LatestBuy Baby Bliss Wild Republic Nature Tube Mini Toys (Farm)

29.69 EUR
Farm Animals Tube 16 piece playset includes a nice variety of barn yard animal figures. Includes a horse, cow, donkey, duck, sheep, chicken, rooster, pig, dog, cat, a goat and some duplicates. Animals measure from 1.3 to 3 Inch long and are made from slightly flexible phthalate-free plastic with painted details in a reusable package. This replica hand-painted fifteen-piece set consists of twelve of the top African species. Convenient reusable tube to allow them to be stored and for easy travel. Packaging contains educational information on the back. Consists of eleven animal toy figures, Australia Kangaroo, crocodile, Koala, Platypus, wombat, emu, dingo, Tasmanian Devil, and three types of snakes. Approximate size of these highly detailed, Hand painted and durable figurines are 2 to 3 1/2 . 6 pieces assorted PVC plastic Horses. 10 pieces assorted PVC plastic Pirate Set. 8 pieces assorted PVC plastic Snakes. 11 pieces assorted PVC plastic Space Themed Set. 12 pieces assorted PVC plastic Rainforest Nature Themed Set. 12 pieces assorted PVC plastic River Nature Themed Set. Easy to bring anywhere for on the go play. Perfect for imaginative play, school projects, dioramas, animal themed birt

LatestBuy Baby Bliss Wild Republic Nature Tube Mini Toys (Dog)

29.63 EUR
Explore the canine world with our Dog Tube. Each Dog Tube comes with an assortment of durable, high quality and lightweight replicas of variety of breeds. The little ones will have hours of endless adventure, learning and fun exploring the world of dogs. All pieces are made of durable plastic and phthalate-free material in a reusable package. This replica hand-painted fifteen-piece set consists of twelve of the top African species. Convenient reusable tube to allow them to be stored and for easy travel. Packaging contains educational information on the back. Consists of eleven animal toy figures, Australia Kangaroo, crocodile, Koala, Platypus, wombat, emu, dingo, Tasmanian Devil, and three types of snakes. Approximate size of these highly detailed, Hand painted and durable figurines are 2 to 3 1/2 . 6 pieces assorted PVC plastic Horses. 10 pieces assorted PVC plastic Pirate Set. 8 pieces assorted PVC plastic Snakes. 11 pieces assorted PVC plastic Space Themed Set. 12 pieces assorted PVC plastic Rainforest Nature Themed Set. 12 pieces assorted PVC plastic River Nature Themed Set. Easy to bring anywhere for on the go play. Perfect for imaginative play, school projects, dioramas, animal themed birt

Wild Republic River Nature Tube Kids Gifts Educational Toys For Kids Toy Animals Figures 12piece

98.99 EUR
Inside this nature tube is duck Piranha Crocodile salmon Heron bass turtle bullfrog Beaver River Otter salamander Anaconda. Theses figures is for 3 years and up. Package dimensions is 14a¿ L x 2.5a¿ W x 1.5H which is makes it easy to be used as a stocking stuffer. All the figures are hand painted and made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Insect Nature Tube Kids Gifts Educational Toys For Kids Crawler Insect Toy 24-Piece

29.87 EUR
Put the insect repellent away Our lifelike insect toy figures are here to play. Inside this nature tube is twelve types of insect figures duplicates of each fly caterpillar Scorpion Dragon fly Mantis ant cricket spiders centipede red Beetle grasshopper Beetle. These figures are for 3 years and up. Package dimensions is 14a¿ L x 2.5a¿ W x 1.5H which is makes it easy to be used as a stocking stuffer. All the figures are hand painted and made of Phthalate and lead-free materials. Excellent to make bath time more fun or in need of some travel toys to entertain the kids in the back of the car on a long or short trip. Do not forget the possible STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) implications that can be used at home or in the classroom. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

LatestBuy Baby Bliss Wild Republic Nature Tube Mini Jouets (Serpent)

29.63 EUR
Wild Republic’s Snakes Nature Tube est une collection de 8 serpents jouets aux couleurs vives différentes, emballés dans un sac de rangement réutilisable à fermeture éclair transparente. Chaque serpent mesure environ un pied de long. Le dessous de ces serpents est creux. Cette réplique de quinze pièces peinte à la main se compose de douze des meilleures espèces africaines. Tube réutilisable pratique pour permettre de les stocker et de les déplacer facilement. L’emballage contient des informations éducatives au dos. Se compose de onze figurines d’animaux, Kangourou d’Australie, crocodile, Koala, Ornithorynque, wombat, émeu, dingo, diable de Tasmanie et trois types de serpents. La taille approximative de ces figurines très détaillées, peintes à la main et durables est de 2 « à 3 1/2 ». 6 pièces assorties en plastique PVC Chevaux. 10 pièces assorties en plastique PVC Pirate Set. 8 pièces assorties en plastique PVC Serpents. 11 pièces assorties en plastique PVC Set sur le thème de l’espace. 12 pièces assorties en plastique PVC Rainforest Nature Themed Set. 12 pièces assorties en plastique PVC River Nature Ensemble thématique. Facile à emporter n’importe où pour jouer en déplacement. Parfait pour les jeux imaginatifs, les projets scolaires, les dioramas, les bouleaux sur le thème des animaux

Klein Toys Miele Miele - Machine À Laver

57.78 EUR
Un lave-linge aussi vrai que nature ! Inspiré du modèle original Miele, ce lave-linge vous permettra de faire la lessive comme les grands à la différence qu'il dispose de fonctions électroniques adaptées aux enfants. Ce modèle de machine à laver dispose de nombreux boutons dont une touche start pour le déroulement automatique des 4 cycles de lavage, une touche marche/arrêt, et une touche pour l'ouverture du hublot. La machine à laver dispose d'une fonction avec ou sans eau, avec système de vidange. Très réaliste, le tambour tourne selon le cycle en cours et les 4 cycles de lavage produisent des sons comme une vraie machine. Vous voilà donc très bien équipé pour laver les vêtements de vos poupées. L'appareil nécessite 3 piles R14 1,5 V non fournies. Dimensions du lave-linge : 15 x 18 x 15 cm environ. Note : cet article est un jouet.

Klein Toys Miele Miele - Aspirateur Rouge

37.73 EUR
Theo Klein 6863 Aspirateur sous licence Miele Aspire comme les grands. Vos enfants courent toujours après vous quand vous passez l'aspirateur et veulent vous aider ? Félicitations. Laissez les enfants participer. Grâce à cet aspirateur-jouet pratique, vos petits assistants peuvent aider diligemment dans la maison. L'aspirateur fonctionne sur batterie et ne fait pas seulement du bruit comme son grand modèle. Il aspire même les petites boules qui l'accompagnent et qui sont récupérées dans la poubelle. Rien ne s'oppose donc à une agréable séance de ménage ensemble. Cet aspirateur est la nouvelle version - améliorée - de l'usine de jouets Theo Klein. Entre autres, des rouleaux supplémentaires ont été ajoutés à la buse d'aspiration pour éviter les rayures sur le sol, la fermeture du compartiment à poussière a été améliorée et la suspension du tuyau d'aspiration en position de stationnement a été renforcée. -Dimensions : environ 30 x 18 x 15 cm Fonctionne sur piles (nécessite 4 x 1,5 Volt Type C/R14, non incluses Aspirateur sous licence Miele, fidèle reproduction de l?original. - Aspire véritablement. - Fonctionne à piles. - Roues directionnelles. - Sac à poussière amovible

Klein Toys Miele - Cuisine Petit Gourmet

38.75 EUR
MIELE - Cuisine Petit Gourmet - MIELE- Cuisine Petit Gourmet - Une cuisine équipée de plaques de cuisson pourvues d'un module sonore qui reproduit le bruitage de cuisson, four, lave-vaisselle, plaques de cuisson, évier avec robinet, horloge factice, hotte, plans de travail ...

Klein Toys Miele Miele - Aspirateur 2+

64.85 EUR
Aspirateur - Miele - Vous allez pouvoir apporter votre contribution aux tâches ménagères, avec cet aspirateur à fonction. Avec bruitages. Fonctionne avec 3 piles R14.Dimensions : 36.2 x 20.96 x 22.86 cm. -

Klein Toys Klein - Cuisine Miele Gourmet Prestige

79 EUR
KLEIN - Cuisine Miele Gourmet Prestige Apprenez a cuisiner comme les plus grands chefs ! Elle possede un équipement tres complet et de qualité (un coin travail et un coin repas). Livrée avec de tres nombreux accessoires.

Klein Toys Miele Miele - Cuisine Gourmet International

89.1 EUR
Cuisinière - Cuisine Miele : Gourmet international - Cuisinière - Cuisine Miele : Gourmet internationalVoici le plus grand modèle des cuisines Miele. D'une grande qualité, elle offre un design très réaliste et des possibilités de jeux diverses des deux côtés.Fonctions électroniques réalistes : bruitage de cuisson. Contenu : 1 grand plan de travail, 1 évier, 1 four, 1 lave-vaisselle, 1 réfrigérateur, 1 casserole, 1 poêle, 2 assiettes, 2 couverts, 2 verres avec pailles, des boîtes d'aliments factices, 2 tasses, 2 sous-tasses, des compartiments de rangements, 1 louche, etc.Dimensions de la cuisinière assemblée : L120 x P43 x H95 cm.Fonctionne avec 2 piles R03 (non incluses).Dimensions de la boîte : 80 x 29.5 x 71 cm. -

Klein Toys Miele Miele - Cuisine Compact

52.44 EUR
Cuisine Équipée KLEIN MIELE Compact pour Enfants Offrez à vos petits gourmets cette magnifique cuisine équipée KLEIN MIELE Compact. Elle est parfaite pour stimuler leur imagination culinaire. Caractéristiques de la cuisine : Four intégré Réfrigérateur avec distributeur de boissons Évier avec robinet fonctionnel Plaque de cuisson Hotte moderne Compartiments de rangement latéraux Composée de 6 éléments, cette cuisine convient aux enfants dès l'âge de 3 ans.

Wild Republic Polybag Aquatic, Octopus, Shark, Dolphin, Orca, Crab, Lobster, Blue Whale, Stingray, Squid, Harp Seal, Walrus Toys 11 Piece Set

94.99 EUR
Explore the wonders of aquatic life with our 11-piece aquatic collection. This collection includes an octopus, shark, dolphin, Orca, crab, Lobster, blue whale, Stingray, squid, harp seal and walrus. Each piece is durable, light weight and made from phthalate free plastics. Our high-quality replicas of aquatic life range in size from 4 to 7 inches. Ideal for any school diorama or stocking stuffer. Perfect for bath time entertainment or sand box exploration. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.octopus 4.7 x 4 .8shark 6 x 3 x 2.4dolphin 5.5 x 2.4 x 2.4 orca 5.1 x 2.4 x 2crab 4.7X 6 x 1lobster 4.7 x 4 x 1whale 5 x 2.8 x 2ray 5 x 4 2 squid 5 x 2.8 x 1seal 5 x 3.2 x 1.6walrus 5 x 2.8 x 2

Wild Republic Nature Tube Dino Family

29.84 EUR
Tube contenant 12 figurines plastiques de dinosaure.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingéstion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Espace

35.44 EUR
A l'intérieur de ce tube, vous trouverez 11 figurines sur le thème de l'Espace parfaites pour développer le jeu symbolique et imaginatif. Ces figurines légères et petites ont été faites de PVC durable et durable, exempt de phtalates. Inclut une boîte allongée réutilisable avec poignée pour transporter vos figurines.. Le tube comprend 11 figures différentes d'environ 5cm chacune.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Famille Animaux Afrique

70.7 EUR
Tube contenant 12 figurines plastiques sur le thème des animaux d'afrique en famille.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Frog Nature Tube, Amphibian Figures, Red Eyed Tree, Poison Dart, Arrow Frog, And Many More, 12 Piece Set

29.87 EUR
Wild Republic Frog Nature Tube, Amphibian figures, Red Eyed Tree, Poison Dart, Arrow Frog, and many more, 12 piece set

Wild Republic Nature Tube Serpents

26.06 EUR
Tube contenant 8 figurines plastiques de serpents.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Nature Tube Sirenes

29.87 EUR
Tube contenant 10 figurines plastiques de sirènes.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Ck-Mini African Elephant Baby Animal Plush

34.9 EUR
h3Specifications h3liMeasures approximately 8liliHighly detailedliliUses the finest fabricsliulWild Republic successfully provides a wide range of interactive and innovative toys that spark the imagination and make learning fun. Wild Republic has been delighting and educating children with an expansive collection of nature-related toys and gifts since 1979

Wild Republic Mini Ara Rouge20 Cm

34.35 EUR
Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini African Wild Dog 20 Cm

35.75 EUR
Did you know these wild African dogs are nomadic animals? if see the same dog twice you are lucky, these canines do not stay in one place unless its when they are denning. The kids toy pictured above is made of high-quality fabric which is built to withstand many hours of play. Plush toys are a gift that keeps on giving and an excellent part of any kids bedroom decor. Stuffed toys make wonderful birthday gifts for kids or bedroom decor for teens. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Ring Tailed Lemur

26.06 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems Hermit Crab

30.88 EUR
pWild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Sloth

26.06 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems Elan 7

26.06 EUR
Sadly, Moose live almost their entire life in solitaire after being a baby Calf. Normally, the only time Moose interact with another peer is when they are a Newborn Calf as they spend time with their mother. These realistic stuffed animals are excellent toddler toys, baby toys, and kids toys as your kids will provide the Moose plushie with some much-needed Company. Whether you are searching for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this stuffed animal Moose will be the zoo animal plush that they will not forget. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini Fennec Fox

33.6 EUR
Fennec foxes are the smallest species of fox in the world. As adults, these zoo animals weigh an average of 2 pounds. They live in deserts in areas of North Africa, so these creatures are used to the heat and they dig holes in the ground to shield themselves from the sun. These stuffed toys make for excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they will spend some time outside with you during hot summer days. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Fennec fox will be the plush toy they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Jumbo Paresseux 76 Cm

119.27 EUR
Who doesnt love a Sloth? When it comes to plush toys, zoo animals like this Three-Toed Sloth plush are enjoyed by people of all ages, and when made as large stuffed animals, they are even more cuddly. The Sloth has become a popular theme in todays culture, that has gained national interest as people actually look for Sloth gifts. This Sloth stuffed animal indeed makes a neat gift for kids as well as adults, as this giant stuffed animal knows how to warm the heart. Wild Republic Jumbo Cuddlekins come in many species to choose from, and the Sloth is the most popular of them all. These huge stuffed animals look great anywhere in the home, and are even used as kids bedroom decor. Each giant plush animal is realistically designed to bring to life what the actual living animal looks like. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979. Large stuffed animals from the Jumbo Cuddlekins series, such as this Sloth, come with a small informative tag that tells you something interesting about real Sloths. Enjoy the experience of cuddling a giant stuffed animal from Wild Republic today.ulliEveryone needs a little Sloth love, and this cute and huggable Sloth stuffed animal, with his furry coat, is simply irresistibleliliThese giant stuffed animals are easy to clean and are surface washable. Actual size of this Sloth plush is 30 inchesliliA great gift for kids and adults of all ages. They also make nice baby toys or toddler toys, as this large stuffed animal is loved by allliliPlush toys make great play pals, and this giant plush is durable enough to last a long time, as its made of high quality fabricsliliWild Republic Jumbo plush toys are also used as educational toys for kids, as they come with a hang tag sharing details about the animalul

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Tiger

28.59 EUR
'Run wild with this ferociously fierce, yet adorable feline Tiger stuffed animal that captures the hearts of all those who give it a hug. This Hugger plush toy is a kids toy that gives never-ending hugs. Huggers stuffed toys like to attach on to anything and stay there as long as you want them to. These warm and loving plush toys can hang on your wrist, backpacks, bags, strollers, and even vases. Huggers plushies are the kid toy that never stops being fun You get a two-in-companion that is a plush toy and a slap bracelet. Huggers slap bracelets are the perfect gifts for kids or anyone in need of a hug. These snap bracelets are safe for all ages, theyre triple- protected, a specially designed snap band that provides a safe and friendly grip. Huggers stuffed toys are sure to bring a smile to everyones face, so get yours today. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.ulliLet your child growl with excitement with this tiger stuffed animal that gives them a soft, loving hug, as they roam the jungle together.liliHuggers are cute plush toys and versatile slap bracelets that you can wrap around your wrist and other objects such as backpacks, bikes and strollers.liliOne just isnt enough, collect all the Hugger stuffed animals, bringing smiles wherever they go.liliHuggers conform to your wrist, so one size fits all, and these unique plush toys for kids are approximately 8 inches in size.liliHuggers make great gifts for kids of all ages, and even adults love to hang these plushies around their lamps and anything it can grip.liliWhen arms are fully extended, the width is 12ul'

Wild Republic Mini Rhino Baby 20 Cm

34.9 EUR
pWild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini Brachiosaur 10

33.4 EUR
Peluche Brachiosaure Dinosauria 25 cm Wild Republic: Cette peluche de 25 cm de la collection "Dinosauria" de Wild Republic, la marque de peluches de qualité liées à la nature, représente un dinosaure Brachiosaure. Ce dinosaure tout doux vous séduira par sa qualité et son design réussi avec ses magnifiques couleurs. Le Brachiosaure est l'un des plus énormes et des plus grands dinosaures connus.Age recommandé : A partir de 3 ans.

Wild Republic Serpent Plastique Anaconda Vert 117 Cm

23.19 EUR
Serpent en plastique de 117 cm plus vrai que nature.. A partir de 3 ans

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini T-Rex 10

33.7 EUR
Le T-Rex en taille 25 cm ! Plus vrai que nature !. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Gorilla

27 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Black Bear Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.09 EUR
Every kid has a larger than life imagination and while playing outside they use their minds in unique ways. These black bear stuffed toys are not much different. These zoo animals will make a perfect stuffed animal because they enjoy spending time outside, climbing trees, and exploring caves. After climbing trees, the black bears will sometimes make their den in a tree, similar to a tree house. Finally, at the end of the day, they make for excellent baby toys and toddler toys to help your kids hibernate during the night. If you are browsing for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this black bear will be the kids toy they cherish. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Bison

103.49 EUR
You wont have to roam far on the range to find the perfect Buffalo play pal. This large stuffed animal is rugged enough to handle a Stampede, yet soft and cuddly enough to snuggle with. Its realistic design makes this giant plush stand out from the Herd. These plush toys are made of high quality fabrics and soft filling that makes them easy to squeeze. Large stuffed animals can double as an animal pillow as well. Do you know a shark enthusiast in your life? This toy for kids makes a great gif for any occasion or educational toy. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, With a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Zebra

47.11 EUR
Are Zebras primarily black with white stripes or are they primarily white with black stripes? Owning these stuffed animals will allow you to examine this mystery closer and to see if you can answer this question for us. Even though Zebras sleep while standing up, these Zebra stuffed animals make for excellent baby toys and toddler toys. This plush toy will stand by your childs side when they sleep and will run around with them when they play. Whether you are searching for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Zebra will be the plushie they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Ours Noir

27.86 EUR
Come snuggle with this adorable Black Bear hugger stuffed animal and receive a never-ending hug. Black Bears might be the smallest Bear of the three-species found in North America, but the Hugger Black Bear is the perfect size stuffed toy for hugging. Huggers plush toys are both a kids toy and a slap bracelet all in one, allowing for hours of endless fun. Theses amazing plush animals make great gifts for kids, teens, and anyone who loves hugs. They also make wonderful birthday gifts for kids. These slap bracelets are made with a triple protected, specially- designed snap band that provides a safe and friendly grip. These cute kids toys can strap on to your wrist, stroller, bag, backpack, bike, even wrap around a vase of flowers, allowing for fun and hugs wherever you go. Huggers plushies can go anywhere and everywhere your childs imagination wants to go. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals. After all, everyone loves a hug, so get your Hugger stuffed animal today.

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini Stegosaurus 10

34.9 EUR
tout doux, tout chou ce petit dinosaure est plus vrai que nature.. Taille : 25 cm. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Snow Leopard

110.85 EUR
ulliThis Snow leopard is not just any large stuffed animal, he is one cool cat. A very soft plush toy made of high quality fabricliliApproximate size of these realistic stuffed animals is 30 inches. These plush toys are easy to clean and are surface washableliliChildren love having this life-like Snow leopard as their play pal. These giant stuffed animals also work well for kids bedroom decorliliMakes a great gift for kids of all ages, whether its toys for older kids and teens, or as baby toys for toddlersliliChildren often use these plush toys as a plush animal pillow to hug and snuggle up to. These large stuffed animals will put a smile on a childs faceul

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Ours Brun 30 Cm

35.68 EUR
Whatever time of the year it is, this Brown Bear plushie may be more like you than you think. These Brown Bear stuffed animals are very active when the weather is warm and hibernate in the winter creating great company for you no matter your mood. Brown Bears are excellent baby toys and toddler toys to help your kids hibernate during the night. During the day the Brown Bear can join you on an adventure outside or snuggle with you inside. If you are browsing for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this Brown Bear will be the kids toy they cherish. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Snakesss4 Hooded Cobra

39.98 EUR
Did you know there are 270 different types of cobras? there may be a lot of cobras in the world but this stuffed animal picks you to be its adventure buddy. Our plush snake is harmless and just wants to play and cuddle. These oversized stuffed animals make for excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys, as they will provide your child with a friend to share some laughs with. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, holiday ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Triceratops 30 Cm

25 EUR
Peluche Triceratops Cuddlekins 30 cm Wild Republic: Ce dinosaure Triceratops tout doux en peluche de 30 cm de la collection "Cuddlekins" de Wild Republic, la marque de peluches de qualité liées à la nature, vous séduira par sa qualité et son look soigné. Réaliste, cette peluche particulièrement agréable à manipuler représente un sympathique dinosaure Triceratops, grand dinosaure herbivore.Age recommandé : A partir de 3 ans.

Wild Republic Mini Shark Great White

35.46 EUR
Nos mini peluches créatures marines mesurent de 20 à 30 cm. Conçu spécialement pour ressembler au vrai animal de la nature, notre grand animal en peluche requin blanc est incroyablement doux et irrésistiblement compressible.. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Mini Snow Leopard Baby 20 Cm

34.9 EUR
Snow Leopards are commonly referred to as ghost cats for a couple of reasons. One of them is because of their fur, as their white and grey colors blend into the snow and mountains where they reside. Also, they are unique as they hunt silently and do not roar like many other cat species. Due to their quiet nature, these zoo stuffed animals are excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they accompany your loved ones when they take a nap. If you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Snow Leopard Baby plushie will be the stuffed animal that they cherish. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

sold-Japan Star Ace Toys Wonders of the Wild Statue en polyrésine Dunkleosteus Longueur totale 420 mm Figurine peinte terminée 42 cm environ.

386.31 EUR
La 4ème édition de la série de statues en polyrésine « Merveilles de la nature » mettant en vedette des dinosaures, des créatures anciennes, des espèces menacées, etc., présente enfin le poisson monstre « Dunkleosteus » !! Longueur totale: environ. 42cm, poids: environ. 2,5 kg Réalisation de prototypes: Sean Cooper / Planification de la production: Xplus et Kaibutsuya

MoRub-Japan Statue en polyrésine de Spinosaurus Wonders of the Wild de Star Ace Toys, longueur totale 320 mm, figurine peinte terminée, environ 1,0. Non-échelle

337.94 EUR
Le cinquième volet de la série de statues en polyrésine « Merveilles de la nature » mettant en vedette des dinosaures, des créatures anciennes, des espèces menacées, etc., présente enfin le grand théropode « Spinosaurus » !! Taille du produit: Longueur totale environ 32 cm. Poids: environ. 2,5 kg. Réalisation de prototypes: Sean Cooper / Planification de la production: Xplus et Kaibutsuya

Klein Toys Cuisines Et Accessoires "Amazing Bubble", Marmite Avec Fonction Électronique

9.58 EUR
Cette reproduction de cuiseur vapeur Miele, sera un élément indispensable de votre cuisine ! Vous allez pouvoir cuisiner de manière saine et ravir les papilles de vos convives. Placez votre cuiseur sur votre plan de travail, mettez un peu d'eau dans le fond du bol, appuyez sur le bouton et dans quelques minutes vous verrez des bulles se former à l'intérieur, comme si les ingrédients chauffaient ! Il ne vous restera plus qu'à dresser une jolie table avec nappe, assiettes et couverts : le repas sera vite prêt. Tout le monde va pouvoir savourer vos petits plats ! A table...Le cuiseur fonctionne avec 2 piles AAA non fournies. Retrouvez les cuisines Klein sous les références suivantes : - Klein-9459 : Cuisine en bois Miele Grand Modèle- Klein-9125 : Cuisine Miele Numéro 1- Klein-9090 : Cuisinière Cuisine Mièle : Petit Gourmet Age minimum : 3 ans