BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Noir

74.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes design esthéticienne dossier bureau simili cuir Lux Couleur: Noir

79.99 EUR
Tabouret en faux cuir avec dossier et roues tournantes, réglable en hauteur au moyen d'un système de gaz rapide. Conçu pour les maisons et les bureaux, il est également approprié pour les salons de beauté. Il peut être utilisé pour les soins du visage, les soins du corps, la manucure, la pédicure, les massages et les soins de beauté, la physiothérapie et les séances de tatouage. Le siège a une épaisseur accrue, pour plus de confort! Caractéristiques Techniques: 5 roues tournantes Hauteur d'assise: Min: 47cm. Max: 58cm. Épaisseur de siège: 8 cm Dossier (amovible) Matériau: faux cuir

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Noir

74.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Couleur: Blanc

91.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Noir

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional Couleur: Blanc

57.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Couleur: Noir

87.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Blanc

87.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional Couleur: Noir

57.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional Couleur: Blanc

57.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Beige

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Noir

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes design esthéticienne dossier bureau simili cuir Lux Couleur: Blanc

79.99 EUR
Tabouret en faux cuir avec dossier et roues tournantes, réglable en hauteur au moyen d'un système de gaz rapide. Conçu pour les maisons et les bureaux, il est également approprié pour les salons de beauté. Il peut être utilisé pour les soins du visage, les soins du corps, la manucure, la pédicure, les massages et les soins de beauté, la physiothérapie et les séances de tatouage. Le siège a une épaisseur accrue, pour plus de confort! Caractéristiques Techniques: 5 roues tournantes Hauteur d'assise: Min: 47cm. Max: 58cm. Épaisseur de siège: 8 cm Dossier (amovible) Matériau: faux cuir

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Couleur: Blanc

91.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes pour esthéticienne manucure pédicure en simili cuir selle de cheval Professional Couleur: Noir

57.99 EUR
Professional est le tabouret ergonomique à roulettes équipé d'un siège de selle de cheval exclusif qui aide à maintenir le dos dans une position confortable et correcte pendant les heures de travail. C'est un tabouret qui se prête à diverses utilisations et lieux de travail, un support parfait pour les professionnels du bien-être pour les séances de manucure et de pédicure et idéal pour ceux qui recherchent un support confortable et stable à un prix abordable. Fabriqué avec des matériaux sélectionnés de haute qualité, le tabouret Professional garantit une assise très stable et équilibrée en toute occasion. Le siège innovant en forme de selle de cheval est recouvert de cuir écologique et est facilement lavable des crèmes, des huiles du commerce et de tout autre type d'agent ; la base est équipée de roulettes et la hauteur est réglable grâce à la pompe hydraulique de 44 à 56 centimètres. ProduceShop sélectionne uniquement les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes design esthéticienne dossier bureau simili cuir Lux Couleur: Blanc

79.99 EUR
Tabouret en faux cuir avec dossier et roues tournantes, réglable en hauteur au moyen d'un système de gaz rapide. Conçu pour les maisons et les bureaux, il est également approprié pour les salons de beauté. Il peut être utilisé pour les soins du visage, les soins du corps, la manucure, la pédicure, les massages et les soins de beauté, la physiothérapie et les séances de tatouage. Le siège a une épaisseur accrue, pour plus de confort! Caractéristiques Techniques: 5 roues tournantes Hauteur d'assise: Min: 47cm. Max: 58cm. Épaisseur de siège: 8 cm Dossier (amovible) Matériau: faux cuir

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Tabouret à roulettes design esthéticienne dossier bureau simili cuir Lux Couleur: Noir

79.99 EUR
Tabouret en faux cuir avec dossier et roues tournantes, réglable en hauteur au moyen d'un système de gaz rapide. Conçu pour les maisons et les bureaux, il est également approprié pour les salons de beauté. Il peut être utilisé pour les soins du visage, les soins du corps, la manucure, la pédicure, les massages et les soins de beauté, la physiothérapie et les séances de tatouage. Le siège a une épaisseur accrue, pour plus de confort! Caractéristiques Techniques: 5 roues tournantes Hauteur d'assise: Min: 47cm. Max: 58cm. Épaisseur de siège: 8 cm Dossier (amovible) Matériau: faux cuir

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Beige

74.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris

81.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris

81.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Couleur: Noir

87.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Beige

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Blanc

87.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en bois Balancewood Couleur: Beige

74.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau orthopédique Balancewood est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancewood reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise à roulettes pour maquillage avec table miroir lumières Smarty

299.99 EUR
Smarty est la valise à maquillage indispensable si vous travaillez dans le secteur de la beauté. Parfait compagnon de voyage pour les esthéticiennes et maquilleurs en déplacement, mais aussi pour les techniciens ongulaires à domicile et les amateurs du nail art, cette valise permet de réaliser un maquillage ou une manucure de qualité où que vous soyez. Une fois ouvert, la valise se transforme en un véritable poste de travail, complet avec table, miroir avec lumières LED, haut-parleurs Bluetooth et pratique tiroir pour garder tout bien organisé. Le compartiment supérieur avec des séparateurs offre de la place pour les pinceaux, les vernis à ongles et les produits cosmétiques variés. Dans les tiroirs coulissants, vous pouvez ranger soigneusement des accessoires et des outils de travail essentiels. La structure au design multifonctionnel est solide, résistante et en même temps légère à transporter grâce aux roues pivotantes et à la poignée télescopique. ProduceShop sélectionne seulement

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise à roulettes pour maquillage avec table miroir lumières Smarty

299.99 EUR
Smarty est la valise à maquillage indispensable si vous travaillez dans le secteur de la beauté. Parfait compagnon de voyage pour les esthéticiennes et maquilleurs en déplacement, mais aussi pour les techniciens ongulaires à domicile et les amateurs du nail art, cette valise permet de réaliser un maquillage ou une manucure de qualité où que vous soyez. Une fois ouvert, la valise se transforme en un véritable poste de travail, complet avec table, miroir avec lumières LED, haut-parleurs Bluetooth et pratique tiroir pour garder tout bien organisé. Le compartiment supérieur avec des séparateurs offre de la place pour les pinceaux, les vernis à ongles et les produits cosmétiques variés. Dans les tiroirs coulissants, vous pouvez ranger soigneusement des accessoires et des outils de travail essentiels. La structure au design multifonctionnel est solide, résistante et en même temps légère à transporter grâce aux roues pivotantes et à la poignée télescopique. ProduceShop sélectionne seulement

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise de maquillage à roulettes avec miroir led et haut-parleurs Bluetooth Eva l

237.99 EUR
Eva est la valise de maquillage à roulettes super équipée de Bodyline, idéale pour avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin à portée de main pour un maquillage professionnel. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes, vous pouvez la transporter en toute sécurité et confortablement comme une valise à roulettes classique. Le compartiment intérieur est très spacieux et permet d'optimiser l'espace et l'organisation. Dans les compartiments pratiques et réglables, vous pouvez ranger de manière ordonnée des cosmétiques, des pinceaux, des rouges à lèvres, des vernis à ongles, des fonds de teint, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des peignes, des accessoires et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour le maquillage. Le miroir doté de lumières LED avec allumage tactile direct vous permet de peaufiner votre maquillage dans les moindres détails et intègre également une paire de haut-parleurs avec système de connexion Bluetooth. Extrêmement fonctionnelle et

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise de maquillage à roulettes avec miroir led et haut-parleurs Bluetooth Eva l

237.99 EUR
Eva est la valise de maquillage à roulettes super équipée de Bodyline, idéale pour avoir tout ce dont vous avez besoin à portée de main pour un maquillage professionnel. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes, vous pouvez la transporter en toute sécurité et confortablement comme une valise à roulettes classique. Le compartiment intérieur est très spacieux et permet d'optimiser l'espace et l'organisation. Dans les compartiments pratiques et réglables, vous pouvez ranger de manière ordonnée des cosmétiques, des pinceaux, des rouges à lèvres, des vernis à ongles, des fonds de teint, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des peignes, des accessoires et tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour le maquillage. Le miroir doté de lumières LED avec allumage tactile direct vous permet de peaufiner votre maquillage dans les moindres détails et intègre également une paire de haut-parleurs avec système de connexion Bluetooth. Extrêmement fonctionnelle et

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux similicuir Balancesteel Lux

79.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler plusieurs heures par jour devant votre ordinateur, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux reflètent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et sont conçus par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts de similicuir de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Fauteuil de massage professionnel électrique inclinable 3D Zero Gravity Anisha Couleur: Noir

729.99 EUR
Avec le fauteuil de massage professionnel Anisha relaxing sera une expérience de pur plaisir pour le corps et l'esprit : dire adieu au stress après une longue et épuisante journée de travail sera un jeu d'enfant ! Fabriqué à partir de la marque spécialisée Bodyline au terme d'un long et laborieux chemin de recherche, ce fauteuil de massage est l'un des produits les plus populaires sur le marché des équipements pour le bien-être et a trouvé une pleine appréciation de la part des utilisateurs privés et des professionnels du secteur, grâce à sa qualité exceptionnelle et à sa fonctionnalité extrême. Anisha contient performance et design dans un seul produit, conçu pour s'adapter pleinement au corps de l'utilisateur, de la tête aux pieds, pour éliminer les douleurs musculaires et squelettiques gênantes qui, avec une périodicité et une intensité différentes, affligent toute personne. L'action synergique des techniques les plus utilisées (rouleaux et chaleur, pour n'en citer que

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Fauteuil de massage professionnel électrique inclinable 3D Zero Gravity Anisha Couleur: Noir

729.99 EUR
Avec le fauteuil de massage professionnel Anisha relaxing sera une expérience de pur plaisir pour le corps et l'esprit : dire adieu au stress après une longue et épuisante journée de travail sera un jeu d'enfant ! Fabriqué à partir de la marque spécialisée Bodyline au terme d'un long et laborieux chemin de recherche, ce fauteuil de massage est l'un des produits les plus populaires sur le marché des équipements pour le bien-être et a trouvé une pleine appréciation de la part des utilisateurs privés et des professionnels du secteur, grâce à sa qualité exceptionnelle et à sa fonctionnalité extrême. Anisha contient performance et design dans un seul produit, conçu pour s'adapter pleinement au corps de l'utilisateur, de la tête aux pieds, pour éliminer les douleurs musculaires et squelettiques gênantes qui, avec une périodicité et une intensité différentes, affligent toute personne. L'action synergique des techniques les plus utilisées (rouleaux et chaleur, pour n'en citer que

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise de maquillage professionnel à roulettes pour esthétique à 4 plateaux Betel

96.99 EUR
Betel est la valise de maquillage de Bodyline idéale pour avoir à portée de main tout le nécessaire pour réaliser un maquillage de qualité professionnelle. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes et sa poignée télescopique, vous pouvez transporter la valise en toute commodité comme une valise à roulettes classique. L'intérieur est très spacieux et permet d'optimiser au mieux l'espace et l'organisation de tous les éléments nécessaires pour le maquillage. Dans les différents compartiments réglables, vous pouvez ranger de manière ordonnée des cosmétiques, des produits de maquillage, des pinceaux, des rouges à lèvres, des vernis à ongles, du fond de teint, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des peignes, des bijoux, des accessoires et bien d'autres choses encore. La structure solide en aluminium renforcé garantit une résistance maximale aux chocs, tandis que les fermetures à pression maintiennent tout le nécessaire en toute sécurité.

Meulen, Ruud ter Evidence-Based Practice In Medicine And Health Care: A Discussion Of The Ethical Issues

30.99 EUR
Brand : Springer, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 2005, Label : Springer, Publisher : Springer, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 192, publicationDate : 2005-03-24, releaseDate : 2005-03-24, publishers : Meulen, Ruud ter, N. Biller-Andorno, Christian Lenk, Reidar Lie, ISBN : 3540222391

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris foncé

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chaise de bureau ergonomique siège assis-genoux en tissu Balancesteel Lux Couleur: Gris foncé

85.99 EUR
La chaise de bureau ergonomique Balancesteel Lux est la meilleure solution si votre routine quotidienne vous oblige à travailler devant votre ordinateur pendant de nombreuses heures par jour, car elle vous aidera à maintenir une posture beaucoup plus saine et plus correcte, tout en soulageant vos maux de dos gênants. Une excellente alternative aux chaises de bureau plus traditionnelles, la forme et le type d'assise de la chaise orthopédique Balancesteel Lux reprennent les lignes distinctives des modèles suédois fabriqués avec un repose-genoux spécial, sans dossier, sans accoudoirs et est conçue par Bodyline pour mettre tout votre dos à l'aise. La nouvelle structure de la chaise favorise non seulement le bon alignement du bassin, mais offre également le bon soutien lombaire, évitant les déséquilibres, les contractures et les douleurs articulaires dues à un mode de vie sédentaire. Le siège et le repose-genoux sont recouverts d'un tissu de haute qualité, avec une couche rembourrée

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chariot de coiffure à roulettes multifonctionnel avec tiroirs Bangs

73.99 EUR
Bangs est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de la beauté. Très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour son extrême praticité, ce chariot dispose de quatre plateaux coulissants qui peuvent être utilisés à l'avant comme à l'arrière. Très utiles pour ranger soigneusement ciseaux, peignes et accessoires afin de mieux organiser son travail et de mener à bien l'activité de son choix. La surface supérieure de notre chariot Bangs est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement ranger des sèche-cheveux, des brosses, des bols et des peignes pour la teinture et bien plus encore ; sur les côtés du plateau, vous pouvez également accrocher entre un à deux plateaux afin de toujours avoir les outils nécessaires à votre disposition. Le cadre est en acier tandis que la structure externe est entièrement en plastique dur et non toxique ; les plateaux sont antidérapants pour permettre une stabilité maximale des

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chariot de salon de beauté et coiffeurs 4 roues tiroir et étagères Gordon

104.99 EUR
Gordon est un chariot de rangement au design simple et polyvalent, adapté aux salons de beauté, coiffeurs et cabinets médicaux. Polyvalent, pratique et maniable, le chariot Gordon est fabriqué avec des matériaux de haute qualité qui garantissent sa longévité. Il est équipé de deux étagères pratiques pour garder toujours tout à portée de main, ainsi qu'un tiroir coulissant avec serrure pour ranger des objets, des appareils et des outils de travail. Grâce à ses roues pivotantes, il se déplace très facilement, offrant toujours un point d'appui pratique lors des traitements de beauté. Choisissez-le pour compléter votre mobilier. ProduceShop ne sélectionne que les meilleurs produits pour chaque catégorie en fonction de leurs caractéristiques de qualité et esthétiques, dans le but de distribuer sur le marché uniquement des articles capables de répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses clients. Caractéristiques Techniques du chariot Gordon : Dimensions : 48 x 30,5 x 86 cm (largeur, profondeur,

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise de maquillage pour esthétique 4 roues Sirius

104.99 EUR
Sirius est la valise de maquillage de Bodyline idéale pour avoir à portée de main tout le nécessaire pour réaliser un maquillage de qualité professionnelle. Conçue pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roues pivotantes et à sa poignée télescopique, vous pouvez transporter votre matériel de maquillage en toute commodité comme une valise à roulettes classique. La structure est modulaire, ce qui vous permet d'utiliser toutes les parties de la valise ou seulement celles dont vous avez besoin selon vos préférences. Vous pouvez utiliser par exemple le compartiment supérieur comme bagage à main ou trousse de toilette. Les compartiments sont très spacieux et vous permettent de ranger tout le matériel nécessaire au maquillage, tels que des pinceaux, des cosmétiques, des vernis à ongles, des peignes, des fers à lisser/à boucler, des objets et de nombreux autres accessoires. La structure solide en aluminium renforcé assure une résistance maximale aux chocs,

BeautyGlam Emerald Laboratories, Promotes Bladder Health in Men and Women with Urox Blend, 60 Veggie Capsules

102.99 EUR
Joom: Toute l'information sur le produit est fournie par le vendeur. Quelles que soient les informations fournies par le vendeur, le produit n’a pas de propriétés préventives, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ou de rééducation, n'est pas un complément alimentaire, n’est pas un médicament, ne peut pas être utilisé à des fins médicales et n’est pas du matériel médical. Veuillez consulter un spécialiste. ----- Directions for use: Adults: Take 2 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by a physician. Other ingredients included: Veggie capsule.Free from: corn protein, milk, salt, yeast, soy, added sugars, wheat, artificial flavors and preservatives. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal on cap or printed inner seal is damaged or missing. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, currently taking prescription medications, or have a diagnosed medical condition. Store in a cool, dry place. Country of Manufacture : South Korea

NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Contains Undenatured Type II Collagen, 60 Capsules

71.7 EUR
Product Description: Enhances comfortable joint movement and healthy joint functionAquaminUC-II®SupplementNon-GMOPromotes overall healthFamily business founded in 1968GMP certifiedCartilage is one of the body's major connective tissues, providing flexible movement and support for joints. It plays a role. Undenatured type II collagen is the main structural protein of cartilage, responsible for tensile strength and stiffness. Derived from chicken breast cartilage, UC-II® ingredient is a unique form of collagen containing undenatured (natural) type II collagen that works with the immune system to promote joint health. Human clinical trials have proven that taking just one capsule containing 40 mg of UC-II® per day helps maintain comfortable joint movement, healthy joint function, and flexibility. Product usage: Take 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach before bedtime. Ingredients: Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch (non-GMO), potassium chloride (stabilizer), stearic acid (vegetable raw material), silicon dioxide. This product contains yeast, wheat, Not manufactured with gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts or sesame ingredients. Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility that processes other raw materials containing these allergens. Made in the USA from imported raw materials and quality tested. Note: This product is for adults only. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking other medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. This product may undergo natural color changes. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Contains Undenatured Type II Collagen, 60 Capsules

DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

47.87 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin High quality and low price for daily health Enhanced formula *Collagen peptide 2050mg, vitamins B *Per daily dosage Want to keep young and fresh Want to maintain youthfulness Want to keep fit and healthy *Easily absorbed by the body *High concentration of collagen peptides *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula ---how to---<1 >1 6 . Glucosamine (derived from shrimp and crab), flavor, V.B1, V.B6, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose), V.B12 Energy: 27Kcal, protein: 5.5g, fat: 0.022g, carbohydrate: 1.5g, -sugar: 0.87g,

DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin Collagen 1 set

31.92 EUR
Health Food > General Health Foods (Beauty & Lifestyle) > Beautiful Skin > Collagen > DHC DHC Health Foods Collagen Beautiful Skin High quality and low price for daily health Enhanced formula *Collagen peptide 2050mg, vitamins B *Per daily dosage Want to keep young and fresh Want to maintain youthfulness Want to keep fit and healthy *Easily absorbed by the body *High concentration of collagen peptides *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula *Collagen peptide is used in the formula ---how to---< > . - , . Ingredients --- Ingredients --- Collagen peptide (derived from fish), cellulose, Ca stearate, silicon dioxide, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, (some ingredients contain gelatin) per day: 6 capsules 2100mg calories --- 7.8kcal protein --- 1.88g

NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Undenatured Type II Collagen, 120 Veggie Capsules

119.99 EUR
Product Description: Enhances comfortable joint movement and healthy joint functionUC-II®Aquamin SupplementNon-GMOPromotes Overall HealthFamily Business Founded in 1968GMP Quality AssuranceCartilage is one of the main connective tissues in the body, supporting and flexible joints. Make it move properly. Undenatured type II collagen is the main structural protein of cartilage, responsible for tensile strength and stiffness. Derived from chicken breast cartilage, UC-II® ingredient is a unique form of collagen containing undenatured (natural) type II collagen that works with the immune system to promote joint health. Human clinical trials have proven that taking just one capsule containing 40 mg of UC-II® per day contributes to comfortable joint movement and healthy joint function and flexibility. Product usage: Take 1 tablet daily on an empty stomach before going to bed. Ingredients: Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable source), silicon dioxide and potassium chloride (stabilizer). This product does not contain yeast, wheat, gluten, soybean, milk, egg, Not manufactured with ingredients from fish, shellfish, shellfish or tree nuts. Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility that also processes other raw materials containing these allergenic ingredients. Caution: Caution: This product is for adults only. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.Do not use desiccant. Store in its original bottle. This product may naturally change color. NOW Foods, UC-II Joint Health, Undenatured Type II Collagen, 120 Veggie Capsules

NOW Foods, Clinical Heart Health Probiotic, 60 Veggie Capsules

56.99 EUR
Product Description: Promotes blood circulationMaintains cholesterol levels in the natural rangeClinical Strain NCIMB 0242SupplementsSuitable for Vegetarians/VegansVerified StrainPromotes DigestionFamily Business Founded in 1968GMP CertifiedNon-GMOLRC™NOW® Heart Health Probio Tick ​​contains Lactobacillus reuteri LRC™, the first clinically proven heart-healthy probiotic. LRC™ helps maintain cholesterol levels already in a healthy range by maintaining healthy cholesterol production in the liver and supporting the body's normal cholesterol elimination pathways. LRC™ may also promote a balanced immune system response and normal C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which may benefit cardiovascular health. This strain has been shown to improve vitamin D levels. The probiotic strains in this product have been identified and confirmed using DNA fingerprinting technology. Directions for use: Take 1 capsule twice daily with the largest meal of the day. Store in the refrigerator to maintain effectiveness. Ingredients: Organic inulin, hypromellose (cellulose capsule), stearic acid (vegetable) and silicon dioxide. This product is not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts or sesame ingredients. . Produced in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility that also processes other raw materials containing these allergens. Precautions: Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medications (especially immunosuppressive medications), or have a medical condition (particularly a compromised immune system). Keep out of reach of children. This product may naturally change color. NOW Foods, Clinical Heart Health Probiotic, 60 Veggie Capsules

White, Ellen F. Medical Ministry: (Biblical Principles On Health, Counsels On Health, Counsels On Diet And Foods, Bible Hygiene, A Call To Medical Evangelism, The ... (Christian Health Library, Band 1)

12.49 EUR
Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Large type / Large print, Label : Indy Pub, Publisher : Indy Pub, Format : Großdruck, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 360, publicationDate : 2021-08-02, authors : White, Ellen F., ISBN : 1087906474

BeautyGlam Christopher's Original Formulas, Liver Health Formula, 450mg, 100 Veggie Caps

64.99 EUR
Product Description: SupplementGMP - Excellent Manufacturing and Quality Control StandardsGluten-FreeNo Genetically Modified IngredientsVegan100% Plant-based ProductDairy-FreeSugar-FreeA synergistic blend of herbs for liver health.Unfortunately, we Due to various chemical imbalances, it is recommended to consume chemicals that may have short-term and long-term side effects. When adopting a more natural approach, it is essential to balance the body's extremes during the chemical detox process. Liver Transition should be taken before Mind Trac. The detoxification process can take anywhere from 1 to 2 months, but varies from person to person. Product Usage: As a supplement, take 2 capsules 3 times daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Capsules derived from plants. No added fillers or chemicals. Precautions: Store in a cool, dry place. Natural color variation may occur. Christopher's Original Formulas, Liver Health Formula, 450mg, 100 Veggie Caps

Tong Ren Tang, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Supports Health of the Genitourinary, Immune and Lumbar Area, 360 Tablets

65.19 EUR
Product Description: Herbal Supplement Action: Helps maintain normal energy levels. Supports the health of the genitourinary system, immune system, lumbar region, knees, head and inner ear. How to use the product: Take 15 tablets twice a day, morning and evening, in lukewarm water. Ingredients: Non-GMO corn starch. Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or take for long periods of time. Not recommended for use in cases of diarrhea, indigestion, or painful or difficult urination.Storage: Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Tong Ren Tang, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Supports Health of the Genitourinary, Immune and Lumbar Area, 360 Tablets

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Hair, Nail and Skin Health Supplement, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

86.14 EUR
Product Description: Enhances beauty and radianceContains ingredients long used to promote healthy growth and radianceWith horsetail, gotu kola and Gaia-Grown™ nettleHerbal supplementEstablished in the USA in 1987Flawless - Purity - EffectiveVegan productGluten-freeSoy-free B. corp. CertificationsConnection Plants & People™Since 1987Purity - CleanWe test all of our products for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals.Integrity - All NaturalWe operate the world's first herb traceability platformEffectiveness - Potent Highly concentrated plant extracts delivered in patented Phyto-Caps® capsules. Product usage: Adults, take 2 capsules twice daily between meals. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and purified water. Precautions: Do not take during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before taking. Keep out of reach of children. Be sure to take it according to the directions on the label. This is a safety sealed product. Always keep the lid tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place. Separation may occur, but product quality will not be affected. Gaia Herbs, Hair, Nail and Skin Health Supplement, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Valise de maquillage pour esthétique modulable 3 étages 4 roues Aldeb

91.99 EUR
Aldeb est la valise à roulettes Bodyline idéale pour avoir à portée de main tout le nécessaire pour réaliser un maquillage professionnel. Conçu pour les professionnels de la beauté toujours en mouvement, grâce à ses 4 roulettes pivotantes et sa poignée téléscopique, vous pouvez facilement la transporter comme une valise classique. La structure est modulable, ce qui vous permet d’utiliser toutes les parties de la valise ou seulement une partie selon vos préférences. Vous pouvez par exemple, n'utiliser que la partie supérieure comme bagage à main ou trousse de toilette. Les compartiments sont très spacieux. Vous pouvez y organiser tous les éléments nécessaires pour le maquillage comme les pinceaux, les cosmétiques, les vernis à ongles, les peignes, les fers à lisser/à boucler, les accessoires et bien d'autres encore. La structure solide en alliage d'aluminium renforcé garantit une résistance maximale aux chocs tandis que les différentes fermetures à pression maintiennent tout le

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chariot de coiffure à roulettes avec plateaux Pixie

54.99 EUR
Pixie est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de beauté. Extrêmement pratique et maniable, c'est un chariot très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour sa maniabilité : adapté à une utilisation dans la zone centrale de votre salon, il dispose de cinq étagères avec plateaux coulissants et amovibles des deux côtés, utiles pour un rangement ordonné des ciseaux, des peignes et tout le nécessaire afin de mieux organiser le travail et de mener à bien son activité. La surface supérieure du chariot est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement insérer des colorations, des crèmes et des accessoires professionnels dont vous avez besoin. Le chariot dispose également d'un support sèche-cheveux très pratique. La structure portante du chariot est en métal noir. Elle s'intègre parfaitement dans un mobilier informel, tandis que les étagères sont en plastique dur et non toxique pour faciliter le nettoyage. Malgré sa

BODYLINE HEALTH AND MASSAGE Chariot de coiffure à roulettes avec plateaux Pixie

54.99 EUR
Pixie est notre chariot multifonctionnel pour les professionnels de beauté. Extrêmement pratique et maniable, c'est un chariot très apprécié des esthéticiennes et des coiffeurs pour sa maniabilité : adapté à une utilisation dans la zone centrale de votre salon, il dispose de cinq étagères avec plateaux coulissants et amovibles des deux côtés, utiles pour un rangement ordonné des ciseaux, des peignes et tout le nécessaire afin de mieux organiser le travail et de mener à bien son activité. La surface supérieure du chariot est équipée de divers compartiments et d'étagères personnalisées dans lesquels vous pouvez facilement insérer des colorations, des crèmes et des accessoires professionnels dont vous avez besoin. Le chariot dispose également d'un support sèche-cheveux très pratique. La structure portante du chariot est en métal noir. Elle s'intègre parfaitement dans un mobilier informel, tandis que les étagères sont en plastique dur et non toxique pour faciliter le nettoyage. Malgré sa

Tim Shaw BSc MSc The Need To Know Guide To Nutrition And Healthy Eating: The Perfect Starter To Eating Well Or How To Eat The Right Foods, Stay In Shape And Stick To A ... Central Ymca Health And Nutrition Guides

3.49 EUR
Brand : CREATESPACE, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2012-12-20, releaseDate : 2012-12-20, authors : Tim Shaw BSc MSc, ISBN : 1481294784

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Everyday Fiber, 340g (12oz)

74.99 EUR
Product Description: Natural Psyllium HuskSupports Heart HealthHelps Maintain Regular Bowel ActivitySupplementsGluten-FreeGood Manufacturing Practices (GMP) QualityHeart-BenefitsSoluble dietary fiber derived from foods such as psyllium is low in saturated fat and cholesterol As an ingredient, it is effective in lowering the risk of heart disease. One daily serving of dietary fiber provides 4 of the 7 grams of psyllium extract needed to achieve these benefits.A Sure Commitment It all starts with integrity. We never make products that you wouldn't consume yourself or give to your children. Product usage: Scoop 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day, mix in 8 oz of water, and drink immediately. First-time users: Initially, take a generous 1 tablespoon per day and gradually increase the amount to 3 tablespoons per day. If you feel a little bloated, halve your dose and gradually increase it. For weight management: Take one serving 1 hour before each meal. It may help you feel full. Precautions: This supplement should be taken with at least one drink. If this product is not taken with enough liquid, choking may occur. Do not take this product if you have difficulty swallowing. There is a safety seal under the lid. Do not use if damaged.Contents sold by weight, not volume.When discarding, place in trash can and do not pour down drain.For California residents only: Consuming this product may expose you to chemicals including lead, which may affect California It is known in the state to cause birth defects and reproductive problems. California Proposition 65. Health Plus, Everyday Fiber, 340g (12oz)

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

88.99 EUR
Directions for use: Take two capsules, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. This product is manufactured and packaged in facilities that also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Discontinue use if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Pregnant or lactating mothers, or children under 18 years of age, should not take this product. Discontinue use if diarrhea or cramps occur. If you have a known medical condition or are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

65.54 EUR
Product Description: Natural product for a healthy pregnancy Recommended by the American Pregnancy Association Small, one tablet per day Contains no artificial dyes, flavors or preservatives Peapod multivitamins for pregnant women provide a variety of vitamins and minerals in one tablet per day to help you stay healthy before and during pregnancy. Supports. It is a trusted multivitamin with a natural formula that does not contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and is helpful during pregnancy preparation, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. Product usage: This product is for adults only. Take 1 tablet daily or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, aqueous coating, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, natural vanilla flavor, croscarmellose sodium. Free from: Gluten, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives. Made in the USA from imported and American-sourced ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if safety seal inside cap is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

70.55 EUR
Product Description: Natural product for a healthy pregnancy Recommended by the American Pregnancy Association Small, one tablet per day Contains no artificial dyes, flavors or preservatives Peapod multivitamins for pregnant women provide a variety of vitamins and minerals in one tablet per day to help you stay healthy before and during pregnancy. Supports. It is a trusted multivitamin with a natural formula that does not contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and is helpful during pregnancy preparation, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. Product usage: This product is for adults only. Take 1 tablet daily or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, aqueous coating, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, natural vanilla flavor, croscarmellose sodium. Free from: Gluten, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial preservatives. Made in the USA from imported and American-sourced ingredients. Precautions: Do not take if safety seal inside cap is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Peapod, Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement, 60 Tablets

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Stellar C™, 90 Veggie Capsules

127.99 EUR
Product Description: Vitamin C and Bioflavonoid Supplement Basic Health Stellar C™ is a blend of vitamin C (from a blend of ascorbic acid and acerola fruit) and plant-based bioflavonoids (hesperidin, rutin, quercetin, Rich in citrus bioflavonoids. In addition to supporting healthy immune function, these nutrients have been used to support normal collagen production and repair, maintaining vein, capillary, skin, hair and nail health. Product usage: Take one capsule per day, or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Cellulose (capsules), vegetable stearate. Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Note: Store at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Stellar C™, 90 Veggie Capsules

Pmart India Health & Beauty Sabates Power of Big Male Performance 30Capsule

25.12 EUR
Ingredients:Shilajit Kesar Ashwagandha Swarnabhasm Safed musli Warning: Sabates Power of Big Male Performance Capsule is a supplement that helps to increase strength and power in men. It is also said to increase blood flow to the muscles. It helps in dealing with reproductive health-related problems and increases the energy of the body. It improves overall health and keeps you active. Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules twice a day Or as advised by your healthcare practitioner Manufacture country: India Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the government medical bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Vibrant Health, Krebs Zinc, 60 Veggie Capsules

45.81 EUR
Product Description: Clinical Cell CareEssential for Growth, Proliferation, Immunity and Skeletal HealthZinc-Gluten-FreeNon-GMO-FreeSoy-FreeSupplementsSuperior Ingredients - No Proprietary Mixtures Full Ingredients Listed on LabelMade in the USA since 1992The Krebs Cycle produces energy in every cell. Bound to the five organic acids that drive this cycle, zinc is considered highly bioavailable because the acids are needed to help produce energy and life itself. Directions for use: Take one capsule daily as a supplement or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose capsule, vegetable stearic acid, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Precautions: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription medications, or have a medical condition, consult your physician or healthcare professional before taking this product. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Vibrant Health, Krebs Zinc, 60 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, MagSRT B-Free, Extended-Release Magnesium, 240 Tablets

126.99 EUR
Product Description: #1 selling sustained-release magnesium supplement in the U.S.**It's Fun to Feel Good8-Hour Sustained-Release TechnologyRelieves Occasional Leg Cramps and Muscle Tension100% Non-GMOGluten-FreeSoy-FreeVegan ProductDoctor CertifiedSpecific Functionality Labeling Emphasis Certified Magnesium SupplementJigsaw Health's MagSRT® B-Free** provides Albion®'s patented, best-in-class dimagnesium malate that is gentle on the body over time. emits. This extended-release, highly absorbable magnesium provides all the health benefits of magnesium without the common digestive problems found with most other magnesium supplements.**This formula is based on the best-selling, highest-rated, clinically tested MagSRT® formula. However, it does not contain active B vitamins. MagSRT® has been tested in placebo-controlled, human clinical trials. Product usage: As a supplement, take 4 tablets per day after meals. Take this medication in divided doses, if desired, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose and hydroxypropylcellulose (insoluble plant fiber to achieve SRT), L-leucine (an essential amino acid used as a lubricant), croscarmellose sodium (insoluble plant fiber to achieve SRT). Silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), neat coating (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and sunflower oil) and microwax (easier to swallow). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, MagSRT B-Free, Extended-Release Magnesium, 240 Tablets

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Black Cherry, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

121.38 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate TechnologyTake Care of Your Heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum arabic, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), natural flavor, fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult...

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

89.99 EUR
Product Description: Provides pleasant pleasure. Supports brain, joint health, and immune system health. Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Soy-free, Vegan. Verified as stated on label. Nutritional supplement Curcumin C3 Complex® has been published in 45 peer-reviewed journals. More than one study completed clinical testing. This unique formula uses the three most effective research-based curcuminoids. Curcumin C3 Complex® neutralizes the damage free radicals do to the body, promoting healthy aging and supporting brain, heart, immune and joint health. Product Usage: Take one capsule daily as a nutritional supplement. Or take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Veggie capsule, brown rice powder (powder), organic Nu-mag and silicon dioxide (synergy anti-coagulant). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

87.03 EUR
Product Description: Holy BasilStress ManagementStress Relief and Fatigue ReliefBest-selling formula with Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and OatsHerbal SupplementFlawless - Purity - Effectiveness Established in 1987VeganGluten-freeSoy-freeSocial enterprise certificationSince 1987 The connection between plants and people started Zero Defects - Maintaining Cleanliness All products are tested for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals. Purity - Maintaining Quality The world's first herb traceability system Platform. Efficacy - Maintain effectiveness Concentrated plant extracts are contained in patented Phyto-Caps®. Directions for use: Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning. For better results, take 2 capsules in the afternoon. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and olive oil. Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before use. Rhodiola should not be taken if you have bipolar disorder. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed on the label. This product is sealed for safety. Always keep the container capped and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur, but this does not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

88.99 EUR
Directions for use: Take two capsules, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. This product is manufactured and packaged in facilities that also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Discontinue use if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Pregnant or lactating mothers, or children under 18 years of age, should not take this product. Discontinue use if diarrhea or cramps occur. If you have a known medical condition or are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Berberine HCl+, 120 Capsules

Vibrant Health, Metabolic Vibrance, Version 2, 90 Veggie Capsules

98.99 EUR
Product Description: Excellent Balance - Non-GMO + Gluten-Free + Soy-FreeDietary SupplementNormalizes Blood Sugar LevelsSuppresses the glycemic transition of carbohydratesProvides concentrated natural food and botanical ingredientsEstablished in 1992Three times repeated for maximum purity and potency Take the TestNaturally Suppress Appetite and Promote Weight Loss NaturallyMetabolic Vibrance is a comprehensive approach to normalizing blood sugar levels using carefully selected natural foods and botanicals. Directions for use: Take 3 vegetable capsules 1-2 times daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Capsules can be taken with or between meals. Ingredients: Hypromellose, magnesium stearate Precautions: Note: The degree of blood sugar control varies greatly from person to person. Effective dosage may vary from person to person.Metabolic Vibrance (METC) may improve insulin efficiency. Patients with insulin diabetes should consult their doctor before taking METC and carefully monitor their blood sugar levels when taking METC. Your personal insulin dosage may need to be adjusted to improve utilization. Do not take more than 9 capsules per day without consulting your healthcare professional. If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before taking this product. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Vibrant Health, Metabolic Vibrance, Version 2, 90 Veggie Capsules

BeautyGlam California Gold Nutrition, Brain Health, 60 Veggie Capsules

80.19 EUR
Product Description: California Gold Nutrition Brain HealthWith AlphaSize® Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline and SerinAid® PhosphatidylserineEnhances Memory and Cognitive Function*Suitable for Vegetarians and VegansGluten- and GMO-FreeProduced in a cGMP Certified Facility100% Gold Gold GuaranteeThe brain not only controls numerous functions of our body, but also plays a role in thinking, making judgments, and recalling information. California Gold Nutrition Brain Health is a daily supplement containing beneficial ingredients that help boost cognitive function and memory in the brain.*Premium Ingredients for Promoting Brain Health The main ingredient in this supplement is AlphaSize® Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl. This is Colin. This is a bioavailable form of choline that increases the release of acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter involved in many cognitive functions, including learning, memory, attention, resilience, and concentration.* Our brain health supplements offer a variety of benefits. It also contains SerinAid® phosphatidylserine, a nutrient that can Phosphatidylserine assists proteins that manage cell membrane function, helping nutrients get into cells and harmful stress-related waste products moving out of cells.* This helps improve mental alertness and mood and relieve stress. *California Gold Nutrition Brain Health contains AlphaSize® alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline, SerinAid® phosphatidylserine, phosphorus and calcium in vegetarian capsules. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, gluten-free and non-GMO. Certified by iTested Directions for use: Take 2 capsules daily with food. It is best taken as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. ingredients: Main ingredients Calcium (extracted from dicalcium phosphate), phosphorus (extracted from dicalcium phosphate), alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-GPC), phosphatidylserine (PS) Other ingredients: modified cellulose (veggie capsule), Arabian Gum, l-leucine, silicon dioxide (silica), magnesium stearate. Contains: Made with soy AP-Bio® and SerinAid®. AlphaSize® is a registered trademark of Chemi Nutra. SerinAid® is a registered trademark of Chemi Nutra. Not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds or gluten. Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or lactating women, people with chronic diseases, the elderly, minors under 18 years of age, people taking prescription drugs (e.g. blood thinners), or people who have been diagnosed with a specific medical condition by a doctor, consult a doctor, pharmacist, or natural therapist before taking supplements. Consult your physician or other qualified health professional. This is a safety sealed product. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and...

Heroot Joint Health Vitamin D3+K2 Boswellia Extract 75% Capsule Bone & Joint Support Pack = 60 Capsules

25.23 EUR
Heroot Joint health support capsule Boswellia is used widely in Ayurveda for treating arthritis, ulcerative colitis, coughs, sores, wound healing and asthma. It is also available in supplemental forms to support joint health. Vitamin K2 (MK 7) Vitamin D3 Veg Capsule is specially formulated for bone, heart, muscle and immune health. Vitamin K2 is essential to maximize all health benefits. Vitamin D3 ensures that calcium is absorbed, while Vitamin K2 is to direct the calcium into the bones, bloodstream, and arteries, which promotes both bone density and arterial flexibility Combo Includes: Organic Boswellia - Pack of 60 Capsules Vitamin D3+k2 - Pack of 60 Capsules Ingredients : Boswellia, Vitamin D3+K2 Benefits: Joint Health, Bone Health Advantage: decrease Swelling, Cardio Health Weight: 500 mg Manufacturer Country : India Shelf life : 3 Years Key Benefits: Decrease swelling Act as cardioprotective. Vitamin K2 and D3 protect heart health by proper absorption of calcium in the arteries Vitamin D3 helps to absorb calcium, while Vitamin K2 directs calcium into your bones where you need it most. Directions For Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule each within one hour gap once a day with water or recommended by health care professional Safety Information: Store in a cool dry place Keep out of reach of children If you are pregnant or lactating or prone to any food allergy or under any medical condition consult your healthcare practitioner before use Disclaimer The above description is for information and knowledge purpose, not a healthcare professional advice. Please consult your doctor and/or pharmacist before you take this vitamin. Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemics, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs, should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to starting any supplementation program. The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Turmeric & Ginger, 90 Capsules

57.92 EUR
Product Description: Enhanced Complex 1,965mg†With Bioperine®Curcuminoids 95% Veggie CapsulesNon-GMOSupplementsManufactured in a GMP Registered FacilityDynamic Duo for Joint HealthOur powerful capsules promote joint health and flexibility and provide antioxidant properties. It combines the well-known benefits of turmeric curcumin and ginger root. Fortified with BioPerine for optimized absorption, this supplement ensures maximum efficacy.Premium Formula with 95% CurcuminoidsOur turmeric capsules provide a powerful dose, boasting 150mg of curcumin standardized to 95% curcuminoids. and delivers all of its powerful properties to promote optimal joint health.Highest Quality Manufacturing StandardsUsing non-GMO ingredients in a Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certified facility in the United States. Our vegan-friendly formulas ensure consistent quality and purity in every product, making it a trusted choice for your daily wellness regimen.†Contains 1,965 mg of turmeric powder, turmeric extract, ginger extract, and black pepper extract per three capsules. Product Usage: As a dietary supplement, take three (3) capsules once daily. For best results, take 20-30 minutes before meals or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Cellulose (veggie capsule), magnesium stearate. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant or nursing, under 18 years of age, or have a known medical condition, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Taking this product can expose you to chemicals, including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Healths Harmony, Turmeric & Ginger, 90 Capsules

Dabur Aloe Vera Juice - 1L Ayurvedic Health Juice For Good Skin & Hair Health Detoxifies & Rejuvenates Skin & Body Good For Liver

37.89 EUR
About this item It is 100% pure , safe and natural ayurvedic health juice It is a natural immunity booster product and has many health benefits. It helps in relieveing constipation and improves digestive health. It detoxifies and rejuvenates body cells and helps relieve joint pain; its usage is good for skin and hair health; Package Content: 1 Aloe Vera Juice; Quantity: 1 L Is Expiration Dated Product: True; Target Gender: Unisex Ingredients: aloe vera Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

104.31 EUR
Product Description: Contains DHA and choline to support growth and development. Natural mint flavor supplement. Vegan. Non-GMO. Uses bioavailable and bioactive forms of vitamins to provide 15 essential nutrients to fill in the gaps in the mother's diet and support a healthy pregnancy. It helps. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily with meals. For detailed dosage instructions, consult your doctor before taking. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose), cellulose, silica, rice bran lipid. Free from: gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and shellfish, soy, sesame seeds, egg, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners and unnecessary additives. Note: One of the biggest causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age is accidental overdose of iron-containing products. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Fairhaven Health, Multivitamin Essentials for Pregnant Women, Natural Mint, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

156.99 EUR
Product Description: SupplementNSF® Sport certifiedAccelerates aging in cells, which is the cause of aging. Boost your cellular energy and maintain healthy DNA by increasing your NAD+ levels as a foundation for healthy aging. Basis is clinically proven to safely and sustainably increase the body's NAD+ by over 40% on average. Additionally, Elysium's toxicology studies confirmed the superiority of NR-E inBasis over other published NAD+ supplements, demonstrating the company's rigorous commitment to research and quality. Elysium's unique high-purity niacinamide riboside (NR-E) and powerful antioxidant pterostilbene (PT) work synergistically to make Basis even more effective. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily in the morning with food or on an empty stomach. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Note: This product is for healthy adults only. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use. Store bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if sealed packaging is broken or missing. Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

Osteo Bi-Flex, Joint Health, Triple Strength + MSM Formula, 80 Coated Tablets

112.99 EUR
Product Description: #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand¹Improves joint comfort in just 7 days!†*Glucosamine and MSM (contains joint shield)2 supplements per dayGluten-freeFree from genetically modified ingredientsEffects may vary from individual to individual.Joint Shield Feel the difference in joint comfort in just 7 days with the benefits of ™!†Benefits: Joint Strengthening Flexibility SupportMobility SupportJoint SHELD™ is a clinically studied beneficial herb Ingredients have been shown to improve joint comfort in just 7 days.† Highly concentrated extract of the herb Boswellia serrata soothes joints while improving joint function for comfortable movement. Made to Move®Your joints exercise in different ways as you stand, sit, and bend throughout the day. Osteo Bi-Flex®, America's #1 joint health brand², helps promote joint comfort and ease of movement throughout everyday activities. Osteo Bi-Flex® Triple Strength + MSM contains glucosamine to strengthen joints while maintaining joint cartilage needed for comfortable movement. This formula also contains MSM, which is essential for supporting connective tissue and joint health. Osteo Bi-Flex® is formulated to meet the highest standards of quality, purity and potency.†Based on two human studies evaluating joint health over time in 5-LOXINADVANCED®. Subjects' joint health improved within 7 days and continued to improve throughout the study period.¹Based on OTC recommendations from pharmacists recommending 'joint health' supplements in Pharmacy Times survey, 2021-2022 results²Source: IRI Total US - Multi-Outlet: Latest 52-Week Study (Ends April 25, 2021). Product usage: Adult dosage: Take 2 tablets per day, preferably with food. Consult your healthcare professional if you are taking any supplements or medications. Ingredients: Cellulose (vegetable raw material), silica, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, croscarmellose. Contains less than 2% of ingredients: cellulose coating, titanium dioxide pigment, vegetable magnesium stearate. Contains shellfish and crustacean (crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp) ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature, away from excessive heat. Safety Seal: Do not use if safety seal under lid is broken or missing. Consult physician before use if pregnant or nursing, taking medications such as blood thinners, or have a medical condition. If side effects occur, stop taking and contact your doctor. Do not take if you are under 18 years of age. Osteo Bi-Flex, Joint Health, Triple Strength + MSM Formula, 80 Coated Tablets

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Maca, 60 Capsules

56.99 EUR
Product Description: 2-month supply of supplement for both men and womenSupports Reproductive Health, Fertility and Vitality In Men and Women For women, Maca is believed to encourage optimal hormonal balance for fertility and sexual function. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (hypromellose), rice flour, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Note: This product is for adults only. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing, have a pre-existing condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product. Fairhaven Health, Maca, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Menopause Multivitamin Essentials, 30 Capsules

95.99 EUR
Product Description: Daily support supplement for bone, heart and brain health Vegan and non-GMO Product Main Benefits Multivitamin taken once daily and provides minerals and minerals for bone, heart and brain health in pre- and post-menopausal women It contains more than 100% of the 21 most important essential vitamins and minerals in a single-dose multivitamin for pre- and post-menopausal women. Vitamin D3 and K2-7 exert a synergistic effect. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis and promotes bone health.Berberine and green tea extract promote cardiovascular health, supporting healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism, and lipid profiles.Methylated B vitamins support energy production, neurotransmitter production, and emotional health. Antioxidant-rich green tea extract helps prevent cognitive decline. Betaine HCl helps support heart and brain health by maintaining homocysteine ​​levels at healthy levels. Precautions: Be sure to take according to the product description: Consult your doctor before use. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is unbroken. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Product Usage: Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (cellulose), ascorbyl palmitate, rice bran lipid, silica. Free from: gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, unnecessary ingredients. Contains no additives. Precautions: Be sure to take according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is unbroken. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is one of the leading causes of poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or emergency center immediately. Fairhaven Health, Menopause Multivitamin Essentials, 30 Capsules

BeautyGlam Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

95.17 EUR
Product Description: Provides pleasant pleasure. Supports brain, joint health, and immune system health. Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Soy-free, Vegan. Verified as stated on label. Nutritional supplement Curcumin C3 Complex® has been published in 45 peer-reviewed journals. More than one study completed clinical testing. This unique formula uses the three most effective research-based curcuminoids. Curcumin C3 Complex® neutralizes the damage free radicals do to the body, promoting healthy aging and supporting brain, heart, immune and joint health. Product Usage: Take one capsule daily as a nutritional supplement. Or take as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Veggie capsule, brown rice powder (powder), organic Nu-mag and silicon dioxide (synergy anti-coagulant). Precautions: Do not take if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Jigsaw Health, Curcumin C3 Complex, 60 Capsules

Rael Lael Balance Urinary Tract Health Cranberry 60 Capsules (30 Days Supply)

130.56 EUR
product name : rael balance urinary tract health cranberry name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] cosmax nbt co., ltd. / 127-16, deokpyeong-ro 663beon-gil, majang-myeon, icheon-si, gyeonggi-do [seller] lael korea co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : 24 months from the date of manufacture / 1) store in a cool place away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children. 2) after opening the product, be sure to keep it sealed as moisture absorption may occur. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : 400mg*60 capsules (24g) function information : [parkran cranberry powder (functional raw material approved no. 2014-34)] it can help with urinary tract health by inhibiting the adsorption of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract. [zinc] necessary for normal immune function, necessary for normal cell division specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea

Heroot Superfood Spirulina Wheatgrass Cap Digestive & Liver Health Boost Energy Level Pack = 60 Capsules

26.37 EUR
Heroot Superfood capsule Spirulina Capsule is suggested for increasing the strength of the immune system and also aids in ridding the liver of any toxins hence, cleansing it. It also helps maintain good cardiovascular health. Spirulina Capsules are an accurate formulation of proteins, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates. Wheatgrass helps boost energy levels in the body. It has detoxifying properties that maintain the digestive functioning of the gut. This powder is recommended for those who intend to lose weight healthily. Combo Includes: Organic Spirulina - Pack of 60 Capsules Organic Wheatgrass - - Pack of 60 Capsules Ingredients : Spirulina, Wheatgrass Benefits: Liver health, Digestive health Advantage: Boost Energy Level, reduce cholesterol Weight: 500 mg Manufacturer Country : India Shelf life : 3 Years Key Benefits: It is used in helping cleanse the liver of any toxins It helps in boosting energy levels in the body. It may cure anaemia and constipation It also reduces cholesterol and controls high blood pressure Directions For Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule each within one hour gap once a day with water or recommended by health care professional. Safety Information: Store in a cool dry place Keep out of reach of children If you are pregnant or lactating or prone to any food allergy or under any medical condition consult your healthcare practitioner before use Disclaimer The above description is for information and knowledge purpose, not a healthcare professional advice. Please consult your doctor and/or pharmacist before you take this vitamin. Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemics, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs, should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to starting any supplementation program. The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

BeautyGlam Alta Health, Magnesium Chloride, 100 Tablets

59.36 EUR
Product Description: Dietary supplementA simple form of magnesium that is easily absorbed. Magnesium is an essential nutrient in Americans' inadequate diets. Research has shown that magnesium is important for energy production, function and integrity of muscles, nerves, kidneys, bones, heart and arteries. Product usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1-3 tablets daily. Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium silicate, stearic acid, starch, magnesium stearate. Free from: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, soy, colors, flavors and preservatives. Precautions: Consult your healthcare professional before taking this product if you are pregnant or nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications. Hygroscopic product. Store with the lid tightly closed. Store only in original container. As this is a natural product, color and taste may vary. Alta Health, Magnesium Chloride, 100 Tablets

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Adrenal Health & Balance, 120 Capsules

87.99 EUR
Product Description: Powerful Adaptogen FormulaGMO-Free SupplementManufactured in a GMP Registered FacilityExpert BlendBenefits: Adrenal HealthAdrenal VitalityOur adrenal health products balance cortisol levels throughout the day and help you stay calm and productive after high stress. Specially formulated to maintain Directions for use: Take one capsule, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Hypromellose (veggie capsule) rice powder, vegetable magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide. Manufactured in the United States from American and imported raw materials. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Adrenal Health & Balance, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam GQ Lab Gut Health 10 Billion Live Lactobacillus 60 Capsules (60 Days Supply)

78.99 EUR
product name : intestinal health: 10 billion live lactic acid bacteria name and location of the manufacturing company: in case of imported products, the name of the importing business, the name of the manufacturing business, and the name of the exporting country. : [manufacturer] palmcross co., ltd. / 50 geodanji 2-gil, dongnae-myeon, chuncheon-si, gangwon-do [seller] ildong pharmaceutical co., ltd. expiration date and storage method : for 18 months, store in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity. keep out of reach of infants and children. capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit : see detailed page function information : see detailed page specify that it is not a disease prevention or treatment medicine : this product is not a medicine for preventing or treating disease. country of manufacture : south korea

Vedic India Jiva Dashmool Kwath Dry Boosts Immunity & Energy Support Male & Female Health & Relieving Joint Discomfort -150g (Pack of 2)

40.39 EUR
About this item This is a powerful ayurvedic formulation crafted from a blend of ten potent herbs. How To Use :- As directed by the physician. Store in a cool and dry place. Ingredients: Dashmool Kwath Dry Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

159.99 EUR
Product Description: ​400 mg Berberine And 100 mg ALADietary SupplementEndocrine/Metabolism Berberine Synergy™ supplies berberine combined with alpha lipoic acid to help support optimal blood sugar and insulin metabolism, cardiovascular health, and liver health. Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine, such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Berberis aristata. Lipoic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support healthy insulin metabolism and sensitivity. It is also a key cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in cellular metabolism and energy (ATP) production. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule), calcium sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC). Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Precautions: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Vitanica, Improves Adrenal Health, Supports Adrenal Health, 90 Veggie Capsules

92.6 EUR
Product Description: Naturopathic Physician Tori Hudson, Physician and Certified Acupuncturist Nutrients and Plant-Based FormulaVegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMOSupplementPromotes optimal adrenal function and a healthy stress response Adrenal Assist™ is a key ingredient in supporting normal adrenal function. Provides nutrients. Adaptogen herbs that enhance resistance to stress, strengthen the immune system and provide overall vitality to restore balance. Product usage: Take 3 capsules per day. Also suitable for men. Ingredients: Veggie capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, purified water), calcium laurate. Contains no preservatives, binders, artificial colors or flavors, sugars, lactose, salt, wheat gluten, soy, dairy products, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish or shellfish and shellfish. Precautions: Do not use if taking immunosuppressive medications, hormone-sensitive cancer, pregnancy, or lactation. Do not use if taking medication for insomnia, bipolar disorder, thyroid disease, or sleeping pills. Sealed. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. Store in a cool, dry place and out of reach of children. Vitanica, Improves Adrenal Health, Supports Adrenal Health, 90 Veggie Capsules

Fairhaven Health-FertilAid for Men, 90 Capsules.

71.99 EUR
Description. Fertilaid for men was developed based on authoritative scientific literature to improve male fertility in a safe and natural way as part of a healthy lifestyle. Together with an effective formula that includes the amino acid L-carnitine, key antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals, the product provides the most important components that enhance male fertility. Manufacturer: Fairhaven Health, USA Release form: 90 capsules Age: 18+ Composition: Component-Ingredient 1 serving (3 capsules) Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) - 5000 IU Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) - 250 mg Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) - 400 IU Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopheryl succinate)-150 IU Vitamin K (as phytonadione) - 80 mcg Thiamine (as thiamine HCl) - 1.5 mg Riboflavin-1.7 mg Niacin-20 mg Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal 5-phosphate) - 2 mg Folic acid-500 mcg Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) - 25 mcg Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate)-10 mg Iodine (from algae) - 150 μg Magnesium (in the form of magnesium oxide) - 120 mg Zinc (as zinc gluconate) - 30 mg Selenium (as selenomethionine) - 100 μg Copper (as copper gluconate) - 2 mg Manganese (in the form of manganese sulfate) - 2 mg Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) - 120 μg Own mixture - 890 mg Composition of the mixture: L-carnitine (as L-carnitine L-tartrate), poppy seed (root), grape seed extract, Asian ginseng extract (root), CoQ10. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Does not contain: Gluten, gluten, dairy, artificial colors or artificial preservatives. Functional action: Developed by leading fertility expert Amos Grunebaum, MD, FertilAid for Men is designed to improve male reproductive health, increase sperm count, and improve sperm quality and motility. Application: Take 3 capsules per day with food. Contraindication: Individual intolerance of components. A merchant is warranted that his products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU Product Safety and Compliance laws.

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Pomegranate Berry Flavor, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

124.99 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate Technology Take care of your heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum Arabic, natural flavor, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications,...

BeautyGlam Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

86.23 EUR
Product Description: Holy BasilStress ManagementStress Relief and Fatigue ReliefBest-selling formula with Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and OatsHerbal SupplementFlawless - Purity - Effectiveness Established in 1987VeganGluten-freeSoy-freeSocial enterprise certificationSince 1987 The connection between plants and people started Zero Defects - Maintaining Cleanliness All products are tested for pesticides, microorganisms and heavy metals. Purity - Maintaining Quality The world's first herb traceability system Platform. Efficacy - Maintain effectiveness Concentrated plant extracts are contained in patented Phyto-Caps®. Directions for use: Adults, take 2 capsules in the morning. For better results, take 2 capsules in the afternoon. Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, purified water, vegetable capsule (hypromellose), and olive oil. Precautions: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor before use. Rhodiola should not be taken if you have bipolar disorder. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as directed on the label. This product is sealed for safety. Always keep the container capped and store in a cool, dry place. Natural separation may occur, but this does not affect product quality. Gaia Herbs, Adrenaline Health, Dietary Supplements, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto Capsules

Natural Balance, Diosmin, Strengthening Vein Health, 60 Tablets

71.99 EUR
Product Description: Botanical Flavonoid SupplementsFlame your legs again with Natural Balance® Diosmin! About Natural Balance® Since 1983, Natural Balance® has been providing specialty supplements to help people improve their health and well-being. We specialize in scientifically blending carefully selected, high-quality ingredients to create groundbreaking formulas, and we have a unique passion for helping people pursue healthier, more enjoyable lives with our products. Diosmin helps maintain normal, healthy veins and circulation. Provide dietary support for. Product usage: Be sure to use according to instructions. Take 1 tablet twice daily. Ingredients: Cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, maltodextrin, croscarmellose sodium, silica, stearic acid and magnesium stearate. Caution: Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed health care professional when using this product. Store in a cool, dry place. Natural Balance, Diosmin, Strengthening Vein Health, 60 Tablets

ProHealth Longevity, Optimized Curcumin, Body & Joint Health, 60 Capsules

98.99 EUR
Product Description: Body and Joint SupplementsThird-Party Quality Tested in the USASafe - Tested for Heavy MetalsGMP CertifiedA groundbreaking bioavailable supplement that supports joint health and overall well-beingEnhances healthy inflammatory responsesHelps with joint health and flexibility Crosses the blood-brain barrier Directions for use: Take two capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Ingredients: Ground rice bran, vegetable capsule. Contains: Soy (soy lecithin, Longvida® ingredient) Free. Ingredients: Dairy, egg, wheat, gluten, corn, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts. Worldwide in the United States. Manufactured Ingredients. Precautions: Do not take turmeric if you have biliary obstruction or are taking steroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as prednisone. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not take to children. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Do not use if identifiable packaging is damaged. Keep out of reach of children. ProHealth Longevity, Optimized Curcumin, Body & Joint Health, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Berberine HCL+, 60 Capsules

49.09 EUR
Directions for use: Take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Other ingredients included: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, and Silicon Dioxide. This product is manufactured and packaged in facilities that also process milk, soybeans, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustaceans. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Do not exceed recommended dosage. Pregnant or lactating mothers, or children under 18 years of age, should not take this product. Discontinue use if diarrhea or cramps occur. If you have a known medical condition or are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Berberine HCL+, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Force Factor, with Total Bees® CoQ10, Ultimate Heart Health Booster, Black Cherry, 60 Superfood Soft Chews

119.99 EUR
Product Description: Best Heart HealthAmerica's #1 Best Selling Beet Brand*Blood Pressure Health Support4-IN-Heart FormulaBeet Root Nitrates, Grape Seed, B VitaminsClinically Effective Blood Pressure SupportImprove Circulation and Blood FlowEnhance Heart Health EnergyMegaNatural®BPGrape Seed Extracts, Supports Blood Pressure Health^SupplementsFlavored with Natural FlavorsNo Artificial ColorsNo Artificial SweetenersNo GelatinKosher DairyUnleash Your PotentialNO3 Nitrate TechnologyTake Care of Your Heart Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health soft chews help boost blood pressure and boost cardiovascular health in the most delicious way imaginable. This powerful formula contains key ingredients that have been clinically studied by the latest heart research to stimulate nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation, improve blood flow, and boost cellular energy. All soft chews contain a powerful four-in-one blend of beetroot nitrates, CoQ10, B vitamins, and MegaNatural®-BP. MegaNatural®-BP is a patented grape seed extract that has been shown in clinical studies to be 5.5 times better for systolic blood pressure and 1.5 times better for diastolic blood pressure. backup. Total Bees Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews contain no artificial dyes or sweeteners and are a convenient and delicious way to support cardiovascular health.^Key Ingredients of Total Beets® Ultimate Heart Health Soft Chews in a 4-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study MegaNatural®-BP is clinically proven to be 5 times more effective in maintaining normal blood pressure. Higher absorption rate than a healthy lifestyle.*IRI MULO L52 as of November 5, 2023 Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take only as directed in the product description. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult your healthcare professional before taking this product. This product contains nitrates. It should not be taken with other products containing nitrates, including medications for chest pain or erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors. If surgery is scheduled, stop taking this medication 2 weeks before surgery. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Do not take if internal safety seal is damaged or missing. Product usage: Take 2 soft chews once a day. Ingredients: Tapioca syrup, unprocessed sugar cane, palm oil, gum arabic, sunflower lecithin (emulsifier), natural flavor, fruit/vegetable juice (color), citric acid, sea salt. Allergy risk warning: milk, egg, soybean, wheat, shellfish. and crustaceans, fish, nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Proudly manufactured in the United States with imported and American-made ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. This product is for adults only. Be sure to take it only according to the product instructions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking prescription medications, consult...

BeautyGlam Health Plus, Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine, Extra Strength, 90 Capsules

65.29 EUR
Product Description: Powerful AntioxidantsPromotes Heart and Joint HealthBioavailability EnhancedTurmeric 1,750mgSupplementGluten-FreeGMP Quality ProductBioPerine®Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its benefits related to joints, heart, digestion and overall health. In addition to turmeric root, our formula also contains 150 mg of turmeric extract, the most powerful compound in turmeric standardized to 95% curcuminoids, which can help boost the body's natural inflammatory response. Our formula also contains clinically studied, highly absorbable BioPerine® to maximize the effectiveness of your turmeric supplement. A Sure Commitment It all starts with integrity. We only make products that you can use and give to children. Directions for use: Take 3 capsules daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose. Precautions: As with any supplement, consult a healthcare professional before taking. Consult your healthcare professional before taking turmeric supplements if you are pregnant or nursing, have a history of gallstones, kidney stones, bile duct blockage, or are taking prescription medications before taking turmeric supplements. Keep out of reach of children. Store at temperatures below 30°C (86°F). There is a clear band and safety seal under the lid. Do not use if broken.For California residents only: Consumption of this product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. California Proposition 65. Health Plus, Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine, Extra Strength, 90 Capsules

Terry Naturally, Healthy Feet & Nerve Health, 60 Capsules

64.99 EUR
Product Description: Promotes healthy nerve function in the feet, legs and fingersHealthy ProductSupplementVeganPurity and Quality TestedFree from Genetically Modified IngredientsBenefits you can feel!Healthy Feet & Nerves™ helps protect the delicate muscles of your feet, legs, fingers and entire body. Contains nutrients that support nerve endings. Helps with:Healthy Nerves Sensory Nervous System FunctionLearn more about the benefits of promoting comfortable foot and nerve healthHealthy Feet & Nerves™ provides meaningful levels of the best nutrients in the right form to make a real difference for people. Provides. Contains active B vitamins for stronger nervous system support Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of thiamine, increases blood thiamine levels five times higher than water-soluble B1 and maintains them much longer. A clinically research-proven daily dose of Benfotiamine Alpha Lipoic Acid has been proven to benefit nerve health. Boswellia purified using our own technology has higher levels of key active ingredients compared to non-standardized Boswellia. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily. Ingredients: Acacia gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (vegetable cellulose capsule), mannitol, silica, vegetable magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose. Free from: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, soybeans, dairy products, artificial colors. , artificial flavors, or preservatives.Terry Naturally brand products contain natural and other premium ingredients.Excellent manufacturing and quality control. Manufactured in a cGMP compliant facility. Precautions: If pregnant or lactating, consult a healthcare professional before use. Terry Naturally, Healthy Feet & Nerve Health, 60 Capsules

BeautyGlam Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

171.99 EUR
Product Description: ​400 mg Berberine And 100 mg ALADietary SupplementEndocrine/Metabolism Berberine Synergy™ supplies berberine combined with alpha lipoic acid to help support optimal blood sugar and insulin metabolism, cardiovascular health, and liver health. Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine, such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Berberis aristata. Lipoic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support healthy insulin metabolism and sensitivity. It is also a key cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in cellular metabolism and energy (ATP) production. Product usage: Take 1 capsule per day with a meal or as directed by your health-care practitioner. Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsule), calcium sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC). Does not contain gluten, dairy, soy, or GMOs. Manufactured in a GMP registered facility in the USA from US and globally sourced ingredients. Precautions: Store at room temperature.Keep out of reach of children. For Professional Use Only Designs For Health, Berberine Synergy™, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Sri Sri Tattva Raw Noni Juice - Holistic Health, 1L

78.99 EUR
About this item High in Nutrients - Rich in Vitamin C, Biotin and Minerals, helps support your immune system. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant as it includes Beta Carotene, Iridoids and Vitamin C. Supports better Immunity. Vitamin C in Noni supports your immune system by protecting your cells from free radical damage. Supports Circulation. Enhances endurance, decreases fatigue and increases sense of well being. Helps stimulate Digestion. Beneficial in supporting Liver function, helping support a healthy gut. Ingredients : Vegetarian Manufacturer country : india

BeautyGlam Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

97.99 EUR
Product description: Postpartum fenugreek-free, healthy breastfeeding and lactation enhancement supplement, 1 month supply, vegan and non-GMO product Precautions: Store sealed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take according to the product description: instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Product Usage: Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Cellulose, vegetable capsule (cellulose), ascorbyl palmitate, silica. Free from: gluten, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, soybeans, sesame seeds, eggs, artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, unnecessary additives. Does not contain. Precautions: Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Use only if safety seal is intact. Be sure to take it according to the product instructions. Consult your doctor before use. Fairhaven Health, Complete Lactation Support, 30 Capsules

Super Nutrition, SimplyOne, Women's Multivitamin + Health-Promoting Herbs, Iron-Free, 90 Tablets

63.09 EUR
Product Description: Super Nutrition® SimplyOne® Women's Multivitamin + Health-Boosting Herbal, Iron-Free Supplement combines a variety of nutrients to help promote women's health. Available in both iron- and iron-free formsAn effective blend of essential vitamins and mineralsImmune System and helps generate energy*iTested certified Product usage: Take 1 tablet per day after a meal. ingredients: Main ingredients: Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin D (D3, cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopheryl succinate), Vitamin K (K1, Phytonada) ion), thiamine (thiamine HCl), riboflavin, niacin (nicotinic acid and niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL), folic acid, vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), biotin (di-biotin), pantothenic acid (calcium d-pantothenate), choline (choline tartrate), calcium (calcium carbonate and calcium citrate), iodine ( (extracted from seaweed), magnesium (magnesium oxide and magnesium glycinate), zinc (zinc oxide and Zinc citrate), selenium (sodium selenite), copper (copper glycinate), manganese (manganese sulfate), chromium (chromium picolinate), molybdenum (molybdenum amino acid chelate), organic vegetable mixture: (organic alfalfa leaves, organic Red Clover Flower, Spirulina), Super Nutrient Blend: (Quercetin, Ginkgo biloba) leaf extract, green tea leaf extract, hawthorn berry extract, glutathione, DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), CoQ10, grape seed extract, pine bark extract, alpha lipoic acid, ginseng (Panax ginseng) root, organic bilberry fruit, lutein, lycopene) , citrus bioflavonoids (extracted from lemon fruit), inositol, Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) berry extract (fruit), betaine (betaine HCl), bromelain (80GDU/g), black pepper fruit (Piper nigrum), glutamic acid (glutamic acid HCI), hesperidin (extracted from citrus fruits) ), rutin, boron (extracted from boron citrate) Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, potassium chloride, Croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, vegetable coating, natural flavor, calcium silicate. Ingredients: Soy-free. Ingredients: Not manufactured with milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds, or gluten. . Produced in an FDA registered, third-party audited, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliant facility that may process other products containing allergens or ingredients. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Consult a licensed physician, pharmacist, naturopathic physician, or other qualified health care professional before taking any supplements. Packaged in sealed packaging. Do not take if safety seal is missing or damaged. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, light and moisture. Super Nutrition, SimplyOne, Women's Multivitamin + Health-Promoting Herbs, Iron-Free, 90 Tablets

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Organic Beet Root with Organic Black Pepper, 30 Tablets

36.99 EUR
Product Description: 1,350 mg per servingRoot PowderVegan TabletsUSDA Certified OrganicSupplementCertified Organic: Where Food Comes From OrganicMade in a GMP registered facility Start your day with organic beetroot. It maintains wide blood vessels and promotes optimal blood circulation, helping with stamina and athletic ability. Directions for use: Take 2 tablets, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Organic tapioca maltodextrin, organic acacia gum, organic silica concentrate, organic membrane coating (purified water, organic maltodextrin, organic sunflower lecithin, organic palm oil, organic guar gum) and silicon dioxide. This product contains milk, soybeans, and wheat. , eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish are also manufactured and packaged in facilities that can also process them. Contains American and foreign ingredients. Precautions: Discontinue use if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Organic Beet Root with Organic Black Pepper, 30 Tablets

BeautyGlam Healths Harmony, Thyroid Support, 120 Capsules

64.99 EUR
Product Description: Contains IodineNon-GMOSupplementExpert BlendMade in a GMP Certified FacilityBenefits: Optimize your thyroid health with a superior blend of minerals and herbs designed to support thyroid function, energy levels, and metabolic hormone production and enhance nutrient absorption. Product Usage: 2 capsules daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: Rice flour, hypromellose (veggie capsule), vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and chlorophyll. Made in the USA with ingredients from around the world. Precautions: Stop taking if side effects occur. Do not exceed recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, have a known medical condition, or are taking medications, consult your doctor before taking this product or any other supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place. Healths Harmony, Thyroid Support, 120 Capsules

BeautyGlam Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules

164.99 EUR
Product Description: SupplementNSF® Sport certifiedAccelerates aging in cells, which is the cause of aging. Boost your cellular energy and maintain healthy DNA by increasing your NAD+ levels as a foundation for healthy aging. Basis is clinically proven to safely and sustainably increase the body's NAD+ by over 40% on average. Additionally, Elysium's toxicology studies confirmed the superiority of NR-E inBasis over other published NAD+ supplements, demonstrating the company's rigorous commitment to research and quality. Elysium's unique high-purity niacinamide riboside (NR-E) and powerful antioxidant pterostilbene (PT) work synergistically to make Basis even more effective. Product usage: Take 2 capsules daily in the morning with food or on an empty stomach. Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, vegetable magnesium stearate, silica. Note: This product is for healthy adults only. Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor before use. Store bottle tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not take if sealed packaging is broken or missing. Elysium, Basis, Cell Health & Optimization, 60 Capsules