Kamelot I Am The Empire-Live From The 013 (Cd)

15.56 EUR
AudienceRating : Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren, Brand : NAPALM RECORDS, Binding : Audio CD, Edition : Live, Label : Napalm Records (Universal Music), Publisher : Napalm Records (Universal Music), NumberOfDiscs : 3, NumberOfItems : 3, Format : Box-Set, medium : Audio CD, releaseDate : 2020-08-14, artists : Kamelot

Skybound Entertainment Game Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game Aucun Taille unique Unisex

39.99 EUR
Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game est un jeu d'horreur multijoueur asym trique bas sur le film embl matique des ann es 80. Dans la bataille entre les Killer Klowns et les citoyens de Crescent Cove, unissez-vous et utilisez votre intelligence pour r colter des humains ou les sauver de l'invasion extraterrestre ! ENVOYEZ LES KLOWNS Incarnez les c l bres Killer Klowns - coop rez en quipe de trois joueurs, utilisez des capacit s extravagantes, chassez les humains avec des armes farfelues et planifiez votre propre invasion extraterrestre pour r colter avec succ s la population de Crescent Cove. PROT GEZ L'HUMANIT Combattez en quipe de sept courageux citoyens de Crescent Cove - choisissez votre classe, explorez la ville pour trouver du butin et des armes pr cieuses, vitez de vous faire capturer par les Klowns et essayez de survivre - ou de saboter - l'invasion extraterrestre. BIENVENUE DANS LA VILLE Crescent Cove est une ar ne tendue pour des combats uniques en 3 contre 7 entre les Klowns et les humains - offrant divers lieux, une disposition de carte g n r e al atoirement et une multitude d'opportunit s tactiques pour les deux quipes. FAIRE VOLUER L'HORREUR Approche unique du jeu de cache-cache, syst mes de personnalisation et de r apparition, PvPvE, objectifs dynamiques menant plusieurs r sultats de match - Killer Klowns fait voluer la formule de l'horreur en ligne de nouvelles mani res. ARRIVE BIENT T Plus de d fis, plus de cartes, plus de personnages, plus de packs DLC ; nous sommes l pour la longue dur e et nous avons pr vu des choses tr s excitantes pour les saisons venir. Cette dition physique de Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game comprend : un poster double face pr sentant un trio mortel de Klowns assoiff s de sang et une version alternative de l'art cl du jeu. 3 autocollants de personnages farfelus (Shorty, Jumbo et Spikey) S LECTION ULTIME DE BONNES CHOSES NUM RIQUES : 2 cosm tiques humains (douche), peau de Klown (Hot Diggity Dog) et personnage de Klown (Slim).

Unique Italian modern marble side table from the 1960s blanc

800 EUR
This unique piece has a round loose marble top on a steel base with a three-armed brass foot, decorated with cast brass spiders.ConditionOkSizeDiameter: 53cmHeight: 41cm

Dungeons And Dragons Game Dandd Quests From The Infinite Staircase Aucun Taille unique Unisex

70 EUR
Dungeons and Dragons GAME DandD Quests from the Infinite Staircase

Bosch Soft Maxi Aliment sec avec buffle d'eau et patate douce 2x12,5 kg + SIMPLY FROM NATURE Cigares naturels en sanglier 7 pièces

152.57 EUR
Aliment sec complet pour les chiens adultes de grande race ayant un système digestif sensible et souffrant d'allergies. Une seule source de protéines animales uniques, le buffle d'eau, confère à l'aliment un indice d'allergénicité très faible. Le complément de glucides est la patate douce (igname), qui contient de nombreuses vitamines et minéraux. Les chiens de grande race ont besoin d'un soutien pour les articulations sollicitées, c'est pourquoi l'aliment a été enrichi en glucosamine et en chondroïtine, qui sont responsables de la solidité et de la souplesse du cartilage articulaire. Les ingrédients spécialement sélectionnés régulent la digestion et soutiennent le système digestif du chien.En outre, les chips de l'alimentation ont une teneur en eau accrue (18 %), ce qui les rend plus tendres et pleines d'arômes et de saveurs.En utilisant une seule source de protéines, l'aliment convient à un régime d'élimination. Il est conçu pour cibler le facteur allergène du chien.   Caractéristiques principales : Sans céréales Source unique de protéines Glucosamine et chondroïtine Croquette moelleuse et aromatique avec un taux d'humidité élevé (18%) Pour les chiens ayant un système digestif sensible     Composition : Buffle d'eau douce (40%), fécule de pomme de terre, patate douce (séchée, 7,5%), protéines de pois, pois (secs), pulpe de betterave (sucre retiré), graisse de volaille, protéines de pomme de terre, graines de lin, protéines hydrolysées (végétariennes), phosphate dicalcique, carbonate de calcium, levure (sèche), chicorée (séchée, 0,3%), plantain, chlorure de sodium, sulfate de chondroïtine, glucosamine.   Additifs pour 1 kg : Vitamine A : 12000 UI, vitamine D3 : 1200 UI, vitamine E : 70 mg, zinc (sous forme d'oxyde de zinc) : 70 mg, zinc (sous forme de chélate d'acide aminé de zinc, hydrate) : 25 mg, cuivre ((sous forme de sulfate de cuivre II) pentohydrate) : 10 mg, iode (sous forme d'iodure de calcium, anhydre) : 2 mg, sélénium (sous forme de sélénite de sodium) 0,2 mg   Analyse : Humidité : 18,00%, protéines : 22,00%, teneur en graisses : 12,00 %, fibres brutes : 3,00%, cendres brutes : 7,80%, calcium : 1,20%, phosphore : 0,80%     Recommandations en matière d'alimentation : Poids corporel du chien : Dose quotidienne :25,0 kg 335 g27,5 kg 360 g30,0 kg 385 g32,5 kg 410 g35,0 kg 435 g37,5 kg 455 g40,0 kg 480 g45,0 kg 520 g50,0 kg 565 g55,0 kg 605 g60,0 kg 650 g65,0 kg 690 g70,0 kg 730 g75,0 kg 765 g80,0 kg 805 g Les portions ci-dessus sont approximatives. En fonction de l'état, de l'activité et du mode de vie de votre chien, les portions peuvent être augmentées ou diminuées de 10 à 15 %. Le changement d'alimentation doit être progressif en augmentant chaque jour la proportion de nouveaux aliments.Assurer un accès facile à l'eau potable.         SIMPLEMENT DE LA NATURE Cigares naturels avec viande de sanglier 7 pcs. Des friandises sous forme de cigares fins pour les chiens. Fabriqué avec jusqu'à 98% de viande de sanglier, avec l'ajout de...

Mid-century Italian cabinet from the 1950s bois 400x255x181

4999 EUR
Unique L-shaped architectural Italian cabinet with a spectacular veneer finish and wooden carvings on the doors. Equipped with different shelves and doors where behind them you will find storage for different purposes.Exceptional Italian craftsmanship, commissioned in the 1950s by an Italian architect for the private villa on Lake Como.ConditionWell, age-related brands.Sizedepth : 255 cmLength: 400 cmWidth: 55/45/65 cmHeight : 76/181 cm

Set of 4 dining chairs from Ton, 1970s rouge 43x45x80

390 EUR
A unique set of 4 dining chairs.Seating recreated and reupholstered in a high quality fabric.Wooden elements in its original condition.Seat height 46 cm.


276.75 EUR
La chaise Fromme, éditée par Petite Friture, est une chaise design en métal se distinguant par ses lignes pures et son caractère unique : les absorbeurs placés sous le siège donnent une flexibilité douce et très confortable à la chaise. Le designer de la chaise Fromme est Tom Chung, un designer industriel canadien et indépendant. Ce créateur s'est associé à Petite Friture pour cette collection très inspirée du cyclisme. En effet, cycliste affirmé, Tom Chung avait l'habitude de gravir la montagne Fromme à l'extérieur de Vancouver et était fasciné par la performance technique de son vélo. Ce nouvel ajout à la gamme de produits avant-gardistes de Petite Friture prouve une fois de plus que la marque donne sa chance aux jeunes créateurs et leur fait confiance pour créer des pièces clés pour ses collections. Empilables et utilisables en extérieur, ces chaises au design minimaliste et graphique s'intégreront dans tous les styles d'intérieurs et d'extérieurs. Véritable poids plume (seulement 4kg), la chaise Fromme est d'une solidité à toute épreuve grâce notamment à un assemblage spécifique et très technique des différentes parties. La forme légèrement incurvée de l'assise ainsi que le plan incliné situé sur le devant de cette dernière augmentent encore le confort. 

PETITE FRITURE Chaise - FROMME Vert bouteille

276.75 EUR
La chaise Fromme, éditée par Petite Friture, est une chaise design en métal se distinguant par ses lignes pures et son caractère unique : les absorbeurs placés sous le siège donnent une flexibilité douce et très confortable à la chaise. Le designer de la chaise Fromme est Tom Chung, un designer industriel canadien et indépendant. Ce créateur s'est associé à Petite Friture pour cette collection très inspirée du cyclisme. En effet, cycliste affirmé, Tom Chung avait l'habitude de gravir la montagne Fromme à l'extérieur de Vancouver et était fasciné par la performance technique de son vélo. Ce nouvel ajout à la gamme de produits avant-gardistes de Petite Friture prouve une fois de plus que la marque donne sa chance aux jeunes créateurs et leur fait confiance pour créer des pièces clés pour ses collections. Empilables et utilisables en extérieur, ces chaises au design minimaliste et graphique s'intégreront dans tous les styles d'intérieurs et d'extérieurs. Véritable poids plume (seulement 4kg), la chaise Fromme est d'une solidité à toute épreuve grâce notamment à un assemblage spécifique et très technique des différentes parties. La forme légèrement incurvée de l'assise ainsi que le plan incliné situé sur le devant de cette dernière augmentent encore le confort. 

Paul Perry Historic England: castle: Unique Images From The Archives Of Historic England

5.99 EUR
Brand : Amberley Publishing, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Amberley Publishing, Publisher : Amberley Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2018-07-01, releaseDate : 2018-07-01, authors : Paul Perry, ISBN : 1445681250

Fran Michelman Shopping Bag Secrets: The Most Irresistible Bags From The World'S Most Unique Stores (Beaux Livres)

1.34 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Aurum Press, Publisher : Aurum Press, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 1999-03-01, authors : Fran Michelman, Sue Weiner, ISBN : 185410618X

LDNGraffiti, Joe Epstein London Graffiti And Street Art: Unique Artwork From London'S Streets

16.37 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Ebury Press, Publisher : Ebury Press, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2014-07-10, releaseDate : 2014-07-10, authors : LDNGraffiti, Joe Epstein, languages : english, ISBN : 0091958687

Margaret Atwood Fourteen Days: A Unique Collaborative Novel From A Star-Studded Cast Of Writers

13.99 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Chatto & Windus, Publisher : Chatto & Windus, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 384, publicationDate : 2024-02-06, releaseDate : 2024-02-06, publishers : Margaret Atwood, Douglas Preston, ISBN : 1784745464

Kendall Farr The Pocket Stylist: Behind-The-Scenes Expertise From A Fashion Pro On Creating Your Own Look: Behind-The-Scenes Expertise From A Fashion Pro On Creating Your Own Unique Look

5.49 EUR
Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : 1, Label : Gotham, Publisher : Gotham, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 208, publicationDate : 2004-01-26, releaseDate : 2004-01-26, authors : Kendall Farr, languages : english, ISBN : 1592400418

Mazey Eddings Lizzie Blake'S Mistake: The Next Unique And Swoonworthy Rom-Com From The Author Of The Tiktok-Hit, A Brush With Love!

6.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Headline, Publisher : Headline, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 325, publicationDate : 2022-09-06, releaseDate : 2022-09-06, authors : Mazey Eddings, ISBN : 1472298721

Benelli, Boris Basso Food And Cooking Of Chile: 60 Delicious Recipes From A Unique And Vibrant Cuisine

18.81 EUR
Brand : Lorenz Books, Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Edition : Illustrated, Label : Anness Publishing, Publisher : Anness Publishing, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2015-02-07, releaseDate : 2015-02-07, authors : Benelli, Boris Basso, ISBN : 0754829898

Lindy Smith Cakes To Inspire And Desire: Over 35 Unique Designs, From Mini-Cakes And Simple Shapes To Beaded Delights And Fabulous Flowers

3.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : David & Charles, Publisher : David & Charles, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 144, publicationDate : 2007-11-30, authors : Lindy Smith, languages : english, ISBN : 0715324977

Daddy I Wrote A Book About You: Dad Fill In The Blank Book With Prompts, Personalized Custom Gift For Dad From Kids, Father’s Day Book Gift, Birthday Gift For Dad, Unique Gift For Daddy From Kids

6.74 EUR
Binding : paperback, Label : Daddy I Wrote A Book About You : Dad Fill In The Blank Book With Prompts, Personalized Custom Gift for Dad From Kids, Father’s Day Book Gift, Birthday Gift for Dad, Unique Gift For Daddy From Kids, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 45, releaseDate : 2021-05-24, languages : english


276.75 EUR
La chaise Fromme, éditée par Petite Friture, est une chaise design en métal se distinguant par ses lignes pures et son caractère unique : les absorbeurs placés sous le siège donnent une flexibilité douce et très confortable à la chaise. Le designer de la chaise Fromme est Tom Chung, un designer industriel canadien et indépendant. Ce créateur s'est associé à Petite Friture pour cette collection très inspirée du cyclisme. En effet, cycliste affirmé, Tom Chung avait l'habitude de gravir la montagne Fromme à l'extérieur de Vancouver et était fasciné par la performance technique de son vélo. Ce nouvel ajout à la gamme de produits avant-gardistes de Petite Friture prouve une fois de plus que la marque donne sa chance aux jeunes créateurs et leur fait confiance pour créer des pièces clés pour ses collections. Empilables et utilisables en extérieur, ces chaises au design minimaliste et graphique s'intégreront dans tous les styles d'intérieurs et d'extérieurs. Véritable poids plume (seulement 4kg), la chaise Fromme est d'une solidité à toute épreuve grâce notamment à un assemblage spécifique et très technique des différentes parties. La forme légèrement incurvée de l'assise ainsi que le plan incliné situé sur le devant de cette dernière augmentent encore le confort. 


369 EUR
La chaise Fromme, éditée par Petite Friture, est une chaise design en métal se distinguant par ses lignes pures et son caractère unique : les absorbeurs placés sous le siège donnent une flexibilité douce et très confortable à la chaise. Le designer de la chaise Fromme est Tom Chung, un designer industriel canadien et indépendant. Ce créateur s'est associé à Petite Friture pour cette collection très inspirée du cyclisme. En effet, cycliste affirmé, Tom Chung avait l'habitude de gravir la montagne Fromme à l'extérieur de Vancouver et était fasciné par la performance technique de son vélo. Ce nouvel ajout à la gamme de produits avant-gardistes de Petite Friture prouve une fois de plus que la marque donne sa chance aux jeunes créateurs et leur fait confiance pour créer des pièces clés pour ses collections. Empilables et utilisables en extérieur, ces chaises au design minimaliste et graphique s'intégreront dans tous les styles d'intérieurs et d'extérieurs. Véritable poids plume (seulement 4kg), la chaise Fromme est d'une solidité à toute épreuve grâce notamment à un assemblage spécifique et très technique des différentes parties. La forme légèrement incurvée de l'assise ainsi que le plan incliné situé sur le devant de cette dernière augmentent encore le confort. 

Ea Split Fiction Xbox 4 Taille unique Unisex

51.99 EUR
Embrace mind-blowing moments as you re pulled deep into the many worlds of Split Fiction, a boundary-pushing co-op action adventure from the studio behind 2021 Game of the Year Winner, It Takes Two. Mio and Zoe are contrasting writers one writes sci-fi and the other writes fantasy who become trapped in their own stories after being hooked up to a machine designed to steal their creative ideas. They ll have to rely on each other to break free with their memories in-tact, working together to master a variety of abilities and overcome diverse challenges while jumping between sci-fi and fantasy worlds in this unexpected tale of friendship. Split Fiction is a unique action-adventure experience that keeps you on the edge of your couch with unexpected moments. One minute you re taming adorable dragons and the next you re fighting as cyber ninjas, escaping terrifying trolls, or dodging hover cars thrown by a robotic parking attendant. It s weird, it s wild, and it s designed to be shared. Grab your co-op partner and get ready to overcome any obstacle thrown your way. * TRUE CO-OP ADVENTURE This split-screen adventure is tailored for two. Experience co-op gameplay where you ll have to coordinate your actions and timing as well as work together to overcome challenges. Invite a partner to join you for free, for cross-platform play, with the Friend's Pass*. This wild ride comes to you from Hazelight, the co-op thrill-makers that brought you It Takes Two and A Way Out. * UNPARALLELED VARIETY Discover new mechanics and abilities in every level of your adventure, which will alternate between sci-fi and fantasy settings. Escape a sun that s going supernova, challenge a monkey to a dance battle, try out some cool hoverboard tricks, fight an evil kitty, and ride everything from gravity bikes to a sandshark. Experience worlds that are entirely different from each other, unexpected new abilities, and a range of gameplay that includes platforming, stealth, puzzles, and more. There are surprises waiting for you and your partner in every new level. * THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP Mio and Zoe don t get along at first, but soon enough they become each other s only hopes. This journey will throw unexpected twists at them and if they want to make it through, they ll need to have each other s backs. They ll encounter both bizarre situations as they traverse stories born from their own wild imaginations. Most importantly they ll face it all together. *Friend s Pass requires installation of the Friend s Pass, persistent internet connection and applicable platform account. One user must own the full game in order for the co-op player to play the full game. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE www.ea.com/legal FOR DETAILS 2025 Hazelight Studios AB. Split Fiction and Hazelight are trademarks of Hazelight Studios AB. EA Originals is a trademark of Electronic Arts Inc.

Konami Game Yu Gi Oh! Early Days Collection Nintendo Switch Taille unique Unisex

68.99 EUR
Venture back in time with an expansive collection of retro games from the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh!, featuring an iconic selection of titles from the Game Boy era, including games previously only released in Japan. Duel alongside old friends as the superstars of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime return. This classic compilation spans strategy card games, RPGs and more. Coming soon to Nintendo Switch. EXCLUSIVE QUARTER CENTURY SECRET RARE BONUS CARD Sweep away the competition with Harpie s Feather Duster, a powerful card that can destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls. As part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME s 25th anniversary, this iconic card is printed as a Quarter Century Secret Rare , making this a unique collectible card. Get one of two possible artwork variants of Harpie s Feather Duster with your physical copy of Yu-Gi-Oh! EARLY DAYS COLLECTION on Nintendo Switch**DUEL ONLINE Challenge Duelists from around the world with online play in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelists! Select titles will also be updated to support online play after release.CUSTOMIZE YOUR PLAY Unlock hidden characters and cards, the option to remove Deck Capacity, Duelist Level, and cards from the Forbidden & Limited List, customize your button mapping, and much more.REWIND TIME Turn back the clock with the Rewind function or fast forward to watch your strategy unfold at mach speeds.SAVE ANYWHERE Pick up and Duel right where you left off with the option to save at any time.DIGITAL GALLERY Explore preserved box art and manuals from each title in the Digital Gallery.Yu-Gi-Oh! EARLY DAYS COLLECTION includes: * Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters * Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories * Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule * Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories * Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelists * Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon Dice Monsters * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul * Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2* * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards * Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction * Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel * Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 * Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler * Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 (Yu-Gi-Oh! Day of the Duelist: World Championship Tournament 2005)*Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 to be released in Japanese language. You can enjoy the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 experience in other languages via playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel. **One bonus card is available per physical copy purchased. Artwork variant is randomly allocated. Bonus card in the Japan region is different.

Lego Ninjago 71830 Kai’s Mech Storm Rider Ninja Toy Ninjago Taille unique Unisex

50 EUR
Kai s Mech Storm Rider (71830) ninja toy for 7 plus year old boys and girls lets fans recreate exhilarating scenes from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show. Kids can play with the large ninja toy before they separate it into 2 smaller LEGO vehicles: Kai s mech action figure with a posable head, arms and legs, a cockpit and a large storm blade accessory, and Nya s flying motorbike toy with a cockpit, movable wings and 2 spring-loaded shooters. This ninja vehicle playset comes with 3 LEGO NINJAGO minifigures: Kai armed with 2 crystal katana sword accessories, Nya armed with 2 golden katana sword accessories and a villainous Dragonian Warrior with its own sword accessory so kids can role-play epic battles with the building toys. The range of LEGO NINJAGO sets and buildable ninja toys for kids includes dragons, vehicles and temples so fans can role-play adventures with their heroes. Each ninja playset can be created with the LEGO Builder app, which guides you and your child on an easy and intuitive building adventure. This cool 2in1 set makes a fun gift for 7 plus year old boys, girls and kids who are fans of the LEGO NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show.

PETITE FRITURE Tabouret - FROMME Vert menthe

269 EUR
Editée par Petite Friture, Fromme est une collection de meubles en métal conçus pour l'extérieur, se distinguant par ses lignes pures et son caractère unique. Le tabouret Fromme est ergonomique, reprenant les propriétés techniques de la selle de vélo grâce aux amortisseurs placés sous l'assise. Autre inspiration tirée du vélo de course : sa ligne pure et profilée, commune à toutes les pièces de la collection Fromme. Assemblage de pièces moulées sous pression puis profilées, et de tubes extrudés spécialement dessinés par Tom Chung pour cette collection, le tabouret extérieur bénéficie d'une structure légère et solide. Petite Friture pense ses produits dans une démarche durable et respectueuse de l'environnement, toute la collection est donc fabriquée dans une matière recyclable, l'aluminium. La collection Fromme offre plusieurs avantages fonctionnels : confort grâce à l'assise légèrement incurvée et aux amortisseurs placés sous le siège, usage indoor et outdoor grâce au choix de la fabrication en aluminium et d'une peinture matte grainée traitée anti-UV. Le tabouret extérieur Fromme est empilable par 6, résistant à l'eau et certifié pour un usage extérieur intensif.

Giorgio Armani Exchange Baseball Hat Black 03420 Taille unique Male

51 EUR
Elevate your accessory collection with a fashionable touch with this Gabardine Cotton Cap from Armani Exchange. Crafted with impeccable attention to detail, this cap boasts a composition of 100% cotton, offering a breathable and comfortable fit. Versatile and chic, the Gabardine Cotton Cap by Armani Exchange is designed for those who appreciate quality and seek to make a statement. The hard visor adds a touch of sophistication while shielding your eyes from the sun's rays. Designed in a classic 5-panel construction, adorned with eyelets that offer ventilation and breathability. A hook and loop fastening to the rear ensures a customized and secure fit, allowing you to embrace both style and comfort effortlessly. Finished in a solid black colouring and complete with the signature brand logo, signs off the look with a stylish finish.

Giorgio Armani Exchange Crossbody Bag Noir 00020 Taille unique Male

78 EUR
Elevate your accessories and carry your essentials with sophisticated style in the Crossbody Bag from Armani Exchange, a true embodiment of elegance and functionality. Crafted with the utmost care, this bag boasts a spacious main compartment which provides ample space for all your essentials, while the additional zip pocket on the front allows for more organisation. Securely fastened using a sleek zip closure ensures all your contents are stored securely. Effortlessly carried using an adjustable shoulder strap which can be customised to find your perfect fit. The bag is finished with a stylish black colouring and adorned with anthracite metal coloured fittings exude a sophisticated look. The interior is lined with a luxurious cotton blend for a more indulgent finish. Subtle branding on the hardware and zippers offers a fashionable look and more protection for your essentials. Signed off with bronze-coloured text signs off the piece with a deluxe finish. Dimensions: 20 x 22 x 3 cm. Garment Care: Hand Wash only.

Fauteuil unique dans le style de Miroslav Navratil, Tchécoslovaquie, années 1950/1960 multicolore 73x46x80

1250 EUR
A unique armchair in the style of miroslav navratil from the 1950s and 1960s.In original and very good condition.High quality workmanship of solid wood, rattan and fabric.The armchair was probably specially designed for the world exhibition in brussels in 1958.However, this information is not fully confirmed.A very attractive and comfortable form.

Kenneth Cole Ladies Watch Rose Gold And S Taille unique Female

181 EUR
Kenneth Cole KC50962001 is a beautiful and trendy Ladies watch from Classic Dress collection. Case is made out of Base metal and the Silver dial gives the watch that unique look. This model has 30 metres water resistance - it can be worn in scenarios where it is likely to be splashed but not immersed in water. It can be worn while washing your hands and will be fine in rain. The watch is shipped with an original box and a guarantee from the manufacturer.

Festina Chrono Bike 2022 Blue Rubber Strap Black Silver An Taille unique Male

251 EUR
Festina Chrono Bike 2022 F20642/3 is a functional and special Gents watch from Chrono Bike 2022 Collection collection. Case material is Stainless Steel and the Black dial gives the watch that unique look. The features of the watch include (among others) a chronograph. In regards to the water resistance, the watch has a water resistance of 100 metres. This makes it suitable for swimming, but not high impact water sports. The watch is shipped with an original box and a guarantee from the manufacturer.

Off White Binder Wallet Noir/Blanc 1001 Taille unique Female

643 EUR
Add a must have to your leather goods with the Binder Wallet from Off White. Made from a smooth leather, this bag is designed with a magnetic fold over fastening and an adjustable detachable chain strap for a secure wear. With an interior slip pocket and zip compartment for your essentials, this bag also offers a further pocket to the back with four card slots for your must have cards. With a binder style clip accentuating the middle, this bag is finished with the iconic Diagonals logo to the front. Accompanied by luxury branded packaging. Dimensions: h-14cm x w-24cm x d-3cm.

Lego Speed Champions 77247 Kick Sauber F1 Team C44 Race Car F1 Sauber C44 Taille unique Male

28 EUR
Young Formula One fans can collect, build, display and race this incredible LEGO Speed Champions KICK Sauber F1 Team C44 Race Car (77247) toy for 10 plus year old boys and girls. Featuring design details from the real-life version that competed in the 2024 Formula 1 World Championship season, the F1 race car model is perfect for kids and adult car collectors alike. The F1 toy car features a cockpit that opens by lifting the halo bar, a rear wing, wishbone suspension, sponsor stickers and wider rear tyres imprinted with Pirelli. The buildable LEGO vehicle also comes with a driver minifigure wearing a KICK Sauber F1 Team outfit and a winged helmet to place inside the cockpit. This LEGO KICK Sauber model can be created using the printed building instructions or on the LEGO Builder app, which will guide you and your child on a fun-fuelled building adventure. LEGO Speed Champions sets let kids and racing fans build models of some of the world s most iconic vehicles, including other Formula 1 cars (sold separately) from the 2024 championship season. This LEGO Speed Champions vehicle set makes a fantastic birthday gift for 10 plus year old boys, girls, Formula One fans and collectors of cool LEGO race cars.

Lego Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle: Duelling Club 76441 Harry Potter MC Taille unique Unisex

25 EUR
Play out a spellbinding scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with this LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle: Duelling Club (76441) building toy for 8 plus year old girls and boys. This Wizarding World toy includes a buildable battle platform for 2 LEGO Harry Potter minifigures, which features a toppling function kids push the steps at either end to topple the minifigure opposite. There is also 1 of 14 collectible Hogwarts portraits to display above the buildable fireplace and 4 popular characters: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy LEGO minifigures, each with a wand and magic spell elements, plus Gilderoy Lockhart and Severus Snape LEGO Harry Potter minifigures for creative role play. A fun everyday Harry Potter gift idea for 8 plus year old boys, girls and fans, this magical set is part of a collection of modular LEGO Harry Potter building toys (sold separately) that connect to create the most detailed LEGO brick-built Hogwarts Castle scene ever.

Cendrier Lalique Jamaïque non signé transparent 0x0x0

205 EUR
Crystal ashtray from lalique in sumatra model.It was created by rené lalique in 20’s.Magnificent and unique piece featuring a beautiful floral motif on partly frosted glass.Each piece of lalique is handmade crafted what makes it a truly unrepeatable & exceptional.Circa early xxth century.The ashtray is in good condition for it's age.Some traces of use such as small scratches and some chips.not signed.Please note.Take a close attention at the photos that are part of the description.these objects may have some flaws that are described or photographed.Dimensions:Weight —846g.Height — 3, 3cm.Top ø — 13, 8cm.Base ø — 13, 7cm.All the items are shipped by registered post.The product will be shipped fast and packed.Very neatly.It is possible to come and to collect the item in paris(18th).

Suspension en verre de Murano, années 80 dore 35x35x75

1000 EUR
Italian chandelier with 16 diamond shaped murano glass pieces separately hung on a brass frame.The glass pieces are created by hand according to the tradition of la murrina and each glass piece is signed and has a unique gold/honey colored patterned inlay, that gives a beautiful warm light.From the 1980's.Two pieces available.-Plafonnier italien avec 16 pièces en verre de murano en forme de losange accrochées séparément sur un cadre en laiton.Les pièces en verre sont créées à la main selon la tradition de la murrina et chaque pièce en verre est signée et possède une incrustation unique de couleur miel doré qui donne une belle lumière chaude.Des années 1980.Deux pièces disponibles.Design & produced by: la murrina murano.Design period: 1980's.Origine: italy.Materials: murano glass, brass.Color: gold.Dimensions: h 75cm X d 35cm.#ceilinglamp #chandelier #lamurrinalamp #lamurrina #muranoglass #murano #glass #muranolamp #1980s #vintage80's #luxury #20centurydesign #marolles #bruxelles # belgium #london #newyork #tokyo #japan #paris #milan #international #usa #dubai #rueblaes #designicons #rare #italiandesign #italiandesigner.

Chariot de bar, Italie, années 1950 marron 51x77x75

795 EUR
A unique italian bar cart from the 1950s.In original and very good condition.Excellent quality of workmanship made of bamboo, wicker and plywood.The wheels and axle are made of metal.Extremely attractive style.A classic of wallachian design.

ART Pichet vert de Wisques vert 18x11x16

40 EUR
Ce pichet, qui nous vient de wisques, est de facture plutôt grossière et ça le rend unique.L'émail est en camaïeu de verts et s'accorde avec tous les intérieurs.Vase ou pichet, il est unique et indispensable !Article ancien qui peut présenter des traces d’usage et du temps.-Pottery from north of france.

Vintage gilded cascading crystal chandelier dore 34x34x66

650 EUR
Antique gilded cascading crystal chandelier with red raspberry accents, 1920's. This unique vintage French chandelier has two straws of cascading waterfall crystal pendants from a gilded brass framework. The straws of are decorated with red raspberry/ framboise glass accents.The brass frame is decorated with scrolled flowers and leavers and gilded bronze Louis XVI guirlandes. On the inside is a ribbed glass light shade which gives a nice diffuse light. Sure to enhance the beauty of any room in which it is installed.Would be a great decorating center piece in a bakery/ pie/ cupcake store or shop.This chandelier is complete and in working condition.

Rattan basket marron

353 EUR
Great basket rattan for a baby.The bed was made by hand from natural rattan in a warm color and honey.This will create a unique atmosphere in your child's room or in your room. The cradle is stable and very light at the same time, so you can easily move to another room or in the garden during summer, and here - it will look great!Unique 70's perfect for a child from birth to 8 months.

Set of 2 vintage chairs Mid Century steelcase chrome and brown cantilever around 60-70s argent 50x58x77

350 EUR
Set of 2 vintage chairs mid century steelcase chrome and brown cantilever around 60-70s.Comfortable and durable.Original design from the 60s or 70s with a tubular design.What makes chairs unique is the basic direction opposite to most cantilevered chairs.The chair would look great in a waiting room, office or dining room.This type of chairs is usually attributed to the mid-century period, but in my opinion it is a pure bauhaus style, typical of marcel breuers' creations.The chairs are in good vintage condition, no rust on chrome.The measurements are h: 77 cm, l: 50 cm, d: 58 cm.

White Star Line beverage cellar early twentieth century bois 96x61x187

2850 EUR
Extremely unique high-class beverage cabinet from a White Star Line ship. This special and very rare beverage cabinet of the early twentieth century comes from the quarters of the captain of one of the ships of the White Star Line, of which the Titanic is the best known. The interiors of White Star Line ships were known at the time to be the pinnacle of modern luxury.The beverage cabinet is in good condition and has a beautiful faceted mirror and two front drawers with shell-patterned brass handles. Behind the doors are 3 more drawers, the bottom drawer has a bottle holder for bottles. Includes 24 small glasses and six larger glasses (extra glasses are provided). Pleasant to see are the original signs of the installation. The peculiarity that the cabinet leans slightly backwards is part of this.Which legendary White Star Line ship will this liquor cellar come from?SKU: 23012301

Biedermeier chest of drawers with a secretary, walnut veneer multicolore 86x50x155

3600 EUR
The biedermeier chest of drawers veneered with walnut, is an exceptional 19th-century piece from austria, distinguished by its elegance and functionality.Fully restored and hand-finished with shellac polish, it showcases stunning walnut veneer, giving it a unique and timeless character.The chest features six drawers, including a top drawer with a flip-down front for easier access.The highlight of this piece is the middle drawer, which serves as a secretary desk – when pulled out and opened, it reveals a functional work surface, with small internal drawers and a shelf for organizing documents, stationery, and other items.The chest is in excellent condition thanks to professional restoration, enhancing the beauty of this timeless furniture.It is perfect as both a decorative element and a practical addition to a living room, study, or bedroom.

3 topos chairs by gruppo dam for busnelli, 70s noir 53x53x85

1500 EUR
This set of three ‘topos’ chairs, designed by gruppo dam for busnelli in the 1970s, combines bold design with striking simplicity.The chairs feature a sleek chromed steel frame with a unique, ergonomically designed seat and backrest made from black leather.The leather has developed a rich patina with age, adding character and warmth to the modern silhouette.The strong and refined aesthetic of the chairs makes them a standout choice for both contemporary and vintage interiors.The tubular steel legs provide sturdy support while maintaining a minimalist and elegant profile.A true reflection of 1970s italian design, these chairs offer both style and comfort in a compact form.No specific label for this item.Condition report.These three 'topos' chairs are in good vintage condition.The leather shows signs of age, with a beautiful, well-worn patina, including creases and marks (visible in the photos), enhancing their vintage charm.The chrome frames exhibit some minor scratches and discoloration consistent with age and use.Despite these imperfections, the chairs remain structurally sound and functional, with no damage to the frame or seat.These chairs maintain their character and offer a truly unique, timeless appeal.Dimensions.H85 X d53 X l53, sh40cm.

Sekonda Classic Analogue Quartz Watch Rs 36 Female

76 EUR
Sekonda 2217 is a beautiful and trendy Ladies watch. Case material is Base metal and the Silver dial gives the watch that unique look. The watch is shipped with an original box and a guarantee from the manufacturer.

Ensemble de salle à manger iconique de Hans Olsen - Table ronde et 4 chaises en teck, Danemark, années 1960 marron 105x105x74

5600 EUR
This iconic dining set by hans olsen is a remarkable example of mid-century danish design.Crafted from the finest teak wood, the set includes an elegant round table and four perfectly matched chairs.The design features a unique space-saving solution where the chairs fit seamlessly into the curvature of the table, creating a harmonious and compact appearance.The chairs have gently curved backrests and black leather upholstered seats, providing both comfort and sophistication.Both the table and chairs have been professionally restored, ensuring they are in very good condition with minimal signs of use that highlight the set’s authenticity and charm.This timeless set is perfect for both modern and classic interiors, adding elegance and functionality to any dining space.It is not just a piece of furniture but also a collectible item that will appeal to any design enthusiast.

Armchair Hoop 1950 orange 78x75x73

400 EUR
This eye-catching is flesh hoop has rare vintage design from the united states. Black lacquered hairpin legs in a smooth, curvy design. The big round seat is made of high quality orange fabric and provides a unique experience that adds the "lounge" sitting in lounge chair! It remains in good condition, minor wear is the vintage consist with age and use and gives it a wonderful patina.

Vaisselier ancien Biedermeier en pin, restauré vert 99x50x199

1890 EUR
I present a unique biedermeier-style sideboard, crafted from solid pine wood and fully restored to its former glory.The piece has been carefully refreshed and painted in an elegant ral shade that enhances its classic character.Every detail has been meticulously preserved, staying true to its historical style, while the wooden countertop has been treated with high-quality wood oil, giving it a warm and natural finish.The sideboard is clean, fresh, and ready for use, and its condition is truly excellent – beautifully restored surfaces, perfectly functioning drawers, and original hardware emphasize its unique charm.This piece is not only visually stunning but also highly practical.The spacious upper section with glass doors is perfect for displaying tableware or decorative items, while the lower section with cabinets and drawers provides ample storage for everyday essentials.With its timeless design, this sideboard fits perfectly into both classic and modern interiors, bringing warmth and a unique atmosphere to any space.It is a one-of-a-kind piece that seamlessly combines history, elegance, and functionality.Color rel design 130 60 10.

Off White Hands Off Skate Track Shorts Vert L Male

276 EUR
Unleash your inner athlete while expressing your luxury sense of style with these unique Hands-Off Skate Track Shorts from Off-White. Whether you're strolling through the city or embarking on an urban adventure, these shorts are the perfect choice whatever the occasion. Product Highlights: * The inner drawstring fastening provides an adjustable fit to ensure optimal comfort. * The embroidered Hands-Off logo on the front showcases your impeccable sense of style. * Composition: Fabric: 58% Polyamide. 38% Cotton. 4% Elastane. Lining: 100% Polyamide. Embroidery: 100% Polyester. * Care: Machine Washable. Refer to the care label for further instructions.

Off White Hands Off Skate Track Shorts Vert S Male

276 EUR
Unleash your inner athlete while expressing your luxury sense of style with these unique Hands-Off Skate Track Shorts from Off-White. Whether you're strolling through the city or embarking on an urban adventure, these shorts are the perfect choice whatever the occasion. Product Highlights: * The inner drawstring fastening provides an adjustable fit to ensure optimal comfort. * The embroidered Hands-Off logo on the front showcases your impeccable sense of style. * Composition: Fabric: 58% Polyamide. 38% Cotton. 4% Elastane. Lining: 100% Polyamide. Embroidery: 100% Polyester. * Care: Machine Washable. Refer to the care label for further instructions.

Chauffeuses Gillis Lundgren, Ikea, Sweden, 1970s marron 65x65x75

890 EUR
A pair of set armchairs designed by gillis lundgren for ikea from the late 1970s.In good condition.Visible traces of use.Set armchairs with upholstery made of thick, natural sailing cloth are unique.They were produced only in the late 1970s.In the 1980s, a short and exclusive version in patchwork, natural leather was released.The set armchairs are a continuation of the pix armchair which was mass-produced.Attractive, comfortable and timeless form.A classic of swedish design.

Off White Hands Off Skate Track Shorts Vert XS Male

276 EUR
Unleash your inner athlete while expressing your luxury sense of style with these unique Hands-Off Skate Track Shorts from Off-White. Whether you're strolling through the city or embarking on an urban adventure, these shorts are the perfect choice whatever the occasion. Product Highlights: * The inner drawstring fastening provides an adjustable fit to ensure optimal comfort. * The embroidered Hands-Off logo on the front showcases your impeccable sense of style. * Composition: Fabric: 58% Polyamide. 38% Cotton. 4% Elastane. Lining: 100% Polyamide. Embroidery: 100% Polyester. * Care: Machine Washable. Refer to the care label for further instructions.

Off White Hands Off Skate Track Shorts Vert M Male

276 EUR
Unleash your inner athlete while expressing your luxury sense of style with these unique Hands-Off Skate Track Shorts from Off-White. Whether you're strolling through the city or embarking on an urban adventure, these shorts are the perfect choice whatever the occasion. Product Highlights: * The inner drawstring fastening provides an adjustable fit to ensure optimal comfort. * The embroidered Hands-Off logo on the front showcases your impeccable sense of style. * Composition: Fabric: 58% Polyamide. 38% Cotton. 4% Elastane. Lining: 100% Polyamide. Embroidery: 100% Polyester. * Care: Machine Washable. Refer to the care label for further instructions.

Chaise Arrben en cuir 70s noir 64x80x79

800 EUR
Arrben Chrome Leather Easy Chairs. Unique Arrben Easy Chair from 1970. The chair is made of beautiful strong thick saddle leather in excellent condition a perfect chrome frame. The Arrben factory specializes in handmade leather armchairs with the best ergonomics. The chair is also perfect!

4 chaises Leif Wikner - Sweden bois 44x44x50

250 EUR
Rares chaises de leif wikner - 1970' from Sweden De Design Brutaliste ces chaises sont réalisées en bois massif avec des détails d'assemblage très spécifiques.Elles sont de design unique. Ces chaises de salle à manger sont formées de cubes de pin massif...Ce sont de modestes chefs-d'œuvre de forme suivant la fonction, avec une considération étudiée de l'équilibre formel et de l'harmonie matérielle.

Table basse gold etched dore 77x77x41

1294 EUR
Gold Etched Glass Coffee Table on an elegant brass frameElegant, extravagant little solid brass coffee table from France in the 70s. With etched glass top sheet. In a beautiful graphic frame. Golden glass top has a wonderful effect in space. In very good vintage condition with beautiful patina and a unique specimen in Hollywood Regency style. Simple shapes give the table a distinctive graphic and very luxurious look.

Armchair years 60 marron

399 EUR
Unique armchair dating from the years 1960, which has been professionally padded with a very high level of quality. The frames are in their original state and have been retouched. The Chair is vintage and has more than 50 years, but our work has given it a new look and freshness. The wood has been sanded and secured with high quality oil to expose the beautiful wood grains. The shape was kept in the smallest detail as originally. Size: Width-22.8 ", 58 cm Height-31. 4 ", 80 cm Depth-24.8 ", 63 cm Seat width-18.1 in., 46 cm Seat height-14. 2 ", 36 cm

Fauteuil de salon postmoderne par Rob Eckhardt pour Dutch Originals, années 1990 multicolore 120x70x90

2350 EUR
Fauteuil Rob Eckhardt 'Greetings from Holland' – Revêtement floral original Unique et rare ! A vendre : un fauteuil Rob Eckhardt 'Greetings from Holland', une pièce de design emblématique qui se distingue immédiatement par sa forme particulière et son revêtement caractéristique. ✨ Détails : ✔ Designer : Rob Eckhardt ✔ Modèle : 'Greetings from Holland' ✔ Revêtement : Tissu floral original au dos, très bien conservé ✔ Assise : Confortable et en excellent état ✔ Design : Look emblématique avec une touche ludique et artistique Ce fauteuil n'est pas seulement un objet de collection rare, mais aussi un magnifique meuble d'assise au look unique. Parfait pour les amateurs de design hollandais et de classiques vintage. Designer rob eckhardt. Fabricant Dutch Originals, gebroeders van der stroom. Dimensions h 90 X l 120 X p 70 cm, hauteur d'assise 43 cm. Très bon état avec des signes d'utilisation minimes. Matière acier inoxydable brossé, laine, textile. Couleur multi, argent. A noter la version rare en acier inoxydable. Code 04080125lc.

Vintage armchair, years 60 vert

439 EUR
Unique armchair dating from the years 1960, which has been professionally padded with a very high level of quality. The frames are in their original state and have been retouched. The Chair is vintage and has more than 50 years, but our work has given it a new look and freshness. The wood has been sanded and secured with high quality oil to expose the beautiful wood grains. The shape was kept in the smallest detail as originally. Padding: velvet Green A kind of wood: beech wood Wood color: vintage teak The armchair has extra brass finishes. Size: Width-22.8 ", 58 cm Height-31. 4 ", 80 cm Depth-24.8 ", 63 cm Seat width-18.1 in., 46 cm Seat height-14. 2 ", 36 cm

Chaise Fledermaus conçue par Josef Hoffmann, Wittmann, Autriche, années 1970 multicolore 53x46x74

995 EUR
Fledermaus chair designed by josef hoffmann, wittmann from the 1970s.Fully original and in good condition.There are visible traces of use on the original upholstery.Excellent workmanship.Josef hoffmann designed the chair in 1907 for the fledermaus cabaret in vienna.The chair is an icon of unique artistry and the art of bent wood.The chair is signed.

Off White Hands Off Skate Track Shorts Vert XL Male

276 EUR
Unleash your inner athlete while expressing your luxury sense of style with these unique Hands-Off Skate Track Shorts from Off-White. Whether you're strolling through the city or embarking on an urban adventure, these shorts are the perfect choice whatever the occasion. Product Highlights: * The inner drawstring fastening provides an adjustable fit to ensure optimal comfort. * The embroidered Hands-Off logo on the front showcases your impeccable sense of style. * Composition: Fabric: 58% Polyamide. 38% Cotton. 4% Elastane. Lining: 100% Polyamide. Embroidery: 100% Polyester. * Care: Machine Washable. Refer to the care label for further instructions.

Fauteuils scandinaves design en bois de frêne bois 58x58x72

1600 EUR
For sale: two unique scandinavian armchairs that combine classic craftsmanship with modern design.These pieces have been professionally restored, showcasing both exceptional form and quality.Crafted from solid ash wood, the frames are finished with natural oil to enhance the beautiful grain and ensure durability.The upholstery is brand new, made from high-quality fabric in an elegant beige color that perfectly complements the wood.The armchairs stand out with their designer style, inspired by scandinavian minimalism, and their modern shape adds a unique character to any interior.These are the perfect choice for anyone who appreciates distinctive furniture with personality, suitable for both classic and contemporary spaces.After the renovation, the armchairs look like new while retaining their timeless vintage charm.

ART Photo tirage argentique blanc 40x5x30

400 EUR
Fisherwoman from puri (odisha - inde)Photo tirage argentique noir et blanc de marc lafond avec cadre.Tirage unique car tirage argentique réalisé manuellement par stephane cormier.Format photo: 40x30.Photo numéroté et signé, exposé dans plusieurs galerie en france et à l'étranger.Photographe représenté dans plusieurs galerie: sway (stockholm - suède) galerie le voleur d'images (paris) atelier galerie taylor (paris).

Vintage armchair, years 60 gris

446 EUR
Unique armchair dating from the years 1960, which has been professionally padded with a very high level of quality. The frames are in their original state and have been retouched. The Chair is vintage and has more than 50 years, but our work has given it a new look and freshness. The wood has been sanded and secured with high quality oil to expose the beautiful wood grains. The shape was kept in the smallest detail as originally. Size: Width-22.8 ", 58 cm Height-31. 4 ", 80 cm Depth-24.8 ", 63 cm Seat width-18.1 in., 46 cm Seat height-14. 2 ", 36 cm

Industrial door-attic bois 90x50x200

500 EUR
Door-loft industrial, designed and built from two poles of high jump. Pretty unique piece, ideal for putting small objects on the screen. The shelves are very useful 70 x 20. He needed food. H 200cm - W 90cm - D 50 cm.

Lampe vintage en verre rose français avec 3 cintres à cordon et rose celing 5001 rose 34x34x63

110 EUR
Vintage french pink glass plaformer light with 3 cord hangers & corded celing fitter.This elegant vintage french ceiling light from the 1930s is a beautifully crafted piece with a soft pink, thick opaque glass shade.The shade showcases a unique, tiered design along its lower portion, creating a subtle, sophisticated texture that catches and diffuses light.Suspended by the original hanging ropes, this light fixture brings an authentic vintage charm, complete with a ceiling rose and decorative buttons that add to its allure.Over time, the natural patina on the ropes and fittings gives it a warm, aged character that speaks to its history.The light has french braided twin core wiring and takes 1 standard bayonet bulb b22.The glass shade is complete with no cracks.the glass does have some air bubbles which is common in glass from this era, there are some marks within the glass please see photos.the bulb holder does have some verdigris.The ropes, buttons and ceiling rose have age related wear.All of the items we sell are second hand/vintage/antique and used, so please check the photos before purchasing as these form part of the description.Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or further image requests.Some items may be dismantled for shipping and we use recycled packaging where possible to help save the planet.Our lights are lit for display purposes only and we recommend that all electrical items are checked by a qualified electrician in your own country to comply with local safety regulations.