Wild Republic Huggers Red Fox

28.59 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Renard roux est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans

Wild Republic Hug'ems Arctic Fox 7

26.06 EUR
Soft and cuddly, all the stuffed animals in this collection are the perfect size for hugging The Arctic Fox is playful and plush, a terrific bedtime companion. A handshake is fine. A kiss is even better. But sometimes only a giant hug will do. Features Arctic Fox Plush *Simply Huggable *Highly Detailed Color Size Product dimensions 5x3x7 inches Product weight 0.15 pounds

Wild Republic Mini Red Fox 20 Cm

29.87 EUR
ITEM DESCRIPTIONSINFORMATIONTitle 8 CK Red Fox Plush Stuffed Animal Toy - NewConditonBrand New.DetailsMeasures 8 (Sizes are approximate.)Great item for a gift.Perfect for Collectors.Manufacturers suggested age 3+All items are of high quality.SHIPPING INFORMATIONProcessing TimeOrders are packed and shipped within 24 hours.Standard ShippingMost orders are mailed through first class priority mail.(few exceptions.) and are usually delivered within 2-4 business days.Combine Shipping We do offer combined shipping. Each order using combined shipping will have the highest shipping cost item plus each additional item will be 1.75. For large orders please email or message for combined shipping cost. (As there may be shipping discounts offered.)International Shipping Please Message For Quotes.EXCHANGESRETURNS INFORMATIONAny items being exchangedreturned must be received back in a condition where it can be resold. (Tags attached, ect.)Buyers who would like to return items are responsible for return shipping as well as original shipping cost.We are not held responsible for packages that are lost or returned to sender due to incorrectly typed addresses.All damage claims must be reported with 72 hours of delivery. Features CK Mini Red Fox *Size 8 *Animal Plush Cuddly Soft Toy *Great for children learning about the all different types of wild life *By Wild Republic Color Size Product dimensions 7x6x4 inches Product weight 0.15 pounds

Wild Republic Arctic Fox Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

40.77 EUR
Who doesnt love the beautiful snow? well, the Arctic fox definitely loves the cold weather and the snow. The Arctic fox is known for its thick beautiful white and warm fur. Believe it or not, the Arctic Foxs fur does not stay white all year long. It turns white in winter and brown in the summer. This Arctic fox animal plush will keep its white fur all year long to make sure of that, it is made of high - quality materials and is surface washable. This plushie makes a wonderful addition to any Arctic themed room. This plush toy is highly detailed creating a lifelike feeling, allowing your child to go on an adventure in the Arctic Tundra from the safety of your home. Cuddlekins come in an array of animals, so start collecting them all today. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979.

Wild Republic Mini Fennec Fox

29.87 EUR
Fennec foxes are the smallest species of fox in the world. As adults, these zoo animals weigh an average of 2 pounds. They live in deserts in areas of North Africa, so these creatures are used to the heat and they dig holes in the ground to shield themselves from the sun. These stuffed toys make for excellent baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys as they will spend some time outside with you during hot summer days. Whether you are browsing for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Fennec fox will be the plush toy they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Jumbo Fox

109.98 EUR
This phenomenal fox or red fox to be exact are great at adapting to many situations, one, in particular, is thriving where humans are living. No wonder people consider them cunning and intelligent. This animal is no zoo animal, so to find a red fox wont be easy. This stuffed animal toy will do the trick instead. This giant stuffed animal will not shy away from shenanigan acts with your loved one. This realistic stuffed animal will become a staple at the dinner table and family functions because your child will not want to let go of this fox plush. This jumbo plush like all the wild Republic jumbos is made of high quality fabrics and built to last. Large plush toys can double as an animal pillow as well. Making time to go to the store can be a hassle, getting your child, the right kids toy can be a challenge all by itself. Why not purchase this adorable giant stuffed teddy bear of a fox home with you today? the motto goes bigger the better this huge stuffed animal fits that saying perfectly.p

Maquette Avion : F/A-18 C/D Wild Weasel-Italeri

80.09 EUR
L'Hornet est le chasseur-bombardier le plus répandu à ce jour. Son électronique hautement flexible en fait un des meilleurs chasseurs, ainsi qu'un bombardier particulièrement adapté aux missions nocturnes. Longueur : 23.7 cm.

Sega Total War: Rome Ii - Rise Of The Republic (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

17.29 EUR
Nous sommes en l'an 399 av. J.-C. et Rome est prête à écrire l'Histoire. Cependant, son existence même ne repose que sur un fragile équilibre. La tribu gauloise des Sénons, dirigée par le chef Brennos, vient de s'installer dans l'est de l'Italie. Ce peuple ambitieux et féroce n'est désormais qu'à un lancer de javelot de la république naissante. Le tyran Denys règne d'une main de fer sur Syracuse. Bien qu'il soit en guerre contre Carthage, son regard est tourné de l'autre côté de la Méditerranée, vers ses futures conquêtes. Sous la baguette du grand philosophe et homme d'État Archytas, Táras, au sud de l'Italie, est à l'apogée de sa gloire et de sa puissance. L'ascension fulgurante de Rome est bien évidemment source d'inquiétude... Peut-être faudrait-il envisager une intervention militaire ? Pendant ce temps, Marcus Furius Camillus convoite le titre et les pouvoirs de Dictateur. Ses projets pour Rome sont certes fabuleux, mais survivront-ils aux manigances des voisins de la toute jeune république ? Un tournant de l'histoire, une période faite de menaces... et d'opportunités. Le temps de la République est arrivé. Total War: ROME II ? Rise of the Republic est un nouveau pack de campagne qui retrace les événements marquants qui ont entouré l'histoire de Rome au cours du IVe siècle av. J.-C. La campagne se déroule sur une carte détaillée d'Italie comprenant la Sicile, la Sardaigne, la Corse et Carthage, et elle y dépeint les événements tumultueux qui ont abouti à la seconde fondation de Rome. Rise of the Republic sortira en même temps que la mise à jour Ancestrale, qui marquera notamment le retour de l'un des aspects préférés des joueurs, l'arbre généalogique, dans Total War: Rome II et dans tous ses autres packs de campagne gratuits et premiums. Au programme de Rise of the Republic: Une campagne entière pour Total War: Rome II se déroulant au IVe siècle av. J.-C. Une toute nouvelle carte de campagne, faisant la part belle au territoire intérieur d'Italie et à ses états voisins. Neuf factions jouables : Rome ? une république en plein essor, vulnérable et entourée d'ennemis. Tarquinia ? le puissant et influent état étrusque. Les Sénons ? une tribu gauloise cisalpine qui ne rêve que de pillages. Les Insubres ? une tribu gauloise passée maître dans l'art de la gestion et la diplomatie. Les Samnites ? un état italique qui représentait une menace pour Rome durant le IVe siècle av. J.-C. Táras ? une cité-État grecque fondée par les Spartiates. Syracuse ? une métropole grecque de Sicile, et le bastion contre les forces de Carthage. Les Ilienses ? une tribu indigène sarde. Les Vénètes ? une tribu italique entourée d'ennemis. Une bataille de campagne épique pour la cité de Rome. Grâce aux nouvelles options d'actions gouvernementales, qui remplacent le système de changement de gouvernement des campagnes de ROME II, les factions de Rise of the Republic proposent une rejouabilité unique. Ces options proposent ainsi de nouveaux bonus, chacune ayant son prix. Voici...

Mattel Spirit The Wild - Ensemble De Jeu Grange Avec Cheval Et Poupée

30.97 EUR
Vivez des histoires incroyables d'amitié, de courage et d'aventure avec l'animation DreamWorks Spirit The Savage ! Les garçons et les filles découvriront comment nourrir, brosser et soigner les chevaux avec l'ensemble de jeu stable ! Comprend une grande grange avec 4 aires de jeux : une écurie, une maisonnette, un espace pour nourrir et soigner les animaux, une balançoire et le cheval Spirit (env. 20,32 cm). Parmi les objets utiles pour raconter des histoires, pour jouer et s'amuser, il y a : une selle, une bride, une mangeoire, une natte, une brosse, une brosse à cheval, 2 snacks carottes et 2 snacks pommes. En jouant, les enfants apprennent ce que signifie prendre soin des chevaux, avec des détails amusants comme une balançoire pneumatique qui devient un ascenseur pour une poupée (vendue séparément) pour atteindre la maison de jeu, une porte qui s'ouvre, des crochets pour suspendre des objets, le support. pour attacher la selle et la bride à Spirit et bien plus encore !

Mattel Jurassic World Wild Pop Ups Moros Intrepidus

16.92 EUR
Dinosaure d'environ 9 cm sur 10 cm, un drôle de look et avec une fonction d'attaque et de transformation grâce à une simple pression.

Mattel Jurassic World Wild Pop Ups Giant Dino

46.83 EUR
Dinosaure d'environ 9 cm sur 10 cm, un drôle de look et avec une fonction d'attaque et de transformation grâce à une simple pression.

Mattel - Jurassic World - Dino Trackers - Wild Roar Nigersaurus [Collectables] Action Figure

70.93 EUR
NEUF - Livraison en moyenne de 7 a 21 jours ouvres - Tous les DVDs/Blu-Rays = Region 1/A (USA/CA) La langue des films, des jeux vidéo, etc. est l'anglais.

Sega Total War: Three Kingdoms - The Furious Wild (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc-Mac

19.09 EUR
Le pack d'expansion The Furious Wild constitue la toute première extension de la carte de Total War: Three Kingdoms et propose également de nouveaux personnages. Visitez les jungles de la Chine du sud et découvrez les farouches tribus des Nanman. Parviendrez-vous à unifier les tribus du sud ? En plus d'étendre la carte des Trois Royaumes, The Furious Wild propose la toute nouvelle culture Nanman, ajoutant une dose de variété aux factions, aux unités et aux styles de jeu originaux : 4 nouvelles factions jouables, chacune disposant de sa propre mécanique exclusive, avec au total 19 nouvelles factions peuplant la Chine du sud Plus de 25 nouvelles unités, incluant d'extraordinaires unités animales De nouveaux portraits de personnages féroces  Un nouvel arbre des réformes pour les Nanman, comportant des technologies clés qui s'obtiennent en accomplissant des missions Un style de progression de personnage totalement nouveau dont les traits se déverrouillent en fonction des exploits accomplis  Des missions uniques et des événements narratifs liés à la culture Nanman Un objectif : « Unifier les tribus ». Mais comment allez-vous y parvenir ? Via la diplomatie ou la conquête ? Jouable avec une date de départ en 190 ou en 194 Les différences rassemblent autant qu'elles divisent   Dans les luxuriantes jungles de la Chine du sud, des forces jusque-là inconnues s'agitent. Les tribus hétérogènes des Nanman sont divisées depuis des siècles, mais un nouveau chef doit émerger pour les unifier ? par tous les moyens possibles.    Les puissants guerriers Meng Huo, roi Mulu, Dame Zhurong et roi Shamoke proposent des méthodes de combat uniques et nouvelles : des massues enflammées aux sarbacanes, en passant par les divins éléphants et les tigres. Divisés, ils sont vulnérables. Ensemble, il pourrait bien être impossible de les arrêter.   Incarnez l'une des nouvelles factions Nanman pendant les années précédant leur rencontre avec Zhuge Liang et sa célèbre campagne dans le sud. Découvrez la puissance des tribus du sud tout en explorant de nouvelles zones de la carte des Trois Royaumes. Parviendrez-vous à unifier ces guerriers uniques et affronter les puissants Han ou laisserez-vous les guerres dans la jungle écraser ces nouvelles allégeances ? Meng Huo Meng Huo s'est hissé au sein des rangs des tribus Nanman grâce à son caractère opiniâtre et féroce. Loyal envers ses amis et impitoyable avec ses ennemis, sa ténacité lui vaut autant de réussites que de problèmes. Avec un seul objectif en tête ? devenir le roi des Nanman ? Meng Huo doit se tourner vers ses voisins pour l'aider à propager les flammes de son règne. Roi des Rois Lorsque Meng Huo prend le contrôle d'une autre faction Nanman (que ce soit via une alliance ou en la détruisant), il obtient certains bonus temporaires. Ces bonus peuvent être accumulés, créant un élan qui devrait permettre à Meng Huo de monter sur le trône qu'il appelle de ses v¿ux.  Unités uniques :  Champions de Nanzhong : Un cran au-dessus de...

Mattel My First Barbie Core Doll With Fox Hll22

33.46 EUR
Barbie-Ma Première Barbie-Poupée Renee cheveux noirs lisses Bienvenue dans le joli monde de Ma Première Barbie, où les amitiés se nouent et où l'imagination s'envole ! Les tout-petits jouent, apprennent et grandissent avec les coffrets et poupées Ma Première Barbie ! Inspirée de son personnage de la série YouTube Ma Première Barbie, Renee est une poupée articulée de 34 cm avec un buste et des membres doux pour que les jeunes enfants puissent la manier, l'emporter et l'habiller facilement. Son adorable robe bleue comprend une illustration de sac à main, des lanières à volants roses et un ourlet à fleurs. Elle porte des lunettes de soleil en forme de fleurs et de jolies baskets pour un look tendance ! Les enfants n'auront aucun mal à habiller et accessoiriser la poupée grâce aux systèmes de fermeture simples. La promesse de beaux moments de jeu autour de la mode. La poupée Renee a des cheveux noirs lisses. Les enfants peuvent coiffer la poupée grâce à la grande brosse incluse, ce qui développera leur dextérité et leur envie de prendre soin des autres ! Le coffret inclut également un renard en peluche pour imaginer de belles aventures et de beaux moments de complicité. La peluche est même équipée d'un bracelet à accrocher aux mains de la poupée afin qu'elle puisse porter son adorable compagnon à quatre pattes ! Ma Première Barbie est une collection conçue pour faire découvrir l'univers de Barbie aux tout-petits et leur inspirer des histoires d'amitié et de mode ! Les enfants peuvent collectionner toutes les poupées pour créer des moments inoubliables entre amis. Découvrez la collection Ma Première Barbie, conçue pour les jeunes enfants ! Les poupées de cette gamme sont plus grandes, faciles à habiller et possèdent des corps doux et flexibles. Ces adorables poupées inspireront d'innombrables histoires d'amitié et de mode aux enfants ! Articles vendus séparément. Certains produits peuvent ne pas être commercialisés. Les poupées Barbie ne tiennent pas debout toutes seules. Les couleurs et les décorations peuvent varier. Contenu de la boîte Inclut 1 poupée, 1 tenue avec accessoire, 1 brosse, 1 animal en peluche et 1 paire de chaussures. Les poupées Barbie ne tiennent pas debout toutes seules. Les couleurs et les décorations peuvent varier. Qualités et caractéristiques environnementales Incorporation de matière recyclée : emballage comportant au moins 19% de matières recyclées en moyenne. Recyclabilité : emballage entièrement recyclable en séparant les éléments. Attention : Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 36 mois.

Sega Company Of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers (Extension/Dlc) - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement

6.49 EUR
Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers: Ranger Upgrades Recon Training Rangers are better trained in reconnaissance tactics, increasing the line of sight of the squad. Survival Training Rangers are better trained in field combat tactics, making them better at evading damage. Add Bazookas Rangers are equipped with two bazookas, increasing their capability to destroy vehicle. Pilfered Equipment The Rangers replace their Bazookas with captured Panzerschecks and Bundled Grenades, which are more effective. Cost Reduction I Reduced the cost of deploying Rangers. Cost Reduction II Further reduces the cost of deploying Rangers. Deployment Upgrades Fast Deployment For a brief period, infantry squads and reinforcements can be dispatched to the field much faster. Free Reinforcements While the ability is active, infantry squads can be reinforced with no manpower cost. Additional Support I Company command provides an additional 150 manpower. Additional Support II Company command provides an additional 150 manpower. Cost Reduction I Reduces the cost of activating Company Requisition. Cost Reduction II Further reduces the cost of activating Company Requisition. Cluster Bombs Upgrades High Density Explosive The cluster bombs are packed with high density explosive increasing the area of the blast. Anti-Vehicle Cluster Bombs Larger ordnance in the cluster bombs makes them more effective against vehicles. Larger Drop Area More Cluster bombs are dispersed over larger target area. Impact Detonation You can choose to use m129 fuses, causing the cluster bombs to detonate on impact. Cost Reduction I Reduces the cost of dropping M83 Cluster Bombs. Cost Reduction II Further reduces the cost of dropping M83 Cluster Bombs. Pinpoint Accurate Artillery Updates No Warning With the help of additional spotters, the artillery battery no longer will use ranging smoke and is better able to surprise enemy targets. Larger Caliber Shell The artillery battery fires a larger 155mm shell at the target, increasing the blast radius Quick Response Reduces the time it takes for the artillery battery to fire at the designated target. Designated Batter A battery is attached to the company, allowing unlimited access to artillery support. Reduces the ability cost and removes the ability cooldown. Cost Reduction I Reduces the cost of calling in Pinpoint Artillery. Cost Reduction II Further reduces the cost of calling in Pinpoint Artillery. SEGA. Developed by Relic Entertainment Inc. SEGA, the SEGA logo, Relic Entertainment and Company of Heroes are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

Sega Sonic Superstars Deluxe Featuring Lego - Steam - Jeu En Téléchargement - Ordinateur Pc

64.99 EUR
SONIC SUPERSTARS ? Édition Digital Deluxe LEGO® contient SONIC SUPERSTARS et le contenu Digital Deluxe LEGO®, qui inclut : Pack LEGO® Fun Apparence lapin pour Sonic Parties mécaniques ? Mode Combat Fonds d'écran supplémentaires pour le menu principal? Artbook numérique et mini bande originale Explore les Northstar Islands dans cette aventure inédite qui reprend l'action rapide et les séquences 2D des jeux Sonic classiques. Incarne Sonic, Tails, Knuckles et Amy, et utilise les Emerald Powers qui offrent des manières inédites de se déplacer et d'attaquer. Parcours des environnements magnifiques, en solo ou jusqu'à 4 joueurs, pour déjouer les plans du Dr. Eggman, de Fang et d'un nouvel ennemi qui cherchent à transformer les animaux géants des îles en Badniks ! Une recette classique revisitée : cette aventure réinvente l'action rapide en défilement horizontal des jeux Sonic dans une nouvelle formule avec des graphismes en 3D, de nouveaux pouvoirs, une nouvelle région et plus encore ! Un jeu Sonic classique comme jamais auparavant ! Incarne tes personnages préférés : choisis entre Sonic, Tails, Knuckles et Amy, et utilise leurs pouvoirs pour traverser les Northstar Islands et vaincre le Dr. Eggman, qui s'est associé avec Fang et un mystérieux ennemi en armure. Utilise le pouvoir des Chaos Emeralds : les nouveaux Emerald Powers permettent de se cloner, de gravir les chutes d'eau, de changer de forme, et bien plus encore. Partage le fun entre amis : pour la première fois dans un jeu Sonic, toute l'histoire est jouable avec jusqu'à 3 autres joueurs en local. Défie des joueurs du monde entier : affronte jusqu'à 8 joueurs en local ou en ligne dans le tout nouveau mode Combat ! Steam account is required for game activation and installation Windows System requirements Minimum:  Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 / 11 Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD FX-4350 Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450, 1 GB or AMD Radeon HD 5770, 1 GB DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 20 GB available space Additional Notes: 720p Low [at] 60 FPS Recommended Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10 / 11 Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-6300 Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560, 1 GB or AMD Radeon HD 5870, 2 GB DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 20 GB available space Additional Notes: 1080p High [at] 60 FPS

Jouet - Italeri - Lego City - Sokfz 250-3 - Garçon - A Partir De 3 Ans

28 EUR
Découvrez le jouet SOKFZ 250-3 de la gamme Lego City de la marque ITALERI. Ce jouet en plastique gris est destiné aux enfants à partir de 3 ans pour une utilisation en intérieur.

Maquette Sd. Kfz. 124 Wespe - Italeri - Lego Technic - Enfant - Garçon - 14 Ans - Cars - Intérieur - Noir

30 EUR
Découvrez la maquette Sd. Kfz. 124 Wespe de la marque ITALERI. Ce modèle de la gamme Lego Technic convient aux enfants à partir de 14 ans. Avec sa licence Cars, cette maquette est idéale pour une utilisation en intérieur. Sa couleur principale est le noir.

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Peluche Girafe 76 Cm

105.82 EUR
ulliRoam the African Savanna with this large giraffe stuffed animal that is ready to play and cuddle.liliA unique combination of a real-life giraffes graceful beauty and soft cuddly feel of a plush toy, makes this giant plush a must have stuffed animal.liliThese large stuffed animals make great gifts for kids, and are also fun for animal themed birthday parties, as everyone loves large plush animals.liliThis jumbo giraffe plush is made of soft, high quality materials and is approximately 30 inches.liliThese big stuffed animals look great anywhere in the home, and are even used as kids bedroom decor.ul

Wild Republic Ck Bison 30cm

37.09 EUR
Voici une adorable peluche bison signée Wild Republic.Les peluches Wild Republic sont faites

Wild Republic Mini Dolphin

27.33 EUR
A Wild Republic, nous nous efforçons d'assurer un avenir pour tous les animaux sauvages étonnants de notre planète. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous soutenons les organisations de sauvetage des animaux, ainsi que d'innombrables zoos, des organisations caritatives locales et les refuges pour animaux.. Participez à ce soutien pour la protection animale en adoptant cet adorable dauphin bleu. Tout doux et aux yeux si câlins.. Taille 15-30cm. Lavable en surface

Wild Republic Lion Baby Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

41.64 EUR
pLion cubs are an adorable part of the wild animal kingdom. They are fiercely protected by their mothers for a few months before introduced to friends and family. The fathers teach them to protect and hunt, but the mothers are the primary caretaker. They are fully grown at 3 years old and learn to hunt for meat after three months. Adorable, small, and super cuddly, this plushie from Wild Republic will be sure to light up the eyes of anyone receiving it as a gift. They make for a thoughtful birthday gift for kids or a unique gift for adults. Their high-quality materials are inviting to touch and will help make lasting memories for years to come. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Mini Capuchin 20 Cm

34.08 EUR
Capuchinas are a species of monkeys and are predominately located in South America Like other species of monkeys they spend the majority of their time in trees searching for food and sleeping Capuchins can swing and jump about 9 feet in the air which comes in handy when searching for food They can crawl on all fours walk on two legs and swing on trees making them ideal toddler toys baby toys and kids toys to accompany your kids while they crawl learn how to walk and swing on the monkey bars at the playground Whether you are searching for a gift for teens Christmas gifts or a birthday gift for kids this stuffed animal will be the kidas toy that will bring them a smile Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979 with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals

Wild Republic Hug'ems Raccoon 7

29.44 EUR
HUG 'ems-Idéal pour câliner et se umarmen. En peluche ultra douce avec fourrure doux Fabriqué à  la main à  l'aide de matériaux de qualité Articulé naturgetreues animaux avec granulés en plastique Design joli design pour câliner Quantité : 1 Modèle : 16266 Référence fabricant : 16266 Type : Jouet Date de sortie : 2016-02-19 Fabricant : Wild Republic Europe

Wild Republic Ck Lil's Wolf

23.53 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Lil Cuddle ins Wolf. With the softness and details that you have come to expect from the Original Cuddle ins, the Wolf is made of high quality fabrics. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Wolf is so cute and cuddly. Measures approximately 5.p

Wild Republic Jumbo Red Panda Plush, Giant Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, 30 Inches

109.98 EUR
pTo find this fascinating mammal in the wild, you would have to lurk far and wide in the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China for this fury red-brown animal known as the Red Panda. They are roughly the size of a domestic cat. Want to take home one of these adorable looking creatures? We have an oversized stuffed animal red panda for you. This huge stuffed animal is a great toy for kids and all ages. This stuffed animal is lightweight so you can carry it anywhere you please, plus it can double as an animal pillow. Everyone has had or seen big teddy bears before, but want to have the coolest toy for show and tell? Or even have a unique birthday present at the party? This giant plush toy will do the trick. Dont worry about it getting dirty either. These large plush toys are easy to clean since it is surface washable and built to last.p

Wild Republic Ck Leopard Clouded

37.09 EUR
Rarely spotted in the wild, the Clouded Leopard is thought to roam the rainforests and woodlands of Asia. Known to be incredible climbers, these large cats can scurry down trees like squirrels and are known to be solitary animals. The Clouded Leopard stuffed animal is extra soft and crafted from high-quality fabrics with a lifelike spotted pattern. These large-toothed zoo animals purr like cats, and our animal plush makes a great t for kids of all ages. Add the Clouded Leopard plush toy to your pack and explore its exotic habitat with your imagination. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Koala

24.79 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Koala est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans. Dimension totale: 20 cm

Wild Republic Ck Barn Owl 30cm

39.98 EUR
Voici une superbe peluche chouette effraieRetrouvez toutes les peluches Wild Republic de la boutiqu

Wild Republic Ck Mini Pingouin 20 Cm

29.22 EUR
Voici une jolie peluche manchot bébé à la fourrure toute douce.Une peluche Wil

Wild Republic Hug'ems Red Panda 7

27.56 EUR
pSoft and cuddly, all the stuffed animals in this collection are the perfect size for hugging The Red Panda is playful and plush, a terrific bedtime companion. A handshake is fine. A kiss is even better. But sometimes only a giant hug will do.p

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Snowy Owl 30cm

18.5 EUR
Harfeng des neiges - Taille : 30 cm

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Peluche Tortue De Mer 76 Cm

117.21 EUR
ulliAmazing detail makes this sea turtle plush toy stunningly realistic, while its soft squishy filling is like a big stuffed animal pillow.liliPart of Wild Republics Cuddlekin Jumbo plush collection, these large stuffed animals are approximately 30 inches.liliMade of quality materials and durable construction, these giant plush toys are soft, cuddly and built for endless play and snuggling.liliCustomers buy these giant stuffed animals for all ages, as baby toys, toddler toys, and for teenagers who use giant plush as kids bedroom decor.liliIf your child loves ocean animals and sea creatures, this sea turtle plush will be the center of attention, and kids enjoy big stuffed animals.ul

Wild Republic Mini Hedgehog 20 Cm

62.36 EUR
Ne vous inquiétez pas! Ce hérisson piquant et en peluche est en fait très doux. Le corps de couleur havane de notre hérisson en peluche de 20 cm est recouvert d'une couche protectrice de longs piquants soyeux. Il a l'air réaliste, mais il est beaucoup plus câlin que le vrai!. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Nature Tube Espace

63.71 EUR
A l'intérieur de ce tube, vous trouverez 11 figurines sur le thème de l'Espace parfaites pour développer le jeu symbolique et imaginatif. Ces figurines légères et petites ont été faites de PVC durable et durable, exempt de phtalates. Inclut une boîte allongée réutilisable avec poignée pour transporter vos figurines.. Le tube comprend 11 figures différentes d'environ 5cm chacune.

Wild Republic Mini Ours Polaire Baby 20 Cm

34.9 EUR
Within the first month of birth, the baby Polar bear can open its eyes, ready to take on the world. They are born in the winter months and stay in their dens to develop muscles and adjust to the frigid temperatures. Roaming around the sea ice, they are always wanting tasty snacks such as fish and their mothers for milk. Anyone at any age can enjoy a moment cuddled up with this baby Polar bear, they can also make the best travel companions. Watch out if its time to eat because these ferocious hunters mean serious business. Birthday gifts can now be memorable when you give the adorable Polar bear as a gift, its also perfect for the holiday season to invoke the excitement of the colder weather. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Peluche Suricate Cuddlekins Mini De 20 Cm Brun

16.7 EUR
Wild Republic CK Lil's Peluche de 20 cm. Peluche très douce et adorable, un compagnon idéal pour votre enfant: pour jouer, comme petit cadeau ou ami en route.

Wild Republic Mini Panda Baby 20 Cm

27.33 EUR
Sometimes it is unbearable to find out that people think these large animals are just huge raccoons with black and white fur. This is just not true. Panda bears are indeed a bear. Bring home this plush toy and have some fun with imaginative play. Zoo stuffed animals are a fantastic t for anyone or occasion. Have a child that loves to cuddle or a teenager in college who is missing home? whatever the reason for sending this delightful present, this plushie will m someones heart and make their frown go upside down. This Panda wants to play and will be up to go on many adventures through an imaginative jungle or being a part of a stuffed animal zoo. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Tamarin A Tete Blanche Suspendu 51cm

38.7 EUR
Un joli singe pour de doux calins.. Taille 51 cm. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Cuddlekins Jumbo Paresseux 76 Cm

109.98 EUR
Who doesnt love a Sloth? When it comes to plush toys, zoo animals like this Three-Toed Sloth plush are enjoyed by people of all ages, and when made as large stuffed animals, they are even more cuddly. The Sloth has become a popular theme in todays culture, that has gained national interest as people actually look for Sloth gifts. This Sloth stuffed animal indeed makes a neat gift for kids as well as adults, as this giant stuffed animal knows how to warm the heart. Wild Republic Jumbo Cuddlekins come in many species to choose from, and the Sloth is the most popular of them all. These huge stuffed animals look great anywhere in the home, and are even used as kids bedroom decor. Each giant plush animal is realistically designed to bring to life what the actual living animal looks like. Wild Republic has specialized in designing realistic stuffed animals and educational toys for kids since 1979. Large stuffed animals from the Jumbo Cuddlekins series, such as this Sloth, come with a small informative tag that tells you something interesting about real Sloths. Enjoy the experience of cuddling a giant stuffed animal from Wild Republic today.ulliEveryone needs a little Sloth love, and this cute and huggable Sloth stuffed animal, with his furry coat, is simply irresistibleliliThese giant stuffed animals are easy to clean and are surface washable. Actual size of this Sloth plush is 30 inchesliliA great gift for kids and adults of all ages. They also make nice baby toys or toddler toys, as this large stuffed animal is loved by allliliPlush toys make great play pals, and this giant plush is durable enough to last a long time, as its made of high quality fabricsliliWild Republic Jumbo plush toys are also used as educational toys for kids, as they come with a hang tag sharing details about the animalul

Wild Republic Snake Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Green Rock Rattlesnake 54 Inches

39.69 EUR
Being 54 allow this snake stuffed animal to easily double as a comfy animal pillow which can come in handy during long road trips or just lying around on the couch. Also, this snake has a rattle within the end of the tail. Do not worry this snake does not bite these reptilians get a bad rap not all snakes are poisonous or a threat to humans in any way. If you observe from afar you will see the all the beauty snakes behold. This snake pictured above has eye catching colors which have a tranquilizing quality to it that kids of all ages and serpent enthusiasts cannot ignore. Crafted with the finest materials allows this large plush to overcome numerous hours of fun and imaginative play. Giant teddy bears get all the loving other large stuffed animals want to be loved as well. Consider taking home this soft, cuddly, and oh so affectionate Green Rock Rattlesnake plush. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Alligator Blanc 38cm

39.98 EUR
Voici un superbe alligator blanc en peluche.Une peluche alligator de la gamme cuddlekins qui mesure

Wild Republic Ck Cockatoo Sulph 30cm

35.19 EUR
pITEM DESCRIPTIONSINFORMATION Title 12 CK Cockatoo Plush Stuffed Animal Toy - 12 (Sizes are approximate.)Great item for a gift. Perfect for Collectors. Manufacturers suggested age 3+All items are of high quality.p

Wild Republic Emperor Penguin Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

43.78 EUR
Aquatic stuffed animals give you the feeling of having an actual sea creature of your own, without the hassle of cleaning up after it. This Emperor Penguin plush toy is 12 inches of pure bliss. With jaw-dropping detail from head to feet, sets this plushie apart from the rest of the colony. Constructed together with high quality materials, allows for a more realistic appearance, softer feel, and more durable stature. This is not just any marine animal plush, it is an essential bedroom dcor item for any aquatic lovers ocean themed room. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Lapin 30cm

37.09 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Cuddlekins Rabbit. Each Cuddlekins Rabbit comes with lifelike facial and authentic baby features. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Cuddlekins Rabbit is so cute and huggable. Measures approximately 12.p

Wild Republic Ck Jaguar Black

44.22 EUR
li55 W x 24 Llili100Percent polyesterliliMachine wash for easy carelili1.5Rod pocketliliTier pair and valance sold separayliliMeasures approx. 12liliPerfect for cuddlingliliHigh quality fabricsli

Wild Republic Snow Leopard Plush Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Gifts For Kids Hugaems 7

26.06 EUR
Snow Leopards are called a¿Ghost catsa by many for a few reasons One of them is because of their grey and white fur allowing them to blend into the snow and mountains where they live In addition snow Leopards are different than most Wildcats as they do not roar and they hunt in Silence Due to being quiet these snow Leopards are excellent baby toys toddler toys and kids toys as they will cuddle with your children as they take a nap Whether you are browsing for a gift for teens Christmas gifts or a birthday gift for kids this plushier will be the stuffed animal that they love Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979 with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals

Wild Republic Hug'ems Wolf 7

26.06 EUR
pSoft and cuddly, all the stuffed animals in this collection are the perfect size for hugging The Wolf is playful and plush, a terrific bedtime companion. A handshake is fine. A kiss is even better. But sometimes only a giant hug will do.p

Doudou Peluche Panda 22 Cm Wild Republic

20.8 EUR
Doudou peluche panda 22 cm environ, billes dans le corps et les pattes, noir blanc. Etat : Neuf sans étiquette boutique. DOUDOU DIFFICILE A TROUVER

Wild Republic Polybag Aquatic, Octopus, Shark, Dolphin, Orca, Crab, Lobster, Blue Whale, Stingray, Squid, Harp Seal, Walrus Toys 11 Piece Set

94.99 EUR
Explore the wonders of aquatic life with our 11-piece aquatic collection. This collection includes an octopus, shark, dolphin, Orca, crab, Lobster, blue whale, Stingray, squid, harp seal and walrus. Each piece is durable, light weight and made from phthalate free plastics. Our high-quality replicas of aquatic life range in size from 4 to 7 inches. Ideal for any school diorama or stocking stuffer. Perfect for bath time entertainment or sand box exploration. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.octopus 4.7 x 4 .8shark 6 x 3 x 2.4dolphin 5.5 x 2.4 x 2.4 orca 5.1 x 2.4 x 2crab 4.7X 6 x 1lobster 4.7 x 4 x 1whale 5 x 2.8 x 2ray 5 x 4 2 squid 5 x 2.8 x 1seal 5 x 3.2 x 1.6walrus 5 x 2.8 x 2

Wild Republic Huggers Squirrel Monkey

28.59 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Singe écureuil est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans. Dimension totale: 20 cm

Wild Republic Dinosauria Mini T-Rex 10

34.9 EUR
Le T-Rex en taille 25 cm ! Plus vrai que nature !. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Mini Rhino Baby 20 Cm

27.33 EUR
pWild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Tiger

28.59 EUR
'Run wild with this ferociously fierce, yet adorable feline Tiger stuffed animal that captures the hearts of all those who give it a hug. This Hugger plush toy is a kids toy that gives never-ending hugs. Huggers stuffed toys like to attach on to anything and stay there as long as you want them to. These warm and loving plush toys can hang on your wrist, backpacks, bags, strollers, and even vases. Huggers plushies are the kid toy that never stops being fun You get a two-in-companion that is a plush toy and a slap bracelet. Huggers slap bracelets are the perfect gifts for kids or anyone in need of a hug. These snap bracelets are safe for all ages, theyre triple- protected, a specially designed snap band that provides a safe and friendly grip. Huggers stuffed toys are sure to bring a smile to everyones face, so get yours today. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.ulliLet your child growl with excitement with this tiger stuffed animal that gives them a soft, loving hug, as they roam the jungle together.liliHuggers are cute plush toys and versatile slap bracelets that you can wrap around your wrist and other objects such as backpacks, bikes and strollers.liliOne just isnt enough, collect all the Hugger stuffed animals, bringing smiles wherever they go.liliHuggers conform to your wrist, so one size fits all, and these unique plush toys for kids are approximately 8 inches in size.liliHuggers make great gifts for kids of all ages, and even adults love to hang these plushies around their lamps and anything it can grip.liliWhen arms are fully extended, the width is 12ul'

Wild Republic Nature Tube Famille Animaux Afrique

32.22 EUR
Tube contenant 12 figurines plastiques sur le thème des animaux d'afrique en famille.. A partir de 3 ans. Les figurines mesurent moins de 5 cm chacune, ce jouet est donc destiné à des enfants de plus de 36 mois, ne portant plus à la bouche et sous la surveillance d'un adulte pour éviter tout risque d'ingestion et d'asphyxie.

Wild Republic Ck Mako Shark

37.09 EUR
The Mako shark is the fastest known species of shark. What is jaw-dropping is they can leap 30 feet in the air from the watery Abyss they call home.. have heard of raining cats and dogs but sharks, now that is scary. Realistic stuffed animals are the huggable alternative with no risk of. Bite. Identifying this giant stuffed animal from. Real-life Mako shark can be difficult. Constructed of high quality materials allows for the charming appearance and make the plushies soft to the touch. Big stuffed animals are adored by toddlers and teens all over the world. These marine animal plush toys become ideal ocean theme dcor for any aquatic lover. Wild Republic has been developing toy plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with. Specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Huggers Great White Shark

24.79 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Requin blanc est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans. Dimension totale: 20 cm

Wild Republic Huggers Green Parrot

24.79 EUR
Cet animal en peluche Perroquet est extra . Il suffit d'écarter les ailes grandes ouvertes. Donner une pression sur sa poitrine en le clipant sur son poignet, puis SNAP. . . ses bras s'enroulent instantanément et vous donnent un câlin. Des câlins sur votre poignet, votre sac à dos, votre poussette et bien plus encore.. Dès 3 ans. Dimension totale: 20 cm

Wild Republic Hanging Monkeys Lemur Queue Annele Suspendu 51 Cm

38.7 EUR
Un Lémurien tout doux pour de jolis calins tout chou.. Taille : 51 cm. Dès la naissance

Wild Republic Ck Beluga Whale

36.17 EUR
Beluga whales are massive bright white skinned sea creatures with a protruding forehead. This feature distinguishes them from the rest of the whale population. Most Beluga whales live in the frigid Arctic climate, so why not stay m in the comfort of your own home and enjoy this ocean themed t instead? you will really love this lifelike stuffed animal. What stands out the most is the magnificent detail and quality. What an exquisite combination if I may say so myself. At approximately 21 inches, the cuddles will never end and the smiles will grow larger each day. Aquatic stuffed animals are the playmate your loved one will want to cuddle up to and venture out into the world with to explore as far as the eyes can see. Marine animal enthusiasts will go fins up for this whale. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979.p

Wild Republic Mini River Otter Standing

29.78 EUR
Behold, the cutest aquatic mammal, known around the world as the River Otter. Belly flops are a specialty of these cute creatures, along with playful wrestling, and sliding around their version of a playground. These aquatic acrobats are that thoughtful touch when it comes to holiday ts for toddlers, birthday ts for kids, or that unique t for adults. Marshes, rivers, stream, and lakes are all familiar homes for this playful animal. They are excellent Fishermen and love to play around on land with friends. Going from water to land means endless adventures, and that is possible with this stuffed toy because it is made of high-quality materials. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems Fawn 7

37.3 EUR
Fawn is the name for a baby deer. They have approximately 300 white spots on them and they have extremely long legs. When they are born, they spend almost 95% of their time lying down because they are safer since they cannot run at a proper speed to escape predators yet. Their mother will stop by periodically to feed them until they are strong enough to join their mother in search of food. Fawn plush toys are great baby toys, toddler toys, and kids toys to enjoy a nice nap with. Whether you are searching for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this cow will be the stuffed animal that they love. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Huggers Ours Polaire

28.16 EUR
Snuggle up on a cold winters night or any night with this adorable little Polar Bear stuffed animal. Polar Bears are very large, furry creatures, but the Huggers Polar Bear plushier pictured above is the perfect size to go anywhere and everywhere with you. You can explore the Arctic with this plush toy Polar Bear on your wrist and go on an adventure of a lifetime. Huggers plush toys are also slap bracelets, creating never-ending fun. Huggers can hang on to backpacks, bags, strollers, and even vases. Huggers stuffed animals make great additions to any room, especially for kids bedroom decor. These amazing stuffed animal toys are not just for kids, they are for anyone who wants to gift the magic of a hug to anyone they please. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Beaver Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

37.09 EUR
Beavers are great swimmers partly due to their amazing ability to see underwater. These water animals have transparent eyelids, which helps for all underwater discoveries. Known for building dams, one of the largest recorded houses Beavers have built is in Canada. The dam can be viewed from space and its length is around 850 meters long. No matter the age, its always a perfect time to befriend the adorable Beaver stuffed animal and build a dam for adventures. This is the perfect unique gift youre looking for to brighten a loved ones day. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

Wild Republic Ck Zebra

44.74 EUR
Are Zebras primarily black with white stripes or are they primarily white with black stripes? Owning these stuffed animals will allow you to examine this mystery closer and to see if you can answer this question for us. Even though Zebras sleep while standing up, these Zebra stuffed animals make for excellent baby toys and toddler toys. This plush toy will stand by your childs side when they sleep and will run around with them when they play. Whether you are searching for a t for teens, Christmas ts, or a birthday t for kids, this Zebra will be the plushie they adore. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Hug'ems-Mini Gorilla

24.45 EUR
pPlushies make excellent kids bedroom dcor, a friend to go on adventures with or maybe a sleeping buddy, whatever the reason might be they are there when you need them. Wild Republic has been developing animal plush and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a unique specialization in authentic looking stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Penguin Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Cuddlekins 12 Inches

39.98 EUR
Have you ever looked at a penguin and thought to oneself they were not cute? The answer is no. Now imagine a soft and adorable looking penguin that can bring pure joy to the household. This Playful Penguin stuffed animal is what we are talking about. Standing at 12 inches, its size becomes an excellent feature to have for an aquatic toy because it can fit into a lot of different purses, satchels, luggage, etc. Creativity can be enhanced through play with plushies. Perhaps an imaginative journey to Antarctica might occur. Who really knows what scenario a child can spawn up in their minds. Lifelike stuffed animals are unique ts for kids of all ages and superb for snuggling up too. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Ck Lil's Alligator

21.67 EUR
pYou will love to cuddle with this soft and adorable Lil Cuddle ins Alligator. With the softness and details that you have come to expect from the Original Cuddle ins, the Alligator is made of high quality fabrics. With its ultra-plush stuffing, the Alligator is so cute and cuddly. Measures approximately 5.p

Wild Republic Bucket Dino

37 EUR
Ce baril facil ? transporter comporte 23 pi?ces de petites figurines Dinosaures.

Wild Republic Gibbon, Monkey Plush Toy, Gifts For Kids, Hanging 20 Inches

38.7 EUR
Found in the tropical and jungle regions of India and China, Gibbon monkeys enjoy mer climates that are full of trees for swinging around. These small Apes have long arms and hooked fingers for jumping from branch to branch. Our Gibbon stuffed animal measures a realistic 29 inches long with lifelike facial features and flexible limbs. This zoo animal plush toy is extra soft and surface washable for easy cleaning. A great t for teens, toddlers, and monkey lovers of all ages, this stuffed toy is ready to monkey around with you and your friends. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Orang Outan Suspendu 51cm

29.87 EUR
Orangutans have tremendous strength, which enables them to hang upside-down from branches and swing around the treetops. This Hanging plush primate is ready to hang out with you day or night. Place this realistic stuffed animal virtually anywhere with its hook and loop clasp. Made of high-quality material give it the durability to handle many hours of fun and adventure. Kids and adults love zoo animal plush toys. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.p

Wild Republic Snakess Crotale Bleu 137cm

37.16 EUR
Peluche Serpent Crotal 137 cm Wild Republic: Ce Serpent Crotal bleu en peluche long de 137 cm est issu de la collection d'animaux en peluche "Wild Republic". Cette jolie et longue peluche est douce, souple et particulièrement réaliste. Elle se tient très bien et ne contient aucune armature ni microbilles. Age recommandé : A partir de 3 ans.