Ubisoft Petz Dolphinz Encounter - Nintendo Ds

31.22 EUR
Play as a new member of the Ocean Rescue Team, and explore the seas and oceans on board the Delphis submarine. Rescue, swim and interact with dolphins and other sea creatures while you build relationships with them Learn about more than 50 different sea creatures, from dolphins to whales to sea turtles Deep-dive and search for hidden treasures find the best way to extract them without causing damage Take a picture of yourself with the Nintendo DSi Camera to put yourself into the game and become a true member of the Ocean Rescue Team

Mindscape Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old? Nintendo Ds

5.89 EUR
Did you pay attention in class? Can you answer questions from today's primary school textbooks? Face the front, turn over your paper, your time starts now!

Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands - Nintendo Wii

14.99 EUR
Marking the next-gen console debut of Ubisofts critically acclaimed series, Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands is the next chapter in the fan-favorite Sands of Time universe.  Visiting his brothers kingdom following his adventure in Azad, the Prince finds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on its destruction. His brother Malik decides to use the ancient power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation.  To save the kingdom, the Prince must embark on an epic adventure in which he will learn to bear the mantle of true leadership, and that great power often comes with a great cost. Wii owners will get the original 1992 Prince of Persia game as a bonus included on disc.

SARBACANE Les pissenlits

22 EUR
Été 2006, la France vient de perdre en finale de la Coupe du monde de football contre l'Italie et le fameux coup de boule de Zidane est dans toutes les bouches. Les téléphones sont à clapet, la Nintendo DS Lite vient de sortir et les tubes de Rihanna explosent des records d'audience. Le temps est chaud et sec dans le Sud de la France où une petite fille, Nina, depuis la fenêtre du car qui l'emmène en colonie de vacances découvre « Les Pissenlits ». La magie de ce camping de bord de mer transforme de simples connaissances en amitiés, façonne le quotidien en aventure et, surtout, bouleverse la vie de ses occupants à jamais. Avec ses amis, Camille, Luc et Arthur, Nina va découvrir les secrets que renferme ce lieu boisé, du toboggan géant à l'étrange garçon qui se déguise en Pierrot La Lune... mais va aussi en apprendre plus sur elle-même. Car quand on a 9 ans un été peut tout changer et nous faire grandir !