Korea Life NUTRIONE Pomegranate Collagen Jelly (20g X 14 Sticks) 1 BOX 1box

38.09 EUR
Product name: NutrioneLife Pomegranate the Collagen Serving Container: 20g x 14 sticks (280g) / box Inner beauty for women, NutrioneLife Pomegranate the Collagen 🟡Why NutrioneLife Pomegranate the Collagen? ✅ Uses 100% pomegranate concentrate from Spain ✅ 5 premium sub-ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, elastin and more ✅ Contains 1,000mg of low-molecular fish collagen ✅ Just 1 stick per day 🟡Directions: Take 1 stick a day 🟡Pack Size: 20g x 14 sticks (280g) / box 🟡Caution: Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Do not microwave or heat our product over a heat source. Consume as soon as possible once opened. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Check the amount and directions before taking this product. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Manufacturer: COSMAX BIO Country of Origin: Republic of Korea Korea Life NUTRIONE RTG Oméga3 Triple (1 boîte/763 mg x 60 gélules) 1box

39.62 EUR
🟡Nom du produit: NUTRIONE Yoona RTG Oméga3 Triple 🟡Conteneur de service: (763mg x 60 gélules) 1 BOÎTE # TRIPLE FONCTIONNEL rTG-OMEGA3 # Circulation sanguine + Santé oculaire + Amélioration de la mémoire # Vitamine A + Vitamine D + Vitamine E Inclus ✅ Apport quotidien: 2 gélules (1 526 mg) Par apport quotidien: Calories 15 kcal, Glucides 0 g (0%), Protéine 0 g (0%), Matières grasses 1,5 g (3%), Sodium 0 mg (0) %), somme d'EPA et de DHA 900 mg, vitamine A 700 µgRE (100%), vitamine D 25µg (250%), vitamine E 11 mgα-TE (100%) ✅ Capsule nutritivement remplie de capsule rTG-Omega3 pour un entretien facile ! ✅ Circulation sanguine + Santé oculaire + Amélioration de la mémoire ▶ Tout à la fois ! ✅ Vitamine A(150% des AJR) + Vitamine D(150% des AJR) + Vitamine E(150% des AJR) Inclus 🟡 Quels sont les bienfaits de l'huile de poisson ? L'huile de poisson est une bonne source d'acides gras oméga-3. Il aide à maintenir la santé cardiaque et à réduire le cholestérol. Les acides gras oméga-3 sont également connus pour favoriser ▶ ✅ Abaisse le cholestérol et les triglycérides. ✅ Améliore la santé cardiaque et la circulation sanguine. ✅ Réduit l'inflammation. ✅ Renforce la fonction immunitaire. ✅ Aide à sécher les yeux et la santé de la peau. ✅ Favorise une fonction cérébrale saine. ✅ Les acides gras oméga-3 sont également connus pour réduire l'inflammation chronique, qui contribue aux maladies cardiaques et au cancer. Il peut également prévenir le déclin mental et les maladies liées à l'âge. 🟡 rTG c'est mieux ? ✅ OMÉGA-3 À ACTION RAPIDE: triglycéride réestérifié (RTG) est la forme la plus biodisponible d'oméga-3, augmentant les niveaux d'oméga-3 dans les cellules 3,5 fois plus que l'huile de poisson triglycéride standard. ✅ Le triglycéride ré-estérifié (RTG) forme d'oméga-3 est non seulement mieux tolérée avec moins d'effets secondaires gastro-intestinaux, mais elle est également mieux absorbée que la forme EE d'oméga-3. 🟡 Métaux lourds, additifs inutiles X - Pas de soucis pour les métaux lourds ! : Extrait de petites espèces de poissons dans les eaux norvégiennes propres pour la consommation sans se soucier de la pollution marine et des métaux lourds. - Aucun additif inutile ! : Nutrione rtg Omega 3 Triple exclut 7 excipients inutiles. (Hors excipients: dioxyde de silicium, stéarate de magnésium, HPMC, CMC-Ca, arôme synthétique, colorant, édulcorant, etc.) 🟡 Taille de capsule minimisée pour une ingestion facile - Il est conçu pour que les femmes et les enfants puissent le manger sans se soucier de l'avaler, en divisant les 900 mg d'oméga 3 en 2 comprimés.. (largeur 1,9 cm x longueur 0,9 cm) 🟡 Recommandé à ✅ Ceux qui recherchent des oméga 3 de haute qualité ✅ Ceux qui ont besoin d'aide pour améliorer leur mémoire ✅ Ceux qui ont besoin d'améliorer la circulation sanguine et les triglycérides sanguins ✅ Ceux qui ont besoin d'amélioration des yeux secs ✅ Les personnes qui mangent fréquemment de la viande et des repas instantanés ✅ Ceux qui... Korea Life NUTRIONE Vitamin C Gold 1000 (1,250 Mg X 30 Tablets) 1 BOX Matches the image

51.12 EUR
Product name: Nutrione Vitamin C 1000 Gold Serving Container: 1,250 mg x 30 tablets (37.5g) / box HIGHLIGHTS • 1.000mg of Vitamin C, 1000% of Recommended Daily Intake • Boosts Your Immune System and Energy • Supplies Vitamin C (5000mg) as well as Vitamin D (5ug) and Biotin (30ug) at Once • 30 Tablets Key Ingredients * Vitamin C 1,000mg, 1000 % of recommended daily intake * Vitamin D 5ug, 50% of recommended daily intake * Biotin 30ug, 100% of recommended daily intake Other Ingredients Hydroxypropyl cellulose, Magnesium stearate, Silicon dioxide WHY DO WE NEED VITAMINS? * If vitamins are deficient, three major nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) cannot function properly or at their best RECOMMENED FOR - Modern people who frequently consume instant food - People who lack regular fruit or vegetable intake - Those who care about their health - Youth with high energy metabolism - Growing children who need various nutrients - Pregnant women and the elderly who lack of vitamins Directions Take 1 tablet once a day with water. Pack Size 1,250 mg x 30 tablets (37.5g) Caution KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Check the amount and directions before taking this product. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid misuse and abuse. Manufacturer: COSMAX NBT, INC Country of Origin: Republic of Korea Korea Life NUTRIONE Os articulaire 1500 (1 400 mg x 60 comprimés) 1 BOÎTE 1box

39.48 EUR
Nom du produit: Nutrione Articulation Osseuse 1500 Conteneur de service: 1 400 mg x 60 comprimés (84g) Ingrédients clés -HSH: Aide à améliorer la santé des articulations et du cartilage -HARCELER (N-acétyl glucosamine): Aide à améliorer la santé du cartilage articulaire et l'hydratation de la peau -Vitamine D: Nécessaire à l'absorption et à l'utilisation du calcium et du phosphore, nécessaire à la formation et au maintien des os, aide à réduire le risque d'ostéoporose *MSM est une substance qui compose les tissus cartilagineux et ligamentaires des articulations. Ils sont principalement distribués parmi les articulations et les os dans les tissus humains. C'est la source de soufre, un minéral important pour maintenir le fonctionnement normal et la structure du corps. * Il a été prouvé que NAG soulage l'inconfort articulaire par le test d'application sur le corps humain *La VITAMINE D augmente l'absorption du calcium et maintient une concentration constante de calcium dans les fluides corporels, ce qui est très important pour la formation et le maintien des os. Ils sont essentiels pour ceux qui sont moins exposés au soleil, qui forme et maintient des os sains et réduit le risque de développement de l'ostéoporose. 3 COMPOSITIONS COMPLEXES pour la SANTE ARTICULAIRE & OSSEUSE ! Prenez soin de la santé de vos articulations et de votre cartilage avec 2 comprimés de Joint Bone 1500 chaque jour ! Joint Bone 1500 contient 3 compositions complexes dont du MSM, de la N-acétyl glucosamine et de la Vitamine D pour la santé des os ! -Articulations saines avec 2 gélules pratiques par jour -Trois ingrédients fonctionnels pour les os -9 ingrédients complémentaires supplémentaires soigneusement sélectionnés par Nutrione ! NOUS LE RECOMMANDONS POUR -Ceux qui ont besoin de soins de santé articulaires et cartilagineux -Ceux qui utilisent fréquemment les doigts et les articulations du poignet -Ceux qui transportent fréquemment des objets lourds dans les escaliers -Pour les personnes d'âge moyen qui sont sensibles aux lésions articulaires -Celles qui sont épuisées après un accouchement ou une garde d'enfants -Ceux qui aiment l'exercice intense Autres ingrédients MSM, N-acétyl glucosamine, formulation mixte de vitamine D3, cellulose cristalline, maltodextrine, lactose en poudre, acide stéarique magnésium, hydroxypropylméthylcellulose, carboxyméthylcellulose calcique, dioxyde de méthyle, glycérine, POUDRE DE CARTILAGE DE REQUIN, poudre de moules à lèvres vertes, POUDRE D'EXTRAIT DE BOSWELLIA, poudre d'extrait d'églantier, poudre d'extrait de laurier rose, calcium d'algues, poudre de curcuma, COLLAGÈNE DE POISSON, oxyde de magnésium instructions Prendre 2 comprimés à la fois, une fois par jour avec de l'eau. Taille du paquet 1 400 mg x 60 comprimés (84g) Avertir Pour adultes seulement. GARDER HORS DE LA PORTÉE DES ENFANTS. Si vous êtes enceinte, allaitez, prenez des médicaments ou avez un problème de santé, consultez votre médecin avant utilisation.. Vérifiez... Korea Life Probiotiques de collagène NUTRIONE BB LAB (2g x 50 bâtonnets) 1 BOÎTE Matches the image

58.11 EUR
Nom du produit: BB LAB Collagène Probiotiques Conteneur de service: 2g x 50 bâtonnets (100g / 350kcal) Le choix pour votre beauté intérieure et extérieure, BB LAB Collagen Probiotics 🟡Pourquoi les Probiotiques Collagène BB LAB ? ✅ Combinaison spéciale de collagène et de probiotiques ✅ Consommez quotidiennement 1 700 mg de collagène de poisson à faible poids moléculaire (850 mg par bâton) ✅ 7 souches différentes de bactéries lactiques ✅ Améliore l'hydratation et l'élasticité de la peau ✅ Délicieuse saveur d'orange pour une consommation agréable 🟡Nous vous recommandons nos probiotiques au collagène BB LAB si vous… 1. Vous voulez améliorer la santé de votre peau et de vos intestins 2. Vous voulez consommer du collagène et des probiotiques simultanément 3. Vous voulez améliorer l'hydratation et l'élasticité de votre peau 4. Cherchez un moyen facile de rester en bonne santé 5. Vous recherchez un produit à base de collagène qui a bon goût 🟡Itinéraire: Prendre 1 stick 2 fois par jour 🟡Taille du paquet: 2g x 50 bâtonnets (100g / 350kcal) 🟡Attention: Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Évitez la lumière directe du soleil. Ne pas micro-ondes ou chauffer notre produit sur une source de chaleur. A consommer dès que possible une fois ouvert. Si vous êtes enceinte, allaitez, prenez des médicaments ou avez une condition médicale, consultez votre médecin avant utilisation. Vérifiez la quantité et les instructions avant de prendre ce produit. En cas d'effet indésirable, arrêtez immédiatement d'utiliser ce produit et consultez votre médecin. Fabricant: NUPHARM, INC Pays d'origine: République de Corée Korea Life Collagène de poisson à faible teneur moléculaire Meditree 2 g x 90 unités 2g*90ea

56.06 EUR
-Un mélange de poudre de jus de citron, de xylitol et d'oligosaccharides de fructose -Facile à manger à tout moment, n'importe où avec des sacs et des poches -Vous pouvez le manger de différentes manières, comme des boissons, du jus, du yaourt et de la salade -Vous pouvez le mélanger avec un pack et l'appliquer uniformément sur votre visage -En raison de la nature du collagène de poisson, les poudres peuvent s'agglutiner, mais elles ne sont ni endommagées ni anormales, vous pouvez donc les manger en toute confiance. -Hommes et femmes, enfants et adultes peuvent le prendre Comment utiliser -1 sticks par jour Ingrédients: peptide de collagène de poisson de faible poids moléculaire, glucose, lactose, poudre de yaourt, grenade aromatisée, poudre de grenade concentrée, xylitol, poudre de crème de lait, yaourt aromatisé, vitamine C, fibre d'axacia (gomme de fibre), stéarate de magnésium, acide citrique, lactobacillus plantarum, mélange de vitamines et de minéraux, stévia glucosyl stévia modifié par voie enzymatique, 19 types de mélange de probiotiques (Bifidobacterium animaux ssp, lactis, lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus helveticus, lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus fermentum, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus paracasei, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus faectoccus gaser, lactobacillus enterocus, lactobacillus salvarius , entérocoque faecalis, Lactococcus lactis, streptocoque thermophilus) Le commerçant garantit que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. Korea Life Nutri-one BB LAB Low Molecular Fish Collagen Biotin Plus 2g X 50 Sticks 1 box (50stick)

45.53 EUR
[Description] -100% of biotin intake per day that can be filled from head to toe -Low molecular fish collagen with an average molecular weight of 1,000Da which is high absorption rate. -Contains key subsidiaries of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and milkseramite. -Sweet and sour shine muskat flavor makes it delicious. -It can be easily diluted in water anytime, anywhere. [How to take] Basically, I recommend eating 1 bag a day before going to bed, but I recommend 2 bags a day on special days. [Ingredients] Low molecular fish collagen, anhydrous crystal glucose, green grape concentrated powder, Shine Muscat mixed concentrated powder, Shine Muscat juices, mixed fruit concentrated powder, vitamin C, flavoring, citric acid, DL-apple acid, silicon dioxide, enzyme-treated stevia, biotin mixture, glycine, L-prolin, bottle grass extract powder, milk ceramide, hyaluronic acid mixture, elastin hydrolyzate, vitamin A acetate, sucrose, 17 mixed lactic acid bacteria, dry yeast, milk, and soybean volume: 2gx50 Korea Life LACTO-FIT Lactobacilli Plus Postbiotics 2g*200 Sticks 2g x 200ea orange

61.16 EUR
Postbiotics are non-living bacteria and do not die from gastric acid or bile acid. No, since he's already dead, he won't die. It is absorbed by the small intestine along with other nutrients. Also, since it is not probiotic, it is resistant to the external environment and has the advantage of being able to store room temperature for a long time. Of course, eating probiotics and prebiotics creates postbiotics. Nevertheless, why do you recommend taking postbiotics? In the process of digesting lactic acid bacteria, more than 90% of them are destroyed by strong stomach acid and digestive enzymes in our bodies. Since only about 10% survive and it takes a lot of time to produce metabolites, consuming postbiotics lactobacillus is the fastest and best way to achieve the effects of lactobacillus. - Probiotics + Lactulose Powder - Individual recognized prebiotics for intestinal health recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of korea - lactulose powder validated by human application tests to help promote beneficial bacterial growth and inhibit harmful bacteria - Lactobacillus coated with the U.S. Patent (U.S. 2003/019025A1) by Rosell(company name) from canada - LACTO-5X™, combination formula of Lactofit [Directions and Cautions] Take 1 stick twice a day without water, before or after a meal. INGREDIENTS Lactobacillus powder, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus powder (lactococcus lactobacillus lactis, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus ramnosus, lactobacillus kazay, lactobacillus paracazay, bifidobacterium animalis lactobacillus, lactobacillus subatum, lactobacillus lactobacillus subatum) Lactobacillus helveticus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longgum, Bifidobacterium brebe, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Maltodextrin, Bifidobacterium Animalis, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus Orange mixed extract powder, galacto-oligosaccharide, lactic acid culture powder milk, soybean content country of manufacturer: South Korea “The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.” Korea Life Gelée de collagène à la grenade BOTO Beauty Secret 20 g x 15 bâtonnets 20g*15ea

41.59 EUR
1. [BOTO] Gelée de collagène à la grenade Beauty Secret 20g X 15 Sticks ✔️ 1 000 mg de collagène de poisson de faible poids moléculaire ✔️ 1,2 grenades d'Espagne pour 1 stick. ✔️ Grenade + Collagène ✔️ Formulation de bâton de gelée délicieuse et pratique ✔️ Comment prendre : 1. Gelée de collagène de grenade : Prendre 1 ou 2 sticks par jour Zone de production: Corée Korea Life NUTRIONE Sawpalmetto Octacosanol 1box(580mg X 30ea) 1 box

55.22 EUR
Product name: NutrioneLife Sawpalmetto Octacosanol Serving Container: 580mg X 30 softgels/box (17.4g) For Men’s confidence and vitality, NutrioneLife Sawpalmetto Octacosanol 🟡Why NutrioneLife Sawpalmetto Octacosanol? ✅ Men’s supplement for better confidence and vitality ✅ Contains 115mg of Sawpalmetto Lauric acid and 7mg of Octacosanol ✅ 7 complex functionalities for Men’s prostate health ✅ Uses NON-GMO Sawpalmetto fruit ✅ 11 premium sub-ingredients 🟡We recommend our NutrioneLife Sawpalmetto Octacosanol if you… 1. Urinate often 2. Are concerned with your prostate health 3. Feel uncomfortable even after urination 4. Lack endurance and get tired easily 5. Want a livelier lifestyle 🟡Directions: Take 1 softgel a day with water 🟡Pack Size: 580mg X 30 softgels/box (17.4g) 🟡Caution: Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Do not microwave or heat our product over heat source. Consume as soon as possible once opened. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Check the amount and directions before taking this product. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Manufacturer: Novarex Corp. Country of Origin: Republic of Korea Korea Life NUTRIONELIFE Arginine Max 5000 1box (18ml X 15sticks) 1 box

82.99 EUR
🟡Product name: NUTRIONE LIFE Arginine Max 5000 🟡Serving Container: 18ml x 15sticks Are you exhausted? Charge full energy with Arginine max 5000! Best Energy booster for your energetic day! 🟡Key Highlights ✅ Contains High content of 5,000mg Arginine which we called source of energy ✅ Contains 500mg of Ornithine that works as synergy booster of arginine ✅ Contains BCAA(Branched-Chain Amino acid) and 14 various kinds of ingredient ✅ Just 1 stick a day with bueberry flavor 🟡Recommended To ✅ Students and Office workers who want to spend energetic day ✅ Workout lovers who often do high-strength workouts ✅ Those who need intensive energy 🟡Directions: Take 1 stick a day *Tip: L-Arginine is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach as it loses competition for absorption when taken with other amino acids. 🟡Pack Size: 18ml x 15sticks 🟡Caution: Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Do not microwave or heat our product over a heat source. Consume as soon as possible once opened. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Check the amount and directions before taking this product. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Manufacturer: NOVAREX, INC Country of Origin: Republic of Korea Korea Life [Korea Bio Cell] Pomegranate Low Molecular Collagen & Probiotics Powder 2g X 30ea/2g*180ea 60g

26.63 EUR
✔️Pomegranate extract powder + low-molecular-weight collagen + 17 kinds of mixed lactic acid bacteria powder ✔️1,000~2,000Da of low-molecular collagen in 1 pack ✔️Pomegranate extract powder containing 85% pomegranate concentrate ✔️Pomegranate extract powder containing 85% pomegranate concentrate was used. ✔️one pack a day Korea Life NUTRIONE Lutein Zeaxanthin164 (500mg X 30ea) 1 BOX 1box

36.47 EUR
Product name: Nutrione Lutein Zeaxanthin 164 Serving Container: 500g x 30 softgels (15g) • Nutrione, the Leading and Fast-growing Health and Beauty Supplement Brand in Korea • Protect Eye Health • Scientifically Proven 4:1 Ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin • Eye's Formula of Lutein and Zeaxanthin • Zinc, Selenium • Vitamin A, B1, B2, E • Maintains & Protects Health of the Macular Region • Maintains Visual Sharpness • 30 Capsules * Provides nutrients that form the protective macular pigment of the eye, which may help to protect the health of the eye. * An eye's formula of lutein and zeaxanthin to assist with the support of healthy eye function. * The scientific ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin supported by the US National Eye Institute's recommendation. * It also contains selenium and Vitamins to improve support for healthy eyes. * Improves eye strain and dryness worn out by close contacts with electronic devices for a long period. * Able to obtain Lutein and Zeaxanthin at once. * Maintains & protects health of the macular region. * Helps increase the density of the macular pigment in the eye. * Maintains visual sharpness. Key Ingredients * Lutein: Creates a protective layer to help filter harmful UV and blue light. Protects eyesight and eye health to make sure it functions properly. * Zeaxanthin: Reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Helps to maintain macular pigment density - maximum daily intake 20mg (16mg/4mg, Lutein Zeaxanthin 164 has ratio of 16:4) * Bilberry: Provides nutrition to eye tissues, improves blood circulation and strengthened eyesight. Useful Tips for Your Healthy Life! Human bodies cannot produce lutein or zeaxanthin, so they must be obtained from the diet or supplement. Sub-ingredients * Grape seed, Vitamin A, B1, B2 & E, Zinc, Selenium Directions Take 1 capsule once a day with water. Pack Size 500mg x 30 capsules Caution For adults only. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor. Store in a cool dry place. Manufacturer: NOVAREX CO., LTD Country of Origin: Republic of Korea Korea Life vitahalo refreshing tok vitamin C stick 1box/120g(2g x 60pcs) 1 box

48.59 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- vitahalo refreshing tok vitamin C stick 2g x 60pcs -Importance of Vitamin C especially now! We hear more people are on high daily dosage of Vitamin C -It is reported that Vitamin C we consume from food and supplements are very similar -Vitamin C, a water soluble nutrient, is absorbed by the body and any excess is lost through urine INGREDIENTS : Xylitol, mixed preparations (vitamin C, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), mannitol, fruit. Vegetable processed products (Chinese/vitamin tree fruit extraction powder), sugar processed products, mixed preparations (dextrin, mixed preparations (triacetin, flavoring, alcohol), Arabian gum enzyme-treated stevia, vitamin B hydrochloride, vitamin B Brand: No Brand SKU: 2980093159_SGAMZ-20459540973 Korea Life grn+ - Pinky Slim Équilibre & Biotine 900mg x 90comprimés

31.76 EUR
Avantages: Compléments alimentaires de type comprimés faciles à prendre qui aident à contrôler le poids et à reconstituer l'énergie du corps. Contient 750 mg d'acide hydroxycitrique de Garcinia Cambogia qui aide à empêcher les glucides de se convertir en graisse, aidant ainsi à réduire la graisse corporelle. Contient 3333 % de la valeur quotidienne recommandée de biotine qui aide au métabolisme des nutriments et à la production d'énergie. Enrichi de divers nutriments supplémentaires comme les vitamines B2, B1, B6 et l’acide pantothénique. Les ingrédients principaux: Acide hydroxycitrique: Peut améliorer la perte de poids en empêchant le stockage des graisses en empêchant les glucides de se transformer en graisse et en contrôlant l'appétit. Biotine: Un élément essentiel des enzymes du corps qui décomposent des substances comme les graisses, les glucides et autres. Comment prendre: Prendre 3 fois par jour, 1 comprimé à chaque fois avec de l'eau avant de manger. Ingrédients majeurs Extrait de Garcinia Cambogia (Inde), Biotine (La France), Pantothénate de Calcium (Royaume-Uni), Chlorhydrate de pyridoxine, chlorhydrate de thiamine, riboflavine, maltodextrine, carboxyméthylcellulose de calcium, stéarate de magnésium, dioxyde de silicium, hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxypropylméthylcellulose, esters glycérineux d'acides gras Korea Life NUTRIONE Rouge RTG Oméga 3 (1 050 mg x 30 unités) 1 box 1 box

30.18 EUR
Nom du produit: NutrioneLife Rouge rTG Oméga3 Conteneur de service: 1 050 mg X 30 gélules/boîte (31.5g) Améliorez votre santé avec seulement 1 capsule par jour, avec notre NutrioneLife Red rTG Omega3 🟡Pourquoi NutrioneLife Red rTG Omega3 ? ✅ Contient du rTG Omega3 qui est rapidement absorbé et utilisé par notre corps ✅ Utilise de l'huile de krill des États-Unis. ✅ Oméga3 Premium (contient et retient l'EPA et le DHA) ✅ Utilise le rTG Omega3 de la plus haute qualité IFOS ✅ UNE seule gélule par jour 🟡Nous recommandons notre NutrioneLife Red rTG Omega3 si vous… 1. Besoin d'améliorer la circulation sanguine 2. Vous voulez améliorer votre santé 3. Avoir des horaires de repas irréguliers 4. Sont constamment stressés par le travail 5. Sont inquiets pour votre circulation sanguine 6. Sont employés et consomment peu de viande 🟡Itinéraire: Prendre 1 gélule par jour avec de l'eau 🟡Taille du paquet: 1 050 mg X 30 gélules/boîte (31.5g) 🟡Attention: Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Évitez la lumière directe du soleil. Ne pas micro-ondes ou chauffer notre produit sur une source de chaleur. A consommer dès que possible une fois ouvert. Si vous êtes enceinte, allaitez, prenez des médicaments ou avez une condition médicale, consultez votre médecin avant utilisation. Vérifiez la quantité et les instructions avant de prendre ce produit. En cas d'effet indésirable, arrêtez immédiatement d'utiliser ce produit et consultez votre médecin. Fabricant: COSMAX NBT, INC. Pays d'origine: République de Corée Korea Life Extrait de ginseng rouge coréen BOTO de 6 ans, bâtonnet pur Gold 10 g x 30 bâtonnets / 10 g x 100 bâtonnets 300g

52.56 EUR
1. Contient 7 ml de ginsénoside, l'ingrédient principal du ginseng rouge (1 bâton) 2. Ginseng rouge domestique 100% âgé de 6 ans d'excellente qualité 3. Contient des ingrédients supplémentaires soigneusement sélectionnés - Chicorée, jujube, angélique, pivoine, fructo-oligosaccharide, etc. 4. Il est produit dans une usine certifiée GMP et peut être consommé en toute sécurité 5. Type de bâton, portabilité facile 6. No 7 Additifs 7. Cinq fonctions du ginseng rouge - Il peut aider à améliorer l’immunité, à améliorer la fatigue, l’antioxydation, la mémoire et la circulation sanguine. * Recommandation aux personnes 1. Qui est fatigué d'une vie quotidienne bien remplie 2. Qui a besoin d’améliorer son système immunitaire 3. Qui veut prendre soin de toute sa famille 4. Qui recherchent des produits portables à base de ginseng rouge 5. Qui veut offrir des cadeaux à quelqu'un qui est reconnaissant pour * Comment prendre : - Prendre directement 1 stick une fois par jour à tout moment. * Ingrédient : - Concentré de ginseng rouge, eau purifiée, concentré mixte de plantes, racine de chicorée, maltodextrine, fructo-oligosaccharide, racine d'angélique, sceau de Salomon, etc. Korea Life Gelée de collagène à la grenade VITAHALO en bâtonnets 20 g x 30 pièces 600g*1box

49.04 EUR
Information produit -Bâton de gelée de collagène à la grenade -30 sticks = 1 mois d'approvisionnement -1000 mg de collagène de poisson également inclus -Il sera expédié de Corée et le plus récent produit sera envoyé. À quelle fréquence est-ce que je le mange ? -Vous pouvez manger un stick à chaque fois une ou deux fois par jour. INGRÉDIENTS : Maltodextrine non digestible, D-sorbitol, galactooligosaccharide, arôme yaourt, acide citrique, lactosérum calcique, préparations mixtes de vitamine E (Acétate de DL-a-tocophéryle, amidon de farine, dextrine, dioxyde de silicium),Vitamine C, nicotinamide, pantothénate de calcium, chlorhydrate de vitamine B6, préparation de mélange de vitamine B2 (vitamine B2, ester d'acide gras de glycérine, amidon de maïs),Chlorhydrate de vitamine B1 [lait contenant du soja] Korea Life Wellers Polysia Probiotics 2g X 30ea 1box 1 box

25.59 EUR
Description For healthy bowel movement 2g x 30 sticks 1stick = 100 billion CFU input More than 100,000,000 CFU a day(1 sticks) guaranteed) Daily Prociotics19 is a synbiotics product Input 19 types of 100 billion lactobacillus Added Zinc(3mg, 35% Daily Value) & Vitamin D(5ug, 50% Daily Value) Exp date : Apr 2023 Recommended to Someone with poor bowel function Someone with uncomfortable bowel movement due to irregular living habits, stress, etc Office workers & students who sits on chairs for long period of time Someone whose bowel function has been impaired due to frequent diets INGREDIENTS : Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactoba cillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lac tis, Bifidobacterium infantis, 17 kinds of lactobacillus mixed powder (Lacto coccus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococ cus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifido bacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lacto bacillus reuterius, Lactobacillus reuterius, Lactobacillus reuterius, Lactobacillus, Bactobacillus, Lactobacillus reuterius, ssp.lactis, Bifidobacterium breve, Lac tobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lact obacillus casei, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus fermentum, dextrin.), refined glucose, vegetable cream mixture powder (starch syrup, palm oil, casein potassium) Lecithin, salt, silicon dioxide, vitamin B2), grape flavor powder (sugar, dextrin, grape extract powder, grape flavor powder, citric acid, L-tartaric acid, refined salt, steviol glycoside, xanthan gum), xylitol, fructo-oligosaccharide powder , Galacto-oligosaccharide, xylo-oligosaccharide, wheat dietary fiber, acacia dietary fiber, chicory dietary fiber, grape flavor powder (synthetic fragrance), multi-mineral mix seaweed powder, magnesium hydroxide, iron lactate, dry yeast (containing chromium), dry yeast (Contains selenium), zinc oxide, manganese sulfate, potassium iodine], citric acid anhydride, multi-vitamin mix (vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, powdered vitamin A, calcium pantothenate, vitamin D3 mixed formulation, vitamin B6 hydrochloride, vitamin B1 hydrochloride , Vitamin B2, vitamin K1, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12), enzyme-treated stevia. Contains milk soybeans and wheat “The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.” Korea Life VITAHALO Prebiotics Fracto oligosaccharide FOS 1box/ 150g(5g x 30ea) 1 box

42.89 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Nutritional function: digestion/gastrointestinal tract Recommended intake and intake method: Eat one packet once a day. I recommend it to people like this! Anyone who wants to take lactobacillus easily. Who wants lactobacillus that's easy to take. For those who have a poor bowel movement, for those who feel bloated or gas-filled. Anyone who spends a lot of time sitting down and has little activity Anyone who needs zinc intake due to normal immune system decline Those who want to manage their intestines, and those who want to balance beneficial and harmful bacteria and lay the foundation for the family's physical health. Taking one packet a day can help proliferate beneficial bacteria and bowel movements. It also contains zinc necessary for normal immune function. It's a yogurt-flavored powder stick that everyone likes. It contains acacia dietary fiber and chicory dietary fiber, which are subsidiary ingredients. Precautions In the event of an abnormal case, stop eating and consult an expert. In the case of a specific disease, specific constitution, or allergic constitution, it can sometimes overreact depending on the individual, so check and take it. Korea Life NUTRIONE Triple X 127 (1350 mg x 60 unités/100 unités) 1 BOÎTE 81g/60ea

60.35 EUR
Nom du produit: Nutrione Triple X 127 Conteneur de service: 1350 mg x 60 gélules (81g)/100chacun(135g) Points forts • Nutrione, la marque leader et à croissance rapide de suppléments de santé et de beauté en Corée • Composition complexe de rTG Omega avec 12 vitamines et 7 minéraux pour une absorption facile • S'en tenir à Premium Europe, États-Unis. et matières premières coréennes uniquement • Consommez en toute sécurité avec l'emballage PTP • 100 % de l'apport quotidien requis en utilisant du rTG Omega 3 de qualité supérieure (Apport de 500 mg/jour) • Pour les enfants et les adultes • 60 gélules Ingrédients clés * 12 vitamines différentes - Vitamine A: (Santé oculaire) Nécessaire à la formation et au maintien des muqueuses cutanées et oculaires - Vitamine B1: Nécessaire pour convertir les glucides, les graisses et les protéines en énergie ou en glucose - Vitamine B2: Nécessaire pour générer de l’énergie dans le corps - Vitamine B6: Nécessaire à l'utilisation des protéines et des acides aminés - Vitamine B12: Nécessaire au métabolisme normal de l’acide folique - Vitamine C: Nécessaire à la croissance, au développement et à la réparation de tous les tissus corporels - Vitamine D: Nécessaire à la formation et au maintien des os. Réduire le risque d’ostéoporose - Vitamine E: Nécessité de protéger les cellules des radicaux libres - Niacine: Nécessaire pour générer de l’énergie dans le corps - Acide pantothénique: Nécessaire au métabolisme des graisses, des glucides, des protéines et à la production d’énergie - Acide folique: Nécessaire à la production de cellules et de sang - Biotine: Nécessaire au métabolisme des graisses, des glucides, des protéines et à la production d’énergie * 7 minéraux différents - cuivre: Nécessaire au transport du fer et à la protection des cellules contre les radicaux libres - Magnésium: Nécessaire pour maintenir les nerfs et la fonction musculaire - Manganèse: Nécessaire à la formation osseuse et à l’utilisation de l’énergie - Sélénium: Nécessaire pour protéger les cellules des radicaux libres - Zinc: Nécessaire pour s'assurer que le système immunitaire fonctionne correctement - Le fer: Nécessaire au transport de l’oxygène et à la production de sang dans le corps - Calcium: Nécessaire à la formation des os et des dents * rTG Omega 3 EPA et DHA dans les oméga 3 peuvent aider à améliorer les triglycérides et la circulation sanguine. * Trois fonctions/nutriments complexes dans un seul comprimé ! Triple-X 127 ! * Multivitamines, minéraux, oméga-3 (EPA et DHA). Avec trois nutriments en un, prenez soin de votre santé de base. * Le complexe multivitaminé est une nécessité pour nous tous de nos jours et peut vous aider à prendre toutes les vitamines, minéraux et oméga-3 nécessaires. (EPA et DHA) immediatement. * Soutient la santé énergétique, musculaire et osseuse, le métabolisme et le système immunitaire. instructions Prendre 2 gélules une fois par jour avec de l'eau. Taille du paquet 1350 mg... Korea Life [Nutri-one] BB LAB Low Molecular Fish Collagen Powder S With Elastin, Milk Ceramide 2g X 50 Sticks 1 box (50stick)

49.45 EUR
[Description] -It contains 1,500mg of low molecular fish collagen, so it can absorb enough collagen. -Contains 30mg of vitamin C needed to synthesize collagen -One package contains premium ingredients such as collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and milk ceramide. -It has a sweet and sour grapefruit taste, so you can eat it deliciously without the distinctive fishy taste of collagen. -You can easily dilute it in water anytime, anywhere. [How to take] Basically, I recommend eating 1 bag a day before going to bed, but I recommend 2 bags a day on special days. [Ingredients] Low molecular fish collagen, anhydrous crystal glucose, maltodextrin, grapefruit concentrated powder, vitamin C, natural grapefruit powder, sevensberry concentrated powder, blackcurrant concentrated liquid, bitred, natural orange flavored powder, DL-apple acid, elastin hydrolyzate (made in the United States), anhydrous citric acid, milk ceramide, silicon dioxide, enzyme-treated stevia, hyaluronic acid mixture, nicotinic acid amide, sucrose (sweetening), vitamin A mixed powder (glucose syrup powder, arabina gum, corn starch, vitamin A acetate), 17 mixed lactobacillus, dried yeast, milk, and soybean volume: 2gx50 Korea Life Collagène Glutathion Blanc à Faible Poids Moléculaire BB LAB 2g X 30sticks

43.4 EUR
✔️Taux d'absorption élevé -Collagène de poisson de faible poids moléculaire (poids moléculaire moyen 1 000 Da) ✔️Glutathion et vitamines C et E ✔️Arôme d'orange fraîche ✔️Vous pouvez le consommer facilement et délicieusement sans eau, 1 paquet par jour. ✔️Vitamines antioxydantes C et E ✔️La vitamine C et la vitamine E, qui agissent comme antioxydants et aident à protéger les cellules des radicaux libres, ne peuvent pas être synthétisées par l'organisme lui-même, elles doivent donc être consommées. Korea Life [Vacances] Collagène de qualité supérieure 500 mg x 120 comprimés 1 box

31.65 EUR
[La description] -Taux d'absorption élevé, utilisant du collagène de poisson de faible poids moléculaire -Rapide et facile à consommer, riche en collagène de poisson -L'efficacité du collagène: Blanchit et unifie le teint en profondeur. Élimine les taches brunes, les taches brunes, le teint terne. Redonne une peau lisse, jeune et éclatante. Contrôle l’apparition des signes de l’âge. Augmente l'humidité, limite la sécheresse, desquamation, déshydratation. Améliorer le système immunitaire du corps. Réduit le risque de cassure des cheveux et des ongles. Améliorer les os et la fonction articulaire, préviennent l'ostéoporose [Comment prendre] -Prendre un comprimé une fois par jour, une fois par jour, avec suffisamment d'eau. (Vous pouvez prendre jusqu'à deux comprimés par jour.) [Ingrédients] Poudre mélangée de collagène [51 % de glucose raffiné, collagène de poisson/Vietnam), 49% de collagène de poisson (Viêt Nam)] 99%, stéarate de magnésium, hydroxypropylméthylcellulose Korea Life NUTRIONE Brain Alpha PS 1 BOÎTE (800 mg x 30 gélules) 24g(30ea)

70.59 EUR
Nom du produit: Nutrione Cerveau Alpha PS Conteneur de service: 800 mg x 30 gélules (24g) Améliorez vos capacités cognitives et activez les antioxydants immédiatement ! Nutrione Brain Alpha PS-Phosphatidylsérine + Vitamine E Points forts -Phosphatidylsérine + Vitamine E pour améliorer les capacités cognitives et obtenir des effets antioxydants en même temps ! -Phosphatidylsérine NON OGM d'occasion -Contient 300 mg de phosphatidylsérine pour améliorer les capacités cognitives en déclin -Contient de la vitamine E qui agit comme un antioxydant -Contient 4 ingrédients auxiliaires méticuleusement sélectionnés -Emballage PTP individuel pour une consommation hygiénique Ingrédient clé * Phosphatidylsérine: Aide à améliorer la santé du cerveau et les capacités cognitives *Vitamine E: Soutient l'activité antioxydante Sous-Ingrédient *Sélénium *Calcium *Huile de poisson raffinée * Extrait de feuille de Ginkgo RECOMMANDÉ POUR - Ceux qui veulent prendre de la phosphatidylsérine - Ceux qui ont besoin d'un entretien de santé pour la peau endommagée causée par les rayons UV - Ceux qui ont besoin d'améliorer leurs capacités cognitives - Ceux qui ont besoin d'une activité antioxydante instructions Prendre 2 gélules à la fois chaque jour avec de l'eau. Taille du paquet 800 mg x 30 gélules (24g) Fabricant: SUHEUNG CO., LTD. Pays d'origine: République de Corée Korea Life Slim Planet Catechin 500mg Korean Weight Loss Pill 1box/90g(500mg*180ea) 1 box

69.34 EUR
✅ Directions to use Maximize your well-being with three tablets of SLIMPLANET Catechin 500mg, taken twice daily with water after meals. ✅ Key Features ▶ Infused with premium Spanish green tea extract (500mg) from EUROMED, a prestigious Spanish firm with an impressive legacy of 50 years in wellness innovations. ▶ Certified Kosher and Vegan, assuring you of our commitment to meeting dietary preferences and requirements. ▶ Triple-action wellness benefits: Our superior blend helps reduce body fat, boost antioxidant defenses, and support healthy cholesterol levels for your overall wellness. ▶ We only use natural ingredients, free from various additives or excipients. NO HPMC, NO Silicon Dioxide, NO Magnesium Stearate, NO Calcium Carboxymethylcellulose ▶ Quality you can trust: Our products are created in GMP-certified facilities, adhering to the highest standards of safety and quality. ▶ Recognized and approved by the esteemed Korea Food & Drug Administration for its exceptional safety and effectiveness. Experience the premium SLIMPLANET Catechin for multifunctional weight loss efficacy! ✅ Key Ingredients ▶ The Power of Catechin: Catechin, found abundantly in green tea, aids in reducing body fat, acts as an antioxidant, and helps improve cholesterol levels. This key ingredient is what imparts the characteristic bitter taste to green tea and is recognized as a health-boosting component by the Korea Food & Drug Administration. Research highlights the wide-ranging benefits of catechins, including weight loss, BMI reduction, decrease in body fat percentage, and reduction in waist and hip circumference. It also contributes to the decrease in subcutaneous and abdominal fat areas, and overall fat mass reduction. [Source: Nago T et al. Obesity(silver spring). 15(6), 1473-1483(2007)] ⚠️ Cautions ⚠️ Prior to consumption, please carefully review the ingredients list, especially if you have any known allergies. Please be aware that this product contains caffeine equivalent to 40% of a cup of coffee. As a result, it may cause symptoms such as restlessness or insomnia. For optimal usage, it is recommended to avoid taking it on an empty stomach. Korea Life Dr.Elizabeth's Carbohydrate Cut Slimming Garcinia1000mg & Carb Blocker (30 Days) 1box/78g(650mg*120ea) 1 Box

45.89 EUR
[ Dr.Elizabeth's Carbohydrate Cut Slimming Garcinia1000mg & Carb Blocker (30 Days) ] ✅100% AUTHENTIC PRODUCT DIRECTLY SHIPPED FROM KOREA
 ✅READY STOCK ✅Guarantee 1+ years 💗DIET with functionally proven ingredients by 2 tablets just before a meal! 💗Garcinia Cambogia, a tropical plant found in the South Asia region consists of HCA (Derivative of Citric acid) which suppresses carbs converting into fat. 💗Natural source slimming body line 💗Size: 120 tablets (4 tablets a day, 2 tablets at once just before a meal) Korea Life VITAHALO Inner Probiotics 1box/60g(2gX30ea) 1 box

24.99 EUR
Product Description ✔️ 1 million probiotics count 100 million CFU guaranteed ✔️ Vaginal Lactobacillus L.plantarum (LB931) ✔️ Patented Lactobacillus L.plantarum (K8) ✔️ 19 kinds of mixed lactic acid bacteria ✔️ Contains 2 kinds of lactic acid bacteria derived from Kimchi ✔️ 1 time per day, 1 packet at a time ✔️ Delicious with pomegranate flavor Korea Life grn+Green Slim Balance & Regular Motions 900mg*60ea

31.74 EUR
Benefits: Easy-to-take tablet type diet supplements that helps with bowel movement and helps reduce body fat. Contains 350mg Catechin from green tea that helps with weight and body fat control. Contains 30mg aloe vera, which is the recommended daily intake value, that helps with smooth bowel movement. Main ingredients: Green Tea Extract (Catechin): Natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and possibly decrease body weight and body fat. Aloe Vera: Contains several compounds known to act as laxatives that helps with smooth bowel movement. How to take: Take 2 times a day, 1 tablet each time with water after eating. Ingredients: Xylooligosaccharide Powder (China), Green Tea Extract Powder (China), Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Dextrose Anhydrous, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids Korea Life Vitahalo Hyaluronic Acid 1box/28g(500mg*56ea) 1 box

45.69 EUR
This is Vitahalo Moisture Filling Hyaluronic Acid for your healthier skin care. It is superb quality at a very reasonable price to start caring your inner beauty in the long term. Item Features - Net weight: 28g (500mg x 56 Capsules for 28 days) - Made in Korea - Main ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid(120mg), Vitamin A(30% of daily value), Vitamin E(30% of daily value) Hyaluronic Acid: It can help moisturize the skin Vitamin A: It forms the skin and mucous membranes. Necessary for maintaining functions, growth, development of epithelial cells and visual adaptation in dark places Vitamin E: Antioxidation which is necessary to protect cells from free radicals For Whom? & Benefits - Who wants for moisturized and healthy skin - Who concerned about skin health for irregular meals and diet or weight control - Who has dry and parching skin - Who wants to sooth and moisturize dry skin for frequent overtime work and stress Korea Life FOODOLOGY - Manology Cut Pro 1box/64g(800mg*80ea) 1box/64g

95.08 EUR
Package quantity: 800mg x 80 tablets Benefits: Suitable for people who have oily meals, it helps reduce body fat and helps firmer body shape. Contains 372mg of Polyphenol from green apple extract to help reduce body fat. May help maintain liver health by reducing ALT and AST in the liver, with 130mg of Silymarin from milk thistle extract. Formulated with 40mg of plant-derived Octacosanol, which may increase Glycogen in body. GMP certified. Main ingredients: Polyphenol: It seems to block fat and cholesterol from entering the body and slow the production of fat and cholesterol. Milk Thistle: Contains Silymarin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and might help protect the liver from toxins. Octacosanol: It might help to reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increase levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It might also improve the health of fat cells. How to use: Take 2 times a day with water after meal, 1 tablet each time. ingredients:Green Apple Extract Applephenon (Functional Ingredient Recognition No. 2020-9) (China), Milk Thistle Extract Powder (USA), Octacosanol-Containing Oil And Fat (USA), Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Silicon Dioxide, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Maca Extract Powder, Dried Yeast, Turmeric Root Extract Powder, Pu'er Tea Extract Powder, Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids, Taurine, Seaweed Powder, Vitamin Mineral Concoction {Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic, L-Ascorbic Acid, dl-α-Tocopherol Concoction (dl-α-Tocopheryl Acetate, Food Starch Modified, Glucose Syrup Powder, Silicon Dioxide), Ferrous Fumarate, Nicotinamide, Vitamin A Concoction (Glucose Syrup Powder, Corn Starch, Gum arabic, Retinyl Acetate, dl-α-Tocopherol), Zinc Oxide, Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Biotin}, Amino Acid Concoction (L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Leucine), Citric Acid Anhydrous,L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Artichoke Extract Powder, Dandelion Extract Concentrate Powder, Folic Acid Korea Life [VITAHALO] Black bellflower Pear Ginger Syrup Stick 1box/1kg(10g*100ea)

57.7 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- ◆ Product ◆ [VITAHALO] Black bellflower Pear Ginger Syrup Stick 10g x 100 sticks ◆ Product Description ◆ ✔️Selected domestic black bellflower. -Sweet domestic pears, made with a balanced blend of thoughts. You can feel the richer taste of black bellflower. ✔️Domestic black bellflower, domestic honey, domestic pear, domestic ginger. ✔️1 individual stick at a time. ✔️1 to 2 times a day, take 1 pack per time as it is or dilute it with water. * Delivery : shipping directly from Korea * We sell only 100% authentic and the lowest price products. * Expiration date : Don't worry. We will send the most recent products. Brand: No Brand SKU: 2466878735_SGAMZ-14684242903 Korea Life GRN+ Carb Cut Pink Pocket 14pack/30.8g (Fat CUT/ Health care/ Slimming/ Vitamin/ HCA/ Catechin/ Aloe/ Supplement/ Biotin) 1box

20.69 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Package Quantity: 1000mg x 2 tablets x 14 packets Benefits: Easy-to-take diet supplement that helps cut down excess absorption of carbohydrates and replenish body with multi-vitamins. Infused with Garcinia Cambogia Extract which contains HCA that helps repress carbohydrates from converting to fat in body. Enriched with 9 types of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, B2, and Zinc to replenish nutrients essential to proper function of body. Main ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA): Might improve weight loss by preventing fat storage by repressing carbohydrates from converting to fat and controlling appetite. How to take: Take once a day, 1 packet each time before eating with water. Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, L-Ascorbic Acid, Nicotinamide, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A Concoction (Vitamin A Acetate, Glucose Syrup Powder, Corn Starch, Arabic Gum, dl-α-Tocopherol), Sodium Selenite Concoction (Sodium Selenite, Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic), Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids) Weight Management Supplement Functions: Slimming Country of Origin: Korea Expiry Date: 1766847600 Korea Life Slimplanet Complément minceur et perte de poids 1 boîte/144 g(600 mg * 240 unités)(- Tripleslim / Bloqueur de glucides, détox, brûleur de graisse 1 box

132.99 EUR
L'essence de la nature: Ingrédients 100% d'origine végétale Améliorez votre parcours de perte de poids avec TRIPLE SLIM, méticuleusement élaboré à partir d'ingrédients provenant entièrement de la nature. Nous nous engageons à fournir un produit qui est non seulement efficace mais également adapté à vos objectifs de santé. Innovation de confiance depuis 2012: Profitez de votre repas et poursuivez simplement avec TRIPLE SLIM Comment prendre TRIPLE SLIM ? Bénéficiez de résultats optimaux avec seulement quatre comprimés, pris 30 minutes après un repas, deux fois par jour. Principales caractéristiques Ingrédients purs et naturels uniquement Découvrez l'exclusivité de TRIPLE SLIM avec sa formulation pure et naturelle. Nous déclarons fièrement l’absence de HPMC, de dioxyde de silicium, de stéarate de magnésium et de carboxyméthylcellulose de calcium, offrant ainsi un produit exempt d’additifs inutiles. Triple fonctionnalité pour des résultats ultimes Exploitez la puissance de la catéchine, de la garcinia et de l'aloès en synergie dans TRIPLE SLIM. Ce trio unique fonctionne en harmonie pour offrir une triple fonctionnalité, soutenant vos objectifs de gestion du poids comme jamais auparavant. Excellence de fabrication certifiée GMP Soyez rassuré en sachant que TRIPLE SLIM est fabriqué dans des installations de fabrication certifiées GMP. L'assurance qualité est au cœur de l'engagement de Slimplanet pour votre bien-être. Approuvé par la Food & Drug Administration de Corée Choisissez TRIPLE SLIM en toute confiance, sachant que sa sécurité et son efficacité ont été soigneusement examinées et approuvées par la Korea Food & Drug Administration. Korea Life Slimplanet Garcinia Cambogia 3900mg Régime Minceur 1boîte/162g(600 mg * 270 unités) - Perte de poids Bloqueur de glucides Suppresseur d'appétit 1 box

95.39 EUR
L'essence de la nature: Ingrédients 100% d'origine végétale Améliorez votre parcours de perte de poids avec Slimplanet Garcinia, méticuleusement élaboré à partir d'ingrédients provenant entièrement de la nature. Nous nous engageons à fournir un produit qui est non seulement efficace mais également adapté à vos objectifs de santé. 💖Incorporez-le simplement à votre routine et savourez vos repas !💖 Découvrez la simplicité dans votre routine – incorporez simplement SLIMPLANET GARCINIA et continuez à savourer vos repas comme d’habitude. Atteignez vos objectifs de perte de poids sans perturber votre mode de vie. ✅Pourquoi existe-t-il deux produits à base de Garcinia ? Garcinia 2500: Parfait pour ceux qui découvrent les produits Garcinia, offrant une introduction douce à ses bienfaits. Garcinia 3900: Conçu pour ceux qui recherchent une concentration plus élevée de HCA, les personnes ayant une expérience antérieure de Garcinia ou celles qui souhaitent un soutien diététique 24 heures sur 24. ✅ Comment prendre SLIMPLANET GARCINIA ? Garcinia 2500 Prendre 3 comprimés, 2 fois par jour (30 minutes avant un repas) Garcinia 3900 Prendre 3 comprimés, 3 fois par jour. (30 minutes avant un repas) ✅ Principales caractéristiques 🍃Garcinia hydrosoluble au quotidien(2 500 mg / 3 900 mg) 🌿 Ingrédients purs et naturels uniquement Découvrez l'exclusivité de Slimplanet Garcinia avec sa formulation pure et naturelle. Nous déclarons fièrement l’absence de HPMC, de dioxyde de silicium, de stéarate de magnésium et de carboxyméthylcellulose de calcium, offrant ainsi un produit exempt d’additifs inutiles. 🏭 Excellence de fabrication certifiée GMP Soyez rassuré en sachant que Slimplanet Garcinia est fabriqué dans des installations de fabrication certifiées GMP. L'assurance qualité est au cœur de l'engagement de Slimplanet pour votre bien-être. 🔬 Approuvé par la Food & Drug Administration coréenne Choisissez Slimplanet en toute confiance, sachant que sa sécurité et son efficacité ont été soigneusement examinées et approuvées par la Korea Food & Drug Administration. Découvrez le Slimplanet Garcinia premium pour un voyage de réduction des glucides ! ✅ Ingrédients clés ▶ Extrait de Garcinia -> Activez le processus de réduction des graisses de votre corps en inhibant l'enzyme responsable de la conversion des glucides en graisses. Bénéficiez de ses bienfaits en réduisant la graisse abdominale sous-cutanée, la graisse viscérale, le rapport graisse corporelle, en améliorant l'IMC et en réduisant le tour de taille. Korea Life grn+ - New Green Tea Extract (Green Season 4) 54g(900mg*60ea)

40.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Formulated with green tea catechin to help reduce body fat and aloe leaf extract to facilitate bowel movement, this supplement makes it easier to lose weight when combined with a well-balanced diet. The supplement is also formulated with various vitamins and minerals to help support your nutritional health while you’re dieting. For optimal results, consume one tablet after a meal, and twice daily. Benefits: A weight management aid that helps lower body fat while promoting bowel movement. Further enriched with multivitamins for extra health benefits. Main Ingredients: Catechin: Helps promote weight loss and balance body composition. Aloe Leaf Extract: Helps enhance the bowel movements. Vitamin A: Helps vision in dim light. Vitamin C: Helps protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Vitamin E: Helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen body's immune system. Vitamin B1: Boosts energy production. Vitamin B2: Helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vitamin B6: Keeps the nervous system and immune system healthy. Vitamin B12: Helps keep blood and nerve cells healthy and helps make DNA. Vitamin D: Helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. Niacin: Helps the body turns food into energy. Pantothenic Acid: Supports fat, carbohydrates, and protein metabolism and energy production. Zinc: Helps maintain immune system and metabolism function. Selenium: Protects cells from free radical. Direction of use: Take 1 tablet with water; twice daily. Ingredients: Aloe Vera Concentrate Powder { (Aloe Vera, Dextrin), China}, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract Powder (China), Tocopheryl Acetate Concoction (DL-α-tocopherol, Food Starch Modified, Glucose Syrup, Silicon Dioxide), Vitamin C, Dried Yeast (Contains Selenium, United States), Niacinamide, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin A Concoction (Glucose Syrup Powder, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Arabic Gum, Retinyl Acetate, Tocopheryl Acetate) Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin D3 Concoction (Arabic Gum, Sugar, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Palm Oil, Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin D3, Tocopheryl Acetate), Thiamine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12 Concoction Powder (Dextrin, Trisodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Vitamin B12), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dextrose Anhydrous, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Carboxymethylcellulose Calcium, Hydro Gender: Unisex Country of Origin: Korea Expiry Date: 1759158000 Korea Life [Slimplanet] Catechin 90g(500mg*90ea) - Diet & Detox Supplement Antioxidant Protection & Cholesterol Care 1 box

45.21 EUR
✅ Directions to use Maximize your well-being with three tablets of SLIMPLANET Catechin 500mg, taken twice daily with water after meals. ✅ Key Features ▶ Infused with premium Spanish green tea extract (500mg) from EUROMED, a prestigious Spanish firm with an impressive legacy of 50 years in wellness innovations. ▶ Certified Kosher and Vegan, assuring you of our commitment to meeting dietary preferences and requirements. ▶ Triple-action wellness benefits: Our superior blend helps reduce body fat, boost antioxidant defenses, and support healthy cholesterol levels for your overall wellness. ▶ We only use natural ingredients, free from various additives or excipients. NO HPMC, NO Silicon Dioxide, NO Magnesium Stearate, NO Calcium Carboxymethylcellulose ▶ Quality you can trust: Our products are created in GMP-certified facilities, adhering to the highest standards of safety and quality. ▶ Recognized and approved by the esteemed Korea Food & Drug Administration for its exceptional safety and effectiveness. Experience the premium SLIMPLANET Catechin for multifunctional weight loss efficacy! ✅ Key Ingredients ▶ The Power of Catechin: Catechin, found abundantly in green tea, aids in reducing body fat, acts as an antioxidant, and helps improve cholesterol levels. This key ingredient is what imparts the characteristic bitter taste to green tea and is recognized as a health-boosting component by the Korea Food & Drug Administration. Research highlights the wide-ranging benefits of catechins, including weight loss, BMI reduction, decrease in body fat percentage, and reduction in waist and hip circumference. It also contributes to the decrease in subcutaneous and abdominal fat areas, and overall fat mass reduction. Korea Life Vitahalo Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium 1box/120g(2g*60ea) 1box

48.99 EUR
Vitahalo Probiotics Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium (2g X 60 Stick)Protect your child's intestinal health with premium lactobacillus.Helps with lactobacillus growth.Helps with bowel movements.5 types of patented lactobacillus and 1 type of breast-derived lactobacillus were used.Various probiotics are used.Contains New Zealand superfluous ingredients It is packed with disposable sticks for children to eat. Vitahalo Probiotics Kids Live Lactobacillus Premium (2g X 60 Stick) Protect your child's intestinal health with premium lactobacillus. Helps with lactobacillus growth. Helps with bowel movements. 5 types of patented lactobacillus and 1 type of breast-derived lactobacillus were used. Various probiotics are used. Contains New Zealand superfluous ingredients It is packed with disposable sticks for children to eat. Yogurt-flavored content Korea Life BB LAB INTENSIVE Low Molecular Collagen S 2g*30ea 1can (30stick)

47.32 EUR
[Description] -Main product of the BB LAB Intensive Collagen Line-up Gain vitality and lively skin in your daily life with Collagen S Care -Special Formula SF3X-7: Uses 7 carefully selected special formulas(L-Arginine, L-Glutamic acid Red grape - concentrate powder, Hematococcus -extract powder,Star Anise powder,Ginger powder,Aloe Gel) -Low molecular collagen 1200mg: Use of low molecular collagen through enzymatic hydrolysis. -Contains 30mg of vitamin C from the UK: Contains vitamin C that helps connective tissue formation, function maintenance, and antioxidant action. -Soft texture: Silk powder formulation that melts softly and quickly in the mouth. [How to take] -Take 1 stick a day: Take it every day and create your own daily routine. Ingredients: Low molecular fish collagen, isomalt, anhydrous crystalline glucose, glycine, and 7-berry concentrated powder [Sevenberry concentrate [Blackberry concentrate (Germany), Blackcurrant concentrate (Germany)], DL-apple acid, beet red, mixed preparation 1 (blueberry flavored powder/minutes, flavoring), vitamin C, mixed fruit concentrated powder [tropical mixed fruit concentrate (Israel), L-proline, citric acid (anhydrous), mixed preparation 2 (strawberry flavored cotton/dextrin, lactose, flavoring, pectin, propylene glycol), enzyme treatment stevia, silicon dioxide, elastin hydrolysate powder (US), BB LAB complex (SF3X-7), nicotinic acid amide, hyaluronic acid mixed preparation (dextrin, hyaluronic acid), puppy fruit extract powder, yellow lacquer concentrated powder, sucralose (sweetening), vitamin A mixed preparation (glucose syrup powder, corn starch, Arabian gum, powder vitamin A, vitamin E), 17 other agricultural products (Dracobel New), dry yeast lactobacillus, dry yeast, dry yeastc Korea Life NUTRIONE BB LAB Cissus One Diet 1 BOÎTE/850 mg*14 unités 1 box

74.43 EUR
Quantité de paquet: 850 mg x 14 comprimés Avantages: Un complément alimentaire de type comprimé facile à prendre qui peut aider à réduire la graisse corporelle et à dynamiser le corps. Contient de l'extrait de Cissus d'Inde riche en quercétine et en isorhamnétine qui aide à réduire le poids et la graisse corporelle. Formulé avec d'autres nutriments variés comme la vitamine B1, la vitamine B2, l'acide pantothénique et la niacine pour aider et stimuler la production d'énergie du corps. Infusé de 12 types d'ingrédients supplémentaires, dont de la poudre d'algues, de la poudre d'extrait de thé vert et de l'acide hyaluronique. Les ingrédients principaux: Extrait de Cissus: Peut avoir des effets antioxydants, analgésiques et anti-inflammatoires. Cela pourrait également aider à stimuler la croissance osseuse. Vitamine B1: Aide les cellules du corps à convertir les glucides en énergie pour fournir de l'énergie au corps, en particulier au cerveau et au système nerveux. Vitamine B2: Essentiel au bon développement de la peau, de la muqueuse du tube digestif, des cellules sanguines et du fonctionnement du cerveau. Acide pantothénique: Produit de la coenzyme A pour aider les enzymes à construire et à décomposer les acides gras ainsi qu'à effectuer d'autres fonctions métaboliques, et une protéine porteuse d'acyle pour aider à la construction des graisses. Niacine: Essentiel au bon fonctionnement des graisses et des sucres dans l’organisme et au maintien de cellules saines. Comment utiliser: Prendre 1 comprimé par jour avec de l'eau. Ingrédients: Extrait de Cissus (Inde), Nicotinamide, pantothénate de calcium, mononitrate de thiamine, riboflavine, cellulose cristalline, poudre d'algues (Royaume-Uni), Carboxyméthylcellulose sodique réticulée, dioxyde de silicium, dioxyde de titane (Colorant), Stéarate de magnésium, extrait de feuille de Melissa Officinalis en poudre (Espagne), Poudre de concentré de framboise, poudre d'extrait de pépins de raisin, glycérine, esters d'acides gras, jaune de gardénia, poudre de concentré de chicorée, poudre de concentré de romarin, poudre de cosse de psyllium, poudre de concentré de thé vert, poudre de tige de cactus, acide hyaluronique, poudre d'extrait mixte de plantes, poudre mélangée de fruits et légumes, bleu de gardénia *Contient de la pêche Korea Life VITAHALO Vitahalo Probiotics For Whole Family 200g/300g 200g

62.99 EUR
💙 Simple Pouch Type easy way to take in nutrition 💙 Combination of lactobacillus, bifidus 💙 Contains 3 types of lactic acid bacteria applied with micro capsule method 💙Patented 100% Kimchi-derived lactic acid bacteria 💙GMP Certified 💙 Vitahalo probiotics Whole Family Lactobacillus 💙 Dosage: Take a Pouch a day(2g) 💙 Nutrition facts: (2g/a Pouch) Calories 10kcal, Total Carbohydrate 2g, Sugars less than 0g, Protein less than 0g, Total Fat 0g, Sodium less than 0mg, zinc 2.7mg , Number of probiotics 1,000,000,000 CFU 💙 Probiotics Effect💙 Probiotics are recommended for: 1. Those with poor bowel movements 2. Those who are bloated or who are concerned about intestinal health 3. Office workers and students who spend a long time sitting on a chair 4. Older people with a decrease in intestinal lactic acid bacteria 5. Infants and children with sensitive intestines 6. Those who want regular bowel movements 💙 How to eat: Take 1 Pouch once a day. 💙 Ingredients : Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium animals ssp.lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus plantarum CLP0661, anhydrous crystalline glucose, yogurt powder isomalt, wheat fiber, chicory Dietary fiber, indigestible maltodextrin, acacia dietary fiber, D-sorbitol xylitol, galactoligosaccharide, xyloligosaccharide, fructooligosaccharide, whey calcium, yogurt flavor powder DL- citric acid, citric anhydride, zinc oxide, multivitamin mix ( 13 species), Bacillus coagrans Capacity: 2g*100 pouches (200g); 2g*150 pouches (300g) 🌺🌺🌺 Country of origin: Republic of Korea 🌺🌺🌺 All our products are 100% shipped from Republic of Korea Capacity: 1 Shelf life: Shipped within 24 months after manufacture / Expiration Date: Separately marked Gender: Unisex Effect: Probiotics Korea Life Nutrione Active Multivitamin for Men 36g 1box/1200mg*30ea 1 box

64.93 EUR
Consumption date (or expiration date): Products on or after 2026-03-19 Target audience: Men Total Capsules/Tablet Quantity: 30 tablets Nutritional Ingredients: Complex nutritional supplement Health functional food: certified Consumption date (or expiration date): Products on or after March 19, 2026 Date of manufacture: Products manufactured after March 30, 2024 Weight, Quantity: 30 tablets Korea Life BB Lab Lee Hyori The Collagen Up Jelly 280g/600g 280g

65.6 EUR
Manufacturer: Cosmax NBT Brand: BB Lab Model Name: The Collagen Up Product Type: Gummies/Jelly How to consume: Drink immediately Target audience: Adult men and women Number of intake: Once a day Total daily intake: 1 packet Product capacity: 1 month supply Main functionality (certified by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety): Skin health Nutrient raw material name (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Notification): Vitamin C, not applicable Capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit: 20g x 30 packets/20g x 14packets Quantity per packaging unit: 1 box Raw materials and content Purified water, low molecular weight fish collagen (fish scales: from Bangladesh, Vietnam), red grapefruit concentrate (red grapefruit concentrate: from Israel), fructooligosaccharide, indigestible maltodextrin [corn: from foreign countries (Russia, Hungary, Serbia, etc.)], Gum mixture powder (locust bean gum, xanthan gum, glucose, agar, pamarind gum), citric acid, grapefruit flavor (natural flavor, synthetic flavor, triacetin, purified water, purified salt), prune concentrate (American), enzyme-treated stevia, citric acid ginseng Sodium, calcium lactate, potassium chloride, gardenia red pigment, dried yeast, nicotinic acid amide, hyaluronic acid mixture (dextrin, hyaluronic acid), aloe vera gel, rosehip extract powder, N-acetylglucosamine, vitamin C, elastin peptide. Precautions for consumer safety This product contains eggs (poultry), milk, buckwheat, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, mackerel, shrimp, pork, peaches, tomatoes, sulfur dioxide, walnuts, chicken, beef, squid, shellfish (including oysters, abalone, mussels), Manufactured in the same facility as products made from pine nuts and other ingredients. Store in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity. Keep out of reach of infants, toddlers and children. collagen peptides Korea Life Vitahalo light weight Garcinia 1box/112g(1000mg*112ea) 1 box

34.29 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Expiration date: 2024-08-26 or later Capacity/weight/tablets per unit: 112 tablets Health functional food: certified Ingredients per day: 900mg Type: Pill/Capsule Capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit: 112 (g) Health foods and supplements are products that many people use to improve their health and supplement specific nutrients. Health is the most important thing in life! Just eating makes you healthy! #Health is the best accessory #goodbyetired #Anti-aging essential item #nutritious routine Korea Life BOTO *TIMEDEAL* Collagène blanc à faible poids moléculaire Glutathion C Biotine 4g*30ea 4g*30ea

31.26 EUR
La description Le glutathion blanc petite molécule de collagène C biotine est un complément pour une peau éclatante et d'apparence plus jeune. Le glutathion est bénéfique pour votre peau en réduisant les taches solaires, en blanchissant et en améliorant l'élasticité de la peau et en augmentant la production de peptides de collagène. Points de contrôle -Il fournit 1000 mg de glutathion, 800 mg de collagène de poisson à faible poids moléculaire, de la biotine (100% de l'apport quotidien recommandé), 17 types de probiotiques et de la vitamine C (220% des apports journaliers recommandés). -Saveur de citron. -Ingrédients sûrs et ingrédients de haute qualité. Certification HACCP. -Lorsqu'il est pris comme indiqué, cela fournit un approvisionnement de 1 mois (1 paquet = 30 bâtonnets). * Conservez-le dans un endroit frais et sec. * Gardez-le hors de portée des enfants. *Femmes enceintes ou allaitantes, malades chroniques, personnes âgées, personnes de moins de 18 ans, personnes prenant des médicaments sur ordonnance (par exemple, des anticoagulants) ainsi que ceux qui ont une condition médicale diagnostiquée par un médecin doivent consulter un médecin, un pharmacien, un naturopathe ou un autre professionnel de la santé qualifié avant de prendre des compléments alimentaires. Ingrédients Levure sèche (glutathion, collagène de poisson, fructose, xylitol, poudre d'arôme de citron {dextrine, lactose, base d'arôme de citron 1 (arôme naturel, arôme synthétique)), gomme arabique, arôme citron base clé 2 (arôme naturel, arôme synthétique), polysorbate}, fructo-oligosaccharide, crème végétale {sirop d'amidon, huile de palme, lactosérum en poudre, phosphate dibasique de potassium, dioxyde de silicium, ester gras de glycérine, lécithine}, glucose cristallin anhydre, vitamine C, acide citrique anhydre, stéarate de magnésium, dioxyde de silicium, poudre de citron [Jus de citron, formulation mixte d'acide hyaluronique (dextrine, acide hyaluronique), maltodextrine non digestible dérivée d'amidon de blé, formulation mixte de biotine (phosphate dicalcique, biotine), 17 types de bactéries lactiques mixtes. *Contient lait, soja, blé, crevettes. Peut contenir des œufs, du sarrasin, des arachides, du maquereau, du crabe, du porc, des pêches, des tomates, des acides sulfureux, des noix, du poulet, du bœuf, des calmars, des crustacés (huître, ormeau, moules), Pignon de pin. Apports nutritionnels (contenu total 120g (30 bâtons x 4g)) Calories 448kcal, sodium 150mg (8%), Glucides 69g (21%), Gras 0g (0%), Gras trans 0g, gras saturés 0g (0%), Cholestérol 0mg (0%), Protéine 43g (78%), Sucre 25g (25%), Vitamine C 6 600 mg (6 600 %), Biotine 1 080 μg (3 600 %) *% Valeur quotidienne Utilisation suggérée Prendre 1 stick par jour avec de l'eau. Meilleur lorsqu'il est pris selon les directives d'un professionnel de la santé qualifié. Korea Life BOTO Low Molecular Collagen C Hyaluronic Acid Peach 1 box/2g*30ea 1 box

30.88 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Maintain youthful and supple skin while meeting your body’s collagen needs by taking this supplement containing low-molecular fish collagen that absorbs quickly in the body. It’s fortified with Vitamin C to help meet your daily recommended intake of this nutrient. Supplement is infused with probiotics and hyaluronic acid to improve digestive health and boost overall skin health. Comes in a peach ice tea flavor. Take one sachet stick with water a day for optimal results. Package Quantity: 2g x 30 sticks Benefits: Collagen powder contains low molecular collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and 17 kinds of lactobacillus. Infused with low molecular fish collagen that has a higher absorption rate. Blended with Vitamin C from DSM, raw material manufacturer in England. Features a sweet and sour peach ice tea flavor. Comfortable and safe individual package. Main Ingredients: Fish Collagen: Helps decrease the appearance of cellulite, improve skin hydration, and enhance skin elasticity and firmness. Direction of use: Take a stick daily with water. Ingredients: Fish Collagen, Crystalline Glucose Powder, Fructooligosaccharide, Xylitol, Peach Flavor Powder, Mixture (Peach Flavor Powder (Dextrin, Propylene Glycol, Synthetic Flavors, Natural Flavor)}, Yogurt Flavor Powder {Skim Milk Powder (USA), Dextrin, White Sugar, Citric Acid, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids, Synthetic Flavors, Guar Gum, Lactobacillus (Italy)}, DL-Malic Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Enzymatically Modified Stevia Glucosyl Stevia, Magnesium Stearate JP, Vitamin C, Malpighia Glabra Fruit Extract Powder {Malpighia Glabra Fruit Extract (USA), Maltodextrin}, Nondigestible Maltodextrin, Hyaluronic Acid, N-Acetylglucosamine (Korea), Mixed Lactobacillus Powder *Contains Milk, Crab, Peach, and Wheat Korea Life grn+ - Comfortable Night Sky Diet 44.1g/700mg*63ea 1 box

43.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Suitable for daily consumption, these tablets are formulated with green tea extract to lower body fat and cholesterol, rhodiola extract and l-theanine to relieve stress, alongside multivitamins and minerals to provide essential nutrients to the body. Take three tablets daily with water, preferably before sleeping. Package Quantity: 700mg x 63 tables Benefits: This is a 2023 renewal version of Anti Stress Diet Haneul. Formulated with 375mg of Catechin from Green Tea to help lose body fat and help reduce cholesterol level. Contains 250mg of L-Theanine from Green Tea, which helps stress relieving and mental relaxing. Antioxidant Vitamin E helps reduce cell damage caused by over-eating, drinking and unhealthy lifestyle for maintaining body health. GMP certificated. Main ingredients: Green Tea Extract (Catechins): Natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and lower the absorption of cholesterol. L-Theanine: It might effect the brain chemical GABA, dopamine and serotonin. Vitamin E: It is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. How to use: Take 3 tablets a day with water before sleeping. Ingredients: Green Tea Extract Powder (China), Theanine (China), dl-α-Tocopherol Concoction Powder [(France), (dl-α-Tocopheryl Acetate, Modified Starch, Glucose Syrup Powder, Silicon Dioxide)], Cellulose, Microcrystalline, Lactose Mixed Powder (Lactose, Dextrin), Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose, Glycerin Esters of Fatty Acids *Contains Milk Gender: Unisex Country of Origin: Korea Expiry Date: 2524575600 Korea Life VitalBeautie Super Collagen Lift Shot 8mlx28p(224ml)

56.99 EUR
Description Collagen supplement developed by skincare expert Amorepacific’s collaborative work with a dermatologist Provides more concentrated collagen formula in a more convenient format. Fast-absorbing liquid formula helps easily replenish youthful vitality. Enzymatically decomposed AP collagen within the formula delivers faster absorption. Manufactured in Amorepacific’s healthcare supplement specialized HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) facility. 5 free formula for safe daily collagen intake. Low-calorie collagen liquid with fresh-tasting cherry flavor. Comes in a convenient stick pack that helps achieve plumper, smoother skin on-the-go easier, anytime & anywhere! How to use Take 1-2 sticks a day, continuously per day to see maximum efficacy. Ingredients Water,Xylitol,Low Molecular Collagen Peptide-Type I,III(Vietnam),AP Collagen Peptides,Malto Oligosaccharide,Dextrin,Collagen Peptide-Type II (Chicken cartilage (Korea)),Eggshell Membrane Collagen,Centella Asiatica Extract Powder,Elastin Peptide, Hyaluronic Acid, Milk Ceramide, Cucumin Extract Powder,Vitamin C,Concoction 1 (dl α Tocopheryl Acetate,Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate, Water,Silicon Dioxide),Green Tea Polysaccharides Powder,Cherry Concentrate Powder,Lemon Concentrate (Israel),Malt Extract Powder,Ctric Acid,Steviol Glycoside, Xanthan Gum,Gellan Gum, Masking Complex E,Glucono-δ-Lactone,Concoction 2 (Propylene Glycol,Glycerine,Ethanol,Triacetin,Artificial Flavoring,Water,Acetic Acid,Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Oil,Vitamin E),Trisodium Citrate, Calcium Lactate, Glasswort Salt,Concoction 3 (Pectin,Sugar) [Chicken, Egg (Poultry), Milk Included] Korea Life Slimplanet L-Carnitine 2000mg 1box/45g(500mg*90ea)Max Strength Fat Burner & Energy Booster for Exercise & Weight Loss 1 box

80.27 EUR
✅ How to Use SLIMPLANET L-Carnitine? Take 3 capsules twice daily with water. (Recommended to take one hour before exercise) ✅ Our Promises to You: ▶Ranked as the #1 L-Carnitine supplement on Korean Naver Shopping (Re-order rate 74%) ▶Partnered with Swiss LONZA, we harness 120 years of experience in creating premium quality ingredients and capsules - all Kosher certified! (L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 3,000mg/day) ▶ Our supplement is engineered as a potent ally in your fat reduction journey, solely containing 100% pure L-Carnitine devoid of any additives or excipients. NO HPMC, NO Silicon Dioxide, NO Magnesium Stearate, NO Calcium Carboxymethylcellulose ▶ Each batch is manufactured in GMP-certified facilities, ensuring impeccable quality control. ▶ Our products are recognized for their safety and efficacy by the Korea Food & Drug Administration. Embark on the ultimate fat-burning journey - your optimal companion to enhance exercise and diet results! ✅ Key Ingredients ▶ L-Carnitine Tartrate Supports fat reduction. While L-Carnitine is naturally found in meat, cheese, and nuts, it can be challenging to consume the recommended daily amount through diet alone. This is especially true for Asians who tend to have a grain-heavy diet and for individuals with irregular meals due to dieting. ✅ Research findings Our claims aren't just promises; they're backed by scientific research: ▶ Proven reduction in body fat ▶ Stabilization of blood Creatine Kinase levels ▶ Reduction in Malondialdehyde levels ▶ Control of blood Myoglobin concentration Korea Life grn+ Diet Black Man 60g/1000mg*60ea 1 BOX

45.59 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Package quantity: 1000mg x 60 tablets Benefits: Easy-to-take tablet type diet supplements specially designed for men with excessive abdominal fat, who are overstressed and overworked. Contains Green Tea Catechin that helps reduce body fat, cholesterol in blood and provide antioxidant benefits. Contains Milk Thistle that helps improve liver health. Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium that help destroy the free radicals and aid in iron absorption. Main ingredients: Green Tea Extract (Catechin): Natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and possibly decrease body weight and body fat. Milk Thistle: Known to improve liver function by revitalizing damaged liver cells. Vitamin C: Needed for the body to develop and function properly, which also plays an important role in immune function. Vitamin E: Helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen body's immune system. Selenium: Protects our cells against free radicals. How to use: Take 2 times a day, 1 tablet each time with water after meal. Ingredients: Green Tea Extract (75%), Milk Thistle (Cardus Marianus) Extracts (50%), Vitamin C (100%), Dried yeast (Sellenium, 0.1%), Vitamin E Mixture (dl-a TE 50%), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Seaweed Calcium, Chicory Root Extract Powder, Calcium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Maltodextrin, Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxypropyl Cellulose, Taurine, Red Bean Extract Powder, Dried Yeast (INACYIVE DRY BREWER’S YEAST), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Glycerin Ester of Fatty Acids Korea Life Vitahalo 1 Billion Live Lactic Acid Bacteria Kids, 1box/120g 1 box

52.99 EUR
[Vitahalo] 1 Billion Live Lactic Acid Bacteria Probiotics Tea For Kids 120g 💙 Simple Pouch Type easy way to take in nutrition How to take: Take 1 stick-pouch a day(2g) 1 Billion Live Lactic Acid Bacteria Probiotics Delicious and easy, one packet a day! 💙Kimchi-derived lactic acid bacteria + Lactobacillus derived from breast milk + 3 types of Roselsa coated lactic acid bacteria Contains probiotics, zinc, and vitamin D for children who need to grow healthy! 💙 Synbiotics (Probiotics + Prebiotics) 💙 Probiotics Effect💙 Probiotics are recommended for: 1. Those with poor bowel movements 2. Those who are bloated or who are concerned about intestinal health 3. Infants and children with sensitive intestines 4. Those who want regular bowel movements Ingredients: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Zinc oxide, vitamin D3, mixed preparation (gum arabic, sugar, corn starch, medium chain triglyceride oil, silicon dioxide, vitamin D3, vitamin E), Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactococcus lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus plantarum (CLP0611), Lactobacillus casei, Vegetable cream mixed powder, yogurt powder, skim milk powder, glucose, citric acid, yogurt flavor, etc. Contains milk, soybeans Korea Life VITAHALO IRON 25mg 1box/250mg * 90EA 1 box

59.05 EUR
Subject/age of use: Pregnant women Type: Capsule Nutritional supplements Function: Joints/Bones Recommended intake and intake method: Take 1 capsule once a day with water. I recommend it to people like this! Pregnant women and lactated women who are prone to iron deficiency Pregnant women who need healthy care of mothers and fetuses in the middle of pregnancy Growing children and adolescents who need iron intake Men and women of all ages who need iron supply. Anyone who lacks iron intake due to irregular eating habits It is a 250mg small capsule that is easy to swallow. VITAHALO iron, which is enjoyed healthily with eco-friendly made glass bottle packaging. It contains 90 tablets in a large capacity of 3 months. We used German iron. Precautions In the case of a specific disease, specific constitution, or allergic constitution, it can sometimes overreact depending on the individual, so check and take it.

Culottes & slips Réjeanne x Spartoo Culotte menstruelle Réjeanne x Spartoo Rose

38.99 EUR
Culottes & slips Réjeanne x Spartoo Culotte menstruelle Réjeanne x Spartoo Rose Disponible en taille femme. FR 36,FR 38,FR 40. . Femme > Sous-vêtements > Culottes & slips.

Santra Life X2 d'origine

97.99 EUR
La vitamine de beauté originale numéro 1 en Grande-Bretagne ! Son efficacité a été prouvée par des études cliniques. Contient 22 micronutriments, dont la biotine, le zinc et le sélénium. Grâce à l'extrait de pépins de raisin qu'il contient, il aide la peau à avoir un aspect brillant et garantit que les vitamines et les minéraux agissent plus rapidement sur les follicules pileux.. Il soutient le système immunitaire avec 22 micronutriments et contribue à la réduction de la fatigue et de l'épuisement. Avec une utilisation régulière, il commence à montrer son effet en 1 mois. Pour de meilleurs résultats, il est recommandé de l'utiliser pendant au moins 3 mois. Biotine, Niacine, Riboflavine, Zinc contribuent au maintien d'une peau normale. Biotine, Sélénium, Zinc contribuent au maintien de cheveux normaux. Le Sélénium et le Zinc contribuent au maintien d'ongles normaux. La vitamine C contribue à la formation normale de collagène, nécessaire au fonctionnement normal de la peau. Utilisation recommandée Il est recommandé aux adultes âgés de 11 ans et plus de prendre 1 comprimé par jour après les repas. Il ne contient pas de conservateurs. Il ne contient ni sel ni levure. Il ne contient pas de gluten. Il ne contient pas de lactose. n'a pas été testé sur les animaux. Convient aux végétariens.

Santra Life Original X3

125.99 EUR
The UK's number 1 beauty vitamin! Its effectiveness has been proven by clinical studies. Contains 22 Micronutrients including Biotin, Zinc and Selenium. With the grape seed extract it contains, it helps the skin get a bright appearance and ensures that vitamins and minerals affect the hair follicles faster. It supports the immune system with 22 micronutrients and contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. With regular use, it starts to show its effect within 1 month. For best results, it is recommended to use it for a minimum of 3 months. Biotin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. Biotin, Selenium, Zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal hair. Selenium and Zinc contribute to the maintenance of normal nails. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation, which is necessary for the normal function of the skin. Recommendation for Use: It is recommended for adults over 11 years of age to take 1 tablet per day. Suitable for vegetarians. It does not contain gluten. It does not contain preservatives. It does not contain salt or yeast. Does not contain lactose Original has not been tested on animals.

Santra Life 4x Magnesium Complex 200 Mg - Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Quercetin - 4-pack Complex

55.39 EUR
Contains 200 mg Magnesium in Each Tablet: Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Biglycinate, Magnesium Taurate and Magnesium Malate chain: Important for supporting the immune system, cell growth and repair, and overall body health. Vitamin B6: Supports nervous system functions, contributes to energy metabolism and general health. Vitamin D: Vitamin B12: It is important in energy production. Supports nervous system health and helps the formation of red blood cells quercetin: A powerful antioxidant, it may help reduce inflammation It provides high absorption thanks to its chelated magnesium forms. It is produced using high quality Magnesia GMBH raw materials from Germany.

Santra Life Huile de poisson oméga-3 premium 90 gélules X 1000 mg, huile de poisson, collagène hydrolysé

46.99 EUR
Santé cardiovasculaire: L'huile de poisson, qui contient beaucoup d'oméga 3, doit absolument être ajoutée à l'alimentation en raison de ses effets sur les personnes souffrant de problèmes cardiovasculaires, de ses effets sur le renforcement du système immunitaire, de ses effets sur l'augmentation de l'absorption des divers suppléments vitaminiques pris et de ses effets sur augmenter les bienfaits que le corps reçoit de ces vitamines. . De plus, contrairement aux idées reçues, les oméga 3 n’ont pas d’effet gain de poids et sont même très utiles pour perdre du poids, et sont également recommandés par les experts aux personnes qui souhaitent perdre du poids.. . perte de poids: Les gens pensent généralement que l'huile de poisson fera prendre du poids car elle est grasse, mais contrairement à la croyance populaire, l'huile de poisson n'a pas d'effet de prise de poids, mais on peut dire qu'elle est largement utilisée pour perdre du poids.. L'huile de poisson augmente l'effet de l'exercice, en particulier chez les personnes qui font de l'exercice, et aide ainsi à perdre du poids.. Grâce à l'exercice en plus de l'utilisation d'huile de poisson, un changement positif peut être observé dans la forme et la qualité du corps.

Santra Life X-man Plus Hair Strengthening Tablet 60 Pieces (keratin Saw Palmetto)

139.73 EUR
X-Man Plus Hair Strengthening Tablet 60 Pieces (Keratin Saw Palmetto) X-Man Plus Hair Strengthening Tablet supports hair health with the keratin and saw palmetto it contains. Keratin is one of the proteins that are the building blocks of hair and strengthens hair strands, preventing breakage and weakening. Saw palmetto can help reduce hair loss, support hair follicles and make hair look fuller. When used regularly, these tablets can contribute to strengthening and keeping the hair healthy.. It supports the natural growth process of the hair by nourishing the hair follicles and improves the overall appearance of the hair.. X-Man Plus provides effective support for those who want to combat hair problems. BMH X-Man Plus Tablet, keratin and Saw Palmento, Zinc, Folic acid and Vitamin B5 Contains. It contains 60 tablets. Specially designed for men It is a food supplement containing multi-vitamins.

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Smooth Vanilla 1 Strawberry Cake 1 Shaker Gift

132.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Smooth Vanilla and x1 Strawberry Cake, shaker will be a gift from us!

Santra Life Magnesium And Vitamin B6 60 Tablets

54.08 EUR
TETT: 03/2026 Microbiome Magnesium and Vitamin B6 60 Tablets contain Magnesium Malate, Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Bisglycinate and Vitamin B6. *618.69 mg Elemental magnesium from Magnesium Citrate: 100 mg *354.7 mg Elemental magnesium from Magnesium Bisglycinate: 50 mg *321.7 mg Elemental magnesium from Magnesium Malate: 50 mg hydrochloride): How to Use 10mg: It is recommended to use 1 tablet a day for adults aged 11 and over. Magnesium Citrate: Easily absorbed. It has an anti-constipation effect and is used for digestive problems. Magnesium Bisglycinate Easily absorbed. It can be effective against pain and menstrual pain. It is effective against muscle cramps after sports. It has sedative properties and can reduce anxiety and enable easy sleep. Magnesium Malate can be used against Fibromyalgia. It can reduce chronic fatigue. Vitamin B6: Using vitamin B6 supplements during pregnancy may be good for mild nausea and vomiting. Vitamin B6 may have an improving effect on normal brain health by ensuring that the amount of homocysteine in the blood remains within normal limits. Vitamin B6 plays a role in regulating hormones that affect emotions, such as serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. There may be a relationship between low vitamin B6 consumption and depression. During menstruation, symptoms such as bloating, mood changes and fatigue are observed. Using B6 supplements may improve these symptoms

Santra Life Vitamin E 400 Iu (268 mg) 50 Capsules Softgel

42.99 EUR
Vitamin E 400 IU (268mg) 50 Capsules Softgel It is recommended to use 1 capsule per day, preferably at night. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it fights free radicals in the body and can protect the skin from the effects of aging. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it fights free radicals in the body and can protect the skin from the effects of aging. It helps protect cells from oxidative damage. It helps preserve the skin's natural moisture and prevent water loss. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to vision problems and loss of muscle mass. It has positive effects on cell renewal and skin. It contributes to preventing skin water loss and preserving its natural moisture. In other words, vitamin E helps the skin stay healthy and moist by protecting the cell membranes that form a barrier around the cells.

Santra Life Marine Collagen Fish Collagen Hyaluronic Acid

95.58 EUR
Meet a unique formula for your beauty and health, inspired by the sea! First-class fish collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C join forces in our Marine Collagen product. First Class Fish Collagen: Provide support to your skin, hair and nails with the highest quality fish collagen from the depths of the seas. Natural and effective! Hyaluronic Acid: The solution for your moisturizing needs! Hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes your skin. Vitamin C: Famous for its antioxidant power, vitamin C can help your skin look vibrant while supporting your immune system.. unflavored

Santra Life Magnesium Bisglycinate Food Supplement 60 Capsules

51.76 EUR
Magnesium Bisglycinate 60 Capsules Ingredients: Magnesium bisglycinate, Capsule shell (Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose), Anti-caking agent (Magnesium salts of fatty acids). *in 1 capsule 160 mg elemental magnesium from 800 mg magnesium bisglycinate. Net Quantity: 60 capsules Country of Origin: Turkey (The country of origin of magnesium is Germany.) Food Supplement Approval Number: 012116-09.12.2021 Recommended Daily Intake Dose: It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day. For use by individuals aged 11 and over. Storage Conditions: Store in cool and dry places below 25C. Active ingredient Quantity (1 capsule) % BRD Magnesium**In 1 capsule 160 mg of elemental magnesium from 800 mg of magnesium bisglycinate. 160mg 42.66

Santra Life Drsupplement Cookie Flavored 900 Gram 25 Serves

150.99 EUR
WHAT IS GOLD COOKIE WHEY PROTEIN? Whey protein is a protein source obtained from whey and can be quickly digested by the body. It contains essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Whey protein can be found in concentrated, isolate and hydrolyzed forms. CONTENT INFORMATION Whey protein concentrate (WPC), L-Glutamine, BCAAs (Leuscine, Isoleucine, Valine) Flavoring (chocolate) Thickener (guar gum) Sweetener (sucralose) Anti-caking agent (Tri Calcium Phosphate) Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Benefits : Whey protein is an excellent source of protein to increase muscle mass and strength. It accelerates muscle recovery after training, increases protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. It also contains bioactive ingredients such as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins that support the immune system. Usage Recommendations: Whey protein can be used immediately after training, in the morning or between meals. It is recommended to consume it by mixing a portion of water or milk with herbal milk. Alternatively, it is ideal for consuming protein in a practical and delicious way at any time of the day. Consume 1 portion (1 scoop, 35 g) by mixing it with 200 -250 ml of water. You can adjust the intensity according to your taste. You can consume your foods and drinks more deliciously and increase their protein value by adding them to your pancakes, cakes, cookies and coffees. Storage Conditions: Store tightly closed in a cool and dry place, protected from high temperatures, humidity and sunlight. Allergen Warning: Produced in facilities that process soy lecithin, dairy products, mustard, gluten and eggs.

Santra Life Melatonin Economic Package 90 Tablets

64.99 EUR
Melatonin Tablet Melatonin is a hormone secreted from the pineal gland located in the brain. The production and secretion level of melatonin hormone in the pineal gland varies according to the daily time period, and melatonin production increases at night when light intensity decreases. Various factors can negatively affect the normal production process and level of the melatonin hormone. Melatonin is a domestically produced food supplement containing 3 mg melatonin in each tablet, and its formulation was developed with Pharma-Grade raw material. The Key to Correct Rhythm Ocean Melatonin offers easy use with small tablets. How to Use: The recommended daily intake is 1 tablet for adults aged 18 and over.

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Strawberry Cake 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift!

131.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Strawberry Cake and x1 Caramel Latte, shaker will be a gift from us!

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Cookies Dream 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift

124.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Cookies Dream and x1 Caramel Latte, the shaker will be given as a gift from us!

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Smooth Vanilla 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift

131.99 EUR
If you buy x1 Smooth Vanilla and x1 Caramel Latte, the shaker will be given as a gift from us!

Santra Life Gelée Royale 500mg

60.29 EUR
Gelée Royale 500 mg x 10 Ampoules Gelée Royale Boisson Liquide Sepe Gelée Royale Naturelle 10 ml x 10 Ampoules x 500 mg LiquideSepe Gelée Royale Naturelle 10 ml x 10 Ampoules x 500 mg Liquide Oral - 100% pur.- Excipient, agent de remplissage, lubrifiant; NON. L’ampoule ne contient aucun excipient, agent de remplissage ou lubrifiant. introuvable.Recommandation d'utilisation de l'ampoule de gelée royale naturelle Sepe - Ampoule de gelée royale naturelle Sepe Comment utiliser?Sepe Natural Royal Jelly Liquid est administré quotidiennement aux enfants sous forme sucrée. Utiliser en buvant 1 (Qu'est-ce que c'est), 2 (deux) ampoules de 20 ml par jour pour adultes. C'est recommandé. Bien agiter avant utilisation. Poussez la pipette incluse dans l'emballage au milieu du couvercle. Il percera le bouchon et pénétrera dans la bouteille. Vous pourrez consommer le produit contenu dans la bouteille en suçant la paille.. dans un emballage S'il n'y a pas de paille

Santra Life Suit Cover Zippered Gambo 60 Cm 100 Cm blanc

23.79 EUR
- The suit cover, which comes in a single piece, offers easy use and practical storage. - Thanks to its dimensions ranging from 60 cm to 100 cm, it adapts to different types of suits and offers a wide usage area. - With its zippered design, it protects your suit safely and gives it a tidy appearance.

Santra Life Whey Protein 1000g Chocolate Shaker

102.99 EUR
Whey Protein contains 77% high quality whey protein. Produced in modern facilities with GMP certification at European standards, this product offers 23 g of protein per serving. With 3 grams of BCAA and 3 grams of glutamine precursors coming from whey protein in each serving, it will meet your amino acid needs in the purest way and at an affordable cost. At the same time, protein helps maintain normal bones.

Santra Life Skin Vitamin Chewable Vegan Gummy, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Q10, Ala, Biotin

74.08 EUR
Active Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid Provides moisture balance of the skin and increases the skin's ability to retain water. It also helps the skin regain its elasticity and fullness. glutathione: Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it protects the skin from the damage of free radicals, equalizes skin tone and provides rejuvenation. Q10 Coenzyme Q10, an enzyme that helps produce energy in cells, slows down the aging process of the skin, supports cell renewal and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.. GOOD VERY GOOD (AlphaLipoic Acid) ALA, which has antioxidant properties, protects the skin by fighting free radicals. It also regulates skin tone, helps reduce wrinkles and reduces signs of aging on the skin.. Vitamin C Vitamin C, which is important for collagen production, increases skin elasticity, regulates skin tone and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. How to Use: It is recommended for adults to consume 2 chewable forms per day on a full stomach.

Santra Life Bigwhey Whey Protein Powder Classic Series Chocolate 990 Gr 30 Servings

188.99 EUR
Bigwhey Whey Protein Powder Classic Series Chocolate 990 Gr 30 Servings Get maximum benefit from the protein you drink. Bigjoy Bigwhey Classic is a whey protein produced from high quality raw materials and has an unrivaled content. It contains 24 grams of protein in each serving (1 scoop). It has 4 different flavors: chocolate, strawberry, banana and cappuccino. One serving contains 5.5 grams of BCAA and 4.2 grams of glutamine precursors, which come from the natural structure of whey protein. More efficiency with digestive enzymes They act as catalysts in the body. They enable metabolic processes such as digestion to occur faster and more efficiently. For example, in order for the protein or carbohydrate you consume to be used for muscle development, the enzymes previously stored in the body must be secreted from the digestive system. The papain and protease enzymes in Bigwhey Classics formula contribute to more efficient digestion and subsequent processing of the protein you drink. In this way, it helps provide more usable amino acids to build damaged muscles after sports. Raw material quality The raw material of Bigwhey protein powders comes from Volac, one of the largest sports nutrition raw material producers in Europe, which has been producing milk and dairy products for over 40 years, and is packaged in the most competent and GMP, ISO, certified facilities in Turkey. Volac Whey Protein, obtained with 0 whey by ultra filtration method in its own integrated facilities for whey protein, always guarantees the highest quality and purity of raw materials.

Santra Life Iron Vitamin 30 Capsules

56.59 EUR
Food Supplement Containing Iron 30 Herbal Capsules What is Vcaps Capsule? Vcapscapsules are a type of capsule of plant origin and contain medicines or supplements in liquid or powder form. Vcaps capsules are a suitable option for vegans and vegetarians, they are gelatin-free and usually made from vegetable cellulose. These capsules act faster thanks to their rapid dissolution feature and are more resistant to stomach acid. Product Name: Erbatab Food Supplement Containing Iron 30 Herbal Capsules Product Brand: Erbatab Product Size: 30 Capsules Summary Information: It is a supplement containing Vitamin Iron Extract. Product Information: Does not contain sugar, salt or starch. It does not contain potential allergens such as yeast, wheat, gluten, soy and dairy products. No artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives are used. It is also suitable for use by vegan and vegetarian individuals. usage: It is recommended to use 1 capsule once a day. Product Composition: Iron 16 mg / 1 Capsule TEG Approval Number: 016085-05.01. 2023 Erbatab Iron-Containing Food Supplement 30 Herbal Capsules What is Vcaps Capsule? Vcapscapsules are a type of capsule of plant origin and contain liquid or It contains medicines or supplements in powder form. Vcaps capsules, vegan and It is a suitable option for vegetarians, does not contain gelatin and is generally Made from vegetable cellulose. These capsules, thanks to their rapid dissolution feature It acts faster and is more resistant to stomach acid. Product Name:Erbatab Food Supplement Containing Iron 30 Herbal Capsules Product Brand:Erbatab Product Size:30 Capsules Summary Information: It is a supplement containing Vitamin Iron Extract. Product Information: It does not contain sugar, salt, starch. It does not contain potential allergens such as yeast, wheat, gluten, soy and dairy products. No artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives are used. It is also suitable for vegan and vegetarian individuals. usage: It is recommended to use 1 capsule once a day. Product Composition: Iron 16 mg / 1 CapsuleTEG Approval Number: 016085-05.01. 2023

Santra Life Whey Protein Premium Chocolate Milkshake 1170g 35 Serves Spm

176.99 EUR
WHEY PROTEIN PREMIUM 1170g 35 SERVES Whey Protein Premium is a whey protein product that offers a balanced combination of the best whey types with its new production technology. The protein raw material it contains is obtained from 100% whey. Whey Protein Premium contains 24 grams of protein, 5 grams of BCAA and 4 grams of Glutamine in one serving (1 scoop). Whey Protein Premium is also supported with Vitamin B6, which repairs muscle damage and provides muscle growth and strength by supporting protein synthesis in the muscles. Additionally, Whey Protein Premium, which contains lower fat and lactose, is more easily digested in the body and reaches the muscles in a short time by providing rapid absorption. It has a high bioavailability rate. The product contributes to the preservation and increase of muscle mass. Among the main features of Whey Protein Premium are: Whey Protein Premium can support the gain of lean muscle mass thanks to its low fat and carbohydrate content. This may be advantageous for individuals who aim to grow and strengthen muscles. Whey Protein Premium is a protein source with high biological value. This means that it can be used more effectively by the body. Whey Protein Premium offers comfortable use and drinking with its low lactose content. Additionally, it can provide a more comfortable use, especially for individuals with lactose intolerance. Whey Protein Premium offers different flavor options. Additionally, it can be easily prepared by mixing it with milk or water. REMARKABLE FEATURES OF WHEY PROTEIN PREMIUM - 24g protein in each serving (33 g)* - 5000 mg BCAA in each serving - 4000 mg GLUTAMINE in each serving - Quality Raw Material - Vitamin B6 - Easy to mix - Delicious aroma and varieties. What Does It Not Contain? GMO pork contribution Gluten Artificial Colorant Preservative meat product

Santra Life Strawberry Flavored Egg White Powder Egg White Powder 1200 Gr

217.99 EUR
BioProtein is produced from Kor Yumurta's own eggs using the spray dryer technique, the first and only domestic and national egg powder produced in our country. It has around 80% protein content. Since it is entirely egg white (albumin), it has almost no fat and no carbohydrates. Egg White protein ranks first among both plant and animal proteins due to its perfect amino acid sequence. It is completely absorbed by the human body and provides high benefits. We are proud to present new tastes to our valued consumers, with their simple yet strawberry, banana and chocolate flavors. It is a source of natural protein and BCAA. It does not contain added sugar other than flavoring. Egg white foams due to its structure. That's why it's natural for it to foam. When you wait a while, the foam will disappear. The product is 1200 grams net. It is 40 services. 1 serving is 2 scoops. This is about 30gr. is. (The scale is included in the box) Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Product Weight: 1200 gr. Number of Services: 40 Serving Quantity: 2 scoops. 30 gr. (The scale is included in the box) Protein rate: 79.5% Carbohydrate: 2.7% Sugar Content: 2.6% Fat Content: 0.3% Saturated Fat: 0.16% Dietary Fiber Rate: 2.4% Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Recommendation for Use: It can be consumed by easily mixing it with 200 ml of water or milk using a shaker.

Santra Life Cerenad Glutathione

180.76 EUR
1- What is CERENAD GLUTATHIONE? CERENAD GLUTATHIONE; Liposomal Glutathione, Liposomal Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, It is a food supplement containing Selenium and Vitamin B2. Single-use in liquid form It is boxed in 20ml bottles. 2-What is GLUTATHIONE? Glutathione protects cells from damage such as free radicals, peroxides and heavy metals. It is an antioxidant that protects against the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species. It consists of the amino acids glutamine, glycine and cysteine. Prevents oxidative stress It is of great importance to preserve the functionality of cells and cell components for special 3- How to use CERENAD GLUTATYON? CERENAD GLUTATHIONE; For the first use, drink 1 shot (20ml) per day for 7 days. Afterwards, it continues by drinking 1 shot (20ml) every 4 days. On an empty or full stomach you can drink it. 1. Before use, turn the bottle upside down and apply a circular motion until it is completely homogeneous. Shake until dispersed. 2. After opening the lid, pull out the stopper under the lid. 3. Drink the whole thing with a spoon or directly. 4-In what cases is CERENAD GLUTATYON used? CERENAD GLUTATHIONE; Pesticides used in food, air pollution, stress, Environmental effects such as alcohol and cigarette use leave on our body removal of toxins and the damage these toxins cause to cells and tissues helps reconstruct. For a purified body and brighter skin thanks to its rich content. It nourishes your body from the inside out. 5- In what cases is CERENAD GLUTATYON not used? CERENAD GLUTATYONis a food supplement. It can be used by people over 11 years of age. pregnant and Those who are breastfeeding should consult their doctor. . 6- WARNINGS It is not a medicine. The recommended daily dose is 1 Shot (20ml). Do not exceed the recommended daily intake dose/daily serving size Food Supplements cannot replace normal nutrition. Keep out of reach of children. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in cases of illness or medication use Consult your doctor. Recommended Usage Dosage It is recommended to consume 1 Shot (20ml) per day for adults aged 11 and over. Consult your doctor for different dosage recommendations. Country of Origin: Turkey Food Supplement Approval Number: 020264-01.03.2024

Santra Life Bromelain 60 Capsules

69.99 EUR
Food Supplement Containing Bromelain Product Description: Mia Herba Food Supplement Containing Bromelain is specially formulated to support your health and quality of life. This powerful formula is packed with natural and effective ingredients: Bromelain 2400 GDU/g: Derived from the pineapple plant, this enzyme supports digestion and may help reduce inflammation. Bromelain facilitates the breakdown of proteins, allowing the digestive system to work more efficiently. Chromium Picolinate: Helps regulate blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity. This can help keep your energy levels balanced and reduce cravings.. Horse Chestnut Extract: It is especially effective against circulation problems in the legs. . Horsetail Extract: Rich in silica (silicon dioxide), this plant supports bone, hair, skin and nail health. . Ingredients: Volume Booster Microcrystalline Cellulose (E460(NS)), Bromelain, Herbal Capsule (emulsifier Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (E 464), colorant Iron Oxide, Yellow (E 172(iii)), Horsetail Extract, Horse Chestnut Extract, Anti-caking Silicon Dioxide (E 551), anti-caking Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E 470b), Chromium Picolinate. Usage Recommendation: It is recommended to consume 2 Capsules a Day for Adults 11 Years and Over. Storage Conditions: Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Food supplements cannot replace normal nutrition. Keep out of reach of children. It is not a medicine. It is not used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Consult your doctor in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, illness or medication use. origin: Turkey. (The country of the main components of the food is different from the country of origin.) Benefits: Digestion Supporter: Thanks to bromelain, it facilitates digestion and reduces stomach disorders. Regulates Blood Sugar: It helps balance blood sugar with Chromium Picolinate. Supports Circulation: It is effective against circulation problems with Horse Chestnut Extract. Supports Hair and Skin Health: Improves hair, skin and nail health with Horsetail Extract. Anti-inflammatory Effect: Thanks to bromelain's anti-inflammatory properties, it relieves joint and muscle pain. Effects in Regular Use: Mia Herba Food Supplement Containing Bromelain helps your digestive system work healthier with regular use and supports your blood sugar levels to remain balanced.. It relieves circulation problems in your legs and improves your overall quality of life. Additionally, it supports your hair and skin health, allowing you to achieve a more vibrant and healthy appearance.

Santra Life Skin Vitamin Leukotomos Fern, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Q10

61.65 EUR
About this product FOR SKIN HEALTH: Vitlife Skin Vitamin provides powerful antioxidants with vitamins C, E and Glutathione and protects the skin from free radicals. SPOT PREVENTION: Leukotomos fern Protection Against Sun Rays, thanks to vitamin C, balances melanin production and helps fade existing spots. LIGHTENING EFFECT: You get a more unique appearance by equalizing skin tone with glutathione and vitamin C. MOISTURE STORAGE: Vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid protect the moisture balance of the skin and prevent the formation of dryness and cracks. EASY TO USE: It offers practical use in capsule form. It is enough to take 1 capsule daily.

Santra Life Drsupplement Whey 900 Gram 25 Servings Chocolate Flavor

150.99 EUR
WHAT IS GOLD CHOCOLATE WHEY PROTEIN? Whey protein is a protein source obtained from whey and can be quickly digested by the body. It contains essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Whey protein can be found in concentrated, isolate and hydrolyzed forms. CONTENT INFORMATION Whey protein concentrate (WPC), L-Glutamine, BCAAs (Leuscine, Isoleucine, Valine) Flavoring (chocolate) Thickener (guar gum) Sweetener (sucralose) Anti-caking agent (Tri Calcium Phosphate) Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Benefits : Whey protein is an excellent source of protein to increase muscle mass and strength. It accelerates muscle recovery after training, increases protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. It also contains bioactive ingredients such as lactoferrin and immunoglobulins that support the immune system. Usage Recommendations: Whey protein can be used immediately after training, in the morning or between meals. It is recommended to consume it by mixing a portion of water or milk with herbal milk. Alternatively, it is ideal for consuming protein in a practical and delicious way at any time of the day. Consume 1 portion (1 scoop, 35 g) by mixing it with 200 -250 ml of water. You can adjust the intensity according to your taste. You can consume your foods and drinks more deliciously and increase their protein value by adding them to your pancakes, cakes, cookies and coffees. Storage Conditions: Store tightly closed in a cool and dry place, protected from high temperatures, humidity and sunlight. Allergen Warning: Produced in facilities that process soy lecithin, dairy products, mustard, gluten and eggs.

Santra Life Chocolate Flavored Egg White Powder Egg White Powder 1200 Gr

217.54 EUR
BioProtein is produced from Kor Yumurta's own eggs using the spray dryer technique, the first and only domestic and national egg powder produced in our country. It has around 80% protein content. Since it is entirely egg white (albumin), it has almost no fat and no carbohydrates. Egg White protein ranks first among both plant and animal proteins due to its perfect amino acid sequence. It is completely absorbed by the human body and provides high benefits. We are proud to present new tastes to our valued consumers, with their simple yet strawberry, banana and chocolate flavors. It is a source of natural protein and BCAA. It does not contain added sugar other than flavoring. Egg white foams due to its structure. That's why it's natural for it to foam. When you wait a while, the foam will disappear. The product is 1200 grams net. It is 40 services. 1 serving is 2 scoops. This is about 30gr. is. (The scale is included in the box) Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Product Weight: 1200 gr. Number of Services: 40 Serving Quantity: 2 scoops. 30 gr. (The scale is included in the box) Protein rate: 79.5% Carbohydrate: 2.7% Sugar Content: 2.6% Fat Content: 0.3% Saturated Fat: 0.16% Dietary Fiber Rate: 2.4% Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Recommendation for Use: It can be consumed by easily mixing it with 200 ml of water or milk using a shaker.

Santra Life Magnesium Citrate 60 Capsules

51.67 EUR
Active Ingredient Quantity (2 capsules) %BRD Magnesium 200 mg 53.33 *in 1 capsule 100 mg of elemental magnesium from 625 mg of magnesium citrate. Recommended daily intake dose: It is recommended to take 2 capsules a day. It is intended for use by individuals aged 11 and over.

Santra Life 2 Pack Skin Vitamin And Magnesium Complex, Collagen Type 1, 3

142.8 EUR
Skin Vitamin Active Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid Provides moisture balance of the skin and increases the skin's ability to retain water. It also helps the skin regain its elasticity and fullness. glutathione: Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it protects the skin from the damage of free radicals, equalizes skin tone and provides rejuvenation. Q10 Coenzyme Q10, an enzyme that helps produce energy in cells, slows down the aging process of the skin, supports cell renewal and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.. GOOD VERY GOOD (AlphaLipoic Acid) ALA, which has antioxidant properties, protects the skin by fighting free radicals. It also regulates skin tone, helps reduce wrinkles and reduces signs of aging on the skin.. Vitamin C Vitamin C, which is important for collagen production, increases skin elasticity, regulates skin tone and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Magnesium main contents type 1: Type 1 collagen for skin health, supports the skin to look healthy, flexible and young. It contributes to reducing wrinkles and increasing skin firmness. Type 3: It is important for skin and blood vessel health. Type 3 collagen gives the skin flexibility by increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Santra Life Zeus Nutrition Whey Protein 1000 Gr-cookie-aroma

106.99 EUR
Whey Protein contains 77% high quality whey protein. Produced in modern facilities with GMP certification at European standards, this product offers 20 g of protein per serving. With 3 grams of BCAA and 3 grams of glutamine precursors coming from whey protein in each serving, it will meet your amino acid needs in the purest way and at an affordable cost. Protein contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass. At the same time, protein helps maintain normal bones.

Santra Life Clean Whey Protein 1000 Gr

158.99 EUR
CLEAN WHEY PROTEIN 1000 GR AROMA: BISCUIT CREAM Detailed Description - It is a whey protein product obtained with German formula and raw materials, so that athletes of the 4 Sports brand and people who want to meet their daily protein needs can benefit from it. - It can support your muscle development by providing the nutrients your muscles need during periods of intense activity. - Protein contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones. - Whey proteins are one of the food supplements that trigger protein synthesis and help increase mass. - 4 Sports Clean Whey Protein is whey protein containing high levels of BCAA and GLUTAMINE Amino acids. - Thanks to its easy-to-digest, delicious and easy-to-consume aroma, it will initiate the regeneration of your muscles after training and help you gain muscle mass. - 4 Sports Clean Whey product nutritional values and ratios easily meet the needs of athletes and those who want to live a healthy life. HIGHLIGHTS OF CLEAN WHEY PROTEIN: It does not contain added sugar and preservatives. High protein, low sugar and fat rate Rich content with a mixture of extra amino acids, vitamins and minerals It has 70% protein content and has been carefully developed for taste. Easy mixing Thanks to its creatine monohydrate content, it may contribute to weight gain and training performance.

Santra Life -bigwheygo Mix 32 Servings 1.04kg

215.99 EUR
Bigjoy bigwheygo whey protein 32 servings 1040gr What is Bigjoy bigwheygo whey protein? What are the benefits? Bgjoy bigwheygo is the renewed version of the bigwhey sachet product with its packaging and formulation. Bgjoy bigwheygo is a whey protein produced from high quality raw materials and has unrivaled content. Digestive enzymes have been specially added to this new formula. Bgjoy bigwheygo is available in single sachets. In this way, the difficulty of carrying protein powder in a shaker is eliminated for those who will use it as a snack, before or after exercise. It is practical, you can easily use it by taking the single pack out of your bag or drawer whenever you want. Additionally, single bags provide the most hygienic use. You don't have to put your hand inside the protein box. Since the product does not come into contact with air, it does not lose its effect. It maintains its freshness until the expiration date. It contains 24.1 grams of protein in each serving. You can see the quality of the raw materials by looking at the total amino acid content, especially BCAA. Bgjoy BigWheygo offers 5.5 grams of BCAA in 1 serving. BCAAs are the most important amino acids that initiate protein synthesis, promote growth and prevent your muscles from breaking down. For the first time in Turkey, you can buy Bgjoy bigwheygo in different flavors in a single box. The renewed mix flavor box includes chocolate, strawberry, banana and cappuccino flavors. Flavors in the mix flavor packaging: - chocolate ... 8 pieces - strawberry ... 8 pieces - banana ... 8 pieces - cappuccino... How to use 8 Bigjoy big wheygo? You can use 1 serving (1 pack) of the product before and after training by mixing it with 200ml of water or skim milk.

Santra Life Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Capsules

54.99 EUR
Description of Nature's Supreme Vegan Vitamin B12 100 Pieces What is Nature's Supreme Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg? It is a food supplement containing 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 in each herbal capsule. Nature's Supreme B12 is produced from highly efficient Quali-B brand raw material. Quali-B is the patented brand of DSM, the leading company in the production and development of vitamins in the world. Thanks to the use of herbal capsules, it is a food supplement suitable for vegetarian and vegan use. Nature's Supreme is produced in facilities with ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and halal certificates. Vitamin B12 - Contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, - Normal function of the immune system, - Normal red blood cell formation, - Reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. - Vitamin B12 has a role in cell division. Nature's Supreme Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg Features: - Patented Quali-B raw material - Herbal capsule suitable for vegetarian use - Production in ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and halal certified facilities - Does not contain sweeteners, preservatives, pork additives, gluten, lactose and GMO - Main Component Origin: France What Does the Bandrol on the Product Mean? The quality label you see indicates that this product has passed microbiological tests and analyzes and the content declared in the product has been verified. Nature's Supreme has the quality and accuracy of its stated content tested in independent laboratories with TRKAK Accreditation certificate. These laboratories are among the leading centers for microbiological analysis in Europe. Analyzes are carried out in these advanced laboratories. Nature's Supreme brand continues this practice in all its product options and has all necessary analysis done. Ideal Storage Suggestion: Do not remove the dehumidifier inside the product. Keep it away from humid environments such as the kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, and close the lid tightly. Store in a cool, dry place. In water-soluble B vitamins, small brown or red spots may appear due to increased humidity. It's normal. This change does not prevent the use of the vitamin. As the number of spots increases, the effectiveness of the product may decrease over time. We kindly ask you to pay attention to ideal storage recommendations for the most beneficial use. Quality Approval Report: Beginner LevelIt is recommended to consume 1 herbal capsule per day for adults.Intermediate LevelIt is recommended to consume 1 herbal capsule per day for adults.Advanced LevelIt is recommended to consume 1 herbal capsule per day for adults.Nature's Supreme Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Capsule Positive CommentsHerbal capsule,Patented Raw material, Reassuring quality banderol Nature's Supreme Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg 100 Capsule Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservative, Lactose, Coloring Dye Expiry Date: 30.01.2025 Age Range: Under 21, 21- Between 39 and Above 40 Active Ingredients: Vitamin B12 Gender: Male, Female Ingredient Type: capsule

Santra Life Whey Protein 1000g Cookies

184.1 EUR
SUPPLEMENTLER.COM WHAT IS WHEY PROTEIN? Supplements.comWhey Protein is produced and serviced in GMP certified facilities. It offers 23 g of protein per serving. 5.3 g BCAA, 10.9 from whey protein per serving Containing g EAA and 3.8 g glutamine precursors, it contains the amino acid you need. will meet your needs. Protein helps increase and maintain muscle mass contributes. * Protein also helps maintain normal bones It is possible. * Biscuits, mocha, cookies, salted caramel, chocolate peanuts, chocolate Whey with coconut, strawberry, baklava, chocolate and banana flavors The protein is produced in the UK. Raw materials available worldwide Denmark-based Arla Foods, a dairy and food company that belongs to. The company has a significant reputation for quality and sustainability. has. Arla Foods' WPC80 (Whey Protein Concentrate 80) raw material, this meets the standards. Supplementler.comexplains the raw material quality of Whey Protein in its simplest form. It is presented in a completely transparent bottle so that you can see it. *Regulation on the Use of Health Declarations in Food and Food Supplements (Official Gazette No. 32169 / dated 20.04.2023) REMARKABLE FEATURES OF SUPPLEMENTLER.COM WHEY PROTEIN: - Protein per serving: > * Chocolate: 23 g (76%) > > * Strawberries: 23 g (77%) > > * Banana: 23 g (77%) > > * Mocha: 23 g (76%) > > * Biscuits: 23 g (76%) > > * Cookie: 23 g (75%) > > * Salted Caramel: 23 g (75%) > > * Baklava: 23 g (75%) > > * Chocolate Peanuts: 23 g (75%) > > * Chocolate Coconut: 23 g (75%) > - BCAA from the natural structure of whey protein: > * Chocolate: 5.3 g (23%) > > * Strawberries: 5.3 g (23%) > > * Banana: 5.3 g (23%) > > * Mocha: 5.3 g (23%) > > * Biscuits: 5.3 g (22%) > > * Cookie:5.3 g (23%) > > * Salted Caramel:5.3 g (23%) > > * Baklava:5.3 g (23%) > > * Chocolate Peanuts: 5.3 g (23%) > > * Chocolate Coconut: 5.3 g (23%) > - Glutamine precursors: > * Chocolate: 3.8 g (16%) > > * Strawberries: 3.8 g (16%) > > * Banana: 3.8 (16%) > > * Mocha: 3.8 g (16%) > > * Biscuits: 3.8 g (16%) > > * Cookie:3.8 g (16%) > > * Salted Caramel:3.8 g (16%) > > * Baklava:3.8 g (16%) > > * Chocolate Peanuts: 3.8 g (16%) > > * Chocolate Coconut: 3.8 g (16%) > - Arla Foods WPC80 and Volac brand raw materials - Modern facilities with UK and European standards and GMP certification production - Does not contain additional active ingredients. - Raw material origin: Denmark - High service

Santra Life Vitamin B12- Folic Acid B9-methylcobalamin-methylfolate

53.99 EUR
METHYLCOBALAMINE VITAMIN B12 ORAL DISSOLVABLE TABLET: 30 vitamin B12 orally dispersible capsules What is Methylcobalamin B12? Methylcobalamin B12 is the active form of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency is generally caused by absorption problems in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, you may not benefit enough from the vitamin B12 you take as a supplement. The absorption of methylcobalamin B12 begins while chewing. It is absorbed under the tongue and mixes directly into the blood without being changed. This way, you get all the B12 you need.

Santra Life Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets

47.66 EUR
Description of Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Pieces What is One Up Vitamin C? One Up Vitamin C contains 1000 mg of vitamin C. Unlike animals, the human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own and obtains it from external sources. In order to get regular amounts of vitamin C daily, support can be taken from food supplements as well as a balanced and healthy diet. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is found in some foods and is absorbed by the body by dissolving in water. Vitamin C is involved in many different processes in the body and is also effective in completing some functions of the body. The content of One Up Vitamin C food supplement product has a rich structure and is supported by citrus bioflavonoids (100mg). What are the Important Features of One Up Vitamin C Product? Does not contain sweeteners Does not contain gluten Production in ISO 9001, 22000, GMP and Halal certified facilities 1000 mg vitamin C and 100 mg citrus bioflavonoids in a single tablet 60 tablets One Up Quality Standards One Up Vitamin C tablet product is produced in GMP, ISO 9001, 22000 and Halal certified facilities. How to Use One-Up Vitamin C? One Up vitamin C is a product in tablet form. Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, care should be taken to ensure hydration of the body. Adults should use One Up Vitamin C product as 1 tablet a day. Beginner Level: It is recommended to consume 1 tablet per day for adults. One Up Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets Positive CommentsHigh vitamin C content, with the addition of citrus bioflavonoidsOne Up Vitamin C 1000 Mg 60 Tablets Does Not Contain Aspartame, Pork Additive, Meat Product, GMO, Gluten, Preservative, Lactose, Coloring Dye. Expiry Date: 30.08. 2026 Age Range: Under 21, Between 21-39, Over 40 Gender: Male, Female Content Type: capsule

Santra Life Whey Protein Premium Banana Flavored 1170g 35 Servings

176.99 EUR
Whey protein is a type of protein obtained from milk. It is obtained by separating and processing the proteins found in milk. Whey Protein Premium is one of the high-quality proteins and contains essential amino acids necessary for the body. Whey Protein Premium is a supplement that individuals who exercise include in their nutrition programs. .

Santra Life Whey Protein Classic Chocolate 1020g 30 Servings

178.7 EUR
Bigjoy Bigwhey Classic is a whey protein powder made from high quality imported raw materials. is the support. The protein raw material it contains is obtained from 100% whey. has been made. In order to guarantee the highest quality, we outsource our products. We do not produce it in our own production facility. Bigjoy Whey protein contains 24 grams of protein in each serving (1 scoop). 1 serving contains 5.5 grams of BCAA and 4.2 grams of glutamine, which comes from the natural structure of whey protein. Includes pioneers.THE MOST IMPORTANT CRITERIA WHEN SELECTING PROTEIN POWDER: HOW USEFUL IS IT? Enzymes; They act as catalysts in the body. metabolic, such as digestion They enable transactions to occur faster and more efficiently. For example The protein powder or carbohydrate you consume is for muscle development. In order to be used, it removes the enzymes previously stored in the body from the digestive system. It must be kept secret. If digestive enzymes are not secreted sufficiently, The product you are using is described as the best protein powder in the world. Even if you do, you may not get the efficiency you want.WHEY PROTEIN POWDER WITH DIGESTIVE ENZYME ADDED Bigjoy Bigwhey Classic, papain and protease enzymes in its formula It contributes to more efficient digestion and subsequent processing of protein. this In this way, more energy is needed to build damaged muscles after sports. It helps provide usable amino acids.AROMA One of the most important criteria to consider when choosing between protein supplements One of them is its aroma. Bigjoy Bigwhey Classic protein powder is the most assertive One of the areas is their aroma. Protein with biscuits, which is most preferred in the market Flavor options such as powder, chocolate protein powder, strawberry protein powder Along with a never before produced mango and banana mix, vanilla and coconut It also offers flavor options such as walnut mixture. Foaming while mixing and It does not cause bloating in the stomach after drinking. Easily before or after training you can consume.USAGE Protein powders can be consumed by mixing them with water or milk. You will use The amount of liquid only changes the intensity of the flavor. small amount of liquid If you use it (e.g.. 200 ml), you will feel the aroma more intensely. amount of liquid It is a matter of time (e.g.. 350 ml) will make the aroma lighter. How much water will you use? It is entirely up to your taste. For example, the chocolate protein you buy If the powder is too sweet, you can increase the amount of liquid, if it is too light and chocolate If you cannot taste it, you can reduce the amount of liquid. Our recommendation is to consume 1 serving of hair after training. If you train very intensely If you are doing it and cannot cover your protein deficit with normal meals, You can get a total of 2 services, 1 in between. 1 serving 1 scoop as a wipe, that is, protein powder, level with the mouth of the scoop. What will happen is that...

Santra Life 30 Sublingual Tablets Containing Mfi Methylfolate And Iodine

34.28 EUR
Methylfolate and Iodine Sublingual Tablet Food Supplement Net Amount: 30 Sublingual Tablet Content (1 Capsule) Amount Folic Acid (As Methylfolate) 400 mcg Iodine (Coming from Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg Ingredients: Potassium Iodide, 6S-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt, Bulking enhancer: Corn Starch, (E421), Anti-caking agent: Magnesium salts of fatty acids (E470b), Silicon Dioxide (E551) Flavoring: Strawberry flavor, Mint Flavor, Hardener: Polyvinylpyrrolidone (E1201). Recommended Daily Intake Dose: One Tablet Once a Day on an empty or full stomach (Must be kept under the tongue until dispersed) Food Supplement Approval Number: 006608-08.11.2019

Santra Life Banana Flavored Egg White Powder Egg White Powder 1200 Gr

208.99 EUR
BioProtein is produced from Kor Yumurta's own eggs using the spray dryer technique, the first and only domestic and national egg powder produced in our country. It has around 80% protein content. Since it is entirely egg white (albumin), it has almost no fat and no carbohydrates. Egg White protein ranks first among both plant and animal proteins due to its perfect amino acid sequence. It is completely absorbed by the human body and provides high benefits. We are proud to present new tastes to our valued consumers, with their simple yet strawberry, banana and chocolate flavors. It is a source of natural protein and BCAA. It does not contain added sugar other than flavoring. Egg white foams due to its structure. That's why it's natural for it to foam. When you wait a while, the foam will disappear. The product is 420 grams net. It is 14 services. 1 serving is 2 scoops. This is about 30gr. is. (The scale is included in the box) Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Product Weight: 1200 gr. Number of Services: 40 Serving Quantity: 2 scoops. 30 gr. (The scale is included in the box) Protein rate: 79.5% Carbohydrate: 2.7% Sugar Content: 2.6% Fat Content: 0.3% Saturated Fat: 0.16% Dietary Fiber Rate: 2.4% Service time and number of services can be determined and used individually according to need. Recommendation for Use: It can be consumed by easily mixing it with 200 ml of water or milk using a shaker.

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Double Choco 1 Caramel Latte 1 Shaker Gift!

127.99 EUR
Buy x1 double choco and x1 caramel latte, shaker

Santra Life Protein Meal Powder 1 Double Choco 1 Strawberry Cake 1 Shaker Gift!

131.99 EUR
Buy x1 Double Choco and x1 Strawberry Cake and get a shaker

Santra People Quilted Zippered Pillow Protector Mattress 50x70 Cm (Price Is For 1 Piece) 50 x 70 blanc

19.29 EUR
If you want to cancel this product after purchasing it, all purchased quantities of the relevant product will be cancelled. - Thanks to its waterproof feature, it protects your pillow against liquids and keeps it hygienic even for long-term use. - This 50x70 cm sized mattress protector extends the life of your pillow by offering the ideal fit for your standard pillows. - Its zippered design makes it possible to easily attach and remove it from your pillow, providing practical use. * Pillow cover Product Feature: 50x70 cm 6 pieces The product is QUILTED and has a zipper Protects your pillow from external factors caused by dust, dirt and sweat. Mite and Prevents bacterial growth. Quilted with silicone fibre. *

Santra People Zippered Pillow Inner Case 50x70 Cm blanc

20.09 EUR
Zippered white cotton pillow inner mattress To you: 50x70cm 42 wire weaving Sewn from 100% cotton polyester fabrics.

Santra People Gingham Kitchen Drying Cloth Dish Drying Cloth 50x70 Cm

21.89 EUR
Gingham Kitchen Drying Cloth Dish Drying Cloth 50x70 cm Made from 100% Cotton Yarn. Product Dimensions: 50x70 cm. Package Included: 1 Piece Pink Peti Checkered Kitchen Tea Towel, Kitchen Napkin Thanks to its self-dyed yarn, there is no bleeding or fading. Thanks to its large dimensions, you can use it for a wide variety of purposes. It absorbs water quickly and has high suction power. It dries quickly. You can use it as a tea towel, kitchen towel, kitchen napkin and German cloth in your kitchen. We have different color, quantity and pattern options. The images after the first photo are for you to see the texture and detail of the product. The colors in the first image will be sent.