Christopher Winch Education, Autonomy And Critical Thinking (Routledge International Studies In The Philosophy Of Education, 15, Band 15)

2.99 EUR
Brand : Routledge, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : 1, Label : Routledge, Publisher : Routledge, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 216, publicationDate : 2009-03-06, releaseDate : 2009-03-06, authors : Christopher Winch, ISBN : 0415543924

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 4 - the hour of the tiger - en anglais

15.25 EUR
Largo's best friend, Simon Ovronnaz, is being targeted by the secret services of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Simon and his girlfriend are wrongfully convicted of murder and imprisoned. After a very flawed trial, Simon is condemned to death and transferred to the infamous Fort Makiling. Blissfully ignorant of his friend's fate, Largo is enjoying a romantic adventure at the top of the world, while the plot against him deepens dangerously. Correpond au tome 8 français: L'heure du tigre

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 10 - the law of the dollar - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Accused of murder and hated by an entire nation, Largo is hiding in Canada and feeling very much alone. But his friendships are stronger than his circumstances, and soon he's able to counterattack against the various factions that are trying to bring him down. Greedy lawyers, crooked CEOs, murderous accountants, all pitted against the orphan turned billionaire... In the end, only the smartest and strongest will prevail-for such is the Law of the Dollar. Correspond au tome 14 français: La loi du dollar

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 9 - the price of money - en anglais

9.9 EUR
A man shoots himself in front of Largo, live on TV. He was a guest on a financial talk show who had lost his company because of a Group W decision. Shocked by the knowledge that he is indirectly responsible, Winch becomes an object of hatred for the nation, and his two best friends abandon him. When suspicions arise that shady dealings led to unnecessary restructurings, he launches an investigation to identify the real culprits.

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 5 - see Venice... - en anglais

9.9 EUR
In the middle of the night, a man runs through the narrow back alleys of Venice. Three men are after him. He breaks into a travel agency, where he faxes Winch a hastily scribbled message before being gunned down by his pursuers. The person who hands Largo Winch the fax in New York is also killed. The message says only: “Beware of the doge*…” Our millionaire businessman hero thinks his friend, the gorgeous Charity, could be in trouble and heads for Italy. They are invited to a masked ball, where they indeed meet a doge . . .* A Renaissance-era term for the chief magistrate of the former republics of Venice and Genoa

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 11 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
A proposed deal between one of Winch's companies and a Chinese group would require that the young billionaire come sign the contract himself in Hong Kong. But there is a problem: In his youth, Largo tangled with Chinese justice in occupied Tibet. He escaped from prison with the help of a Chinese arms smuggler, whose triad later helped rescue Simon from a Burma prison. But that help came with a price, and the triad will one day call in their favour... Correspond au tome 15 français: Les trois yeux des gardiens du Tao

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 7 - Golden Gate - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Simon—Largo’s friend—has been cast as the lead in a new TV series, “Golden Gate.” It’s produced in part by one of Group W’s subsidiaries. When the investigator sent by Dwight Cochrane to examine irregularities in the funding of the series disappears, Largo takes matters into his own hands and heads to the city by the Bay. But what will he find? An innocuous example of bad television? A case of tax evasion? Or… worse?

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 8 - shadow - en anglais

9.9 EUR
Largo Winch has been hoodwinked, framed and sent to jail. His enemies are celebrating their victory after taking control of his TV station. His friends are either in prison or in mortal danger… But Largo wasn’t born a billionaire. He knows how to fight dirty, and now he’s going to have to strike back at the circle of crooks, pimps and murderers who came after him—before they kill all potential witnesses, including his own employee, Sarah Washington.

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 15 - Crossing paths

9.9 EUR
Largo is in London for a board meeting with his group's various CEOs. At the same time, he's negotiating with a French aeronautics firm for a deal based upon a groundbreaking new technology. But the British capital seems to be the centre of a curious convergence: people with no apparent links to each other gravitate towards Largo and his inner circle. Old lovers, new flames, intelligence agencies, terrorists... Will the billionaire recognise his true allies amidst such a tangled web? Correspond au tome 19 français: Chassé croisé

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 3 - dutch connection - en anglais

15.25 EUR
H : Largo Winch gives a cocktail party to launch his foundation for war orphans when a waiter brings out one of his colleagues’ severed head on a tray. He has been murdered by the drugs traffickers Largo is after. In a matter of hours, the billionaire’s life is turned upside down.Dutch Connection : Two policemen are shot down as they arrest Largo Winch and he is charged with the murders. On top of that, he is accused of being part of the international heroin trade. Largo flees to Paris and ends up in the homeless community, with little hope of escaping the dire fate that awaits him : a lifelong jail sentence…This two-volume book includes “H”.

CINEBOOK Largo winch tome 13 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Fresh from his old pilot Freddy's wedding, Largo is back in New York for more celebrating - the departure of one of his employees. But during the party, a Turkish national permanently retires Sir Basil with a couple of bullets. Shortly thereafter, the shooter himself is killed by a sniper before he's had a chance to say a word. When the FBI finally gets involved, they come with accusations of gun trafficking and hiring assassins... Accusations levelled at Largo himself! Correspond au tome 17 français: Mer noire

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 6 (en anglais)

9.9 EUR
Two of Largo's employees have been killed in his headquarters in New York. His friend Charity has been kidnapped in the middle of the Piazza San Marco. His only lead is a mysterious message: «Beware of the Doge.» As the bodies start piling up, Largo-aided by the beautiful Domenica-turns the Serenissima upside down to find the young woman and unravel the truth before it is too late. Balls, duels, boat chases, revenge. Ah, Venice! Correspond au tome 10 fraçais: ... et mourir

CINEBOOK Largo Winch tome 14 - red-hot wrath

9.9 EUR
Largo is stuck on a boat with Silky. But this isn't the end of a James Bond story: the vessel's a container ship that belongs to Winch's enemy, a Georgian arms dealer who seems to be behind all the billionaire's current problems. And the crew are armed and trigger-happy... Not entirely surprising, since this time the plot is not just about money - it's also very personal! Poor Largo; things were so much simpler before he stopped being an orphan... Correspond au tome 18 français: Colère rouge

Maths 1re ES, L jean-paul beltramone, claudine merdy, christophe plas, raphaël tosetti Hachette Education

jean-paul beltramone, claudine merdy, christophe plas, raphaël tosetti

Mathématiques : 1re S sébastien maimaran, martial baheux, maïna cigana, eric barbazo, dominique grihon, sandrine pollet-mourlan, benoît lafargue, christophe barnet, nadine castagnos, amélie daniel, catherine racadot Hachette Education

5.23 EUR
sébastien maimaran, martial baheux, maïna cigana, eric barbazo, dominique grihon, sandrine pollet-mourlan, benoît lafargue, christophe barnet, nadine castagnos, amélie daniel, catherine racadot

Kant Christophe Bouriau Hachette Education

11.95 EUR
Christophe Bouriau

Mathématiques : 1re ES, L sébastien maimaran, eric barbazo, dominique grihon, sandrine pollet-mourlan, benoît lafargue, christophe barnet, nadine castagnos, amélie daniel, catherine racadot, martial baheux Hachette Education

4.66 EUR
sébastien maimaran, eric barbazo, dominique grihon, sandrine pollet-mourlan, benoît lafargue, christophe barnet, nadine castagnos, amélie daniel, catherine racadot, martial baheux

Les Sisters - best of christophe cazenove, william Bamboo

4.75 EUR
christophe cazenove, william

Mes cop's - best of christophe cazenove, philippe fenech Bamboo

4.39 EUR
christophe cazenove, philippe fenech

CINEBOOK Alone tome 5

9.9 EUR
It's a sad day for the Campton kids: they've just discovered Dodzi's lifeless body at the bottom of a building, shot once in the chest. Convinced that whoever killed him must have come from the red zone - the no man's land marked out by the monkeys' cairns - Leila and Ivan decide to send an expedition there. But none of the children could possibly imagine what expects them inside the zone, no more than what will happen back at the camp.

URBAN COMICS Sheriff of Babylon

31 EUR
Le règne de Saddam Hussein est terminé. Les Américains sont aux commandes, et pourtant rien ne semble sous contrôle. Dans la Green Zone, Christopher Henry, l'ancien policier de San Diego devenu instructeur militaire, le sait mieux que quiconque. Envoyé sur place pour former une nouvelle force de police irakienne, il apprend le meurtre de l'une de ses recrues dont le corps a été retrouvé sur la Grand Place. Épaulé de Sofia, une Irakienne élevée en Amérique, et de Nassir, un vétéran de la police baghdadi, il débute l'une des enquêtes les plus périlleuses de sa vie.