Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil O-Malley brunes - UNI

580 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes brunes faites à la main en acétate transparent. · Verres bleus · Pont à encoche circulaire · Plaquettes intégrées · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 48.22 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Carob/Regal blue

AKILA Lunettes de soleil Grace argentées - UNI

240 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires argentées en titane. · Logo gravé à l'un des verres bleus · Plaquettes réglables en métal · Étui en métal inclus · Mesures: 49.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Silver/Light blue

AKILA Lunettes de soleil Grace noires - UNI

240 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires en titane. · Logo gravé à l'un des verres verts · Plaquettes réglables en métal · Étui en métal inclus · Mesures: 49.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Green

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Roella noires - UNI

355 EUR
Lunettes de soleil œil-de-chat noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres polarisés verts à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Plaque à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 55.20 140 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Dark green

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Casian noires - UNI

510 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 54.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Maysen noires - UNI

655 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Pont à encoche circulaire · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Ferrure incrustée aux branches · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 50.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Carbon grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Rosson noires - UNI

650 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres polarisés noirs à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Ferrure incrustée aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Midnight express polarized

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Rosson noires - UNI

580 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres orange à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Ornement écailles de tortue aux cercles · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Ferrure incrustée aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Cognac

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil N.04 noires - 0nly - UNI

780 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres polarisés gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 53.19 145 Cet article fait partie de la collection 0nly. Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Midnight express polar

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil R-2 noires - Roger Federer - UNI

715 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées noires faites à la main en métal. · Verres polarisés verts · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Barre supérieure · Manchons en caoutchouc · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 56.18 145 Cet article fait partie de la collection Roger Federer. Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Matte black

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Kasdan noires - UNI

655 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures à l'avant et aux branches · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Carbon grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Davri noires - UNI

685 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Plaque à logo incrustée aux manchons · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 52.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Carbon grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Rosson Sun grises - UNI

580 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires grises faites à la main en acétate semi-transparent. · Verres gris à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrure aux branches · Armature visible aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Workman gray

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil R-5 noires - UNI

565 EUR
Lunettes de soleil de type visière enveloppantes et percées noires en métal léger. · Logo gravé au verre gris · Barre supérieure en acétate · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Manchons en caoutchouc · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 138. 130 Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil OP-13 noires - UNI

685 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres polarisés gris · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Pont à encoche circulaire · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 47.20 150 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Midnight express polarized

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Davri orange - UNI

615 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires orange écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres orange · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Armature visible · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 52.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Sugi tortoise/Cognac

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Rosson brunes - UNI

580 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres bruns à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Ferrure incrustée aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: True brown

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Rhydian argentées - UNI

710 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes argentées faites à la main en titane léger. · Filigranes sur l'ensemble · Verres bleus à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 49.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Silver/Regal blue

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil N.05 noir et jaune - UNI

710 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes noir et jaune écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Armature visible · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 48.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Tokyo tortoise/Carbon grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil N.06 brunes - UNI

710 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées brunes faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres bleus · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Armature visible · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 52.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Sycamore/Regal blue

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil OP-13 brunes - UNI

685 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres gris à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Pont à encoche circulaire · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 47.20 150 Couleur du fournisseur: Sycamore/Indigo photochromic

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil N.06 noir et jaune - UNI

710 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées brun et jaune écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres gris · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant · Armature visible · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 52.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Tokyo tortoise/Carbon grey

Ann Moore Grace O'Malley

3.06 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Presses de la Cité, Publisher : Presses de la Cité, NumberOfItems : 2, medium : Taschenbuch, publicationDate : 2003-01-23, authors : Ann Moore, languages : french, ISBN : 225806080X

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Reymont argentées - UNI

430 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes argentées en titane. · Filigranes gravés sur l'ensemble · Verres bruns à enduit antireflets · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Pont double · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Silver/Cognac

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Maridan noires - UNI

345 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées aux branches · Plaque à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 62.15 135 Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Grey

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Marianela brunes - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil œil-de-chat brunes faites à la main en acétate translucide. · Verres CR39 bruns en nylon · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Pont à encoche circulaire · Plaquettes intégrées · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 54.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Cocobolo brown

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Avelin beiges - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées beiges faites à la main en acétate transparent. · Verres dégradés gris à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Plaque à logo à l'une des branches · Pochette en moleskine incluse · Mesures: 52.18 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Beige

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Ms. Oliver brunes - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil carrées dégradées brunes faites à la main en acétate. · Verres bruns à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Plaque à logo à l'une des branches · Pochette en moleskine incluse · Mesures: 51.18 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Espresso

Oliver Peoples Lunettes de soleil Reymont dorées - UNI

690 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rondes dorées en titane. · Filigranes gravés sur l'ensemble · Verres polarisés et réfléchissants verts · Protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Enduit antireflets · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Pont double · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.21 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Gold/Midnight express

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1969C transparentes édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

405 EUR
Lunettes de soleil ovales faites à la main en acétate transparent. · Verres réfléchissants gris à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Crystal/Silver mirror

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1966C blanc cassé édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires blanc cassé faites à la main en acétate transparent. · Verres verts · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées aux branches · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.23 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Buff/Vibrant green

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1966C noires édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustés aux branches · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.23 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Grey

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1968C noires édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

515 EUR
Lunettes de soleil œil-de-chat noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé à l'extrémité des branches · Armature visible · Pochette incluse · Mesures: 53.19 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Grey

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1979C noires édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

405 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires noires faites à la main en acétate. · Verre gris · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé à l'un des manchons · Plaque à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 56.19 130 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Black/Grey

Beautiful Home Decoration Class A High Elasticity Disposable Latex Gloves Anti-skid Labor Protection Rubber Thickened Industrial Maintenance Waterproof and Oil-proof S size 5O only

37 EUR
Part Number: ltao1010391696 Lining: Other Scope of use: Other Function: Wear-resistant Scenario Use: Construction Industry Material: Cowhide Specifications and models: S size small is suitable for most women to thicken 1OO only - average size, M size medium unisex thickened 1OO only - average size, L size large is suitable for most men to thicken 1OO only - average size, XL size enlarged, 1O0 thickened for men with large hands - average size, S size small is suitable for most women to thicken 5O only - average size, M size medium unisex thickened 5O only recommended - average size, L size large is suitable for most men to thicken 5O only recommended - average size, XL size enlarged is suitable for men with large hands to thicken 5O only - average size

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1966C brunes édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate. · Verres bruns · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées aux branches · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.23 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Dark mahogany/Brown

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1979C brunes édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

405 EUR
Lunettes de soleil rectangulaires brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate. · Verres bruns · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé à l'un des manchons · Plaque à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 56.19 130 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Dark mahogany/Brown

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1983C brunes édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

405 EUR
Lunettes de soleil œil-de-chat brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate. · Verres bruns à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 52.20 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: Vintage DTB/True brown

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1969C blanches édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

405 EUR
Lunettes de soleil ovales blanches faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à enduit antireflets et à protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Logo gravé aux manchons · Armature visible · Étui inclus · Mesures: 53.19 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: White/Carbon grey

KHAITE Lunettes de soleil 1969C blanches édition Oliver Peoples - UNI

375 EUR
Lunettes de soleil ovales blanches faites à la main en acétate. · Verres gris à enduit antireflets avec protection anti-UVA/UVB à 100% · Plaquettes intégrées · Armature visible aux branches · Logo gravé à l'extrémité des branches · Pochette incluse · Ferrures dorées · Mesures: 53.19 145 Cet article a été conçu dans le cadre de la collaboration Khaite x Oliver Peoples. Couleur du fournisseur: White/Carbon

Sock Vogue Women's Fimple gift girl Square Watch Wristwatch Milk Tea Minimalist Fashionable grise

12.99 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Movement Type: Quartz Movement Style: Korean Version Strap Material: Leather Applicable People: Female Dial Shape: 40mm Dial Shape: Square Display mode: No second hand pointer type Waterproof depth: 30 meters Case material metal The watch function is correctly operated. The watch does not have a second hand pointer watch. Each watch has a battery inside. Pick up and buy the watch and turn the small dots next to the dial. Pull out the finger adjustment dial. A short distance and a longer distance clock hand and minute hand adjustment. If you don#39 t understand the time you want, you won#39 t know how to adjust the operation watch. MaybeIf you have any quality problems, you can contact customer service. Thank you Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Fashion Ladies Alloy gift Bracelet Watch For Woman crystal Quartz Watch Diamond

14.23 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Display Type: Pointer Applicable people: female style: fashion Waterproof: no Movement type: Quartz Movement model: PL68 Thickness: 10mm Dial diameter: 32mm Watch with buckle total length about: 19CM Watch strap width: 2cm Watch dial thickness: 0.9cm Mirror material: ordinary glass mirror Buckle material: stainless steel Strap Material: Alloy Dial shape: round Case Material: Alloy Color: red, purple, green, blue, pink, indian Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Dry Dual-use Towel 50 pieces/Set Disposable Cleaning Tool Non-Stick Oil Household Cleaning Thickened Washable Wet Cleaning Cloth Kitchen Paper 18*18cm blanc

11.09 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Specification: Material: Polyester Fiber Size: 25*8cm Color:white Package Includes: 1 X Disposable cloth Notice: 1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color may be a slightly different from the picture color. 2. Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Washable Wet Cleaning Supplies Thickened 1PCS 50 pieces/Set Non-shedding Kitchen Paper Household Cleaning Non-Stick Oil Disposable 18*18cm blanc

10.57 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Specification: Material: Polyester Fiber Size: 25*8cm Color:white Package Includes: 1 X Disposable cloth Notice: 1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color may be a slightly different from the picture color. 2. Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Non-shedding Washable Wet 1PCS Cleaning Supplies Household Cleaning Disposable Dry Dual-use Towel Cleaning Cloth 50 pieces/Set Thickened 18*18cm blanc

10.69 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Specification: Material: Polyester Fiber Size: 25*8cm Color:white Package Includes: 1 X Disposable cloth Notice: 1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color may be a slightly different from the picture color. 2. Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. Label: Yes

Sock Vogue 1PC Home Supplies Bathroom Brush Sponge Brush Home Cleaning Long handle Brush Bathtub Brush Cleaning Brush Multifunction Brush Scouring Pad blanc

10.29 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Quantity:1PC Type:Cleaning Brush Color:As Picture show Material:PP Non-woven Fabrics Total Size:About32*10cm Spone Size:About13.5*10*2.3cm Label: Yes

Sock Vogue New style Leather Bracelet Watch Vintage Goldfish Pendant Woven For Men's Women's Quartz Wristwatch New bleu

15.29 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Watch strap material imitation leather Case material alloy Mirror material Glass Movement quartz Length of strap 190mm Band width 10.5mm Dial diameter 27mm Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Women Men Quartz Watch Accessories Stainless Steel Watch Wrist Watch Brand LED Watch Aviation Watch Watch Sports Watch Unisex

12.39 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Men's Stainless Steel Sport Analog Quartz LED Wrist Watch Brand Specification: Stainless steel case/case back. Japanese quartz movement. Adjustable brightness. LED digital lights display: hour, minute, AM/PM, date, day. Type: LED Watch Gender: Women's Display: Digital LED Movement: Quartz Style: Casual, Sports Band Material: Rubber Color: Silver Case + Black Band Case Material: Stainless Steel Diameter: 3cm x 4.2cm/1.18 x 1.65 (Approx.) Thickness: 1cm/0.39 (Approx.) Band Length: 26cm/10.24 (Approx.) Band Width: 2.1cm/0.83 (Approx.) Occasions: Daily Life, Gift, School, Sports Features: LED Digital Watch, Digital Display Note: This watch is NOT waterproof. Analog used for decorative ONLY. You need to press the button to turn on the LED display, it will only light up a few seconds to show time. The watch can not be used under hot or cold weather. Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Included: 1 x LED Watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Outdoor Sport Watch Student Women Chronograph High Quantity luminous Waterproof Popular Alarm Clock Men Digital Wristwatches Multifunction

12.19 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Special function: luminous Display type: number Applicable population: general Waterproof: Yes Waterproof performance: 10m Movement type: electronic Dial diameter: 44mm Mirror material: coated glass Watch band material: PVC Dial shape: round Case material: plastic Color: c30 ECG, c30 black, c30 black and white, c30 blue, c30 pink, c30 green Package: 1 watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Quartz Watch Accessories Female Bracelet Jewelry Wrist Watch Women Girl Watch Women Watch rouge

11.59 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Type: Bracelet Material: Leather Color: Brown, gold, red, white, dark blue, green, black Gender: Women Band Length: 56cm Band Width: 6mm Case Thickness: 5mm Dial Diameter: 26mm Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Luxury Watch No Box Ladies Quartz WristWatch Earrings Ring Bracelet Watch Set Necklace 6pcs Crystal Leather Strap Women Butfltery

10.59 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! No Box Watch movement: quartz watchWatch style: simple, casual and fashionable Surface diameter: 26mm Case diameter: 33mm Dial thickness: 9mm Band width: 16mm Band length: 235mm (including case) Watch weight: 23.85g Band material: PU Meter head material: alloy Mirror material: ordinary glass Product package: OPP bag Buckle type: needle buckle Waterproof grade: non waterproof Label: Yes

Sock Vogue 8mm mm Bucket watches watch Leather Deployment Glass Water Resistant Map bleu

11.29 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Water Resistance Depth:3Bar Case Shape:Round Case Thickness:8mm mm Band Material Type:Leather Feature:Water Resistant Dial Diameter:40mm mm Gender:Women Band Length:23cm inch Style:Simple Band Width:20mm mm Boxes Cases Material:No package Clasp Type:Leather Deployment Bucket Brand Name:MEIBO Dial Window Material Type:Glass Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Women Watch Luxury Fashion Ladies Watches Simple Casual Woman Quartz Leather Clock Dress Watch Women Siliceous Butterfly Elegant

12.49 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Movement: quartz Surface material: glass Case material: plastic Watch band material: silicone Band width: 20mm Total length of watch: 245mm Case thickness: 12mm Case diameter: 40mm Watch weight: 22g Label: Yes

Sock Vogue White Luxury Women Watch Quartz Wristwatches Qualities Women Watches Black Fashion Quartz Watch Couple Student Female Clock Bracelet Square blanc

13.79 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Fashion Lady Hot Sales Brands Watches Leisure Rectangle Digital Simple Women Quartz Watch Sports Silicone Strap Ladies Clock Product parameters. Watch movement: quartz Watch style: minimalist, casual chic, sporty Diameter of the dial: 3.6 cm Strap width: 1.8 cm Strap length: 24 cm (including case) Strap material: silicone Watch head material: Zinc alloy Mirror material: plain glass Product packaging: OPP bag Clasp type: pin buckle Note: This product does not include a watch box Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Silicone Square Women Watch Quartz Watch Student Bracelet Qualities Couple Luxury Quartz Wristwatches Fashion Female Clock White Women Watches du lac bleu

13.82 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Fashion Lady Hot Sales Brands Watches Leisure Rectangle Digital Simple Women Quartz Watch Sports Silicone Strap Ladies Clock Product parameters. Watch movement: quartz Watch style: minimalist, casual chic, sporty Diameter of the dial: 3.6 cm Strap width: 1.8 cm Strap length: 24 cm (including case) Strap material: silicone Watch head material: Zinc alloy Mirror material: plain glass Product packaging: OPP bag Clasp type: pin buckle Note: This product does not include a watch box Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Stainless Steel Watch Quartz Watches Waterproof Girl Woman Gold Plated Business Watch Diamond rose or

22.97 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Question is it waterproof? Answer This watch is 30 m water resistant. It is suitable for everyday used. Splash/rain resistant, not suitable for sauna, bathing, diving. Product Description: - Precise quartz movement for accurate time keeping. - high hardness sapphire crystal, high temperature and super anti-corrosion. - Stainless steel case and back cover, strong and sturdy in structure. - 30 Meters Water Resistant (Please DONOT PULL OUT the button under water). Specifications(Approx) - Case Diameter: 4.2cm - Case Thickness: 1.1cm - Band Wideth: 2.0cm - Band Length: 24cm Package includes - 1 x quartz watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Glass Map Leather Deployment Bucket watches 8mm mm watch Water Resistant vert

11.59 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Water Resistance Depth:3Bar Case Shape:Round Case Thickness:8mm mm Band Material Type:Leather Feature:Water Resistant Dial Diameter:40mm mm Gender:Women Band Length:23cm inch Style:Simple Band Width:20mm mm Boxes Cases Material:No package Clasp Type:Leather Deployment Bucket Brand Name:MEIBO Dial Window Material Type:Glass Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Quartz Woman Watch New Couple Sports Waterproof Silicone WristWatches Student Candy Multi-color Watchs violet

11.69 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! DescriptionReport Item / Suspicious ActivitType: candy-colored quartz watch Movement type: quartz Display type: hands Color: white, black, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, gray Style: fashion, couple, Korean version, trend Dial shape: round Clasp style: pin buckle Material: mirror (plastic), buckle (stainless steel), strap (silicone), case (plastic) Size: dial diameter 24mm, dial thickness 11mm, overall length 240mm Power: button battery Battery model: A377 Warranty: no Water resistance level: 10m Application: daily with, party, shopping, dating, gift Quantity: 1pc Package contains: 1 * candy-colored quartz watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Elegant Quartz Watch New Women Wrist Accessories Minimalist Ladies Wrist Watch Creative Leather Strap Oval Simple Dial Watches rose

10.59 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! [Dial diameter]: 38 mm [Dial thickness]: About 10 mm [Band length]: 24.5cm [Band width]: 12mm Case material: Zinc Alloy Dial shape: Oval Strap material: Leather Style: Vintage,Luxury Item Type:Quartz wrist watches watches Perfect This versatile watch blend goes with every occasion be it formal or casual. Wear this watch on the go, from business, leisure to indoor and outdoor activities or for daily use. The wrist watch is a perfect gift for you and your loved ones. Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Business Casual Leather Quartz Women Wrist Watch And Men Simple Analog rose

10.89 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Unique round dial design, very chic and stylish Adjustable pin buckle fastening Wearing this wrist watch is so wonderful experiences, as if you are touching art directly Display: Analog Movement: Quartz Dial Shape: Round Material: Stainless Steel Case Diameter: 41mm Case Thickness: 8.5mm Band length: 200mm (include case) Band Width: 30mm Quantity:1 PC Package includes: 1 x Watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Women's Bracelet Fashion Wrist Watch Watch Dial Quartz Stainless Steel Luxury argenté

14.29 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! 100% brand new and high quality Features: Such Wrist Watch looks stylish The Bracelet Watch is manufactured with exquisite high finishing These bracelet Watch feature fashionably and elegantly designed The precise surface decent watch is very charming for all occasions Fashion and popular design of this wrist watch goes from the boardroom to the dinner party with ease. Specification: Item Type: Wristwatches Case Material: Stainless Steel Dial Window Material Type: Glass Dial Material Type: Stainless Steel Movement: Quartz Dial Diameter: 2.2cm/0.89 (approx.) Band Length: 20cm/7.87 (approx.) Gender: Women Style: Fashion Casual Condition: New without tags Dial Display: Analog Available colors: Gold, Silver Quantity: 1 Pc Note: 1.Please allow 1-3mm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. 2.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 x Watch (without retail package) Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Wrist Watch Rubber Band LED Digital Women Men Unise Accessories Sport Watch Watches Red blanc

14.49 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! 100% New and good quality!!! Size:21.5*2.2cm Screen:Two rows LED lights for time display Function buttons (right-side): Top (hour and date display+select) Button (change mode) Daily Water Resistant (not for swimming or showering):Yes Color:As shown in the picture Settings:Time, Date, Seconds (Watch looks like a common metal bracelet at normal condition, time will be displayed just like lava while LED is lighting) Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Minimalist Women Sports Watches Casual Fashion Silicone Strap New Dress Clock Ladies Quartz Watches Digital Wristwatches marron

11.19 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Product Size Watch movement: quartz Watch style: minimalist, casual chic, sporty Diameter of the dial: 3.7cm Width:10mm Strap length: 23.5 cm (including case) Strap material: silicone Watch head material: alloy Mirror material: plain glass Product packaging: OPP bag Clasp type: pin buckle Tip: The subdial hands are decorativeW Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Minimalist Casual Clock Silicone Ladies Quartz Wristwatches Women Watch Fashion Big Dial Round Women High Number Qualities rouge

12.68 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Special function: decoration Display type: pointer Applicable population: female Style: Leisure Waterproof: No Movement type: quartz Movement brand: Pearl Origin of movement: China Thickness: 7mm Dial diameter: 36mm Crown type: crown shoulder protection, bridge protection Table bottom type: ordinary Mirror material: ordinary glass mirror Watch buckle style: needle buckle Material of buckle: stainless steel Watch band material: silicone Dial shape: round Case material: zinc alloy Package specification: opp Color: sky blue, blue, red, white, black, Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Watch Denim Dial Men and Women Quartz Belt Watch Watches Fashion Roman Canvas jaune

10.42 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Place of Origin: Yiwu, Zhejiang Whether the patent source: No Movement type: quartz Strap material: imitation leather Applicable people: General Printed LOGO: Yes Dial shape: round Waterproof: no Mirror material: quartz glass mirror Place of Origin: Zhejiang Province Movement: Quartz Custom processing: Yes style: Casual Case material: zinc alloy Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Stainless Steel watch Wrist Watch Mesh Band watch fashion women Ladies watch watch gifts men argenté

12.23 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Feature: Quantity: 1PC Gender: Women Style: Casual Movement: Quartz Display: Analog Band Material: Alloy Case Material: Stainless Steel Life Waterproof Watchcase Diameter: 2.2cm/0.7 Dial thickness: 1.0cm Band Length: 22cm/8.7inch Band Width:0.8cm/0.3 Package Include: 1PC Women Ladies Stainless Steel Mesh Band Wrist Watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Key Pendant Watch Diamond Inlaid New Dtyle Bracelet Watch Circled Wristwatch Fashion Women Personality noir

15.72 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Type of movement quartz Thickness 8mm Dial diameter 33mm Crown type Spiral crown Type of surface bottom ordinary Mirror material Ordinary glass mirror surface Watch buckle style Double side press buckle Material of buckle stainless steel Band material imitation leather Dial shape circular Case material alloy Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Minimalist Love Digital Casual Fashionable New Style Leather Belt Lady's Wrist Watch Women's Quartz Watches marron

11.97 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Movement type: quartz Movement Brand Pearl Origin of movement China Thickness 8mm Dial diameter 32mm Crown Type Spiral Crown Table bottom type common Mirror material: quartz glass mirror Watch buckle style Pin buckle Table buckle material: stainless steel Strap material Faux leather Dial shape circular Case material alloy Label: Yes

Sock Vogue 4PCS Diamond Watches Business Women Fashion Quartz Wristwatch Bracelet Suit New Style 4PCS Set

15.39 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Watch movement: quartz watch Watch style: simple, casual and fashionable Surface diameter: 19mm Case diameter: 26mm Dial thickness: 9mm Band width: 5mm Length of strap: 210mm (including case) Watch weight: 25g Band material: alloy Meter head material: alloy Mirror material: ordinary glass Type of buckle: buckle Waterproof grade: not waterproof Label: Yes

Sock Vogue with Leather Strap WristWatch Korean Version gift Women's Fashion Watch Antique women Antique Mori Style

10.59 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Product Description Display Type:Digital For the Crowd:Women Style:Vintage Waterproof:Not Waterproof Movement Type:Quartz Thickness:8mm Dial Diameter:30mm Table Crown Type:Spiral Crown Dial Window:Glass Clasp Style:Pin Buckle Clasp Material:Stainless Steel Watch Band:Faux Leather Dial Shape:Round Case Material:Zinc Alloy Color:White,Wine Red,Green,Black,Coffee Color,Pink Note Due to the light and screen setting difference,the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement Package includes: 1*Watch Excluding bracelet and box Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Watches Watches Nylon For Women Quartz Strap Luminous Stitching Color Ladies Star Girls Watch Wristwatch

11.96 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Luminous Watch For Women Stitching Color Nylon Strap Ladies Watches Star Girls Quartz Wristwatch Item description Size Diameter : 3 cm Thickness: 0.8cm Waterproof depth: Just life-waterproof (not touch much water), not support swimming, diving or bathing. Package includes : 1 watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Glass Female Girls Women Leisure Watch Quartz Watch Accessories Silicone Watch noir

11.86 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Feature: Type: Fashion Display: Analog Movement: Quartz Case Material: Zinc Alloy Surface Material: Glass Surface Features: Luxury Surface Design Case Diameter:2.6cm Band Material:PU Band Length:57cm Band Width:1.2cm Case Thickness:1cm Waterproof:No Buckle Type:Snap Button Notice: Due to the different monitor and light effect,the actual color maybe a slight different from the picture color. Please allow 0.5-1cm differs due to manual measurement . Included: 1 x Watch Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Diamond Square Watches Elegant Retro Fashion Women Watch Decorative Wrist Watch Strap Women's Watch Leather Strip Crystal

11.89 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Special function: decoration Display type: pointer Applicable population: general Style: Leisure Waterproof: No Movement type: quartz Thickness: 13mm Dial diameter: 40.5mm Crown type: spiral crown Table bottom type: ordinary Mirror material: ordinary glass mirror Watch buckle style: needle buckle Table buckle material: rose gold Band material: stainless steel Dial shape: round Case material: metal Package: 1 watch Label: Yes

Oliver Peoples Lunettes Levison argentées - UNI

515 EUR
Lunettes de vue hexagonales argentées faites à la main en métal. · Plaquettes réglables en caoutchouc · Ferrure à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui rigide inclus · Mesures: 49.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Silver

Sock Vogue Countertop Trash Can Portable Pressure Ring Transparent Aesthetic Storage Bin Light Luxury High-quality Desktop Trash Can grise

11.89 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Description Durable and Sturdy: Made of high quality PP plastic material, this cable organizer is transparent and durable, waterproof and dirtproof, shaped and anti-squeeze, which can effectively your valuables. Transparent Design: The transparent storage box can help you quickly find the items you need, which is convenient and fast. Large Capacity: This box can be placed on its own and easy to take, and can store various sundries neatly, saving desktop and drawer space. Classified Storage: Sort and store everything to avoid clutter of data cables, headphones, jewelry, etc. on the dresser, desktop and drawer, and always keep your home tidy. Lightweight and Portable: Our storage box is small and light, easy to carry when going out, does not take up space, and also keeps your bags clean and clutter-free. Specification: Material: PET+PP Plastic Color: Transparent, Gray, Amber, Green Size: 14.5x10.5x10.5cm Note: There might be 2-3cm errors of dimension data due to manual measurement. There might be slightly color difference due to different light and monitor effect. Package includes: 1 x Portable Storage Box Label: Yes Material: 100% Plastic

Sock Vogue Cleaning Cloth Cleaning Tool Household Cleaning Cleaning Supplies Kitchen Paper 1PCS Non-shedding Disposable Non-Stick Oil Dry Dual-use Towel 18*18cm blanc

11.13 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Specification: Material: Polyester Fiber Size: 25*8cm Color:white Package Includes: 1 X Disposable cloth Notice: 1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color may be a slightly different from the picture color. 2. Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Round Women's Leather Band Double Layer Retro Small Dial Girls' Quartz WristWatch Simple Style Rhinestone Watch noir

12.69 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Product specifications Movement: quartz Surface material: glass Case material: alloy Band material: imitation leather Band width: 14mm Band length: 245mm (including case) Case thickness: 8mm Case diameter: 34mm Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Luminous function Non mechanical Watch Full Automaton Business Core Toflywheel WatchWatch Double sided Hollow out Men's 30m Waterproof

37.8 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Water Resistance Depth: 30 Movement: Quartz Case Material: Stainless Steel Style: BusinessClasp Type: Folding Clasp with Safety Origin: Mainland China Feature: Shock Resistant,Luminous,Water Resistant Special features: Glow in the dark, tourbillonButton style: Jewel clasp Dial diameter: 40mmDial shape: Round Waterproof: Waterproof material: stainless steel Type of movement: quartz Strap material: Fine steel Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Women watch Sport watch Crystal watch Watch Quartz watch Wrist watch Waterproof watch Fashion watch rouge

11.22 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! 100% brand new and high quality Cool flash lights, beautiful display and easy for you to read time Luxurious diamond watch bezel, shiny and charming Silicone band is smooth to wear and sturdy in structure Classic pin buckle, convenient to adjust the length and not easy to fall off Gender: Unisex Style: Casual Movement: Quartz Display: Analog Band Material: Silicone Case Material: Stainless steel Watch case Diameter:4cm Band Length:25.8cm Band Width:2cm Case Thickness:1.2cm Function: Press the button, it will flash in 7 different colors, slow to fast, stay for 15 seconds NOTE: Daily Water Resistant. You can wear it wash your hand. But not for swimming! Occasions for gifts: Advertising and promotion, business gifts, holiday, housewarming, birthday, travel Quantity: 1 Pc Note: 1.Please allow 1-3mm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. 2.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Leather Clock Wrist Watches Retro Quartz Strap Watch Analog Vintage Fashionable Exquisite Ladies rouge

13.79 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Description: Vintage Band Quartz Watch Fashion Ladies Creative Dress Wrist Watches Fashionable Ladies Vintage Retro Quartz Wrist Watches Exquisite Clock Analog Leather Strap Watch Strap width: 25 mm Strap length: 220mm (including case) Case thickness: 8mm Case diameter: 23.6 mm Watch weight: 27 g Material Item Type: Wristwatches Dial Window Material Type: Glass Dial Material Type: Alloy Movement: Quartz Use: Time show Case Shape: Round Band Material Type: Leather Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Crystal Rhinestone Fashion Top Brand Bracelet Four-leaf Jewelry Watch Flower Quartz Watch Dress Wristwatches Ladies Women's Watch Luxury rose

15.19 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Properties: Movement: quartz movement Case material: alloy Band material: metal Buckle type: jewelry clasp Specifications: Watch length: 215MM (wearing length: 14CM~21CM) Band width: 16MM Dial thickness: 7.5MM Dial diameter: 28MM Weight: 41G Label: Yes

Sock Vogue Watches Fashion Stainless Steel Quartz Ladies Retro Bangle Popular Wristwatches Women Luxury Ulzzang Bracelet Hot Sale Clock High Quality

11.79 EUR
The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws. Welcome to my shop! Specifications Display:Pointer Movement:Quartz Dial Shape:Round Material:Stainless Steel Case Diameter:28mm Case Thickness:7mm Band length:150mm Band Width:5mm Package included: 1*watch(Not include bracelets and other accessories) Note 1.Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures.Thank you 2.Please allow 1-3mm measuring deviation due to manual measurement Label: Yes

Super Star Mall 25x25cm Kitchen Dishwashing Cloth Superfine Fiber Water Absorbent Cleaning Cloth For Lazy People 3pcs

24.59 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchasesHign-concerned Chemical : None Production : Scouring Pad Usage : TABLEWARE Material : Microfiber Origin : Mainland China CN : Zhejiang The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

hayatospeed Watch Women's Watch Waterproof Watch Wristwatch Analog Simple Stylish Mother's Day Working People Commuting Business Watch for Women

77.99 EUR
[Simple Design] Exquisite square dial and simple and elegant analog, full of luxury. It is a masterpiece that blends easily with any outfit and shows off the charm of women. Not only does it feel comfortable on your wrist, but it's also easy to match with your clothes. [Easy to read Arabic numerals] The small case and thin band give it a feminine look, and the metal band is not too casual, so it is suitable for business situations! [Size] Direct diameter of the case: 22.1 mm Thickness of watch: 13.6 mm Band width: 13.6 mm Watch length: 200 mm Weight: 62.3 g [For your loved ones] Stylish design, suitable for casual wear, work, and travel. Applicable to young girls, women, wives, college students, businesswomen. [30M Water Resistant] 30 meters of daily life waterproofing is perfect for sweating, washing hands, rainy days, etc. *However, it is not suitable for swimming, bathing, or hot springs. Please be careful. [Product F&Q, video support, warranty, etc.] Delivery period can be guaranteed within 3 to 10 days. Returns and refunds are accepted within 30 days after receiving the product. If there is an initial defect, please feel free to contact us. . Contact method: [Account service] > [Order history] > [Seller] > [Ask a question]

hayatospeed Hearkent Jumbo Number Talking Watch, Fashion Simple Watch, Self-setting Bind, For Seniors, Visually Impaired Or Elderly People, Easy To Read And

102.99 EUR
[Easy Settings] Voice clock that automatically adjusts at night to ensure accurate time. [Accurate time] Can receive Japanese signals. Also, this watch only provides Japanese service. Designed for seniors and the visually impaired to provide accurate timekeeping, comfort, and ease of use. [Comfortable Wearing] Elastic band design makes it easy to put on and take off, and is designed for people with visual impairment or blindness. [Easy and quick operation] Just press the 2 o'clock button once to hear the current time in a male voice. Press twice to display the date and day of the week, and press the 4 o'clock button to check the alarm time. [Perfect for seniors] A voice clock with a one-year lifespan that does not require frequent charging. Especially suitable for seniors and visually impaired people.

Oliver Peoples Lunettes Afton noires - UNI

550 EUR
Lunettes de vue carrées noires faites à la main en acétate. · Plaquettes intégrées · Ferrures incrustées à l'avant et aux branches · Plaque à logo incrustée à l'un des manchons · Étui inclus · Mesures: 49.20 145 Couleur du fournisseur: Black

Pide Furniture Protection Cream Safe Leather Cleaner Furniture Salve For Leather With Brush Smart Owl Leather Furniture Ointment Cream Only

13.29 EUR
①Description: Brand: Furniture Supplies Material: None Applicable Occasions: Living Room Applicable People: Adults Style: Modern And Simple Color: 1 Cream, 1 Cream + 1 Brush, 2 Cream + 1 Brush ②Features: 1. It Is A Professional Color Repair Material That Can Be Brushed On Absorbent Leather 2. Perfect Coloring Function Can Repair Cracks And Scratches On Leather 3. Once Brushed And Dyed, It Only Takes 10-20 Minutes To Dry Naturally, Or Use A Hair Dryer To Dry Within 1-2 Minutes 4. Leather Repair Cream Maintains The Original State Of Leather Products, With Soft Texture And No Stains On The Surface. 5. At The Same Time, It Can Maintain A Long-lasting Coloring Effect, Is Not Easy To Fade, And The Leather Does Not Stick To Your Hands. 6.Protects Sofas, Furniture, Couches And Car Interiors, Office Chairs, Wallets, Shoes And Boots ③Package Included: 1*Brush 1*Ointment

Oliver Peoples Lunettes Nev brunes - UNI

370 EUR
Lunettes de vue carrées brun écailles de tortue faites à la main en acétate. · Plaquettes intégrées · Filigranes à l'armature visible · Plaque à logo à l'un des manchons · Étui en cuir grainé inclus · Mesures: 48.19 145 Couleur du fournisseur: 362

Tokyo Home & Kitchen Makita Shelf Brush (Olive) A-72285

26.36 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - XL

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - XS

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - S

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - XXS

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - L

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

Diesel Minijupe O-Ressy kaki - M

195 EUR
Minijupe en jersey de coton. Effet usé sur l'ensemble. · Cordon coulissant dissimulé à la taille élastique · Écusson à logo brodé à l'avant · Doublure visible en tricot interlock Couleur du fournisseur: Olive green

888 Auto Parts Town 12Pcs/Set CarPolishing Disc Self-Adhesive Buffing Waxing Sponge Wool Wheel Polishing Pad For Car Polisher Drill Adapter S4O9

27.42 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchases Hign-concerned Chemical : none Origin : Mainland China The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

A Auto Parts Mall Car Cleaning Gel Reusable Keyboard Cleaner Gel Tool Dirt Removal Slime Vent Gel Automobile Multiuse Dust Air Cleaner U9O2

24.57 EUR
It's a great honor for you to visit my store. Good luck with your favorite purchases Hign-concerned Chemical : none Shelf Life : 2 years Weight : Car Cleaning Gel Origin : Mainland China The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom'sd policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

Tokyo Hobby Center Kamen Rider Zi-O DX Kibari Ridewatch

31.99 EUR
Our store offers a curated selection of genuine Japanese products. You can shop with complete peace of mind knowing that all our items are authentic. Please note that the instructions and manual for this product may only be available in Japanese.

hayatospeed [Victorinox Swiss Army] Watch I.N.O.X. Stainless Steel Case (316LForged) Black Dial Black Rubber Strap 241682.1 Men's Regular Import Black

989.99 EUR
The only Swiss watch that has passed 130 rigorous durability certification tests High-grade stainless steel (316L) Swiss made case with strong, resilient natural rubber strap Removable to prevent scratches With compass bumper VICTORINOX