140g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA017 (5SPORTS SKX Suits Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver Analog

419.23 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA017 5SPORTS SKX Suits Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA017 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 142g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *Slide/Maximum strap length:208.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's Analog Automatic Watch 5 Sports, Black, 5K1, 5K1

484.99 EUR
Double sided Auto Lift (magick Lever) power spare 41 hours STAINLESS STAINLESS HOUSING STAINLESS STAINLESS WRING WITH SAFE PUSH BUTTONS STAINLESS CLASP WITH HREX SCREW Glass Bottom Diameter 43.0mm 100m Water Resistive One-Way Spinning Bezels Day and Date LUMIBRITE 43 x 13mm 4R36 Be sure to check the product information below and the points to keep in mind when you buy before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko Neo Sports Chronograph Grey Dial Quartz SSB403 SSB403P1 SSB403P 100M Montre Homme gris

194.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko Neo Sports chronographe cadran gris Quartz SSB403 SSB403P1 SSB403P 100M Caractéristiques: Boîtier en acier inoxydable Courroie en nylon Mouvement à quartz Calibre: 8T63 Cristal Hardlex Cadran gris Affichage analogique Fonction Chronographe Échelle tachymétrique Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage de la date Affichage 12/24 heures Fond de boîtier vissé Fermoir à boucle Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 41mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12mm Largeur approximative de la cosse: 22mm

Seiko Men's SBSC017 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

531.02 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSC017 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style MechanicalGMT Men's Metal Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSC017 SKX seriesBased on the world's favorite sports watch, the SKX model. Sizing: Case: 46.0mm x 42.5mm x 13.6mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: lense Hardlex Calendar: Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 161g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko Men's SBSA259 (5SPORTS SKX Suits Styke Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver Analog

418.65 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA259 (5SPORTS SKX Suits Styke Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA259 SKX designThis series inherits the perfected sports design from the diver's watches, and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 46.0mm x 42.5mm x 14.2mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Curve Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: Self-Winding *also Manual Display: Analog Function: 168g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

Seiko [Five Sports] Montre Field Military Street Style SBSA141 Homme Vert

481.93 EUR
・Boîte ouverte, manuel d'utilisation en japonais et licence japonaise inclus Machine à billets automatique (y compris un manuel) Jour +45 sec~-35 s Dure environ 41 heures en rotation maximale Ajouter un horaire (date et jour) fonction Assurez-vous de jeter un œil aux informations sur le produit ci-dessous et aux points à noter lors de la fabrication d'un produit avant de passer une commande ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

Men's SRP221K1 (Seiko5 5 Sports SS Bracelet 10BAR BE) Round Watch Silver Stainless Analog

299.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SRP221K1 (Seiko5 5 Sports SS Bracelet 10BAR BE) Round Watch Silver Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SRP221K1 The reimported SEIKO 5 (Seiko Five) model is a Seiko watch sold overseas and reimported into Japan. Sizing: Case: WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use Glass Material: Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless Movement: self-winding Display: Analog Function: Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band Case: Round

[Montre Seiko] Montre-bracelet Five Sports FIELD SPORTS STYLE SBSA113 Homme Argent

479.99 EUR
・Boîte ouverte, manuel d'utilisation en japonais et licence japonaise inclus Machine à billets automatique (y compris un manuel) Jour +45 sec~-35 s Dure environ 41 heures en rotation maximale Ajouter un horaire (date et jour) fonction Matériaux: verre, acier inoxydable Assurez-vous de jeter un œil aux informations sur le produit ci-dessous et aux points à noter lors de la fabrication d'un produit avant de passer une commande ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

Seiko 5 Sports SNZG13 SNZG13J1 SNZG13J Automatic Analog Montre Homme noir

216.99 EUR
Montre analogique automatique pour homme Seiko 5 Sports SNZG13 SNZG13J1 SNZG13J Une montre automatique belle et précise qui fonctionnera de manière précise et fiable (avec un peu de TLC) pour les générations à venir. Superbe n'est pas le mot qui convient; le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que cela vaut bien chaque centime dépensé. Très bien fait, se sent solide et a l’air dur; ne cherchez pas plus loin si un style propre, classique, sans cloches et sifflets est tout ce que vous recherchez. Caractéristiques: Fabriqué au Japon Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 7S36 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Affichage analogique Réserve de marche Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Couronne de traction/poussée Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante 100 M Résistant à l’eau Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 42 mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12 mm

[Seiko] SEIKO Watch 5 SPORTS AUTOMATIC Sports Automatic SRPD73K2 Men's

507.99 EUR
Movement: automatic roll Case size (approx.): (width) 42 mm× (thickness) 13 mm Waterproof performance: Reinforced waterproofing for everyday use (10 bar) calendar (date, day) Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko [seico Watch] 5 Sport Sports Style Sbsa001 Wristwatch For Women Silter

481.93 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko [seico Watch] 5 Sports Field Sports Style Sbsa113 Mens Silve Silter

359.36 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko [Five Sports] Watch Suits Style SBSA017 Men's Silver

516.99 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports automatique fabriquée au Japon SNZB23 SNZB23J1 SNZB23J noir

173.99 EUR
Montre pour homme Seiko 5 Sports automatique fabriquée au Japon SNZB23 SNZB23J1 SNZB23J Caractéristiques: Fabriqué au Japon Boîtier en acier inoxydable Bracelet en acier inoxydable Mouvement automatique Calibre: 7S36 23 Joyaux Cristal Hardlex Cadran noir Affichage analogique Aiguilles et marqueurs lumineux Affichage du jour et de la date Lunette tournante unidirectionnelle Voir à travers le fond du boîtier Déployante Résistance à l’eau de 100m Diamètre approximatif du boîtier: 39mm Épaisseur approximative du boîtier: 12mm

Seiko [5 SportS] Field SportS Style SbSa115 Men S Grey wriStwatch

419.99 EUR
・Opening box, Japanese manual for use, and a Japanese license included Machine Auto Ticket (including a handbook) Day +45 sec~-35 s Lasts about 41 hours at maximum rotation Add a schedule (date and day) function Please be sure to take a look at the product information below and the points to note when making a product before you make a order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Seiko Automatic Watch - 5 Sports - Day/Date Calendar, LumiBrite Hands and Markers, Rotating Bezel, Black - SRPE55

720.99 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・4R36 Caliber: Equipped with a precise 4R36 caliber movement, this men's watch is self-winding and keeps accurate time. ・Day/Date Calendar: The striking black dial has a built-in calendar to help you stay organized. LumiBrite dial indicator hands and markers allow you to read time in the dark. Stainless Steel: Designed with a see-through skeleton case back, the SRPE55 features a stainless steel watch case and bracelet for a durable, versatile and classic look. ・100m waterproof: Waterproof up to 100 meters (330 feet). This versatile men's watch can withstand splashes, showers, and brief immersion. -Common search terms: men's watch, sports watch, men's watch, men's gift, men's watch, men's birthday present, men's watch, men's watch, men's watch, Seiko automatic, men's automatic watch, waterproof watch, field watch , Analog Watch, Skeleton Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Automatic Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Watch, Men's Mechanical Watch, Men's Silver Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Men's Sports Watch, Automatic Watch, Rugged Men's. watch explanation Express your style. Easy to move. For over 50 years, Seiko 5 Sports has consistently provided high levels of reliability, durability and performance. For reliable timekeeping in everyday life, the outstanding men's sports watch SRPE55 is powered by an automatic movement with a power reserve of approximately 41 hours, featuring a day/date calendar, LumiBrite hands and markers, and a see-through case back. It is characterized by With a durable stainless steel case and bracelet and a striking black dial, this versatile watch is water resistant to 100 meters. Perfect for any day of style. [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Watch 5 SPORTS AUTOMATIC Sports Automatic SRPD55K1 [Seiko] Men's [Parallel Import]

345.53 EUR
Movement: automatic winding Case size (approx.): (width) 42mm x (thickness) 13mm Waterproof performance: Reinforced waterproof for daily life (10 ATM) Calendar (date, day of the week) ◆Case material: stainless steel ◆Belt material: stainless steel ◆Glass material: Mineral crystal ◆Movement: Automatic winding ◆Waterproof function: Reinforced waterproof for daily life (10 ATM) ◆Case diameter: 42mm ◆Case thickness: 13mm ◆Other functions: Calendar (date, day of the week)

Seiko SBSA028 (5SPORTS SKX Specialist Style Mechanical Men's Silicone Band) Round Watch Black

417.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko SBSA028 (5SPORTS SKX Specialist Style Mechanical Men's Silicone Band) Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA028 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 100g Band Color: Black Band Material: genuine leather(calf)+Silicone *Maximum strap length:208.0mm Case: Round

Seiko [FIVE SPORTS] Field « Military » Street Style SBSA143 Homme Noir

509.99 EUR
・Boîte ouverte, manuel d'utilisation en japonais et licence japonaise inclus Machine à billets automatique (y compris un manuel) Jour +45 sec~-35 s Dure environ 41 heures en rotation maximale Ajouter un horaire (date et jour) fonction Assurez-vous de jeter un œil aux informations sur le produit ci-dessous et aux points à noter lors de la fabrication d'un produit avant de passer une commande ! Pour toute demande de retour ou d'échange, veuillez noter qu'il est obligatoire de fournir une vidéo du déballage du colis.

Seiko Automatic Sports SNZG15 SNZG15J1 SNZG15J Montre Homme noir

220.99 EUR
Montre Seiko Automatic Sports SNZG15 SNZG15J1 SNZG15J pour hommes Un mouvement automatique hi-tech de 23 bijoux définit la Seiko Automatic Sports et lui confère son statut classique. Cette montre analogique est soutenue par 23 bijoux; les aiguilles sont lumineuses et argentées tandis que les index de bâton ajoutent une visibilité supplémentaire. La montre affiche également la date et résiste à l’eau jusqu’à 100 pieds. La montre parfaite pour une partie de beach-volley, le bracelet à maillons en acier inoxydable aux tons argentés la maintiendra en place. Caractéristiques: Fabriqué au Japon Boîtier en acier inoxydable Courroie en nylon Aiguilles et marqueurs Lumibrite Cadran noir Dossier transparent Affichage du jour et de la date à 3 heures Position Couronne à 3 heures Position 100m Résistant à l’eau Cristal Hardlex 23 Joyaux Diamètre du boîtier: 41 mm (à l’exclusion de la couronne) Diamètre du boîtier: 44 millimètres (y compris la couronne) Épaisseur Du Boîtier: 12 mm

[Seiko] SEIKO 5 SPORTS Watch Automatic SNZB23J1 Men's [Reimported]

356.14 EUR
[Product Information] Brand: SEIKO Materials: glass [Product Description] ・Movement: Automatic winding ・Case size (approx.): (width) 38mm x (thickness) 12mm ・Waterproofing performance: Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) ・Calendar (date, day of the week) Size ・Case: Approx. 46 x 42 x 13mm / Weight: Approx. 132g Material ・Case: Stainless steel ・Band: Stainless steel Function ・Mechanical (self-winding) ・100M waterproof ・Calendar display ・See-through back ・Made in Japan ・Accuracy: ±60 seconds per day [Important Note - For Overseas Customers] Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read the following important notes carefully before using this product overseas. 1. Legislation and safety standards This product complies with Japanese safety standards. Please check compatibility with local regulations and safety standards before use in your country. Certain product categories (electronics, cosmetics, food, etc.) may require certification from the importing country. 2.About electrical products This product complies with Japanese power specifications (100V, 50/60Hz). If your country has different power specifications, you will need an appropriate transformer or conversion plug. Using an inappropriate power source may cause malfunction or accident. 3.Language and manual Product instructions and displays may only be in Japanese. The English version of the manual can be downloaded from our website. 4. Warranty and after-sales service International warranty coverage is limited. Please check the warranty for details. After-sales service and repair support overseas may be limited.

Seiko Men's SBSA231 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

359.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA231 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA231 SKX designThis series inherits the perfected sports design from the diver's watches, and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better fit modern values. Sizing: Case: 12.1mm x 38.0mm x 44.2mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 140g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round

5 SPORTS SKX Sports Style GMT Model Automatic Mechanical Watch Seiko Five Sports Made in Japan SSK019 Pepsi Circle Overseas Model [Seiko] Men's

639.99 EUR
[Size/Weight] Case size (H x W x D): 46 x 42.5 x 13.6 (approx. mm), belt: width approx. 18 mm (buckle side) ~ 22 mm (case side), ring width approx. 22 mm, arm circumference length (Longest length) 205mm, weight: Approx. 161g [Material] Case: Stainless steel, Belt: Stainless steel, Windshield: Hardlex crystal with lens, Bezel: Stainless steel (Display part: Hardlex crystal) [Waterproof performance] Reinforced waterproofing for daily life (10 ATM) *The crown is not screw-in. [Caliber No.] 4R34 Automatic winding (with manual winding, 24 o'clock (GMT) hand, second hand stop function) [Accessories] Japanese and English manuals (copies), cosmetic case (SEIKO cosmetic case is included, but the design differs each time it arrives) Originating from the Seiko Sportsmatic 5 (commonly known as Seiko Five) released by SEIKO in 1963, Seiko Five Sports was born as a derivative series in 1968 with sports-oriented functions and designs. This New Seiko Five Sports has updated functions and logo design. Equipped with a 4R movement, equipped with a manual winding function and a hack function that were not found in the 7S movement, it is a new style concept with a sporty design that matches various scenes. This GMT model, newly added in 2022, is an even more beautiful evolution of the new Seiko 5 Sports, which was developed based on the SKX model, a sports watch loved all over the world. The newly developed mechanical caliber 4R34 is equipped with a GMT function, and the hour hand and 24-hour hand (GMT hand) each indicate different times, allowing it to display the time in two time zones with a time difference. is possible. Glossy Hardlex glass was selected for the two-color rotating bezel display that allows you to instantly tell when it's day or night. The metallic color shines beautifully due to the vapor deposition process, and varies depending on the angle of light irradiation.

Seiko Men's SBSA001 (5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Watch Silver

359.99 EUR
We are selling other model in this category.Please see our listing page. Seiko Men's SBSA001 5SPORTS SKX Sports Style Mechanical Men's Metal Band) Round Condition : NEW Brand : Seiko Model Number : SBSA001 SKX designThe series inherits the perfected sports design from diver's watches and adapts the specifications to town use in order to better suit modern values. Sizing: Case: 13.4mm x 42.5mm x 46.0mm WaterProof: water-resistant for everyday use *10 atm Glass Material: Hardlex Calendar: yes Case Material: Stainless *Case Back:Stainless glass Movement: self-winding *Manual-Winding Display: Analog Function: 170g Band Color: Silver Band Material: Metal Band *One-push triple-fold/Maximum strap length:205.0mm Case: Round