Starwax The fabulous Terre de sommieres 200 g

7.95 EUR
Idéal pour détacher à sec les surfaces même les plus délicates Absorbe les taches de gras sur la pierre, le bois ... Argile d'origine 100% naturelle : labellisée Ecocert S'utilise même sur le linge taché déjà lavé Peut absorber jusqu'à 80% de son poids en eau ! Utilisez-la seule, ou associée à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Nettoie, détache.. " The Fabulous Terre de Sommières " est une poudre d'argile extraite à l'origine dans la région de Montpellier depuis le XIXe siècle. Elle est reconnue pour ses propriétés ultra-absorbantes (jusqu'à 80% de son poids). Elle élimine les taches de gras sur les textiles les plus délicats et peut s'utiliser même après lavage en machine sur linge sec. Le pot dans lequel elle est conditionnée dispose d'un couvercle poudreur, pratique pour saupoudrer précisément les surfaces ! Cette poudre peut donc s'utiliser pour : Nettoyer les sols poreux (pierre, bois, marbre) Absorber les taches de gras sur les sols et les meubles Fabriquer un savon détachant Détacher à sec les textiles : tache de gras alimentaire Absorbe le gras sur les sols : marbre, tomette ... Ses propriétés ultra-absorbantes sont efficaces sur : Pierre bleue Marbre tomette Moquette ... D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser la Terre de Sommières ? Pour nettoyer les sols poreux Saupoudrez la Terre de Sommières directement sur la tache. Laissez agir environ 30 min puis brossez délicatement pour éliminer la poudre et aspirer. Renouvelez si nécessaire. Sur les taches anciennes, l'idéal est de laisser agir une nuit. Pour venir à bout des taches de gras sur tissu ou sols poreux A l'aide d'un papier absorbant, éliminez au préalable l'excédent de gras ou de liquide. Saupoudrez généreusement la terre de Sommières sur la tache. Laissez agir30 minutes à une nuit, puis brossez et aspirez pour éliminer la poudre. Renouvelez l'opération si nécessaire. Pour fabriquer un savon détachant Dans un récipient, mélangez 5 cuillères à soupe de Terre de Sommières avec 1 cuillère à soupe de savon de Marseille en copaux, puis ajoutez un peu d'eau chaude. Laissez sécher la pate ainsi obtenue à l'air libre. Puis appliquez-la sur les taches de textiles les plus tenaces (maquillage, beurre, etc.) avant de mettre votre linge en machine.

JNX The ripper (150g) unisexe

34.9 EUR
The ripper (150 g) est un puissant brûleur de graisse de la marque JNX mais pas que… ! Si tu souhaites avoir un vrai brûleur à assimilation rapide mais aussi une vraie puissance pour atteindre une force de folie pendant tes entraînements, il te faut ce produit !  Il est formulé à base de guarana, caféine, thé vert et L-carnitine pour une combustion des graisses efficace. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. The ripper contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps tout en brûlant des graisses ! En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine C, B12 et de l'acide folique & de chrome. Disponible en saveurs : Blue Raspberry (Framboise bleue), Fruit Punch, Raspberry lemon (Framboise Citron), Orange, Watermelon Candy (Bonbon à la pastèque), Razor Lime (Citron), Pineapple Shred (Ananas), et Mangue.

JNX The ripper (150g) unisexe

34.9 EUR
The ripper (150 g) est un puissant brûleur de graisse de la marque JNX mais pas que… ! Si tu souhaites avoir un vrai brûleur à assimilation rapide mais aussi une vraie puissance pour atteindre une force de folie pendant tes entraînements, il te faut ce produit !  Il est formulé à base de guarana, caféine, thé vert et L-carnitine pour une combustion des graisses efficace. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. The ripper contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps tout en brûlant des graisses ! En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine C, B12 et de l'acide folique & de chrome. Disponible en saveurs : Blue Raspberry (Framboise bleue), Fruit Punch, Raspberry lemon (Framboise Citron), Orange, Watermelon Candy (Bonbon à la pastèque), Razor Lime (Citron), Pineapple Shred (Ananas), et Mangue.

Starwax The fabulous Bicarbonate de soude 500 g

5.5 EUR
Idéal pour nettoyer, récurer, détartrer ... Élimine les mauvaises odeurs du réfrigérateur, canalisations ou même de la litière du chat ! Origine minérale, pur à 98% Ingrédient 100% d'origine naturelle : labellisé Ecocert Débouche les canalisations et ravive les couleurs du linge Utilisez-le seul, ou associé à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Un produit connu et reconnu Fabriqué à partir de craie et de sel "The Fabulous Bicarbonate de Soude " est l'incontournable pour entretenir la maison. Il est connu et reconnu pour ses nombreux usages : il détartre, dégraisse, absorbe les mauvaises odeurs, ravive les couleurs ... Il est l'indispensable de nos intérieurs. Grâce à sa fine granulométrie, il se dissout facilement et n'attaque pas les supports* qu'il traite. *Sauf contre-indication du fabricant Nettoie, récure, dégraisse ... Cette peut être utilisée partout : Pour des cabines et rideaux de douche impeccables Pour des poêles et des plats comme neufs Pour rendre leur fraîcheur à des boîtes en plastiques Pour faire briller le carrelage mural, les lavabos, éviers ... Pour supprimer les mauvaises odeurs Pour nettoyer un réfrigérateur ou un congélateur D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser le Bicarbonate de soude ? Pour des cabines, rideaux de douche impeccables Pour la porte, lavez avec une éponge humide saupoudrée de bicarbonate. Rincez et séchez. Pour le rideau de douche, même traitement. Vous pourrez aussi le mettre en machine en ajoutant 3 cuillères à soupe de bicarbonate au cycle de lavage. Pour des poêles et des casseroles comme neuves Saupoudrez vos poêles et plats de Starwax The Fabulous bicarbonate de soude et ajoutez de l'eau chaude. Laissez agir au moins 15 minutes avant de frotter et rincer. Pour rendre leur fraicheur à des boîtes en plastique Fabriquez un mélange composé pour moitié de bicarbonate de soude et pour moitié de vinaigre blanc. Versez ce mélange dans votre boîte en plastique et frottez doucement avec la partie abrasive de votre éponge. Sans rincer, laissez un peu d'eau et laissez agir toute la nuit. Le lendemain, rincez la boîte. Pour faire briller carrelage mural, lavabo, évier ... Préparez une pâte avec 3 volumes de bicarbonate de soude pour 1 volume d'eau chaude. Frottez énergiquement avec un chiffon ou une brosse de manière à faire disparaitre totalement les traces les plus tenaces. Rincez, puis séchez les surfaces ainsi nettoyées. Recommandations Ne pas appliquer sur de l'aluminium Ne pas utiliser pour la soie et la laine

Starwax The fabulous Blanc de meudon 480 g

6.15 EUR
Idéal pour faire briller l'argenterie et autres métaux Nettoie et polit sans rayer Ingrédient 100% d'origine naturelle : labellisé Ecocert Véritable ingrédient d'antan S'utilise aussi en période de Noël, pour décorer les vitres ! Utilisez-le seul, ou associé à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes ! Fait briller l'argenterie, nettoie sans rayer ... Le Blanc de Meudon Starwax The Fabulous est une craie extraite du sol depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. Ce produit est un excellent multi-usages, qui excelle pour polir, raviver et faire briller les métaux et argenterie. C'est un abrasif doux, il ne raye donc pas les supports traités. Sa fine granulométrie lui assure une biodégradabilité à plus de 95%. On utilise le Blanc de Meudon notamment pour : Entretenir le marbre Dégraisser sans rayer Polir Nettoyer les métaux et l'argenterie Fabriquer une crème à récurer Faire briller les vitres et miroirs D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. De plus, son emballage recyclable est composé de plastique 100% recyclé. Comment utiliser le Blanc de Meudon ? Pour raviver les métaux et l'argenterie Réaliser un lait de Meudon en mélangeant 1 volume de blanc de Meudon avec 1/4 volume d'eau. A l'aide de Starwax The Fabulous Éponge, étalez le lait de Meudon sur vos objets en étain, inox, menuiseries métalliques ou argenterie. Laissez sécher 30 minutes, puis essuyez avec un chiffon propre. Pour entretenir le marbre Pour préparer votre pâte nettoyante, mélangez 2/5 de blanc de Meudon et 1/5 de cristaux de soude à 2/5 d'eau. Étalez cette pâte en couche épaisse sur la surface en marbre à nettoyer Laissez agir 1 heure avant d'essuyer avec un chiffon propre et sec Pour fabriquer une crème à récurer Mélangez 2 cuillères à soupe de blanc de Meudon avec 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc et 1 cuillère à soupe d'eau afin d'obtenir une crème homogène. Rincez bien vos supports après l'application. Avant toute nouvelle utilisation, il est nécessaire de mélanger la préparation. Recommandations Stocker à l'abri de l'humidité

JNX The ripper (150g) unisexe

34.9 EUR
The ripper (150 g) est un puissant brûleur de graisse de la marque JNX mais pas que… ! Si tu souhaites avoir un vrai brûleur à assimilation rapide mais aussi une vraie puissance pour atteindre une force de folie pendant tes entraînements, il te faut ce produit !  Il est formulé à base de guarana, caféine, thé vert et L-carnitine pour une combustion des graisses efficace. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. The ripper contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps tout en brûlant des graisses ! En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine C, B12 et de l'acide folique & de chrome. Disponible en saveurs : Blue Raspberry (Framboise bleue), Fruit Punch, Raspberry lemon (Framboise Citron), Orange, Watermelon Candy (Bonbon à la pastèque), Razor Lime (Citron), Pineapple Shred (Ananas), et Mangue.

JNX The ripper (150g) unisexe

34.9 EUR
The ripper (150 g) est un puissant brûleur de graisse de la marque JNX mais pas que… ! Si tu souhaites avoir un vrai brûleur à assimilation rapide mais aussi une vraie puissance pour atteindre une force de folie pendant tes entraînements, il te faut ce produit !  Il est formulé à base de guarana, caféine, thé vert et L-carnitine pour une combustion des graisses efficace. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. The ripper contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps tout en brûlant des graisses ! En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine C, B12 et de l'acide folique & de chrome. Disponible en saveurs : Blue Raspberry (Framboise bleue), Fruit Punch, Raspberry lemon (Framboise Citron), Orange, Watermelon Candy (Bonbon à la pastèque), Razor Lime (Citron), Pineapple Shred (Ananas), et Mangue.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The ripper (150g) unisexe

34.9 EUR
The ripper (150 g) est un puissant brûleur de graisse de la marque JNX mais pas que… ! Si tu souhaites avoir un vrai brûleur à assimilation rapide mais aussi une vraie puissance pour atteindre une force de folie pendant tes entraînements, il te faut ce produit !  Il est formulé à base de guarana, caféine, thé vert et L-carnitine pour une combustion des graisses efficace. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. The ripper contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps tout en brûlant des graisses ! En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine C, B12 et de l'acide folique & de chrome. Disponible en saveurs : Blue Raspberry (Framboise bleue), Fruit Punch, Raspberry lemon (Framboise Citron), Orange, Watermelon Candy (Bonbon à la pastèque), Razor Lime (Citron), Pineapple Shred (Ananas), et Mangue.

JNX The curse (250g) unisexe

35.9 EUR
The Curse (250 g) de la marque JNX est un pré-workout qui procure une stimulation rapide du système nerveux, grâce à l’effet booster de la caféine (155 mg par dose) qui améliore la vigilance. On sait bien par expérience que, quand les muscles et le mental sont connectés, c’est justement là qu’on donne le meilleur à l’entraînement ! En plus d’une sensation d’énergie, en association avec la créatine, tu vas développer une capacité à supporter des entraînements plus intenses et productifs. Il s’en suit une plus grande puissance et résistance musculaire. L’effet « Pump » tant recherché à la salle sera amplifié grâce à un apport d’arginine et de citrulline. Enfin la béta-alanine dont certains aiment tant les effets de picotement, va permettre d’allonger l’intensité et l’explosivité musculaire du début à la fin de l’entraînement, retardant l’échec musculaire qui ralentit la progression. La caféine va permettre d'influer sur l'énergie et la concentration ! La formule contient également de la créatine monohydrate qui va jouer un rôle important dans l’apport d’énergie et dans la contraction musculaire pour des efforts courts et intenses. Goûts disponibles: Blue Raspberry, Green Apple Envy, Lemon Rush, Orange Mango, Watermelon Deluxe, Fruit Punch et Peach.

JNX The shadow (270g) unisexe

38.9 EUR
The Shadow (270g) un puissant pre-workout de la marque JNX ! Si tu souhaites avoir une vraie puissance, une vraie congestion pour atteindre une force de folie, il te faut ce produit ! Ce produit va te permettre de maximiser tes capacités musculaires pendant ton entraînement et stimulera tes cellules musculaires et nerveuses. Il est formulé sans créatine et contient des ingrédients efficaces avec sa combinaison de bêta-alanine, taurine et L-leucine qui vont permettre une performance musculaire maximale, soutiendront ta masse musculaire et tes fonctions cérébrales. Idéal pour t’entraîner plus fort et plus longtemps ! On retrouve de la L-citrulline et de la bétaïne anhydre qui vont augmenter le niveau d'arginine plasmique dans le sang, l'acide aminé précurseur de l'oxyde nitrique (NO). Elle favorise l'afflux sanguin et la vasodilatation pour une congestion extrême. Une troisième combinaison est présente dans ce produit : L-tyrosine, caféine anhydre et extrait de feuille d'olivier. Ils agissent comme un stimulant du système nerveux et augmentent la thermogenèse. En bonus, il y a un apport de vitamine B6, B12 et de l'acide folique. Plus loin que jamais avec The Shadow ! Disponible en saveurs : Blue raspberry et Fruit punch.

Siège Gamer The G-Lab Ks-Oxygen-Xl-Blu

249.99 EUR
Confort, élégance et design, le K-Seat Oxygen XL a tout pour plaire ! Sa conception unique en tissu et mesh vous assure une assise confortable, un dossier ergonomique et une résistance accrue. Le dossier en mesh vous garantit une élasticité parfaite et un bon maintien pour prendre soin de votre dos. Ce siège gaming existe en 2 coloris : rouge et bleu ainsi qu'en 2 tailles : S et XL. - Design baquet en tissu et mesh - Conception Ergonomique et Confortable - Ultra Robuste et Durable - 100% Réglable - Facile à assembler + emballage renforcé Design baquet en tissu et mesh À la différence des autres sièges gaming, le K-Seat Oxygen XL est réalisé en tissu respirant et en mesh haute qualité pour assurer une meilleure élasticité et une texture aérée. Cela évite de vous tenir chaud et vous garantit une meilleure position, pour un confort maximum. Ce siège gaming est idéal pour toute personne mesurant entre 1m60 et 1,90m. Le K-Seat Oxygen est disponible en 2 tailles : S et XL. Conception Ergonomique et Confortable Chez THE G-LAB, le confort de nos sièges gaming est la priorité absolue. Le dossier du K-Seat Oxygen XL épouse parfaitement la forme de votre colonne vertébrale et particulièrement vos vertèbres lombaires pour prendre soin de la santé de votre dos. L'assise large est rembourrée en mousse moulée et nous fournissons un coussin lombaire. L'appuie tête maintient lui vos cervicales pour éviter la moindre gêne ou douleur lorsque vous jouez. Ultra Robuste et Durable La structure du K-Seat Oxygen XL est réalisée en métal et nylon afin de garantir une durabilité extrême. Le tissu a été spécialement traité pour limiter l'infiltration d'humidité et de poussière pour un nettoyage plus facile et efficace. Il n'y a aucun risque d'usure prématurée. Véritablement bâti pour durer, ce siège gaming est ultra résistant et supporte un poids max de 120kg. Enfin, la chaise reste stable même avec le dossier incliné. 100% Réglable Grâce aux 2 poignées de réglage, vous pourrez ajuster la hauteur de l'assise ainsi que l'inclinaison du dossier. Le dossier est inclinable jusqu'à 150° afin que vous puissiez adopter la posture qui vous convient le mieux pour jouer en toute sécurité sans risque que la chaise ne bascule. Les accoudoirs 3D vous permettent de modifier leur hauteur et de les bouger en avant et sur les côtés. Facile à assembler + emballage renforcé Ce siège gamer est très facile à monter. Il ne vous faudra que 15 minutes seul pour l'assembler entièrement et en profiter directement ! Nous avons renforcé les protections de chaque pièce afin s'assurer qu'aucune chaise ne soit endommagée durant le transport. Structure: Métal + Nylon Matériaux: Mesh + Tissu Premium + mousse moulée Inclinaison du dossier: 90 à 150° Accoudoirs: 3D Vérin à gaz: Classe 4 - 8cm Roues: 5 x 63 mm Ø Poids max supporté: 120kg Poids: 17,5kg

The North Face - Running LAB - Brassière de sport maintien intermédiaire avec lanières dans le dos - Gris ardoise Gris XL female

39 EUR
Vêtements de sport par The North Face Trouvez le bon maintien Modèle griffé Convient aux activités à impact moyen Encolure dégagée Bande de maintien élastique sous la poitrine Dos croisé pour une liberté de mouvement optimale Modèle à enfiler

SPORTS TRIP Men Black Print T-shirt Super Large TShirt music-is-the-melody-of-life No-Cut Transfer Paper Print Cotton Tshirt S noir

20.52 EUR
【Specifications】: -- Item Name : Tops -- Material: 100% Cotton -- Gender: Male/Female -- Season:Summer,Spring -- Pattern Type:Print -- Origin : Mainland China -- Label : Yes -- Washing Care : Hand Wash 【Features 】: -- Grammage: 180g -- Sleeve Length(cm):Short -- Style:Casual -- Collar:O-Neck -- Pattern: Loose fitting -- Elasticity: Micro elasticity -- Comfortable material: Suitable for a variety of occasions. -- high quality materials: Durable enough for your daily wearing 【Package】: -- Include: 1 * T-Shirt 【Size Detail】: Size: S, Length: 65cm, Bust: 95cm, Shoulders: 43.5cm, Sleeve: 19.5cm, Height: 160cm, Weight: 45-50kg Size: M: Length: 67cm, Bust: 100cm, Shoulders: 45cm, Sleeve: 20cm, Height: 165cm, Weight: 51-60kg Size: L: Length: 70cm, Bust: 106cm, Shoulders: 47cm, Sleeve: 21cm, Height: 170cm, Weight: 61-70kg Size: XL: Length: 72cm, Bust: 112cm, Shoulders: 49cm, Sleeve: 22cm, Height: 175cm, Weight: 71-77kg Size: 2XL: Length: 74cm, Bust: 116cm, Shoulders: 50.5cm, Sleeve: 22.5cm, Height: 180cm, Weight: 78-85kg Size: 3XL: Length: 76cm, Bust: 121cm, Shoulders: 52cm, Sleeve: 23cm, Height: 185cm, Weight: 86-92kg Size: 4XL: Length: 78cm, Bust: 126cm, Shoulders: 53.5cm, Sleeve: 23.5cm, Height: 190cm, Weight: 93-100kg -- Note: The dimension data are measured manually, and there may be slight errors

SPORTS TRIP Men Black Print T-shirt Super Large TShirt life-at-the-bar No-Cut Transfer Paper Print Cotton Tshirt S noir

18.61 EUR
【Specifications】: -- Item Name : Tops -- Material: 100% Cotton -- Gender: Male/Female -- Season:Summer,Spring -- Pattern Type:Print -- Origin : Mainland China -- Label : Yes -- Washing Care : Hand Wash 【Features 】: -- Grammage: 180g -- Sleeve Length(cm):Short -- Style:Casual -- Collar:O-Neck -- Pattern: Loose fitting -- Elasticity: Micro elasticity -- Comfortable material: Suitable for a variety of occasions. -- high quality materials: Durable enough for your daily wearing 【Package】: -- Include: 1 * T-Shirt 【Size Detail】: Size: S, Length: 65cm, Bust: 95cm, Shoulders: 43.5cm, Sleeve: 19.5cm, Height: 160cm, Weight: 45-50kg Size: M: Length: 67cm, Bust: 100cm, Shoulders: 45cm, Sleeve: 20cm, Height: 165cm, Weight: 51-60kg Size: L: Length: 70cm, Bust: 106cm, Shoulders: 47cm, Sleeve: 21cm, Height: 170cm, Weight: 61-70kg Size: XL: Length: 72cm, Bust: 112cm, Shoulders: 49cm, Sleeve: 22cm, Height: 175cm, Weight: 71-77kg Size: 2XL: Length: 74cm, Bust: 116cm, Shoulders: 50.5cm, Sleeve: 22.5cm, Height: 180cm, Weight: 78-85kg Size: 3XL: Length: 76cm, Bust: 121cm, Shoulders: 52cm, Sleeve: 23cm, Height: 185cm, Weight: 86-92kg Size: 4XL: Length: 78cm, Bust: 126cm, Shoulders: 53.5cm, Sleeve: 23.5cm, Height: 190cm, Weight: 93-100kg -- Note: The dimension data are measured manually, and there may be slight errors

Savon de marseille en copeaux Starwax The fabulous 750g

19.39 EUR
Idéal pour fabriquer sa lessive maison Détachent et dégraissent Respectent les peaux fragiles Ingrédient 100% d'origine naturelle: labellisé Ecocert Format économique: permet de réaliser jusqu'à 225 lavages Utilisez-les seuls, ou associés à d'autres ingrédients pour créer vos recettes de produits ménagers Idéal pour fabriquer sa lessive maison : détache et dégraisse Le Savon de Marseille Starwax The Fabulous en copeaux est fabriqué à l'ancienne sous la responsabilité d'un maître savonnier. Cuit au chaudron selon la méthode de Marseille, il contient 72% d'huiles végétales. Testé sous contrôle dermatologique il est facilement biodégradable, sans parfum ni colorant. Le Savon de Marseille élimine les taches sur tous types de textiles même les plus délicats (soie, laine, ...) et respecte les fibres du linge ainsi que les couleurs. Respectueux de l'environnement, il ne contient pas d'huile de palme. La formule de ces copeaux de savon est très pauvre en glycérine. Cela permet de ne pas former de bouchons de savon dans les canalisations de votre machine à laver. Même avec une utilisation régulière d'une lessive réalisée à base de ces copeaux, votre machine ne s'encrassera pas. Nous n'ajoutons pas de glycérine dans nos savons, elle est naturellement contenue dans l'huile végétale. C'est pour cela qu'elle apparaît dans la liste des composants. D'origine 100% naturelle : labellisé Ecocert La garantie ecocert est un label d'origine française qui garantit un impact moindre sur la planète. Un cahier des charges strict impose des obligations en termes de choix d'ingrédients, de formulation et de production. Parmi ces obligations, on retrouve notamment celle des matières premières issues de ressources renouvelables et une interdiction de la plupart des ingrédients pétrochimiques. Fabriqué en France Ce produit a été conçu près de Lille, berceau de Starwax The Fabulous. Et que ce soit dans l'une de nos usines ou chez l'un de nos sous-traitants, il a été fabriqué en France, avec soin. Comment utiliser les copeaux de Savon de Marseille ? Pour réaliser 1L de lessive Dans un bidon de 2L de récupération, vous pouvez dissoudre : 40 g de savon de Marseille dans de l'eau très chaude 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc 1 cuillère à soupe de bicarbonate de soude Recommandations Secouez vivement la bouteille jusqu'à dissolution des copeaux. Pour un lavage en machine, versez le mélange dans un verre à moutarde (de 125 à 150ml) pour obtenir une dose de lessive. Secouez avant chaque utilisation. ASTUCE : Pour parfumer votre linge, ajoutez quelques gouttes d'huiles essentielles.

The North Face - Thermoball Mountain Athletics LAB - Veste sans manches - Noir/gris asphalte Noir S female

120 EUR
Top par The North Face Modèle sans col Fermeture zippée Imprimé logo sur le devant et dans le dos Poches zippées sur les côtés Coupe classique

The Inkey List - Stick exfoliant pour le corps aux glycolipides - 45 g-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

18 EUR
Soins visage et corps par The INKEY List L'exfoliant ultime Stick exfoliant pour le corps Minimise l'apparence des poils incarnés, de la kératose pilaire, des zones rugueuses, de l'hyperpigmentation et des imperfections du corps Laisse la peau souple et lisse Formule contenant 7 % d'acide gycolique pour éliminer les cellules mortes et lisser les zones rugueuses et irrégulières L'acide salicylique aide à nettoyer les pores Le beurre de karité nourrissant vise à adoucir, apaiser et protéger la pea

The North Face - Thermoball Mountain Athletics LAB - Veste sans manches - Noir/gris asphalte Noir XL female

120 EUR
Top par The North Face Modèle sans col Fermeture zippée Imprimé logo sur le devant et dans le dos Poches zippées sur les côtés Coupe classique

The North Face - Thermoball Mountain Athletics LAB - Veste sans manches - Noir/gris asphalte Noir L female

120 EUR
Top par The North Face Modèle sans col Fermeture zippée Imprimé logo sur le devant et dans le dos Poches zippées sur les côtés Coupe classique

The North Face - Thermoball Mountain Athletics LAB - Veste sans manches - Noir/gris asphalte Noir M female

120 EUR
Top par The North Face Modèle sans col Fermeture zippée Imprimé logo sur le devant et dans le dos Poches zippées sur les côtés Coupe classique

Hello Sunday - The Take-Out One - Stick solaire invisible FPS 30 - 30 g-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

29.99 EUR
Visage + Corps par Hello Sunday La protection solaire qu'il te fallait Convient à tous les types de peaux, y compris les peaux sensibles aux parfums IP 30 Pour un fini radieux et éclatant Formule enrichie à l'acide hyaluronique qui hydrate intensément et retient l'hydratation pour un aspect repulpé Formule résistant à l'eau et à la transpiration Le produit ne peut pas être renvoyé pour des raisons d'hygiène

Glow Hub - The Super C Slayer - Base hydratante - 50 g-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

20.99 EUR
Visage + Corps par Glow Hub Une victoire pour la peau Base hydratante Enrichie en vitamines B, C et E pour illuminer la peau et uniformiser le teint Le beurre de karité anti-inflammatoire apaise la peau tout en l'hydratant Enrichie en acide tranexamique pour atténuer les taches blanches et brunes et les cicatrices Le produit ne peut pas être renvoyé pour des raisons d'hygiène

LAB Series - Daily Rescue - Gel nettoyant - 100 ml-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

39.99 EUR
Visage + Corps par LAB Series Améliore l'aspect de votre peau Nettoyant hydratant Conçu pour éliminer les impuretés et l'excès de sébum tout en hydratant la peau Convient à tous les types de peau Texture gel Technologie Hydra2G pour nourrir en profondeur Enrichi en acides aminés d'avoine qui visent à nettoyer, adoucir et revitaliser la peau Ne peut être renvoyée pour des raisons d'hygiène

LENOVO T14 G1 - 14" Intel Core i5-10210U - 1.6 Ghz - Ram 8 Go - DD 256 Go

519 EUR
The Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 is a reliable business laptop with an Intel Core i5-10210U processor, 8GB of RAM, and 256GB storage. It features a 14" Full HD display, long battery life, and durable build.

Vacuum Cleaner Bag Bosch/Siemens Type G

20.6 EUR
The new PowerProtect Dustbag ensures up to a 60% more suction power on low wattage vacuum cleaners when the dust bag fills up in comparison to conventional dustbags. Newest fleece technology for a longer service life. Convincing hygiene: 99.9% of fine dust particles are filtered, and the hygiene lock ensures clean disposal Suitable for all current variants* up to energy efficiency class A+. Convincing cleaning results for appliances with low as well as higher wattage (*except BSG8..., BSN1...VS08..., VS01...) Tested and approved accessory *Suction power with partly filled dust bag (400 g) in comparison to Siemens / Bosch Type G dust bags without PowerProtect Technology, tested in an appliance of BSGL5... / VSZ5... range Accessory references: BBZ51FGALL/VZ51FGALL

Bosch Détartrant Lave-vaisselle / lave-linge 250 g

10.26 EUR
Quick acting descaler for dishwashers and washing machines •: Suitable for both washing machines and dishwashers •: Removes limescale quickly and effectively •: Regular application can extend the life of the appliance •: Contains: 250 gram

G-SHOCK [casio] Wristwatch G Shok [] Carboncol Core Gard Ga 2100 1 Ajf For M Nn Black

150.14 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, Japanese manual for handling, and a certificate of assurance are attached to the Japanese handling manual TEMPERATED WEATPROOF FOR DAILY LIFE: 20BAR Shock- and shake-free configuration that is both impact-and vibrated Package Size: 8.2 x 10.0 x 10.7 cm Be sure to check the product information below and the points to note when buying before you buy! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Casio] Watch G-Shock GA-110HC-1AJF Men's Black

156.99 EUR
For: men Set Contents: Main part, box, Japanese user's handbook, and a Japanese support book are included with the Japanese user's handbook TEMPERED WEATPROOF FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: 20BAR shack-ready, full auto-calendar World 48 City Time Show Please be sure to check the product's full list below and the things to keep in check before you make your order! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Casio] G-Shock MT-G Bluetooth Equipped with Radio Solar "Formless" Taiji MTG-B1000TJ-1AJR Men's Black

1520.79 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, Japanese instruction manual, warranty card attached to Japanese handling manual Reinforced Waterproofing for Everyday Life: 20BAR Country of origin: Japan Bluetooth-equipped radio solar for 6 countries around the world (Japan x 2, North America, the United Kingdom, Germany, China) Triple G resist (shock resistant structure, centrifugal gravity resistance, vibration resistant structure) Mobile link function that can be linked via Bluetooth communication with compatible smartphones Be sure to check the detailed product description at the bottom and precautions before purchasing! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

[Casio] G-Shock Watch Pedometer Equipped with Bluetooth GBD-800-1JF Men's Black

199.18 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, Japanese manual for handling, and a certificate of assurance are attached to the Japanese handling manual TEMPERED WEATPROOF FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: 20BAR Shock-less Construction that is Resilient to Shock/Vibation link to a mobile Reparation measuring function using a 3-axle accretion meter (with a physical view of the rate of attainment and target attainment) Stopwatch with target time alert function (Lap/Split mark changeover, up to 10 target times, up to 200 lap recorders) For: Men Please be sure to check the product information below and the points to note when making a reservation before you make a reservation! To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.

Hello Sunday - The Shimmer One - Stick solaire minéral FPS 45 - 20 g-Pas de couleur Pas de couleur No Size unisex

33.99 EUR
Visage + Corps par Hello Sunday N'oubliez pas votre FPS Crème solaire en stick IP 45 Enrichi en acide hyaluronique et en cire de tournesol La vitamine E antioxydante protège la peau des agressions extérieures et offre une hydratation en profondeur Le produit ne peut pas être renvoyé pour des raisons d'hygiène

DJ1J0 42Wh 3-Cell Laptop Akku für Dell Latitude 12 7280 7290 E7280 E7290 13 7380 7390 E7380 E7390 14 7480 7490 E7480 E7490 Series Notebook 451-BBZL PGFX4 ONFOH DJ1JO 11.4V 3680mAh.[G1562]

68.86 EUR
[Spécifications]: Type de batterie:Li-ion. Color: Black.Capacité:42wh/3-Cell; Tension:11.4V,Fully compatible with the s and more than 500 recharge cycles over the life. [Numéro de pièce compatible]: 451-BBZL PGFX4 ONFOH DJ1JO DJ1J0 [Modèles d'ordinateurs portables compatibles]:Dell Latitude 12 7280 7290 E7280 E7290,Dell Latitude 13 7380 7390 E7380 E7390,Dell Latitude 14 7480 7490 E7480 E7490 Series Notebook and more. [Sécurité]Tous les produits ANTIEE sont certifiés par CE, FCC pour la sécurité. Des directives strictes pour la compatibilité et la conformité des normes pour la sécurité de l'environnement.100% tout neuf par le fabricant. Jusqu'à 500 cycles de recharge au cours de la vie de la batterie. [Parfait après-vente]Temps de fonctionnement pour les batteries standard : environ 3 heures, le temps de fonctionnement réel dépend de la quantité d'électricité requise par l'appareil et de la fa on dont vous l'utilisez. 100% neuf du fabricant. Jusqu'à 500 cycles de recharge au cours de la durée de vie de la batterie ... assistance téléphonique 24 x 7, garantie 12 mois sans tracas.

Avion De Chasse Télécommandé Lsrc-B3 G, Modèle En Mousse, Jouet Pour Enfants, Cadeau, 2.4

72.87 EUR
LSRC-B3 RC Foam Aircraft Plane 2.4GHz Radio Remote Control Boys Kids Toys GreyFeature:1. Easy to fly, easy to control, easy to use, suitable for beginners/children.2. Modular battery: One battery can fly for 10 minutes and can be recharged repeatedly. Multiple backup batteries can double the battery life.3. Streamlined bionic design, aerodynamics, 4 m/s flight speed.4. 716 double hollow cup motor, energy saving and stable output.5. 2.4GHz anti-jamming technology, more stable flight during multiplayer games.Specification:Model: LSRC-B3Product color: GreyProduct size: 34.2x26.2x5.2cm/13.46x10.31x2.04inProduct material: FoamReceiving frequency: 2.4GNumber of channels: 2 channelsBody battery: 300mah lithium batteryMotor model: 716 hollow cup motorCharging time: 40 minutesCharging method: USB cable chargingFlight time on a single battery: 10 minutesRemote control mode: Left hand throttleRemote control distance: 50-80 metersRemote control battery: 1.5V AAA X 3 (not included)Note:Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you!Please allow 1-2cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement.1 X RC Aircraft1 X Remote Control1 X USB Cable2 X Fan Blades1 X Instruction1/2/3 X Battery (optional)

Poco F6 Pro 5G 12 Go/256 Go Noir (Black)Double Sim

823.98 EUR
120 W HyperCharge delivers trailblazing extraordinarily fast charging speed.The slim body houses a 5000 mAh massive battery for extended battery life that gives you peace of mind no matter where you are.Écran 50 MP triple caméra avec OIS,Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Cellular technology 5G Connectivity technology NFC Manufacturer Xiaomi Memory storage capacity 256.0 GB Operating system Xiaomi HyperOS Wireless provider 1und1 Included components Câble USB Transportation restrictions {modes [""AIR"",""GROUND""],eval_attrs {{4AEA6u6jgYPen4a+nN6ahI6RaGF6bWF0U3ltYm9sVGFibGWFIQGIIV7ekrvdskg/9j1wo9cKPbNxXaNxXw==}}} Batteries included False

Leurre Flottant En Forme De Grenouille, Appât Artificiel De Simulation De Paillettes, Sous-Appât Pour Poisson Noir, Spécialisé Dans La Destruction, Nouveau Crochet Unique, 14g

28.78 EUR
Description: 1. They create life-like swimming action in water. 2. A helpful fishing tool for anglers to hit the fish. 3. Suitable for Freshwater fishing. 4. Bright colors to attract fish. 5. Swimming action enchanting, attract fish easily. Specifications:Name: Sequin FrogSpecifications: 5.5CM 14GMaterial: soft rubberColors: turquoise, dark green, green head and red body, pink and blackPackage Included:1*baitBy the way, if you like our store, Please add our store to your Favorite Stores, You can get our New arrival and Discount information in time.

TOMTOP JMS Water Faucet 304 Stainless Steel G1/2 Caliber Wall Mounted Long Style Single Cold Water Tap Black for Washing Machine

20.77 EUR
Feature: 1. 304 Stainless Steel: Adopt excellent 304 stainless steel material, each faucet has polishing treatment, rust proof, stable and durable, explosion proof, frost proof and crack proof. 2. Glossy Surface: The launder tap has equipped with drip free ceramic disc, feel slick to touch, has a long service life. 3. Easy to Use: Turn the faucet handle to the left to turn the faucet on, turn the faucet handle to the right to turn the faucet off. 4. Single Cold Water Tap: The faucet is a single cold water tap with only one switch handle and only one outlet for water to run out quickly. 5. Multiple Applications: The wall mount faucet can be widely used in washing machines, mop tanks, kitchens, gardens, or outdoor. Specification: Item Type: Water Faucet Material: 304 Stainless Steel Weight: Approx. 247g/8.7oz Color: Black. Package List: 1 x Water Faucet1 x Washer

TOMTOP JMS G1/2in Elegant Style Zinc Alloy Home Bathroom Kitchen Faucet Water Tap Household Supplies

17.55 EUR
Feature: 1. High quality zinc alloy main body and handle guarantee long service life. 2. The chrome plated surface beautiful and elegant, fit perfectly with your home. 3. The valve core is made of brass, which prevents water leakage and reliable to use. 4. The installation method is very simple and convenient, no need to ask others for help. 5. With G1/2in international universal thread, it is suitable for most countries in the world. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Water Faucet Main Body Material: Zinc Alloy Handle Material: Zinc Alloy Valve Core Material: Brass Thread: G1/2in Product Size: Approx. 8 x 9 x 11 cm / 3.1 x 3.5 x 4.3 in Weight: Approx. 181g / 6.4oz Package List: 1 x Water Faucet1 x Decorative Cover Note: 1. Please allow 0-2 cm error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.2. Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard.

TOMTOP JMS G1/2 Stainless Steel Laundry Bathroom Washing Machine Wall Mounted Water Faucet Single Cold Tap

18.09 EUR
Features: Made of brand new stainless steel structure, high quality, rust proof, sturdy and durable in use. Elegant handle for easy operation and smooth water flow ensures long service life and water saving. The surface is smooth, beautiful appearance, scratch resistant, corrosion resistant and easy to clean. Tight thread water faucet design and good sealing effect, perfect for laundry and bathroom washing machine use. Wall mounted design, easy to install and will fit well with your wall, a nice accessory using in your home. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Material: Stainless Steel Color: Silver Size: Approx. 8.8*9 cm / 3.5*3.5 in Specification: G1/2 Weight: Approx. 236g / 8.3 oz Package list: 1 * Water Faucet 1 * Cover .

TOMTOP JMS Waterfall Faucet Stainless Steel Pull Out Type Multi Outlets Kitchen Water Tap G1/2 Interface

85.16 EUR
Feature: 1. MULTIPLE OUTLETS: This faucet has multiple outlet methods, including waterfall outlets and the other three outlet methods on the nozzle. 2. STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL: The main material of the product is stainless steel, which is resistant to rust and corrosion, and has a long service life. 3. EASY TO CLEAN: The water tap has a protective layer on its surface, which can be cleaned by gently wiping with a cloth. 4. MULTI FUNCTIONAL: Pull out waterfall style kitchen faucet meets various needs such as washing vegetables, fruits, and cleaning the stove. 5. IDEAL REPLACEMENT: This faucet is an ideal replacement for the old and damaged parts, for better cooking and use experience. Specification: Item Type: Waterfall Faucet Faucet Interface: G1/2 Water Pipe Interface: G1/2 Material: Stainless Steel Weight: Approx. 2470 g / 87.1 oz. Package List: 1 x Faucet1 x Gravity Ball1 x Manual

Santra Life Kipsta Adult Football Jersey - F100 S

47.79 EUR
COLOR: White/smoked black PRODUCT BENEFITS Sweat wicking feature: Thanks to its 4.0 component, it wicks away sweat and dries quickly. lightness: The fabric component of this jersey is very light, 131 g in size L. Quick drying feature: Dries easily outdoors. Ease of care: wash inside out at 30C. Dry outdoors. Freedom of movement: Straight, slightly fitted cut PRODUCT CONCEPT AND TECHNOLOGY PRODUCT COMPOSITION: main fabric: 100.0% Polyester Cutlery: 100.0% Polyester USER INSTRUCTIONS: CARE ADVICE: Wash before first use. Wash separately for the first wash. PRODUCT FEATURES sports level: beginner level Frequency of use: hobby use use intensity: low intensity weather conditions: hot weather collar type: crew neck cut: standard User Type: academic waterproof: waterproof pocket: without pocket main ingredient: polyester style: plain sleeve length: short sleeve anti-ultraviolet: without UV protection TECHNICAL INFORMATION Production: By observing and listening to our users who are learning football, our design team designed the new F100 jersey to be lighter, more breathable and more comfortable by cooperating properly with our suppliers! Thus, we selected quality components by shortening the design time with manufacturing recommendations. Design: Our designer offers you the new F100 jersey, which has a modern look and complies with the official rules of football. Thanks to its colors, you can use your jersey with all other products in the 100 product range. color range: Available in white, blue, black and red.

TOMTOP JMS AR42518 Complete Pump Head Assy Replacement for RMW SRMW Pumps RMW2G20 RMW2.2G24 RMW2G23B RMW2G24 argenté

96.99 EUR
Features: High Durability: The stainless steel material of the pump head ensures high durability. It is resistant to rust and corrosion, ensuring a long service life even in harsh environments. Easy Connection: This pump head Features a convenient mounting flange and a detergent injector for easy soapchemical injection. Wide Range of Applications: Suitable for cleaning multiple areas, such as vehicles, roofs, ground, wooden floors, and windows. Compatibility: Replacement for RMW and SRMW pumps (RMW2G20, RMW2.2G24, RMW2G23B, RMW2G24, RMW2G25, RMW2.2G20D, SRMW2.2G26). Note: Not Replacement for SRMW 2.4 GPM 2.3G, 2.5G pumps, SRMW2.3G28, SRMW2.4G28, or SRMW2.5G28. Specifications: Item Name: Pump Head Main Material: Stainless Steel Product Color: Silver Replacement Models: AR42518 Compatibility: Replacement for RMW2G20 RMW2.2G24 RMW2G23B RMW2G24 RMW2G25 RMW2.2G20D SRMW2.2G26 Package Information:? Package Size: 27*15*7cm Package Weight: 900g Package List: 1 * Washer Pump Head Assembly

TOMTOP JMS G14 Male Thread Universal Automatic Mechanical Water Pump Pressure Switch(1.52.2 kgf Cm2)

23.93 EUR
Features: 1. Made of high quality material, durable and long service life. 2. The pump switch is full automatic, it is simple and convenient without manual operation 3. When the system pipeline pressure reaches the upper limit, the power will be automatically cut off and the pump will stop working. 4. When the system pipeline pressure reaches the lower limit, the power is automatically turned on and the pump starts to work. 5. Suitable for automatic selfpriming pumps, automatic boost pumps, universal pressure switches, etc. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Voltage: 220V Connector Thread: G14 Pressure Control Range: 1.01.8 kgfcm2 On: 1.0kgfcm2 Off: 1.8 kgfcm2 Pressure Control Range: 1.52.2 kgfcm2 On: 1.5kgfcm2 Off: 2.2 kgfcm2 Optional Style: 1.01.8 kgfcm2, 1.52.2 kgfcm2 Package List: 1 * Pressure Switch Note: Please note that the new type and old type of this product will be sent randomly, and make sure you will not mind before ordering. .Made of high quality material, durable and long service life. The pump switch is full automatic, it is simple and convenient without manual operation When the system pipeline pressure reaches the upper limit, the power will be automatically cut off and the pump will stop working. When the system pipeline pressure reaches the lower limit, the power is automatically turned on and the pump starts to work. Suitable for automatic selfpriming pumps, automatic boost pumps, universal pressure switches, etc.

TOMTOP JMS 10PCS Stainless Steel Spring Fishing Feeder Bait Cage Holder Tackle Accessory with Pendant Bead S 17g

20.52 EUR
Feature: 1. Middle thermoplastics pipe, spring reinforcement and corrosion resistance. 2. Used to drop bait into the fishing point to attract the fish quickly. 3. Smooth surface, strong tension, long time using will not rust. 4. Made of high quality materials, sturdy, durable and long service life. 5. Small size and lightweight, easy to carry and store, convenient to use. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Fishing Feeder Material: Stainless Steel + Plastic Color: As Pictures Shown Quantity: 10PCS S Size: Approx. 5x2.3cm/1.97x0.91inch M Size: Approx. 6x3cm/2.36x1.18inch L Size: Approx. 6.5x3.5cm/2.56x1.38inch XL Size: Approx. 8x4cm/3.15x1.57inch Small Tips: 1. The bait carrier passes through the main line and is secured 2. Hook that attaches itself to the strap like explosive hook, depending on your situation 3. Attach the bait to the carrier and then bury the hook in the bait New Tips: 1. The bait carrier passes through the main line and is secured 2. Fix the bait on the baits like explosive hook 3. Below tie 1 or 2 hook, hook to catch fish . Package List: 10 x Fishing Feeder

TOMTOP JMS 3.5g DC12V Integrated Car Ozone Generator Ozonizer Machine Air Purification Cleaning Tool

22.7 EUR
Feature: 1. Working Principle: Using high pressure, using dry air or oxygen in the air as raw material for generating ozone. 2. Portable ozone generator, easy for professional DIY use. 3. Thickened radiator, good heat dissipation effect, Long service life. 4. Low power consumption, can help you to save power. 5. The cigar lighter plug is plug and play, suitable for use in the car. Specification: Item Type: Ozone Generator Function: Cleaning Style: Air Purifier Usage Condition: Household Input Voltage: DC12V Output Ozone: 3.5g Gas Feeding: Dry Air or Oxygen Ozone Generating Method: Corona Discharge Cooling Method: Ambient Air CoolingSize: Approx. 146 x 56 x 65mm 5.7 x 2.2 x 2.6in Package List: 1 x Ozone GeneratorWorking Principle: Using high pressure, using dry air or oxygen in the air as raw material for generating ozone. Portable ozone generator, easy for professional DIY use. Thickened radiator, good heat dissipation effect, Long service life. Low power consumption, can help you to save power. The cigar lighter plug is plug and play, suitable for use in the car.

TOMTOP JMS G14 Air Pressure Compressor Filter Gauge Trap Oil Water Regulator Tools Kit

42.74 EUR
Features: 1. Prepares air properly for all types of compressed air tools and equipment. 2. Small pressure loss, high water separation efficiency. 3. The filter removes solid particles and condensates with compressed air. 4. With this oil water filter, protect your air tools with much longer life. 5. Excellent filter element, and high quality sealing ring, with great filtering effect. Specifications: Material: Aluminum alloy Model: BFC2000 Adjustable range: 0.150.85mpa Maximum pressure: 1.5mpa Connector diameter: G1 4 Water Filter Cup Capacity: 60CC Oil Cup Capacity: 90CC Recommended oil: ISOVG32 Filtering accuracy: 40um Temperature: 10 ~ 60 celsius Weight: 736g Package included: 1 x Compressor Filter kit Note: Please note that the new type and old type of this product will be sent randomly, and make sure you will not mind before ordering. .Prepares air properly for all types of compressed air tools and equipment Small pressure loss, high water separation efficiency The filter removes solid particles and condensates with compressed air With this oil water filter, protect your air tools with much longer life Excellent filter element, and high quality sealing ring, with great filtering effect

TOMTOP JMS Male Thread G1/2 Zinc Alloy Sprinkler Rotating Sprayer Nozzle For Garden Lawn Irrigation

20.59 EUR
Feature: 1. The sprinkler will rotate 360 degrees, and it can also irrigate at a fixed angle, which is easy to operate. 2. Surface copper plating treatment, beautiful and practical, corrosion?resistant, and long service life. 3. Using high hardness zinc alloy material, strong and durable, wear?resistant and pressure?resistant. 4. Good water spray effect, wide irrigation range, which can provide sufficient water for plant growth. 5. Widely used in garden lawn irrigation, agricultural irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Sprinkler Material: Zinc Alloy Thread: Male Thread G1/2 Spraying Diameter: 10-20m / 32.8-65.6ft Pressure: 200-400Kpa Water Spray Volume: 0.84-1.62m3/H Application: Suitable for garden lawn irrigation, agricultural irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. Weight: Approx. 245g / 8.6oz Product Size: Approx. 9.5x12cm / 3.7x4.7in . Package List: 1 x Sprinkler Note: 1.Please allow 0‑1 inch error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.2.Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard.

mart06 The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K For LG K92 K52 K62 K22 K71 K61 K51S K41S G8 G8S G8X V35 V50 V40 V50S V60 Q60 Phone Case V30 ThinQ

15.15 EUR
1.Elegant outlook, touch comfortablely. 2.Ultrathin, Compact and Fashion Cute. 3.Each hole perfectly Match ( Earphone, MIC, Volume ,etc),Easy to Assemble and Remove. 4.High quality TPU soft shell is made of high quality and flexible silicon. Package included: 1*Printing Pattern Phone Case

53Wh H5CKD Laptop Batterie Replacement pour Dell Latitude 3410 3510 Inspiron 5300 5401 5408 5501 5508 5400 7405 7300 7500 2-in-1 Vostro 5300 5301 5401 5501 Series 07T8CD 0TXD03 09077G JK6Y6.[H942]

99.35 EUR
[Spécifications]:Li-ion.Color:Black. Voltage:15V.Capacity:53Wh 3360mAh 4-Cell, New from Manufacturer. Up to 500 recharge cycles over the life of the battery. [Numéro de pièce compatible]:H5CKD 07T8CD 7T8CD 0TXD03 TXD03 09077G 9077G 0JK6Y6 JK6Y6. [Modèles d'ordinateurs portables compatibles]: Replacement for Dell Latitude 3410 3510, Vostro 5300 5301 5401 5402 5501 5502, Inspiron 5300 5301 5401 5402 5408 5409 5501 5502 5508 5509, Inspiron 5400 5406 battery. [Sécurité]: All ANTIEE products are Certified by CE & ROHS for safety. Strict guidelines for compatibility, and standards compliance for environment safety. [Parfait après-vente]:Operation time for standard batteries: Around 2-3 hours, the actual operation time will depend on how much electricity is required by the device and how you use it. 24 x 7 email support, 12-month replacement.

TOMTOP JMS Quick Coupling Valve Key G3/4 Rustproof Brass Quick Coupler Key Garden Hose Underground Irrigation

17.26 EUR
Feature: 1. DURABLE AND RELIABLE: Quick coupler valve key is made of brass and ABS, durable and reliable, not easy to rust, long service life. 2. QUICK ACCESS TO WATER: Brass quick coupler valve key allows you to easily and quickly access the water source you need. 3. EASY INSTALLATION: Brass quick coupler key is designed with quick plug design, just insert the water valve into the irrigation system or sprinkler system for quick and easy installation. 4. G3/4 CALIBER: Brass quick coupler key features a G3/4 caliber, making it a reliable device for irrigation professionals and home gardeners. 5. WIDE APPLICATION: Quick coupling valve key can be used in many scenarios such as garden sprinkler irrigation and etc. Specification: Item Type: Quick Coupling Valve Key Material: Brass, ABS Usage: Sprinkler irrigation Caliber: G3/4 Weight: Approx. 193.00g / 6.81oz. Package List: 1 x Brass Rod 1 x Elbow 1 x Nipple

TOMTOP JMS 3Pcs G1/2 Sprinkler Head Buried Telescopic Water Spray Nozzle for Lawn Yard Garden Irrigation

22.11 EUR
Feature: 1. Buried sprinklers, uses high?quality plastic materials, environmentally friendly, and long service life. 2. Adopt straight channel, and the water spray diameter is about 10?16 meters, and good irrigation effect. 3. Telescopic adjustable sprinkler, supports 0?360 degree adjustable range, wide scattering range. 4. Easy to install, suitable for residential, yard, park, bush or municipal lawn maintenance. 5. G1/2 scattering nozzle, working flow is 0.4?2.0L/H, which is suitable for irrigation system. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Sprinkler Nozzle Material: Plastic Weight: Approx. 360g / 12.7oz Product Size: Approx. 15x5.5cm / 5.9x2.2in Spraying Range: 5-8m / 16.4-26.2ft in radius Working Temperature: Normal Temperature Working Pressure: 2.0-5.5KG Work Flow: 0.4-2.0L/H. Package List: 3 x Sprinkler Nozzle Note: 1. Please allow 0‑1 inch error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.2. Monitors are not calibrated same, item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different from the real object. Please take the real one as standard.

TOMTOP JMS AC 220V G12 Stainless Steel 304 Normally Closed Electric Solenoid Valve 2 Position 2 Way

46.36 EUR
Features: This electric solenoid valve is NC normally closed type, suitable for water, air, oil, gas transfer. Durable, practical and stable. Moistureproof and anticorrosion. The electric solenoid valve is made of high quality stainless steel 304 material, with long serving life. It is suitable for automatic cleaning of electrical equipment, solar water heater, garden spray irrigation, infrared sensor cleaning device and so on. Specifications: Material: Stainless steel 304 Type: 2 Position 2 Way Rated voltage: AC 220V Thread: G12 Flow: 15mm Max pressure: 10kgfcm2 Operating temperature: 0100 celsius Applicable media: Water, Air, Oil, Gas Operation mode: Normally closed Seal material: Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Coil protection class: IP65 Weight: Approx. 773g Package Included: 1 x Electric Solenoid Valve Note: 1. You need a power supply more than 2A to operate the valve normally. 2. The water in the outlet of solenoid valve cannot flow back, if it flow back please install a check valve. This electric solenoid valve is NC normally closed type, suitable for water, air, oil, gas transfer Durable, practical and stable Moistureproof and anticorrosion The electric solenoid valve is made of high quality stainless steel 304 material, with long serving life It is suitable for automatic cleaning of electrical equipment, solar water heater, garden spray irrigation, infrared sensor cleaning device and so on

TOMTOP JMS 3PCS Car Front Bumper Lip Spoiler for MP Style Gloss Black Replacement for 3 Series G20 2018?2021

77.15 EUR
Feature: 1. This front bumper lip spoiler is replacement for 3 Series G20 2018?2021, which can match your car well. 2. Made of automotive grade ABS material, which has increased strength, flexibility and long service life. 3. It can improve the grip and vehicle stability, and bring better handling performance. 4. Can provide additional aerodynamic downforce and reduce the airflow into the bottom of the car. 5. Comes with a screws pack for fixed installation, which makes it easy and fast to install. But professional installation is highly recommended. Specification: Item Type: Front Bumper Lip Spoiler Color: Gloss Black Style: For MP Style Fitment: Replacement for 3 Series G20 2018?2021. Package List: 3 x Front Bumper Lip Spoiler 1 x DoubleSided Adhesive8 x Screw This front bumper lip spoiler is replacement for 3 Series G20 2018?2021, which can match your car well. Made of automotive grade ABS material, which has increased strength, flexibility and long service life. It can improve the grip and vehicle stability, and bring better handling performance. Can provide additional aerodynamic downforce and reduce the airflow into the bottom of the car. Comes with a screws pack for fixed installation, which makes it easy and fast to install. But professional installation is highly recommended.

TOMTOP JMS 10PCS Fuel Filter Fit for AM116304 72084‑G01 72084G01 1013684 Garden Tool Accessories

27.87 EUR
Feature: 1. Made of high‑quality plastic material, it is not easy to damage and has a long service life. 2. Easy to install and replace, direct replacement of the old one can extend the life of the machine. 3. Excellent workmanship, highly matched with the original equipment. 4. Suitable for AM116304, 72084‑G01, 72084G01, 1013684. 5. Advanced manufacturing technology, high reliability and stable performance. Specification: Item Type: Fuel Filter Material: Plastic Weight: Approx. 160g/5.6ozFitment: Fit for AM116304, 72084‑G01, 72084G01, 1013684. . Package List: 10 x Fuel Filter

expert First4magnets F4MA4G-1-AMZ Feuille magnétique souple A4 297 x 210 x 0,85 mm Vert

19.03 EUR
Face aimantée : 297 x 210 mm Épaisseur : 0,85 mm Force de traction : 40 g/cm2 Rigidité : D35 Fixation : face aimantée Type : Outils et accessoires Date de sortie : 2013-02-22 Fabricant : first4magnets Experience the authentic, true-to-life fragrance, with pure natural plant extracts, and renowned Yankee Candle? quality that have made us the worlds favourite. The traditional design of our signature jar candles reflects a warm, relaxed sense of style that's always at home. Convenient and easy to use, these long-burning jars provide hours of true fragrance enjoyment. They're also the ideal gift for any occasion.

TVCMALL life IMAK For HMD Fusion 5G Case TPU Phone Cover Airbag Shockproof Protection

21 EUR
【Four Corners Big Airbag Design】The elastic buffering in the corners effectively disperses the impact when your mobile drops, offering superior shockproof protection for your device 【Mobile Lanyard Hole Design (Lanyard Not Included)】Equipped with a lanyard hole, this case allows you to attach different types of lanyards for convenient daily use, enhancing portability 【Environmental TPU Material】Made from elastic, shock-proof TPU material, this case ensures a flexible, good fit and easy installation while providing excellent protection 【Surrounded Protection for Camera Lens】The raised bezel around the camera lens offers enhanced protection, preventing abrasion and keeping your lens safe from scratches 【Button Protection】This design not only maintains the functionality of the original machine buttons but also provides better protection, ensuring durability and ease of use 【Screen Protection Raised Bezel】The raised edges around the screen protect it from abrasion, efficiently safeguarding it against everyday wear and tear Compatible with: HMD Fusion 5G Package included: 1 x TPU Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life IMAK For Realme GT 7 Pro 5G Case TPU Phone Cover Airbag Shockproof Protection

21.28 EUR
【Four Corners Big Airbag Design】The elastic buffering in the corners effectively disperses the impact when your mobile drops, offering superior shockproof protection for your device 【Mobile Lanyard Hole Design (Lanyard Not Included)】Equipped with a lanyard hole, this case allows you to attach different types of lanyards for convenient daily use, enhancing portability 【Environmental TPU Material】Made from elastic, shock-proof TPU material, this case ensures a flexible, good fit and easy installation while providing excellent protection 【Surrounded Protection for Camera Lens】The raised bezel around the camera lens offers enhanced protection, preventing abrasion and keeping your lens safe from scratches 【Button Protection】This design not only maintains the functionality of the original machine buttons but also provides better protection, ensuring durability and ease of use 【Screen Protection Raised Bezel】The raised edges around the screen protect it from abrasion, efficiently safeguarding it against everyday wear and tear Compatible with: Realme GT 7 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x TPU Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life KADEM Case For Xiaomi Redmi 13C 5G / 13R 5G / Poco M6 5G Leather+TPU+Acrylic Anti-Scratch Phone Cover

18.35 EUR
【Durable Material】Made from high-quality liquid PU leather coated on a sturdy Acrylic and TPU bottom case, offering long-lasting durability and reliable protection for your phone 【Fashionable Watch Pattern Design】The unique watch pattern on the back of the case adds a stylish and eye-catching touch, making your phone look fashionable and stand out from the crowd 【Electroplating Workmanship for Enhanced Aesthetics】With electroplating craftsmanship, this phone case boasts a shiny, high-end finish, making it not only protective but also a beautiful accessory for your device 【Raised Bezels for Screen Protection】The raised bezels are designed to sit higher than the screen, providing extra protection and preventing scratches when your phone is placed face down 【Precise Cutouts for Full Access】Perfectly crafted with precise cutouts, this case allows easy access to all ports, function buttons, speakers, and camera, ensuring seamless operation without removing the case Compatible with: Xiaomi Redmi 13C 5G Xiaomi Redmi 13R 5G Xiaomi Poco M6 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life REDPEPPER For Samsung Galaxy A16 5G / 4G Case IP68 Waterproof PC+TPU Phone Cover

38.86 EUR
【Premium Materials】The phone case adopts quality PC and TPU materials, forming a dual-layer protection system, anti-collision and durable to use. The PET screen film can protect the screen against scratch and dust 【2m Drop protection】It's extremely drop resistant. It can withstand the drop test from 2 meters high, and the phone can retain normal operation function after the test 【IP68 waterproof & IP6X Dustproof】It is dustproof, waterproof and snowproof, which can completely isolate the phone from snow, ice and water. Dustproof design, can isolate dirt, dust, sand, etc., and can resist soil impurities and construction dust from entering the case and damaging the phone 【Precise Cutouts】It ensures easy access to all ports, speakers, and buttons, providing easy access and maintaining the device's functionality without compromise. No blocking the camera lens, convenient for your to take photos/videos underwater 【Wide Application】It is very suitable for surfing, swimming, cycling, driving, snorkeling, etc 【Enhanced Grip and Comfort】Feel comfortable when hold it in your hand, and it adds minimal bulk while providing maximum protection. The included lanyard makes it easy to carry and can prevent accidental drops, giving you peace of mind while using your device on the go Compatible with: Galaxy A16 5G Galaxy A16 4G Package included: 1 x Waterproof Case 1 x Lanyard 1 x English User Manual 1 x Cleaning Cloth Not Include Phone

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G Case with Tempered Glass Film Silicone Wristband Kickstand PC Phone Cover

35.79 EUR
【Tempered Glass Screen Film】 Includes a high-definition transparent tempered glass film for clear display visibility and screen protection 【Silicone Wristband for Convenience】 Features a built-in silicone wristband, allowing for comfortable and secure carrying, ideal for on-the-go use 【Kickstand Mode】 Includes a stable kickstand that allows for hands-free video calls, reading, or watching movies, enhancing convenience and productivity 【Free Folding】 Offers flexible folding functionality, perfectly fitting foldable phones while maintaining a sleek and compact appearance 【Accurate Hole Placement】 CNC molding based on real device measurements ensures precise cutouts for all buttons, ports, and features 【Anti-Drop Design】 Built with impact-resistant PC material, offering full encapsulation and reliable protection against knocks and drops Compatible with: Galaxy Z Fold3 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case with Tempered Glass Film Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 5G Case with Tempered Glass Film Silicone Wristband Kickstand PC Phone Cover

35.79 EUR
【Tempered Glass Screen Film】 Includes a high-definition transparent tempered glass film for clear display visibility and screen protection 【Silicone Wristband for Convenience】 Features a built-in silicone wristband, allowing for comfortable and secure carrying, ideal for on-the-go use 【Kickstand Mode】 Includes a stable kickstand that allows for hands-free video calls, reading, or watching movies, enhancing convenience and productivity 【Free Folding】 Offers flexible folding functionality, perfectly fitting foldable phones while maintaining a sleek and compact appearance 【Accurate Hole Placement】 CNC molding based on real device measurements ensures precise cutouts for all buttons, ports, and features 【Anti-Drop Design】 Built with impact-resistant PC material, offering full encapsulation and reliable protection against knocks and drops Compatible with: Galaxy Z Fold6 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case with Tempered Glass Film Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Honor Magic6 Lite 5G / X9b 5G Case Shockproof Aluminum Alloy Phone Back Cover

44.92 EUR
【Premium Aluminum Alloy Build】 Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum alloy, this case offers superior protection without adding bulk, weighing between 55-70 grams—about the weight of an egg 【Dazzling Metallic Aesthetic】 The metal case shines brilliantly under light, showcasing vibrant metallic colors and a strong industrial texture, perfect for those who love a bold, stylish look 【Artistic Design Elements】 Incorporating a blend of Gothic, Steam Punk, Pop Art, and Metal Rock aesthetics, this case is designed with unique, mysterious elements like War God, Thunder Ghost, and Death Metal motifs 【Enhanced Protection】 The raised lip and edges provide added protection to both the camera and screen, while the smooth edges ensure a comfortable grip and prevent scratches 【Military-Grade Shock Absorption】 Equipped with professional shockproof corner cushions, the case offers military-grade anti-fall and shock protection, making it ideal for outdoor sports and active lifestyles Compatible with: Honor X9b 5G Honor Magic6 Lite 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Honor Magic7 5G Case Shockproof Aluminum Alloy Phone Back Cover

44.92 EUR
【Premium Aluminum Alloy Build】 Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum alloy, this case offers superior protection without adding bulk, weighing between 55-70 grams—about the weight of an egg 【Dazzling Metallic Aesthetic】 The metal case shines brilliantly under light, showcasing vibrant metallic colors and a strong industrial texture, perfect for those who love a bold, stylish look 【Artistic Design Elements】 Incorporating a blend of Gothic, Steam Punk, Pop Art, and Metal Rock aesthetics, this case is designed with unique, mysterious elements like War God, Thunder Ghost, and Death Metal motifs 【Enhanced Protection】 The raised lip and edges provide added protection to both the camera and screen, while the smooth edges ensure a comfortable grip and prevent scratches 【Military-Grade Shock Absorption】 Equipped with professional shockproof corner cushions, the case offers military-grade anti-fall and shock protection, making it ideal for outdoor sports and active lifestyles Compatible with: Honor Magic7 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Case Compatible with MagSafe Lens Kickstand Clear PC Back Cover

27.89 EUR
【Versatile Lens Frame Kickstand】 The lens frame doubles as a kickstand, allowing both vertical and horizontal placement for hands-free convenience during entertainment or work 【Strong Magnetic Adsorption】 Equipped with 36pcs N52 strong magnets, compatible with MagSafe wireless fast charging and ensures a secure connection without cables 【Ultra-Thin Design】 Features an impressive 1mm thickness for a slim and lightweight profile, preserving the original aesthetics of your device 【Durable PC Material】 Constructed from premium PC material, ensuring robust protection against scratches, impacts, and daily wear 【Camera and Screen Protection】The raised edges around the camera and screen offer maximum protection from scratches and drops Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Honor Magic7 5G Case Compatible with MagSafe Lens Kickstand Clear PC Back Cover

27.87 EUR
【Versatile Lens Frame Kickstand】 The lens frame doubles as a kickstand, allowing both vertical and horizontal placement for hands-free convenience during entertainment or work 【Strong Magnetic Adsorption】 Equipped with 36pcs N52 strong magnets, compatible with MagSafe wireless fast charging and ensures a secure connection without cables 【Ultra-Thin Design】 Features an impressive 1mm thickness for a slim and lightweight profile, preserving the original aesthetics of your device 【Durable PC Material】 Constructed from premium PC material, ensuring robust protection against scratches, impacts, and daily wear 【Camera and Screen Protection】The raised edges around the camera and screen offer maximum protection from scratches and drops Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Infinix Hot 50 Pro+ 4G Case Liquid Silicone Anti-Scratch Phone Cover with Hand Strap

17.91 EUR
【Flexible Silicone Material】Crafted with liquid silicone material, offering a freely twist feature that ensures a snug fit for your phone, while the soft fiber lining prevents scratches and dirt 【Comprehensive Protection】Designed to keep your phone free from bumps, scratches, and daily damages, providing reliable protection for everyday use 【Enhanced Screen and Camera Safety】The case features a 1.2mm raised edge around the screen and a 0.5mm raised edge around the camera, effectively safeguarding them from potential harm 【Precision Cutouts】Provides precise cut-outs and openings for easy access to all features, ensuring full functionality without removing the case 【Easy Maintenance】The easy-clean surface keeps your phone looking pristine, and the hassle-free installation and removal process ensures convenience Compatible with: Infinix Hot 50 Pro+ 4G Package included: 1 x Liquid Silicone Phone Case Other things not included

TVCMALL life IMAK For ZTE nubia Z60S Pro 5G Case TPU Phone Cover Airbag Shockproof Protection

21.28 EUR
【Four Corners Big Airbag Design】The elastic buffering in the corners effectively disperses the impact when your mobile drops, offering superior shockproof protection for your device 【Mobile Lanyard Hole Design (Lanyard Not Included)】Equipped with a lanyard hole, this case allows you to attach different types of lanyards for convenient daily use, enhancing portability 【Environmental TPU Material】Made from elastic, shock-proof TPU material, this case ensures a flexible, good fit and easy installation while providing excellent protection 【Surrounded Protection for Camera Lens】The raised bezel around the camera lens offers enhanced protection, preventing abrasion and keeping your lens safe from scratches 【Button Protection】This design not only maintains the functionality of the original machine buttons but also provides better protection, ensuring durability and ease of use 【Screen Protection Raised Bezel】The raised edges around the screen protect it from abrasion, efficiently safeguarding it against everyday wear and tear Compatible with: ZTE nubia Z60S Pro 5G Package included: 1 x TPU Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy A56 5G / A36 5G Case DUX DUCIS Yind Series Matte Anti-Fingerprint TPU+PC Phone Back Cover

15.09 EUR
【Comfortable Grip】TPU soft edges combined with a skin-friendly matte PC backplate provide a comfortable and secure grip 【Enhanced Protection】Thickened PC backplate and four-corner airbags offer superior resistance to wear, scratches, and drops 【Screen and Camera Protection】Raised edges around the screen and camera lens provide extra protection from scratches and impacts 【Responsive Buttons】Independent buttons offer a tactile experience similar to a bare phone, ensuring precise and responsive control 【Anti-Fingerprint and Anti-Sweat】Made with premium materials and a matte finish that effectively resists fingerprints and sweat, keeping the case looking new over time Compatible with: Galaxy A36 5G Galaxy A56 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life KADEM For Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 5G Case Leather+TPU+Acrylic Anti-Scratch Phone Cover

16.52 EUR
【Durable Material】Made from high-quality liquid PU leather coated on a sturdy Acrylic and TPU bottom case, offering long-lasting durability and reliable protection for your phone 【Fashionable Watch Pattern Design】The unique watch pattern on the back of the case adds a stylish and eye-catching touch, making your phone look fashionable and stand out from the crowd 【Electroplating Workmanship for Enhanced Aesthetics】With electroplating craftsmanship, this phone case boasts a shiny, high-end finish, making it not only protective but also a beautiful accessory for your device 【Raised Bezels for Screen Protection】The raised bezels are designed to sit higher than the screen, providing extra protection and preventing scratches when your phone is placed face down 【Precise Cutouts for Full Access】Perfectly crafted with precise cutouts, this case allows easy access to all ports, function buttons, speakers, and camera, ensuring seamless operation without removing the case Compatible with: Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life X-LEVEL For Honor 100 Pro 5G Case PC+TPU Matte Protective Phone Cover

22.65 EUR
Made of hard PC + soft TPU that fits tightly to the mobile phone body The raised lip that is higher than the phone camera and front screen can offer better protection The matte surface ensures a comfortable hand feeling and prevents fingerprints Precise cutouts, it allows easy access to all essential ports and buttons  Protect the phone against daily shock and damage

TVCMALL life IMAK For Motorola Moto G55 5G Case PC+TPU Shockproof Clear Phone Cover

15.68 EUR
【Material】The phone case is constructed with a combination of TPU and PC materials, This hybrid design provides a balance of flexibility, durability, and protection for the device 【High Transparency】The case is designed with a highly transparent material, allowing the original design and color of the phone to be clearly visible 【Airbag Corners】These airbag corners provide enhanced impact protection, safeguarding the phone from drops and shocks 【Protection for Camera Lens】The case includes a raised bezel or lip around the camera lens, providing additional protection for the camera 【Lanyard Hole (Lanyard Not Included)】This lanyard hole provides an extra measure of security, preventing the phone from being dropped or lost Compatible with: Motorola Moto G55 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life KADEM For Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G Case Leather+TPU+Acrylic Anti-Scratch Phone Cover

18.35 EUR
【Durable Material】Made from high-quality liquid PU leather coated on a sturdy Acrylic and TPU bottom case, offering long-lasting durability and reliable protection for your phone 【Fashionable Watch Pattern Design】The unique watch pattern on the back of the case adds a stylish and eye-catching touch, making your phone look fashionable and stand out from the crowd 【Electroplating Workmanship for Enhanced Aesthetics】With electroplating craftsmanship, this phone case boasts a shiny, high-end finish, making it not only protective but also a beautiful accessory for your device 【Raised Bezels for Screen Protection】The raised bezels are designed to sit higher than the screen, providing extra protection and preventing scratches when your phone is placed face down 【Precise Cutouts for Full Access】Perfectly crafted with precise cutouts, this case allows easy access to all ports, function buttons, speakers, and camera, ensuring seamless operation without removing the case Compatible with: Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life X-LEVEL For Honor Magic6 Ultimate 5G Case Matte Finish PC+TPU Phone Cover

22.65 EUR
Made of hard PC + soft TPU that fits tightly to the mobile phone body The raised lip that is higher than the phone camera and front screen can offer better protection The matte surface ensures a comfortable hand feeling and prevents fingerprints Precise cutouts, it allows easy access to all essential ports and buttons  Protect the phone against daily shock and damage

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy A36 5G Case Liquid Silicone Phone Back Cover with Hand Strap

18.1 EUR
【Flexible Silicone Material】Crafted with liquid silicone material, offering a freely twist feature that ensures a snug fit for your phone, while the soft fiber lining prevents scratches and dirt 【Comprehensive Protection】Designed to keep your phone free from bumps, scratches, and daily damages, providing reliable protection for everyday use 【Enhanced Screen and Camera Safety】The case features a 1.2mm raised edge around the screen and a 0.5mm raised edge around the camera, effectively safeguarding them from potential harm 【Precision Cutouts】Provides precise cut-outs and openings for easy access to all features, ensuring full functionality without removing the case 【Easy Maintenance】The easy-clean surface keeps your phone looking pristine, and the hassle-free installation and removal process ensures convenience Compatible with: Galaxy A36 5G Package included: 1 x Liquid Silicone Phone Case 1 x Strap Other things not included

TVCMALL life IMAK For Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Case TPU Phone Cover Airbag Shockproof Protection

21.28 EUR
【Four Corners Big Airbag Design】The elastic buffering in the corners effectively disperses the impact when your mobile drops, offering superior shockproof protection for your device 【Mobile Lanyard Hole Design (Lanyard Not Included)】Equipped with a lanyard hole, this case allows you to attach different types of lanyards for convenient daily use, enhancing portability 【Environmental TPU Material】Made from elastic, shock-proof TPU material, this case ensures a flexible, good fit and easy installation while providing excellent protection 【Surrounded Protection for Camera Lens】The raised bezel around the camera lens offers enhanced protection, preventing abrasion and keeping your lens safe from scratches 【Button Protection】This design not only maintains the functionality of the original machine buttons but also provides better protection, ensuring durability and ease of use 【Screen Protection Raised Bezel】The raised edges around the screen protect it from abrasion, efficiently safeguarding it against everyday wear and tear Compatible with: Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x TPU Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 5G Case with Tempered Glass Film Silicone Wristband Kickstand PC Phone Cover

35.79 EUR
【Tempered Glass Screen Film】 Includes a high-definition transparent tempered glass film for clear display visibility and screen protection 【Silicone Wristband for Convenience】 Features a built-in silicone wristband, allowing for comfortable and secure carrying, ideal for on-the-go use 【Kickstand Mode】 Includes a stable kickstand that allows for hands-free video calls, reading, or watching movies, enhancing convenience and productivity 【Free Folding】 Offers flexible folding functionality, perfectly fitting foldable phones while maintaining a sleek and compact appearance 【Accurate Hole Placement】 CNC molding based on real device measurements ensures precise cutouts for all buttons, ports, and features 【Anti-Drop Design】 Built with impact-resistant PC material, offering full encapsulation and reliable protection against knocks and drops Compatible with: Galaxy Z Fold4 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case with Tempered Glass Film Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 5G Case with Tempered Glass Film Silicone Wristband Kickstand PC Phone Cover

35.79 EUR
【Tempered Glass Screen Film】 Includes a high-definition transparent tempered glass film for clear display visibility and screen protection 【Silicone Wristband for Convenience】 Features a built-in silicone wristband, allowing for comfortable and secure carrying, ideal for on-the-go use 【Kickstand Mode】 Includes a stable kickstand that allows for hands-free video calls, reading, or watching movies, enhancing convenience and productivity 【Free Folding】 Offers flexible folding functionality, perfectly fitting foldable phones while maintaining a sleek and compact appearance 【Accurate Hole Placement】 CNC molding based on real device measurements ensures precise cutouts for all buttons, ports, and features 【Anti-Drop Design】 Built with impact-resistant PC material, offering full encapsulation and reliable protection against knocks and drops Compatible with: Galaxy Z Fold5 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case with Tempered Glass Film Other items not included

TVCMALL life MOFI Shield Matte Series for vivo Y300 Pro 5G Case PC Phone Cover Slim Fit

18.14 EUR
【Anti-fingerprint with Matte Process】The surface adopts a matte process, effectively preventing fingerprints and keeping the shell clean 【360° Three-dimensional Fall Prevention】The case adopts a three-dimensional protective design, fully safeguarding the phone from drops 【Accurate Hole Opening】The case features precise openings, ensuring that all ports and buttons are accurately aligned with the phone 【Silky Feel, PC Material】Made from PC material, the case provides a smooth and delicate texture. It offers a comfortable grip, similar to the feel of a naked device 【Sensitive Key, Integrated Protection】The button positions are designed to be sensitive, ensuring the longevity of the keys 【Protective Camera】The case features an open-hole design in the camera area, with holes slightly higher than the camera to prevent the camera from abrasion Compatible with: vivo Y300 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life IMAK For Motorola Moto G35 5G Case PC+TPU Shockproof Clear Phone Cover

17.22 EUR
【Material】The phone case is constructed with a combination of TPU and PC materials, This hybrid design provides a balance of flexibility, durability, and protection for the device 【High Transparency】The case is designed with a highly transparent material, allowing the original design and color of the phone to be clearly visible 【Airbag Corners】These airbag corners provide enhanced impact protection, safeguarding the phone from drops and shocks 【Protection for Camera Lens】The case includes a raised bezel or lip around the camera lens, providing additional protection for the camera 【Lanyard Hole (Lanyard Not Included)】This lanyard hole provides an extra measure of security, preventing the phone from being dropped or lost Compatible with: Motorola Moto G35 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life NILLKIN Camshield Prop Magnetic Series for Oppo Find X8 5G Case Compatible with MagSafe PC+TPU Phone Cover with Camera Cover

38.32 EUR
【TPU and PC Material Construction】Made of imported PC + TPU materials, equipped with four corner anti-drop airbags, and the twill texture design is wear-resistant, anti-skidding, dust-proof, anti-fingerprint 【Built-In Magnet MagSafe Compatibility】The built-in magnet design makes this case compatible with MagSafe, allowing for easy attachment and wireless charging 【Skin-touch and Anti-fingerprint】Apply touch oil on the surface, which is skin-friendly and prevents fingerprints and oil stains 【Camera Lens Cover and Kickstand】The case features a metal lens kickstand that not only provides sturdy support for hands-free viewing but also acts as an additional layer of protection for your camera lens 【Anti-slip Strip】Anti-slip strips design on both side of the phone, providing a more stable and comfortable grip Package included: 1 x Phone Case Accessory only, phone not included

TVCMALL life X-LEVEL For Honor 100 5G Case Anti-Fingerprint PC+TPU Phone Cover

22.65 EUR
Made of hard PC + soft TPU that fits tightly to the mobile phone body The raised lip that is higher than the phone camera and front screen can offer better protection The matte surface ensures a comfortable hand feeling and prevents fingerprints Precise cutouts, it allows easy access to all essential ports and buttons  Protect the phone against daily shock and damage

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy A56 5G Case Retro Leather Coated PC+TPU Phone Cover

15.42 EUR
【High-Quality Materials】Premium retro texture PU leather+ soft TPU bumper + hard PC back cover, three materials synthesis protect your phone from dropping, shocking and scratching 【TPU Soft Border】The soft TPU frame of the case is designed for enhanced cushioning and absorption of shocks, helping to protect the phone from drops and bumps. The soft edges also make the case comfortable to hold 【Screen Protection】The case's edges are slightly raised by 1mm above the screen level to offer added protection against screen cracks and scratches when placed face down on surfaces 【Slim and Lightweight】Hybrid materials design protects cell phone without superfluous decoration and burden, is portable in your pocket, backpack and other bag 【Precise Cut-Out】Ensures full access to ports and function buttons, speakers and camera without removing the case, easy to install and remove Compatible with: Galaxy A56 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Samsung Galaxy A56 5G Case Y-Shaped Lines Imprint Leather Phone Cover

16.37 EUR
【High-Quality PU Leather and TPU】 Made from premium PU leather and TPU material, this case offers a durable and stylish solution for protecting your device. The materials provide flexibility and sturdy protection 【Elegant Y-Shaped Lines Imprint】 The Y-shaped lines imprint adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the case, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal 【Convenient Card Slots and Cash Slot】 Designed with multiple card slots and a cash slot, this case allows you to carry your essentials, such as credit cards and cash, all in one place 【Folding Stand for Hands-Free Viewing】 The folding stand feature provides a convenient way to watch videos, make video calls, or browse the web hands-free. It offers a stable and adjustable viewing angle 【Secure Magnetic Clasp】 The magnetic clasp ensures that the case stays securely closed, keeping your device and valuables safe from accidental openings and potential damage 【Corner Fall Prevention with Cushion Buffer】 The case includes corner cushion buffers that effectively absorb impact, providing superior corner fall prevention. This feature ensures your device is well-protected from drops and shocks 【Wrist Strap for Added Convenience】 The included wrist strap allows for easy carrying and adds an extra layer of security. It ensures that your phone is always within reach and reduces the risk of accidental drops Compatible with: Galaxy A56 5G Package included: 1 x Leather Phone Case 1 x Strap Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Case Shockproof Aluminum Alloy Phone Back Cover

44.92 EUR
【Premium Aluminum Alloy Build】 Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum alloy, this case offers superior protection without adding bulk, weighing between 55-70 grams—about the weight of an egg 【Dazzling Metallic Aesthetic】 The metal case shines brilliantly under light, showcasing vibrant metallic colors and a strong industrial texture, perfect for those who love a bold, stylish look 【Artistic Design Elements】 Incorporating a blend of Gothic, Steam Punk, Pop Art, and Metal Rock aesthetics, this case is designed with unique, mysterious elements like War God, Thunder Ghost, and Death Metal motifs 【Enhanced Protection】 The raised lip and edges provide added protection to both the camera and screen, while the smooth edges ensure a comfortable grip and prevent scratches 【Military-Grade Shock Absorption】 Equipped with professional shockproof corner cushions, the case offers military-grade anti-fall and shock protection, making it ideal for outdoor sports and active lifestyles Compatible with: Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life NILLKIN Camshield Pro Series for Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Case PC+TPU Slide Camera Lid Phone Cover

26.84 EUR
【360-Degree Protection】 Made from high-quality PC and TPU hybrid materials, this case offers an all-inclusive design that protects your phone from scratches, shocks, and daily damage 【Classic Texture Surface】 The case features a wear-resistant, anti-skid, dust-proof, and anti-fingerprint texture, ensuring a good touch feeling and maintaining a clean appearance 【Slide Camera Cover】 Protects your camera from scratches and damage with an easy-sliding cover that stays securely in place, providing both privacy and lens protection 【Non-Slip Design】 Includes non-slip bars on both sides for easy and secure holding, preventing accidental drops 【Raised Lip and Precise Cutouts】 The raised lip design offers optimal protection for the camera lens, while accurate cutouts ensure easy access to all ports and functions Compatible with: Honor Magic7 Pro 5G Package included: 1 x NILLKIN PC+TPU Hybrid Phone Case Accessory only, phone not included

OriSoul Life Magnetic Case For Samsung Galaxy A32 4G A33 5G A34 A35 A30S A50S Double Sided Glass Cover for Galaxy A32 5G violet

19.96 EUR
Product description: Please kindly note that the front and back of this phone case are protected by tempered glass. Magnetic adsorption design: Strong magnetic field adsorption technology take you to the new case era. From now on, case installing became a pleasure. It makes your Phone stand out among crowd. Super easy installation: Magnetic strong adsorption mobile phone shell (a total of 16 magnetic points) automatic closing, easy to assemble. More methods of installation are waiting for you to find out. (Note: Please remove the screen protector if there is a screen protector on your phone, otherwise it will affect the normal use of the phone case.) All-round defence: Full body metal frame protection & Anti-drop & Shock-absorbing design. Raised bezels lift screen and camera off flat surfaces, toughend nanoglass back, anti-scratch & anti-dirty, protect your phone from scratching, shock & smudge, premium materials offer unrivaled protection and enhanced durability. Precise Cut Outs: Support wireless charging and will not affect the signal transmission. It's super seamless when the case pieces touch, slim cover fits well to your device and make it easy to access to all ports, speakers, chargers and all Phone features. Note: Some models do not support fingerprint unlocking temporarily. Package Includes: 1 x Phone Case(Accessory ONLY, cell phone is not included.) Note: Please note,multiple models are uploaded together. Please select the model corresponding to your mobile phone model. We will ship according to your choice. Case material: Metal Case Pattern: hard shell Features: shockproof,dirt resistant,dustproof,scratch-resistant,waterproof Manufacture Country: China

TVCMALL life For Infinix Hot 50 Pro 4G Case Liquid Silicone Anti-Scratch Phone Cover with Hand Strap

18.1 EUR
【Flexible Silicone Material】Crafted with liquid silicone material, offering a freely twist feature that ensures a snug fit for your phone, while the soft fiber lining prevents scratches and dirt 【Comprehensive Protection】Designed to keep your phone free from bumps, scratches, and daily damages, providing reliable protection for everyday use 【Enhanced Screen and Camera Safety】The case features a 1.2mm raised edge around the screen and a 0.5mm raised edge around the camera, effectively safeguarding them from potential harm 【Precision Cutouts】Provides precise cut-outs and openings for easy access to all features, ensuring full functionality without removing the case 【Easy Maintenance】The easy-clean surface keeps your phone looking pristine, and the hassle-free installation and removal process ensures convenience Compatible with: Infinix Hot 50 Pro 4G Package included: 1 x Liquid Silicone Phone Case Other things not included

TVCMALL life IMAK For Samsung Galaxy A36 5G Case TPU Phone Cover Airbag Shockproof Protection

21.28 EUR
【Four Corners Big Airbag Design】The elastic buffering in the corners effectively disperses the impact when your mobile drops, offering superior shockproof protection for your device 【Mobile Lanyard Hole Design (Lanyard Not Included)】Equipped with a lanyard hole, this case allows you to attach different types of lanyards for convenient daily use, enhancing portability 【Environmental TPU Material】Made from elastic, shock-proof TPU material, this case ensures a flexible, good fit and easy installation while providing excellent protection 【Surrounded Protection for Camera Lens】The raised bezel around the camera lens offers enhanced protection, preventing abrasion and keeping your lens safe from scratches 【Button Protection】This design not only maintains the functionality of the original machine buttons but also provides better protection, ensuring durability and ease of use 【Screen Protection Raised Bezel】The raised edges around the screen protect it from abrasion, efficiently safeguarding it against everyday wear and tear Compatible with: Galaxy A36 5G Package included: 1 x TPU Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Huawei nova 13 5G Case Shockproof Aluminum Alloy Phone Back Cover

44.92 EUR
【Premium Aluminum Alloy Build】 Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum alloy, this case offers superior protection without adding bulk, weighing between 55-70 grams—about the weight of an egg 【Dazzling Metallic Aesthetic】 The metal case shines brilliantly under light, showcasing vibrant metallic colors and a strong industrial texture, perfect for those who love a bold, stylish look 【Artistic Design Elements】 Incorporating a blend of Gothic, Steam Punk, Pop Art, and Metal Rock aesthetics, this case is designed with unique, mysterious elements like War God, Thunder Ghost, and Death Metal motifs 【Enhanced Protection】 The raised lip and edges provide added protection to both the camera and screen, while the smooth edges ensure a comfortable grip and prevent scratches 【Military-Grade Shock Absorption】 Equipped with professional shockproof corner cushions, the case offers military-grade anti-fall and shock protection, making it ideal for outdoor sports and active lifestyles Compatible with: Huawei nova 13 5G Package included: 1 x Phone Case Other items not included

TVCMALL life For Realme C67 4G Case Astronaut Kickstand PC+TPU Electroplating Phone Cover

15.09 EUR
Made of high-quality PC+TPU material, flexible and durable, not easy to deform The unique cartoon astronaut design makes your phone more lovely and stylish The astronaut decoration also can be used as a kickstand, practical and convenient to use Glitter powder and electroplating workmanship make it more stylish and beautiful Keep your phone free from bumps, scratches, and daily damages Precise cutouts, easy access to all buttons and ports through the case

OriSoul Life Magnetic Case For Samsung Galaxy A70 A71 A72 A73 5G M21 Double Sided Glass Cover for Galaxy A72

18.02 EUR
Product description: Please kindly note that the front and back of this phone case are protected by tempered glass. Magnetic adsorption design: Strong magnetic field adsorption technology take you to the new case era. From now on, case installing became a pleasure. It makes your Phone stand out among crowd. Super easy installation: Magnetic strong adsorption mobile phone shell (a total of 16 magnetic points) automatic closing, easy to assemble. More methods of installation are waiting for you to find out. (Note: Please remove the screen protector if there is a screen protector on your phone, otherwise it will affect the normal use of the phone case.) All-round defence: Full body metal frame protection & Anti-drop & Shock-absorbing design. Raised bezels lift screen and camera off flat surfaces, toughend nanoglass back, anti-scratch & anti-dirty, protect your phone from scratching, shock & smudge, premium materials offer unrivaled protection and enhanced durability. Precise Cut Outs: Support wireless charging and will not affect the signal transmission. It's super seamless when the case pieces touch, slim cover fits well to your device and make it easy to access to all ports, speakers, chargers and all Phone features. Note: Some models do not support fingerprint unlocking temporarily. Package Includes: 1 x Phone Case(Accessory ONLY, cell phone is not included.) Note: Please note,multiple models are uploaded together. Please select the model corresponding to your mobile phone model. We will ship according to your choice. Case material: Metal Case Pattern: hard shell Features: shockproof,dirt resistant,dustproof,scratch-resistant,waterproof Manufacture Country: China

TOMTOP JMS 4 Hole Automatic Pressure Switch Control Valve G14 75~120psi 220V for Air Compressor

24.92 EUR
Features: 1. Suitable for air compressor, it can help to save electric energy of the air compressor. 2. A direct replacement for an old or broken one. 3. Made of high quality materials with long mechanical life. 4. Easy to install and convenient to use. 5. The pressure switch can work stable at the pressure of 75~120psi. Specification: Condition: 100percent Brand New Item Type: Pressure Switch Model: FBANGfour holes Type: Mechanical pressure switch Rated Voltage: 220 (V) Rated Current: 10 (A) Mechanical Life: 500 million times Working Pressure: 5.5~8kgc square meters (75~120psi) Interface: G14 Package List: 1 x Pressure Switch Suitable for air compressor, it can help to save electric energy of the air compressor. A direct replacement for an old or broken one. Made of high quality materials with long mechanical life. Easy to install and convenient to use. The pressure switch can work stable at the pressure of 75~120psi.

TOMTOP JMS 6 PCS NOn woven Collect Vacuum Remove Dust Bag for KIRBY SENTRIA G10,G10E

19.4 EUR
Description: This item is suitable for kirby G. Can remove 99.97percent of common household dust, pollen mites and other particles. Maintain high air flow throughout the life of the bag up to 100percent filtration. Feature: Suitable for KIRBY SENTRIA G10,G10E, G4, G5, G6, Ultimate G. Triple weld improves strength and virtually eliminates all leaks. Synthetic superfine multi-layer fabric, super thick. Can remove 99.97percent of common household dust, pollen mites and other particles. Maintain high air flow throughout the life of the bag up to 100percent filtration. Specification: Material: Non-woven Color: White Package Included: 6 x Vacuum Bags Notice: Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement and make sure you do not mind before ordering. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration as the different placement of pictures.