Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 Sony E/FE

949 EUR
Nouveau design plus ergonomique et qualitatif, Meilleure qualité optique de sa catégorie, Moteur linéaire VXD rapide et silencieux

Tamron 17-70mm f/2.8 DI III-A RXD Sony E

669 EUR
Pour les appareils photo hybride à capteurs APS-C, Ouverture maximale de F/2,8 constant, Objectif léger, polyvalent

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Contax G vers Sony E

86.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables, Conçu pour un ajustement sûr et confortable, Finition noire mate antireflet

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Nikon F (G-Type) vers Sony E

49.9 EUR
Nouvelles combinaisons, Coupe ajustée, Détails astucieux

URTH Bague d'Adaptation M39 vers Sony E

43.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs n'ont aucune fuite de lumière

URTH Bague d'Adaptation M42 vers Sony E (Extensible)

60.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie, Distance focale extensible, Mise au point manuelle sur toute la plage jusqu'à l'infini

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Canon (EF / EF-S) vers Sony E (Electronique)

192.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs conçus consciemment n'ont aucune fuite de lumière

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Olympus OM vers Sony E

46.9 EUR
Nouvelles combinaisons, Coupe ajustée, Détails astucieux

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Praktica B vers Sony E

49 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie., Conçu pour un ajustement sûr et confortable, A une finition noire mate antireflet.

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Leica M vers Sony E (Extensible)

108.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie., Distance focale extensible, Mise au point manuelle sur toute la plage jusqu'à l'infini.

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Sony A (Minolta AF) vers Sony E

44.9 EUR
bague pour Objectif Sony A Vers Sony E, Mise au point manuelle sur toute la plage jusqu'à l'infini., Conçu pour un ajustement sûr et confortable à chaque fois.

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Rollei SL35 (QBM) vers Sony E

49 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie., Conçu pour un ajustement sûr et confortable, A une finition noire mate antireflet.

Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD Sony E

599.9 EUR
Le premier zoom tout-en-un 16,6x au monde pour les appareils hybrides, AF VXD rapide et précis, Mise au point min. : 0,15 m

Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III VC VX D Sony E

1449 EUR
Polyvalence : télézoom x8 50-400mm, Une qualité d'image élevée sur toute la plage focale, AF VXD haute vitesse et haute précision

Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD Sony E/FE

1899 EUR
Le premier zoom de ce type à ouverture F2/2.8, Plage focale polyvalente 35 mm à 150 mm, Performances optiques exceptionnelles sur toute la plage focale

Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD Macro Sony E/FE

194.9 EUR
Mise au point minimale de 0,12m, compacte, légère et homogène, Longueur de 64 mm

Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 DI III RXD Sony E/FE

899.9 EUR
TAMRON 17-28mm f/2.8 DI III RXD Sony E/FE, Haute résolution et contraste élevés sur les bords de l'image, Zoom lumineux et compatible à 100% avec l'Eye AF de Sony

Tamron 28-200mm F/2.8-5.6 Di III RXD Sony E/FE

819 EUR
Formule optique : 18 éléments répartis en 14 groupes, Construction résistante à l'humidité, Monture : Sony FE

Tamron 70-300 mm F/4,5-6,3 Di III RXD Sony E/FE

426.9 EUR
Le téléobjectif le plus pratique, compact et léger pour Sony FE, Superbes performances optiques (corrections des aberrations), Système AF pas à pas RXD précis et silencieux

Tamron 35mm f/2.8 Di III OSD Macro Sony E/FE

189 EUR
Mise au point minimale de 0,15m, compacte, légère et homogène, Longueur de 64 mm

Tamron 20mm f/2.8 Di III OSD Macro Sony E/FE

329 EUR
Mise au point minimale de 0,11m, compacte, légère et homogène, Longueur de 64 mm

Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III RXD Sony E/FE (Occasion)

499 EUR
Produit d'occasion garanti 1 an, Excellent (Traces quasi invisibles), Vendu dans sa boîte d'origine

Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 Di III VC VXD G2 Sony FE

1489 EUR
Formule optique remaniée par rapport à la première génération, Mise au point minimale 0,3 m à 70 mm et 0,85 m à 180 mm, Prend désormais en charge la solution TAMRON Lens Utility

URTH Bague d'Adaptation M42 vers Sony E

34.9 EUR
Objectif M42 vers appareil photo sony à monture e, Opération manuelle, Usiné avec précision

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Leica M vers Sony E

46.2 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs conçus consciemment n'ont aucune fuite de lumière

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Leica R vers Sony E

39.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie., Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs conçus consciemment n'ont aucune fuite de lumière

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Canon FD vers Sony E

41.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs conçus consciemment n'ont aucune fuite de lumière


29.99 EUR
Couleur : Blanc - Connectivité : Filaire - Sans fil : Non


47.86 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Canon (EF / EF-S) vers Sony E

40.9 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables garantis à vie, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs n'ont aucune fuite de lumière et une connexion sécurisée

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Contax/Yashica (C/Y) vers Sony E

49 EUR
Design intelligent, matériaux durables, Expérimentez avec différents verres pour créer de nouvelles combinaisons, Les adaptateurs conçus consciemment n'ont aucune fuite de lumière

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Nikon F vers Sony E

36.9 EUR
Bague d'Adaptation Nikon F, Coupe ajustée, Détails astucieux

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Pentax K vers Sony E

45.9 EUR
Finition noire mate antireflet, Coupe ajustée, Bague d'Adaptation Pentax K

URTH Bague d'Adaptation Minolta Rokkor (SR/MD/MC) vers Sony E

49 EUR
Aluminium durci, Ajustement parfait, Mise au point à l'infini

Sony The Last Of Us Parte I Rimasterizzata Ita Playstation 5

58.01 EUR
The Last of Us¿ Parte I Resisti e sopravvivi. Rivivi l'avventura da cui tutto ha avuto inizio, completamente adattata per console PlayStation®5. Riscopri la straordinaria narrazione e gli indimenticabili personaggi di The Last of Us, vincitore di oltre 200 premi Game of the Year. Include la storia in singolo The Last of Us e l'acclamato capitolo prequel Left Behind, che ripercorre gli eventi che hanno cambiato per sempre le vite di Ellie e della sua migliore amica Riley. Punti di Forza Ricreato per PlayStation 5 Ricreato da zero usando il motore grafico più recente per PS5¿ di Naughty Dog, con una resa video avanzata, funzionalità del controller wireless DualSense¿ pienamente integrate e altro ancora. Un remake fedele all'originale Riscopri la straordinaria narrazione e gli indimenticabili personaggi di Joel ed Ellie in The Last of Us, ed esplora gli eventi che hanno cambiato per sempre le vite di Ellie e della sua migliore amica Riley nel apprezzatissimo capitolo prequel, Left Behind. Un'esperienza tutta nuova Esperienza originale interamente rivista, riprodotta fedelmente ma con l'aggiunta di meccaniche di gioco moderne, controlli migliorati e opzioni di accessibilità ampliate. Immergiti nella storia grazie a narrazione ambientale, effetti, animazioni facciali e migliorie su esplorazioni e combattimento. La trama In una civiltà senza futuro, dove imperversano infetti e criminali, un uomo ormai segnato dalla vita, Joel, viene ingaggiato per condurre una ragazzina di 14 anni, Ellie, fino a una zona di quarantena militare. Ma quello che in principio sembra un incarico irrilevante, diventa presto un logorante viaggio attraverso l'intera nazione. Funzionalità PS5¿ Grafica migliorata: The Last of Us¿ è stato completamente adattato usando le ultime tecnologie PS5¿ di Naughty Dog, per migliorare ogni aspetto visivo. L'esperienza di gioco originale, pur rimasta fedele nella struttura, è stata arricchita con effetti di luce realistici, ambientazioni più dettagliate e scenari rivisitati. Caricamenti rapidi: oltre ai caricamenti iniziali quasi istantanei, il gioco può contare su caricamenti di passaggio impercettibili, grazie all'unità SSD di PS5. Riprendi la storia in qualsiasi momento caricando capitoli o scontri ancora più velocemente. Feedback aptico: il feedback aptico del controller wireless DualSense¿ caratterizza diversamente ogni singola arma. Persino gli scenari rinascono a nuova vita, trasmettendo le sensazioni della pioggia che cade, dei passi sulla neve e molto altro ancora. Grilletti adattivi: tutte le armi iconiche di The Last of Us, inclusi il revolver di Joel e l'arco di Ellie, prevedono ora una diversa resistenza dinamica dei grilletti adattativi del controller wireless DualSense, per immergerti ancora di più nel combattimento. Audio 3D: progettato per sfruttare la tecnologia audio 3D Tempest della console PS5, il nuovo motore audio potenziato di Naughty Dog garantisce paesaggi sonori dettagliati, esplosioni dirompenti e un livello di...

Sony Juego The Last Of Us Parte I Para Playstation 5 Ps5

41.61 EUR
Esta edición contiene la historia única de The Last of Us y el capítulo de la precuela que narra la historia que cambió la vida de Joel, Ellie y su mejor amiga Riley. En una civilización sin esperanza de futuro, plagada de infectados y criminales, Joel tiene que sacar a Ellie, una niña de 14 años, de una zona militar de cuarentena. Este viaje a lo largo de todo el país puede resultar agotador. Este producto puede contener la carátula y/o manuales en un idioma distinto al español. El idioma y textos están garantizados iguales a la versión de España.

THE G-LAB Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO YTTRIUM FR 3EN 1 Multicolore Taille unique

24.99 EUR
Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO YTTRIUM FR 3EN 1

THE G-LAB Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO OXYGEN EX Multicolore Taille unique

39.99 EUR
Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO OXYGEN EX

THE G-LAB Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO SULFUR FR Multicolore Taille unique

34.99 EUR
Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO SULFUR FR

THE G-LAB Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO MERCURY/W FR 2 EN 1 Multicolore Taille unique

40 EUR
Pack clavier et souris gamer COMBO MERCURY/W FR 2 EN 1

Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 DI III VXD Sony FE

1099.9 EUR
Nouveau système AF linéaire VXD très rapide et silencieux, Tropicalisation et traitement de la lentille frontale au fluor, Confort d'usage (149mm) et légèreté (815g)


30 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


29.99 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


27.87 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : 12 - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non

THE G-LAB Clavier gamer sans fil KEYZ-TUNGSTEN FR Multicolore Taille unique

29.95 EUR
Clavier gamer sans fil THE G-LAB KEYZ-TUNGSTEN -FR


20.85 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


40 EUR
Touches de fonctions multimedia : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Sans fil : Oui


50.01 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


50 EUR
Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Sans fil : Non


16.88 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Roulette de défilement : Oui


16.88 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Non - Couleur : Blanc


20.43 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Couleur : Blanc


20.43 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Couleur : Noir

Sony Caméra Cinéma PXW-FS7 Mark II + 18-110mm f/4 E PZ G OSS

13889.9 EUR
Polyvalence ultime de la Super 35, Système électronique automatique à densité neutre variable, Flexibilité accrue de la monture E

Alpha 7 IV Boitier Nu + TAMRON 28-75mm f/2.8 G2 Sony E/FE

3565.24 EUR
33 Mp Plein Format CMOS BSI, 204 800 ISO Et 102 400 en vidéo, +15eV de dynamique photo et vidéo

VILTROX NF-E1 Bague Adaptatrice Nikon G/D-Sony E/FE

159.9 EUR
VILTROX NF-E1 Bague Adaptatrice Nikon G/D-Sony E/FE, Monture coté boitier : Sony E / FE, Monture coté optiques : Nikon F


30.02 EUR
Type de souris : Sans fil - Couleur : Noir


20.43 EUR
Type de souris : Filaire - Souris Gamer : Oui - Compatibilité : PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE - Couleur : Noir - Connectivité : USB - Roulette de défilement : Oui

Sony 15mm f/1.4 G E (SEL15F14G)

699 EUR
Focale fixe Super35 (APS C) 15mm équivalent à 22,5mm en plein format, Design compact et léger 219g, Nouvelle formule optique série G optimisée pour la photo et la vidéo

Sony 10-20mm f/4 G PZ E (SELP1020G)

799 EUR
Zoom super grand angle 10-20mm (Super35), Power Zoom interne, Design très compact et léger 178g et ouverture fixe à F4

Sony Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Playstation Hits) Ps4

16.98 EUR
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (Playstation Hits)

Sony Uncharted : The Nathan Drake Collection - Edition Benelux Ps4

12.99 EUR
La Uncharted : The Nathan Drake Collection comprend : - Uncharted : Drake's Fortune - Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves - Uncharted 3 : Drake's Deception Le tout remasterisé en 1080p 60fps ainsi qu'un accès exclusif à la béta multijoueur de Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End.

Exclusivité ASOS - The North Face - Shispare - Polaire courte zippée - Crème-Blanc Blanc XL female

52.5 EUR
Sweat à capuche et sweat-shirt par The North Face Exclusivité ASOS Col cheminée Fermeture zippée Ourlet ajustable Coupe courte Coupe droite

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your preference with dedicated C Small WH-CH520

113.24 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Ravensburger Exit Puzzle - The Lab

16.95 EUR
Exit Puzzle - The Lab 368 Pi�ces Ravensburger


44.15 EUR
Type de casque : Casque gamer - Bluetooth : Non - Couleur : Noir - Longueur du câble (m) : 2.3 + 2 - Poids (g) : N/C


24.99 EUR
Type : Manette sans fil

Bourjois Rouge Velvet The Lipstick 18 Mauve Martré 2 4g Purple 2.4 g female

22.82 EUR
Rouge velours le rouge à lèvres #18 mauve martre 2,4 g

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app to allow settings to customize the sound quality to your L Small WH-CH520

106.24 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cautions for Using Electrical Products We sell Japanese products. Please read the following precautions carefully to ensure safe use 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device's requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or customize to your favorite equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

vhbw 50x Sacs compatible avec Leclerc CV 201 aspirateur - microfibres non tissées, 27cm x 20cm, blanc / bleu

38.49 EUR
vhbw - the clever way Sacs de haute qualité pour votre aspirateur Avec ces sacs d'aspirateur compatibles et économiques de la marque vhbw, vous faites le bon choix. Lorsque la puissance d'aspiration de votre aspirateur ou aspirateur robot diminue, la cause est souvent tout simplement un sac trop plein. Nos sacs de rechange de haute qualité résolvent le problème en un clin d'oeil. CONTENU DE LIVRAISON : - 50x sacs pour aspirateur DONNÉES TECHNIQUES : - Matériau : microfibres non tissées - Longueur : 27 cm - Largeur : 20 cm - Couleur : blanc / bleu COMPATIBLE AVEC : - Leclerc CV 201 REMPLACEMENT POUR : - 6.904-329 vhbw - Accessoires et pièces de rechange de haute qualité. Pour une longue durée de vie de vos appareils électriques.

vhbw 20x Sacs compatible avec Leclerc CV 201 aspirateur - microfibres non tissées, 27cm x 20cm, blanc / bleu

26.39 EUR
vhbw - the clever way Sacs de haute qualité pour votre aspirateur Avec ces sacs d'aspirateur compatibles et économiques de la marque vhbw, vous faites le bon choix. Lorsque la puissance d'aspiration de votre aspirateur ou aspirateur robot diminue, la cause est souvent tout simplement un sac trop plein. Nos sacs de rechange de haute qualité résolvent le problème en un clin d'oeil. CONTENU DE LIVRAISON : - 20x sacs pour aspirateur DONNÉES TECHNIQUES : - Matériau : microfibres non tissées - Longueur : 27 cm - Largeur : 20 cm - Couleur : blanc / bleu COMPATIBLE AVEC : - Leclerc CV 201 REMPLACEMENT POUR : - 6.904-329 vhbw - Accessoires et pièces de rechange de haute qualité. Pour une longue durée de vie de vos appareils électriques.

Exclusivité ASOS - The North Face - Glacier - Polaire coupe carrée avec large col zippé - Noir Noir S female

72 EUR
Sweat à capuche et sweat-shirt par The North Face Exclusivité ASOS Col montant Fermeture éclair partielle Emmanchures basses Coupe droite

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your B Small WH-CH520

115.25 EUR
We offer a wide variety of products, and the following precautions apply to some of them. Please note that they are listed for all products. 【Voltage Compatibility】Designed for Japanese voltage (90-110V). Using with a different voltage may cause malfunction. 【Plug Type】Japanese plugs (A or B type). Use a conversion adapter if needed. 【Transformers & Adapters】Transformers adjust voltage; adapters only change plug shape. Using an adapter without a transformer may damage the product. 【Liability】We are not responsible for damages caused by improper use, such as using the product without a transformer. With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must be equipped with Bluetooth functionality and compatible with HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your B Small WH-CH520

118.28 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound, within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must be equipped with Bluetooth functionality and compatible with HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your B Small WH-CH520

124.35 EUR
With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft, comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must be equipped with Bluetooth functionality and compatible with HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your L Small WH-CH520

118.5 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must be equipped with Bluetooth functionality and compatible with HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your B Small WH-CH520

114.18 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Kindly confirm these details before placing your order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound, within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. Soft, comfortable ear pads provide lightweight comfort. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your B Small WH-CH520

121.04 EUR
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your L Small WH-CH520

113.7 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Kindly confirm these details before placing your order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. Soft, comfortable ear pads provide lightweight comfort. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your W Small WH-CH520

118.5 EUR
【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. The soft and comfortable ear pads are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must be equipped with Bluetooth functionality and compatible with HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.

Sony Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Design with dedicated app for settings that allow you to customize the sound quality to your W Small WH-CH520

117.67 EUR
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Voltage Compatibility】 When using electrical appliances, please note that they are designed for Japanese voltage specifications (90-110V), so if you use them with a different voltage, it may cause a malfunction. 【Plug Type】 Our products use Japanese plug types (A or B type). Please use a conversion adapter if necessary. 【Important Note on Transformers and Adapters】 A transformer adjusts voltage to match your device’s requirements. A conversion adapter only changes the plug shape and does not adjust voltage. Using only a conversion adapter without a transformer may result in damage to the product. 【Liability】 We are not responsible for malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, such as operating the product without a transformer. Kindly confirm these details before placing your order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- With a good balance from highs to lows, you can enjoy natural and clear sounds from vocals and instruments. Furthermore, Sony's proprietary technology ``DSEE'' complements the high frequencies that tend to be lost in compressed sound sources, up to CD-quality sound, within the headphones. Plays compressed sound sources using streaming playback, MP3, Bluetooth transmission codecs, etc. with spacious and good sound. It is compatible with the dedicated app Headphones Connect , and by using the equalizer that allows you to customize the sound quality to your preference, you can select from 8 types of presets such as Relaxed and Bass Boost , or create your favorite sound quality. It is possible to customize the equalizer settings. Adopts smooth, low-repulsion urethane foam ear pads with few wrinkles. Soft, comfortable ear pads provide lightweight comfort. Music playback is possible for up to 50 hours (*). Furthermore, it supports quick charging that allows for approximately 1.5 hours of playback (*) with a 3-minute charge (approximately 5.5 hours with a 10-minute charge). Hands-free calls (*) are possible with smartphones, iPhones, and PCs. *Smartphones, iPhones, and PCs must have Bluetooth functionality and support HFP or HSP. Depending on the software and environment you are using, it may not be compatible.