NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Essence essence hydratante pour cheveux abîmés 80 ml

8.16 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Essence, 80 ml, Sérums capillaires pour femme, Offrez un soin de grande qualité à vos cheveux. L’huile sèche NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential apporte de la douceur, de la souplesse et de la brillance à vos cheveux. Le produit : donne de la brillance aux cheveux nourrit les cheveux en profondeur évite les pointes fourchues régénère et protège significativement les cheveux empêche l’apparition de frisottis Composition du produit : huile d’argan Mode d’emploi : Appliquez sur les cheveux secs, en particulier sur la longueur et les pointes. Utilisez régulièrement.

NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack masque hydratant nourrissant pour cheveux abîmés 470 ml

11.81 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack, 470 ml, Masques cheveux pour femme, Vous pensez que vos cheveux ont besoin d’un soin plus intense que celui procuré par les après-shampoings et les baumes ? Le masque NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack enrichira votre routine de soins capillaires. La forte concentration d’ingrédients nourrissants de sa formule permet de résoudre différents problèmes tout en redonnant vitalité et beauté à vos cheveux. Il pénètre en profondeur dans les fibres capillaires pour renforcer vos cheveux, les nourrir intensément et favoriser leur régénération en lissant leur surface, tout en les rendant extrêmement doux, brillants et plus résistants aux agressions. Le produit : hydrate intensément régénère les cheveux sur toute leur longueur facilite le coiffage, évitant ainsi d’endommager les cheveux offre une belle brillance aux cheveux redonne aux cheveux leur aspect naturel et sain Composition du produit : huile d’argan Mode d’emploi : Pour un meilleur effet, utilisez en combinaison avec le shampooing de la même gamme. Appliquez sur des cheveux qui viennent d’être lavés au shampoing. Laissez agir quelques minutes, puis rincez bien.

NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack masque hydratant nourrissant pour cheveux abîmés 200 ml

6.8 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack, 200 ml, Masques cheveux pour femme, Vous pensez que vos cheveux ont besoin d’un soin plus intense que celui procuré par les après-shampoings et les baumes ? Le masque NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Pack enrichira votre routine de soins capillaires. La forte concentration d’ingrédients nourrissants de sa formule permet de résoudre différents problèmes tout en redonnant vitalité et beauté à vos cheveux. Il pénètre en profondeur dans les fibres capillaires pour renforcer vos cheveux, les nourrir intensément et favoriser leur régénération en lissant leur surface, tout en les rendant extrêmement doux, brillants et plus résistants aux agressions. Le produit : hydrate intensément régénère les cheveux sur toute leur longueur facilite le coiffage, évitant ainsi d’endommager les cheveux offre une belle brillance aux cheveux redonne aux cheveux leur aspect naturel et sain Composition du produit : huile d’argan Mode d’emploi : Pour un meilleur effet, utilisez en combinaison avec le shampooing de la même gamme. Appliquez sur des cheveux qui viennent d’être lavés au shampoing. Laissez agir quelques minutes, puis rincez bien.

NATURE REPUBLIC Black Bean Invigorating Hair Treatment cure cheveux contre l'amincissement des cheveux 200 ml

7.65 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Black Bean Invigorating Hair Treatment, 200 ml, Après-shampoings mixte, Le produit : régénère les cheveux sur toute leur longueur redonne aux cheveux leur aspect naturel et sain offre une belle brillance aux cheveux agit en profondeur dans les fibres capillaires aide à stimuler la croissance des cheveux agit favorablement contre la chute des cheveux Mode d’emploi : Pour un meilleur effet, utilisez en combinaison avec le shampooing de la même gamme. Appliquez sur les cheveux humides qui viennent d’être lavés aux shampooing. Laissez agir pendant toute la durée indiquée sur l’emballage, puis rincez abondamment.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Espace

33.93 EUR
A l'intérieur de ce tube, vous trouverez 11 figurines sur le thème de l'Espace parfaites pour développer le jeu symbolique et imaginatif. Ces figurines légères et petites ont été faites de PVC durable et durable, exempt de phtalates. Inclut une boîte allongée réutilisable avec poignée pour transporter vos figurines.. Le tube comprend 11 figures différentes d'environ 5cm chacune.

Wild Republic Frog Nature Tube, Amphibian Figures, Red Eyed Tree, Poison Dart, Arrow Frog, And Many More, 12 Piece Set

29.87 EUR
Wild Republic Frog Nature Tube, Amphibian figures, Red Eyed Tree, Poison Dart, Arrow Frog, and many more, 12 piece set

Wild Republic Nature Tube Serpents

26.06 EUR
Tube contenant 8 figurines plastiques de serpents.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Famille Animaux Afrique

70.7 EUR
Tube contenant 12 figurines plastiques sur le thème des animaux d'afrique en famille.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Dino Family

29.98 EUR
Tube contenant 12 figurines plastiques de dinosaure.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingéstion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Insect Nature Tube Kids Gifts Educational Toys For Kids Crawler Insect Toy 24-Piece

29.87 EUR
Put the insect repellent away Our lifelike insect toy figures are here to play. Inside this nature tube is twelve types of insect figures duplicates of each fly caterpillar Scorpion Dragon fly Mantis ant cricket spiders centipede red Beetle grasshopper Beetle. These figures are for 3 years and up. Package dimensions is 14a¿ L x 2.5a¿ W x 1.5H which is makes it easy to be used as a stocking stuffer. All the figures are hand painted and made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Shampoo shampoing régénérateur en profondeur pour cheveux abîmés 300 ml

10.7 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Shampoo, 300 ml, Shampoings pour femme, Le shampooing NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential nettoie efficacement le cuir chevelu, il lave parfaitement les cheveux et leur redonne leur beauté naturelle. Le produit : lave les cheveux et nettoie le cuir chevelu hydrate intensément régénère et nourrit les cheveux donne brillance et volume laisse vos cheveux soyeux renforce les pointes des cheveux Composition du produit : huile d’argan Mode d’emploi : Appliquez une quantité raisonnable de shampooing sur les cheveux mouillés. Faites mousser et rincez abondamment.

NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Conditioner après-shampoing hydratant et nourrissant pour cheveux abîmés 300 ml

7.73 EUR
NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential Deep Care Conditioner, 300 ml, Après-shampoings pour femme, L’après-shampooing NATURE REPUBLIC Argan Essential vous permet de coiffer facilement vos cheveux tout en leur apportant les nutriments sans lesquels il est impossible d’avoir une belle chevelure saine. Le produit : apporte l’hydratation nécessaire apporte une belle brillance aux cheveux lisse et agit contre les frisottis protège contre les agressions extérieures répare les dégradations mécaniques et chimiques Composition du produit : huile d’argan Mode d’emploi : Pour un meilleur effet, utilisez en combinaison avec le shampooing de la même gamme. Appliquez sur des cheveux qui viennent d’être lavés au shampoing. Laissez agir quelques minutes, puis rincez bien. Utilisez régulièrement.

Wild Republic River Nature Tube Kids Gifts Educational Toys For Kids Toy Animals Figures 12piece

98.99 EUR
Inside this nature tube is duck Piranha Crocodile salmon Heron bass turtle bullfrog Beaver River Otter salamander Anaconda. Theses figures is for 3 years and up. Package dimensions is 14a¿ L x 2.5a¿ W x 1.5H which is makes it easy to be used as a stocking stuffer. All the figures are hand painted and made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Butterfly In Nature Tube

29.87 EUR
pButterfly Nature Tubep

L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #châtaigne 75 ml

11.99 EUR
L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #châtaigne 75 ml

L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #marron foncé 75 ml

11.99 EUR
L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #marron foncé 75 ml

Wild Republic Nature Tube Sirenes

29.78 EUR
Tube contenant 10 figurines plastiques de sirènes.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up correcteur cheveux des racines et cheveux blancs teinte Light Brown 75 ml

16.4 EUR
L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up, 75 ml, Sprays pour repousses pour femme, Le spray effaceur de racines L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up vous aide à immédiatement recouvrir les repousses ou les mèches de cheveux blancs, unifiant ainsi la teinte de vos cheveux. Résiste jusqu’au prochain lavage. Le produit : cache et masque les repousses assure un effet naturel application simple effet immédiat Mode d’emploi : Agitez bien avant utilisation. Appliquez sur les zones concernées, essentiellement au niveau des racines.

L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up correcteur cheveux des racines et cheveux blancs teinte Brown 75 ml

13.85 EUR
L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up, 75 ml, Sprays pour repousses pour femme, Le spray effaceur de racines L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up vous aide à immédiatement recouvrir les repousses ou les mèches de cheveux blancs, unifiant ainsi la teinte de vos cheveux. Résiste jusqu’au prochain lavage. Le produit : cache et masque les repousses assure un effet naturel application simple effet immédiat Mode d’emploi : Agitez bien avant utilisation. Appliquez sur les zones concernées, essentiellement au niveau des racines.

L'Oréal Professionnel Hair Touch Up Marron

16 EUR
L'Oréal Professionnel - Hair Touch Up Marron

L’Oréal Professionnel Paris Teintures et colorations Hair Touch Up Base de maquillage marron

15.72 EUR
Le maquillage des racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel est un soin capillaire innovant, enrichi en pigments professionnels, qui dissimule parfaitement les repousses des cheveux colorés. Grâce aux produits spéciaux pour cheveux, vos racines sont dissimulées en quelques secondes. Le spray résiste à l'eau et à la transpiration, est disponible en quatre nuances et peut être rincé dès le premier shampooing suivant son application. Le maquillage des racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel peut être utilisé à tout moment, par exemple entre deux visites chez le coiffeur ou dans des situations de SOS. Les racines gênantes sont masquées de manière fiable, car le soin capillaire s'intègre parfaitement à la couleur naturelle des cheveux. Maquillage pour racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel - informations complémentaires.En utilisant ces produits spéciaux pour les cheveux, vous dissimulez vos racines en quelques secondes et obtenez un résultat absolument naturel. Le soin capillaire se conserve jusqu'au prochain shampooing et est donc idéal pour masquer les racines jusqu'à la prochaine coloration. Grâce à leur tête de pulvérisation précise et de haute qualité, les produits capillaires spéciaux garantissent des résultats immédiats. Désormais, il n'est plus nécessaire d'accepter une repousse, car avec ce maquillage pour les cheveux, vous pouvez les dissimuler à tout moment, quand vous le souhaitez.

L’Oréal Professionnel Paris Teintures et colorations Hair Touch Up Base de maquillage Marron Clair

15.72 EUR
Le maquillage des racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel est un soin capillaire innovant, enrichi en pigments professionnels, qui dissimule parfaitement les repousses des cheveux colorés. Grâce aux produits spéciaux pour cheveux, vos racines sont dissimulées en quelques secondes. Le spray résiste à l'eau et à la transpiration, est disponible en quatre nuances et peut être rincé dès le premier shampooing suivant son application. Le maquillage des racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel peut être utilisé à tout moment, par exemple entre deux visites chez le coiffeur ou dans des situations de SOS. Les racines gênantes sont masquées de manière fiable, car le soin capillaire s'intègre parfaitement à la couleur naturelle des cheveux. Maquillage pour racines Hair Touch Up de L'Oréal Professionnel - informations complémentaires.En utilisant ces produits spéciaux pour les cheveux, vous dissimulez vos racines en quelques secondes et obtenez un résultat absolument naturel. Le soin capillaire se conserve jusqu'au prochain shampooing et est donc idéal pour masquer les racines jusqu'à la prochaine coloration. Grâce à leur tête de pulvérisation précise et de haute qualité, les produits capillaires spéciaux garantissent des résultats immédiats. Désormais, il n'est plus nécessaire d'accepter une repousse, car avec ce maquillage pour les cheveux, vous pouvez les dissimuler à tout moment, quand vous le souhaitez.

L'Oréal Professionnel Paris Hair Touch Up retouche racines #brown

12.6 EUR
Correcteur de racines Hair Touch Up

L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #marron foncé 75 ml

11.7 EUR
L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #marron foncé 75 ml

L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #châtaigne 75 ml

11.7 EUR
L'Oreal Expert Professionnel Correcteur de racine HAIR TOUCH UP #châtaigne 75 ml

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini Stegosaurus 10

33.1 EUR
tout doux, tout chou ce petit dinosaure est plus vrai que nature.. Taille : 25 cm. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini T-Rex 10

33.4 EUR
Le T-Rex en taille 25 cm ! Plus vrai que nature !. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Mini Walrus

27.33 EUR
pHave you ever wanted to pet a walrus? well, now you can with the Cuddlekins walrus stuffed animal. Walruses have brown skin with tiny hairs all over its body. They also have a lot of bushy hair around their mouth making it look like they have a mustache. Perhaps one of the most well-known features of a walrus is their tusks. They have two white tusks coming from the top of their mouths that are used for defending themselves, pulling themselves onto the ice, and finding food. This stuffed toy looks just like the real animal. The Cuddlekins walrus plush toy is made with high- quality fabric so, its feature looks as realistic as possible. Cuddlekins make great birthdays gifts for teens, bed mates for kids, or anyone who loves aquatic life. These plush toys work great as accessories for an ocean themed room. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems Raccoon 7

26.06 EUR
HUG 'ems-Idéal pour câliner et se umarmen. En peluche ultra douce avec fourrure doux Fabriqué à  la main à  l'aide de matériaux de qualité Articulé naturgetreues animaux avec granulés en plastique Design joli design pour câliner Quantité : 1 Modèle : 16266 Référence fabricant : 16266 Type : Jouet Date de sortie : 2016-02-19 Fabricant : Wild Republic Europe

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Ours Noir

27.86 EUR
Come snuggle with this adorable Black Bear hugger stuffed animal and receive a never-ending hug. Black Bears might be the smallest Bear of the three-species found in North America, but the Hugger Black Bear is the perfect size stuffed toy for hugging. Huggers plush toys are both a kids toy and a slap bracelet all in one, allowing for hours of endless fun. Theses amazing plush animals make great gifts for kids, teens, and anyone who loves hugs. They also make wonderful birthday gifts for kids. These slap bracelets are made with a triple protected, specially- designed snap band that provides a safe and friendly grip. These cute kids toys can strap on to your wrist, stroller, bag, backpack, bike, even wrap around a vase of flowers, allowing for fun and hugs wherever you go. Huggers plushies can go anywhere and everywhere your childs imagination wants to go. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals. After all, everyone loves a hug, so get your Hugger stuffed animal today.

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Bison

104.16 EUR
You wont have to roam far on the range to find the perfect Buffalo play pal. This large stuffed animal is rugged enough to handle a Stampede, yet soft and cuddly enough to snuggle with. Its realistic design makes this giant plush stand out from the Herd. These plush toys are made of high quality fabrics and soft filling that makes them easy to squeeze. Large stuffed animals can double as an animal pillow as well. Do you know a shark enthusiast in your life? This toy for kids makes a great gif for any occasion or educational toy. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, With a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Arctic Fox Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

39.22 EUR
Who doesnt love the beautiful snow? well, the Arctic fox definitely loves the cold weather and the snow. The Arctic fox is known for its thick beautiful white and warm fur. Believe it or not, the Arctic Foxs fur does not stay white all year long. It turns white in winter and brown in the summer. This Arctic fox animal plush will keep its white fur all year long to make sure of that, it is made of high - quality materials and is surface washable. This plushie makes a wonderful addition to any Arctic themed room. This plush toy is highly detailed creating a lifelike feeling, allowing your child to go on an adventure in the Arctic Tundra from the safety of your home. Cuddlekins come in an array of animals, so start collecting them all today. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Peluche Phoque Wild Republic 30 Cm (30 Cm)

15.9 EUR
Voici une adorable peluche phoque. Retrouvez toutes les peluches Wild Republic de la boutique.Le ph

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Ours Polaire

26.64 EUR
Snuggle up on a cold winters night or any night with this adorable little Polar Bear stuffed animal. Polar Bears are very large, furry creatures, but the Huggers Polar Bear plushier pictured above is the perfect size to go anywhere and everywhere with you. You can explore the Arctic with this plush toy Polar Bear on your wrist and go on an adventure of a lifetime. Huggers plush toys are also slap bracelets, creating never-ending fun. Huggers can hang on to backpacks, bags, strollers, and even vases. Huggers stuffed animals make great additions to any room, especially for kids bedroom decor. These amazing stuffed animal toys are not just for kids, they are for anyone who wants to gift the magic of a hug to anyone they please. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Huggers Green Parrot

28.59 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Perroquet est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans. Dimension totale: 20 cm

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Gorilla

27 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hanging Monkeys Lemur Queue Annele Suspendu 51 Cm

29.87 EUR
Un Lémurien tout doux pour de jolis calins tout chou.. Taille : 51 cm. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Ck Beluga Whale

43.57 EUR
Beluga whales are massive bright white skinned sea creatures with a protruding forehead. This feature distinguishes them from the rest of the whale population. Most Beluga whales live in the frigid Arctic climate, so why not stay m in the comfort of your own home and enjoy this ocean themed t instead? you will really love this lifelike stuffed animal. What stands out the most is the magnificent detail and quality. What an exquisite combination if I may say so myself. At approximately 21 inches, the cuddles will never end and the smiles will grow larger each day. Aquatic stuffed animals are the playmate your loved one will want to cuddle up to and venture out into the world with to explore as far as the eyes can see. Marine animal enthusiasts will go fins up for this whale. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979.p

wild Republic Orangutan Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

36.37 EUR
'From the Malay language, orangutan translates to Man of the forest. these animals explore on all fours, using their palms or fists for leverage. They can live long lives of up to 40 years exploring and swinging in the forest. Cuddlekins are built to handle the everyday wear and tear of imaginative play and adventure. They are critically endangered because they depend on the disappearing trees in remote areas for survival. Teach children and inform adults about working to save this magnificent creature by gifting them this stuffed animal. Cuddlekins plush toys are the perfect size and are lightweight allowing this stuffed toy be able to be taken anywhere with ease. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.'

Wild Republic Snakesss Serpent Mille Pattes 137cm

31.79 EUR
Being 54 allow this snake stuffed animal to easily double as a comfy animal pillow which can come in handy during long road trips or just lying around on the couch. Do not worry this snake does not bite these reptilians get a bad rap not all snakes are poisonous or a threat to humans in any way. If you observe from afar you will see the all the beauty snakes behold. This snake pictured above has eye catching colors which have a tranquilizing quality to it that kids of all ages and serpent enthusiasts cannot ignore. Crafted with the finest materials allows this large plush to overcome numerous hours of fun and imaginative play. Giant teddy bears get all the loving other large stuffed animals want to be loved as well. Consider taking home this soft, cuddly, and oh so affectionate Centipede snake plush. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.ulliThis 54 inch cunning Centipede snake stuffed animal wants to slither into your life. It might look scary but acts like a teddy bear.liliToddlers, teens, and adults all enjoy having their very own large unique patterned plush toy, either for play, kids bedroom dcor, or educational use.liliBeing surface washable allows for the cleaning process to become easier than ever before.liliThese stuffed animals are created from high quality materials that make it comfy to the touch and heartening to the eyes.liliMarvel at the sights and sounds of laughter, play, and excitement with plush toys from wild Republic.ul

Wild Republic Ck Toco Toucan 30cm

37.09 EUR
'The toco toucan is recognized around the world for its magnificent and fabulous beak. With a black body, white throat, and bright orange beak, this exotic bird brings delight and wonder to all of those who see it. Not only is it colorful, the beak is lightweight and easily over one-third of the size of its entire body. Be ready to cuddle up to this creature because it loves to tuck its beak in and stay warm with snuggles. A birthday gift for kids doesnt have to be a hassle anymore with the help of this plushie, the same goes for Christmas gifts for teens and unique gifts for adults. Toucans live in the tops of trees and hop around more than fly. People of all ages love fruit, which makes this relationship perfect because toucans are always snacking on it. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.'

Wild Republic Orang Outan Suspendu 51cm

29.87 EUR
Orangutans have tremendous strength, which enables them to hang upside-down from branches and swing around the treetops. This Hanging plush primate is ready to hang out with you day or night. Place this realistic stuffed animal virtually anywhere with its hook and loop clasp. Made of high-quality material give it the durability to handle many hours of fun and adventure. Kids and adults love zoo animal plush toys. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Penguin Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.09 EUR
Have you ever looked at a penguin and thought to oneself they were not cute? The answer is no. Now imagine a soft and adorable looking penguin that can bring pure joy to the household. This Playful Penguin stuffed animal is what we are talking about. Standing at 12 inches, its size becomes an excellent feature to have for an aquatic toy because it can fit into a lot of different purses, satchels, luggage, etc. Creativity can be enhanced through play with plushies. Perhaps an imaginative journey to Antarctica might occur. Who really knows what scenario a child can spawn up in their minds. Lifelike stuffed animals are unique ts for kids of all ages and superb for snuggling up too. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Bucket Dino

43.16 EUR
Ce baril facil ? transporter comporte 23 pi?ces de petites figurines Dinosaures.

Wild Republic Mini Fawn 20 Cm

28.59 EUR
With around 300 captivating spots, a Fawn is a gentle creature that all love to Fawn over. After hours of being born, these incredible animals are up and Walking around, exploring their new world. They discover their speed and agility early on, making them the perfect companion to go from adventure to adventure. Fine detail is what sets this stuffed animal apart from other plush toys, with one touch you will fall in love with its softness. This plush toy is so soft and cute you will never want to put it down. These adorable creatures are odorless to predators, eat grass all day, and have rapid fast heartbeats. Now you can have a reliable companion in your life that will always be there as a gentle spirit of comfort. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Red Tailed Hawk Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins, 12 Inches

45.04 EUR
Not sure youve ever seen a red-tailed Hawk in real life? think again. As these Hawks can easily acclimate to almost any climate, youll find them soaring above the treetops, or lining the fence-posts almost anywhere in North America. And soon youll find it this lovable stuffed animal plush, perched on your bedpost, waiting for a little fun. This red-tailed Hawk plush, with its realistic coloring and features, is made of soft, yet durable fabric, making it the perfect t for kids of all ages. With a real wingspan ranging from 3.5 to almost 5 feet, this lifelike stuffed animal measures 12 inches of educational fun for your children. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Gibbon, Monkey Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Hanging 20 Inches

38.7 EUR
Found in the tropical and jungle regions of India and China, Gibbon monkeys enjoy mer climates that are full of trees for swinging around. These small Apes have long arms and hooked fingers for jumping from branch to branch. Our Gibbon stuffed animal measures a realistic 29 inches long with lifelike facial features and flexible limbs. This zoo animal plush toy is extra soft and surface washable for easy cleaning. A great t for teens, toddlers, and monkey lovers of all ages, this stuffed toy is ready to monkey around with you and your friends. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini Bunny 20 Cm

36.04 EUR
Ce lapin réalise bien dodus de 20 cm sautera droit dans votre coeur. Fabriqué avec des tissus super doux et parfait pour les câlins!. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Hug'ems Snow Leopard 7

26.06 EUR
Snow Leopards are called Ghost cats by many for a few reasons. One of them is because of their grey and white fur, allowing them to blend into the snow and mountains where they live. In addition, snow Leopards are different than most Wildcats as they do not roar and they hunt in Silence. Due to being quiet, these snow Leopards are excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they will cuddle with your children as they take a nap. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this plushier will be the stuffed animal that they love. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Doudou Peluche Chien Huski Wild Republic

31.14 EUR
Doudou peluche chien Huski allong? 38 cm environ de longueur, marron taupe cr?me. Etat : Comme neuf

Wild Republic Mini Zebra Baby 20 Cm

38.04 EUR
pWild Republic Zebra Baby Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts for Kids, Cuddlekins 8 Inchesp

Wild Republic Peluche Ck-Mini Paon De 20 Cm Bleu

19 EUR
Wild Republic CK Lil's Peluche de 20 cm. Peluche très douce et adorable, un compagnon idéal pour votre enfant: pour jouer, comme petit cadeau ou ami en route.

Wild Republic Black Bear Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.09 EUR
Every kid has a larger than life imagination and while playing outside they use their minds in unique ways. These black bear stuffed toys are not much different. These zoo animals will make a perfect stuffed animal because they enjoy spending time outside, climbing trees, and exploring caves. After climbing trees, the black bears will sometimes make their den in a tree, similar to a tree house. Finally, at the end of the day, they make for excellent baby toys and toddler toys to help your kids hibernate during the night. If you are browsing for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this black bear will be the kids toy they cherish. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Peluche Maman Et Bebe Loutre De Riviere

87.09 EUR
La Loutre de rivière, Lontra canadensis, est une espèce de loutres vivant en Amérique du Nord. Les Loutres sont connues notamment pour leur tendresse envers leur petit, qu'ellles portent sur leur ventre en flottant en planche.. Retrouvez ce duo si tendre avec cette peluche de 40 cm de chez Wild Republic.

Wild Republic Beaver Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.09 EUR
Beavers are great swimmers partly due to their amazing ability to see underwater. These water animals have transparent eyelids, which helps for all underwater discoveries. Known for building dams, one of the largest recorded houses Beavers have built is in Canada. The dam can be viewed from space and its length is around 850 meters long. No matter the age, its always a perfect time to befriend the adorable Beaver stuffed animal and build a dam for adventures. This is the perfect unique gift youre looking for to brighten a loved ones day. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Lil's Alligator

21.78 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Lil Cuddle ins Alligator. With the softness and details that you have come to expect from the Original Cuddle ins, the Alligator is made of high quality fabrics. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Alligator is so cute and cuddly. Measures approximately 5.p

Wild Republic Ostrich Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.34 EUR
The Ostrich, what an interesting species of bird. They are flightless for one and can Sprint up to 44 miles per hour. Not to mention the largest bird in the entire world these birds are native to Africa. Want a piece of the glorious plains of the savannah to take home? try this realistic stuffed animal. You will witness instantly the quality of Wild Republic stuffed animals. Constructed for with tremendous quality which allows it to be surface washable and built to last for hours of play. Stuffed animals for kids are an excellent companion for any loved one. The use of stuffed toys is endless with imagination. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Mini Red Fox 20 Cm

33.1 EUR
ITEM DESCRIPTIONSINFORMATIONTitle 8 CK Red Fox Plush Stuffed Animal Toy - NewConditonBrand New.DetailsMeasures 8 (Sizes are approximate.)Great item for a gift.Perfect for Collectors.Manufacturers suggested age 3+All items are of high quality.SHIPPING INFORMATIONProcessing TimeOrders are packed and shipped within 24 hours.Standard ShippingMost orders are mailed through first class priority mail.(few exceptions.) and are usually delivered within 2-4 business days.Combine Shipping We do offer combined shipping. Each order using combined shipping will have the highest shipping cost item plus each additional item will be 1.75. For large orders please email or message for combined shipping cost. (As there may be shipping discounts offered.)International Shipping Please Message For Quotes.EXCHANGESRETURNS INFORMATIONAny items being exchangedreturned must be received back in a condition where it can be resold. (Tags attached, ect.)Buyers who would like to return items are responsible for return shipping as well as original shipping cost.We are not held responsible for packages that are lost or returned to sender due to incorrectly typed addresses.All damage claims must be reported with 72 hours of delivery. Features CK Mini Red Fox *Size 8 *Animal Plush Cuddly Soft Toy *Great for children learning about the all different types of wild life *By Wild Republic Color Size Product dimensions 7x6x4 inches Product weight 0.15 pounds

Wild Republic Snakess Crotale Bleu 137cm

39.98 EUR
Peluche Serpent Crotal 137 cm Wild Republic: Ce Serpent Crotal bleu en peluche long de 137 cm est issu de la collection d'animaux en peluche "Wild Republic". Cette jolie et longue peluche est douce, souple et particulièrement réaliste. Elle se tient très bien et ne contient aucune armature ni microbilles. Age recommandé : A partir de 3 ans.

Wild Republic Beaver Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 8 Inches

35.63 EUR
Have you ever wondered how beavers front teeth grow to be so long? well actually, they never stop growing these marine animals maintain their teeth length because of all of the wood they chew on. Beavers never get tired while they are outside working and they will always be there for you when you want to go on an adventure with this stuffed animal. Since Beavers like building and playing, these stuffed toys are perfect baby toys and toddler toys. Whether you are searching for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, these zoo stuffed animals will be the plushies they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini Brachiosaur 10

33.1 EUR
Peluche Brachiosaure Dinosauria 25 cm Wild Republic: Cette peluche de 25 cm de la collection "Dinosauria" de Wild Republic, la marque de peluches de qualité liées à la nature, représente un dinosaure Brachiosaure. Ce dinosaure tout doux vous séduira par sa qualité et son design réussi avec ses magnifiques couleurs. Le Brachiosaure est l'un des plus énormes et des plus grands dinosaures connus.Age recommandé : A partir de 3 ans.

Wild Republic Peluche Suricate Cuddlekins Mini De 20 Cm Brun

16.7 EUR
Wild Republic CK Lil's Peluche de 20 cm. Peluche très douce et adorable, un compagnon idéal pour votre enfant: pour jouer, comme petit cadeau ou ami en route.

Wild Republic Huggers Red Fox

28.59 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Renard roux est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans