Royal Canin Chat - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie 7kg

117.62 EUR
URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire.Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l¿embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité).

Royal canin vdiet cat urinary s/o moderate calorie 9 kg

122.93 EUR
Les croquettes chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE sont des croquettes complètes chat destinées à dissoudre les calculs de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à ses propriétés acidifiant lurine et sa faible teneur en magnésium.

Royal canin veterinary diet chien urinary s/o 13 kg

129.05 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Chien Urinary aliment thérapeutique et diététique complet,  destiné à dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et à gérer les récidives d'urolithiase à struvite et à oxalate de calcium.

Square Enix Saga Scarlet Grace Ps Vita

13.95 EUR
SaGa Scarlet Grace est un jeu de rôle développé et édité par SquareEnix exclusivement pour Playstation Vita. Version japonaise uniquement.

Square Enix Final Fantasy Xv: Royal Edition - Xbox One

36.57 EUR
Final Fantasy XV (15) - Royal Edition

Royal canin vdiet canine chien urinary mod cal 6,5kg

74.8 EUR
Royal Canin Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie est un aliment  spécialement conçu pour les chiens souffrants d'affections du bas appareil urinaire.

Square Enix Dragon Quest Xi - Sugisarishi Toki O Motomete - Import Japon Ps4

12 EUR
Dragon Quest XI - Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete, jeu de rôle pour Playstation 4 par SquareEnix.

Royal Canin - Croquettes Mini Sterilised Pour Chien - 3kg

41.67 EUR
CONTRÔLE DE L'APPÉTIT : Grâce à son mélange spécifique de fibres et à sa teneur élevée en protéines, MINI STERILISED aide à contrôler la sensation de faim entre les repas. SANTÉ BUCCO-DENTAIRE : Les chiens de petites races sont sujets à la formation de tartre. Une formule nutritionnelle adaptée peut contribuer à améliorer l'hygiène bucco-dentaire. MINI STERILISED aide à réduire la formation de tartre grâce à des agents chélateurs du calcium salivaire. MAINTIEN DU POIDS DE FORME :Après la stérilisation, les besoins énergétiques de votre chien diminuent et l'appétit peut augmenter, ce qui peut conduire à une prise de poids. MINI STERILISED aide à maintenir le poids idéal chez les chiens stérilisés de petites races grâce à un rationnement quotidien adapté et à une formule combinant une teneur élevée en protéines (30 %) et un apport modéré en matières grasses (13 %). Cette formule est également enrichie en L-carnitine.

Royal Canin Pâtée Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Chat 12x85g - Veterinary Health Nutrition

36.99 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets - Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie - 12 Sachets Fraicheurs 85gr URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Les avantages Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie URINE DILUTION Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. De plus, accroître le volume urinaire permet un rinçage régulier de la vessie. STRUVITE DISSOLUTION Permet de dissoudre efficacement les calculs de struvite. LOW RSS Une urine sous-saturée est une urine dans laquelle les cristaux ne peuvent pas accroître. Ainsi le milieu urinaire est défavorable au développement des cristaux de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. MODERATE CALORIE Un apport réduit en calories pour contribuer à maintenir un poids idéal. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu'une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition protéines de volaille déshydratées, riz, gluten de blé*, farine de maïs, fibres végétales, gluten de maïs, sels minéraux, graisses animales, hydrolysat de protéines animales, huile de poisson, huile de soja, fructo-oligo-saccharides, poudre d'¿ufs, hydrolysat de crustacé (source de glucosamine), extrait de rose d'inde (source de lutéine). Additifs nutritionnels: Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine A : 22300 UI, Vitamine D3 : 500 UI, E1 (Fer) : 41 mg, E2 (Iode) : 3,2 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 6 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 54 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 177 mg, E8 (Sélénium) : 0,07 mg - Conservateurs - Antioxygènes CONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéine : 34 % - Matières grasses brutes : 11 % - Cendres brutes : 9,1 % - Cellulose brute : 7 % - Calcium : 1 % - Phosphore : 0,95 % - Sodium : 1,1 % - Chlorures : 1,89 % - Potassium : 1 % - Magnésium : 0,05 % - Soufre : 0,5 % - Taurine totale : 0,21 % - Substances acidifiant l'urine : Su...

Royal Canin Veterinary Urinary S O Ageing 7+ Pour Chien

119.15 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Urinary S, O Ageing 7+ pour chien sont des croquettes spécialement conçues pour les chiens ayant des problèmes urinaires. Pour un poids stable et sain  Aide dans le processus de vieillissement Prévient les problèmes urinaires

Royal Canin Croquettes Urinary S/O Chat Sac 1.5 Kg - Veterinary Health Nutrition

43.99 EUR
Royal Canin Urinary s/o felineCe produit constitue un aliment complet et diététique pour chats. Ces croquettes très efficaces visent à dissoudre les cristaux ou calculs urinaires de struvite tout en empêchant leur formation.Proposé en sacs de 0,4, 1,5, 3,5 et 6 Kg.

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet - Urinary S/O - 420g

16.99 EUR
L'aliment humide médicalisé Royal Canin Veterinary Diet - Urinary S/O a été élaboré pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire chez le chien. Elles sont indiquées pour : la dissolution des calculs urinaires de struvite la gestion des recidives d?urolithiase à struvite et à oxalate de calcium les cystites bactériennes Contre indications : gestation, lactation, croissance insuffisance rénale chronique pancréatite ou historique de pancréatite hyperlipidémie insuffisance cardiaque utilisation de médicaments acidifiant l'urine Chez le chien âgé, assurez-vous du bon fonctionnement rénal avant la prescription d'Urinary S/O.ActionCet aliment permet la dissolution des calculs de struvite et la dilution des urines. Cela réduit la concentration de stuvite et d'oxalate de calcium et crée un environnement défavorable à la formation de ces cristaux.AttentionCet aliment est thérapeutique. Suivez l'avis de votre vétérinaire selon l'état de santé de votre chien.IngrédientsCOMPOSITION : viandes et sous-produits animaux (poulet), céréales, huiles et graisses, extraits de protéines végétales (gluten de maïs), sous-produits d?origine végétale, substances minérales, sucres.ADDITIFS (au kg) : Additifs nutritionnels : Vitamine D3 : 190 UI, E1 (Fer) : 11 mg, E2 (Iode) : 0,33 mg, E4 (Cuivre) : 2 mg, E5 (Manganèse) : 3,5 mg, E6 (Zinc) : 33 mg - Additifs technologiques : Gomme de Cassia : 2,5 gCONSTITUANTS ANALYTIQUES : Protéines : 6 % - Matières grasses brutes : 8 % - Cendres brutes : 1,5 % - Fibres alimentaires brutes : 1,5 % - Humidité : 72 % - Calcium : 0,24 % - Phosphore : 0,25 % - Sodium : 0,15 % - Magnésium : 0,02 % - Potassium : 0,24 % - Chlorures : 0,2 % - Soufre : 0,15 % - Substances acidifiant l?urine : sulfate de calcium (0,1%), méthionine.

Royal Canin Urinary S/O Canine 2 Kg

42.99 EUR
Royal Canin Urinary S/O Cette nourriture est recommandé pour les chiens ayant:- cristitis bactérienne - la dissolution des calculs urinaires de struvite- prévention lithiase urinaire avec struvite et d'oxalate de calcium.Cet aliment dispose d'un certain nombre de contre-indications. Il n'est pas recommandé pour:- femelles enceintes ou en lactation- chiens en période de croissance- insuffisance rénale chronique- insuffisance cardiaque- si simultanément traitement médical acidification de l'urine.

Sachet royal canin veterinary diet urinary s/o boeuf 12 x 85g

21.36 EUR
Les pâtées chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT URINARY S/O MOUSSE sont des pâtées complètes pour les chats destinées à dissoudre les calculs de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à ses propriétés acidifiant lurine et sa faible teneur en magnésium. Demander lavis dun vétérinaire avant de les donner à votre chat. Utiliser VETERINARY CAT URINARY S/O MOUSSE pendant 5 à 12 semaines pour dissoudre les calculs de struvite et jusquà 6 mois pour réduire les récidives. Le chat devra ensuite être examiné régulièrement par le vétérinaire pour évaluer la pertinence dune recommandation nutritionnelle sur le long terme. De leau fraîche doit toujours être à disposition de lanimal.

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet - Urinary S/O Morceaux 12 X 85g

35.99 EUR
ROYAL CANIN Veterinary Diet - Urinary S/O Morceaux - 12 x 85g URINARY S/O est un aliment diététique complet pour chats formulé pour dissoudre les calculs urinaires de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à des propriétés permettant une sous saturation des urines et un faible taux de magnesium. Il est ainsi recommandé pour le traitement des affections du bas appareil urinaire. Grâce à un apport réduit en calories, il est particulièrement recommandé aux chats ayant tendance à l'embonpoint (stérilisé, embonpoint, faible activité). Indications : Cystite idiopathique Urolithiase (calculs de struvite) Gestion des récidives d'Urolithiase à struvite et à oxalate de calcium Contre-indications : Croissance Lactation Gestation Insuffisance rénale chronique, acidose métabolique Insuffisance cardiaque Hypertension Traitement avec des médicaments acidifiant l'urine L'alimentation humide par son apport en eau permet de réduire les risques de récurrence des cystites idiopathiques. Contribue à dissoudre les calculs de struvite. Contribue à créer un milieu urinaire défavorable à la formation de cristaux. Diluer l'urine permet de réduire simultanément les concentrations urinaires de struvite et d'oxalate de calcium. Informations importantes concernant les produits thérapeutiques : En achetant ce produit, vous reconnaissez que votre animal a été examiné par un vétérinaire qui vous l'a recommandé et qu?une ordonnance a été délivré. Dans le cas où vous utilisez ce produit, il est recommandé de consulter votre vétérinaire au moins une fois tous les 6 mois pour une visite de contrôle. En cas de problème lié à l'utilisation de ce produit, demandez conseil à votre vétérinaire. En ajoutant ce produit à votre panier, vous confirmez que vous avez lu et compris les renseignements ci-dessus Composition viandes et co-produits animaux (poulet 5%), céréales, huiles et graisses, dérivés d'origine végétale, minéraux, oeufs et co-produits d'oeufs, mollusques et crustacés, sucres. ADDITIFS (par kg): additifs nutritionnels: Vitamine D3: 280 UI, E1 (Fer): 5.6 mg, E2 (Iodine): 0.2 mg, E4 (Cuivre): 1.3 mg, E5 (Manganese): 1.7 mg, E6 (Zinc): 17 mg VALEURS CLES: Proteine: 7% - Matières grasses: 5.3% - Minéraux: 1.2% - Fibres alimentaires brutes: 0.6% - Humidité: 80% - Calcium: 0.15% - Phosphore: 0.14% - Sodium: 0.08% - Magnesium: 0.01% - Potassium: 0.28% - Chloride: 0.3% - Soufre: 0.15% - Taurine: 0.125% - Substances acidifiant l'urine: sulfate de calcium(0.12%), DL-methionine (0.02%).

Square Enix Final Fantasy I-Vi Collection - Édition Anniversaire (Ps4)

150 EUR
Contenu : - Les 5 jeux en version physique - nouvelle jaquette - inclus des autocollants de personnage en pixel art - boitier standard Les jeux qui ont inspiré toute une génération reprennent vie avec des remastérisations 2D en pixel art ! Les titres FINAL FANTASY classiques revivent grâce à des graphismes 2D en pixel art et à des magnifiques bandes originales réarrangées. Découvrez un gameplay amélioré avec notamment une interface modernisée et des suppléments, comme le bestiaire, la galerie d’illustrations et le lecteur de musique qui vous entraîneront encore plus profondément dans le monde des jeux.

Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie Pour Chiens Emincés 12 Sachets 100 G

31.99 EUR
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Urinary S/O Moderate Calorie a été spécialement élaboré pour la prise en charge d'urolithiases à struvite chez les chiens en surpoids. Marque : Royal CaninContenance : Sac 1,5 Kg, Sac 12 Kg, Sac 6,5 Kg, Sachet de 100 gSaveur : VolailleTraitement : Infections urinaires, CalculsQuantité recommandée : Taille Animal : Moyen, Grand, Très grandeAge du chien : Adulte

Royal Canin Croquettes Chatons Kitten 36 - 4kg

75.99 EUR
Les Croquettes Kitten 36 de Royal Canin constituent un aliment complet et équilibré qui convient aux Chatons, dès le 2ème âge jusqu'à 12 mois.< span> Aliment complet et équilibré pour la croissance du chaton 2ème âge (jusqu'à 12 mois).< p> Renforce la sécurité digestive grâce à des protéines ultra-digestives limitant la teneur en résidus fermentescibles dans l'intestin et grâce à des nutriments ciblés pour soutenir l'équilibre du système digestif. Renforce les défenses naturelles< b> et réduit l'odeur des selles< b>. Age:Chaton. Taille:. saveur:Volaille. Type d'aliment:Croquettes. Poids du sac:4 kg.

Royal Canin Croquettes Golden Retriever Junior 12kg

117.99 EUR
Les Croquettes Golden Retriever Junior de Royal Canin constituent un aliment complet et équilibré qui convient aux chiots de race Golden Retriever du sevrage jusqu'au 15ème mois.< span> Protection de la peau et du pelage< b> Aide à renforcer la protection de la peau grâce à un taux concentré en huiles de bourrache, soja et poisson et en biotine, et grâce à l'action du SKIN COMPLEX (vitamines du groupe B et EPA-DHA).< p> Caractéristiques du produit:< p> - Garantit une sécurité digestive maximale< p> - Aide à construire les défensses naturelles du chiot< p> - Assure une minéralisation optimale du squelle et une croissance harmonieuse.< p> - Aide à renforcer la protection de la peau grâce à un taux concentré en huile de Bourrache, soja et poisson.< p> Les Croquettes Golden Retriever Junior de Royal Canin sont parfaitement adapté au Golden Retriever chiot et lui procure une croissance optimale.< p> Age:Chiot. Taille:. saveur:Volaille. Type d'aliment:Croquettes. Poids du sac:12 kg.

Square Enix Murdered Soul Suspect - Edition Limitee Pc

9.99 EUR
LE MEURTRE LE PLUS DIFFICILE A ÉLUCIDER EST LE VOTRE Quand Ronan O'Connor, un détective au passé mouvementé, intervient sur un cambriolage, sa vie est amenée à une fin prématurée par un tueur brutal et implacable. Choqué de se retrouver dans l'au-delà, son seul moyen pour échapper au purgatoire est de découvrir la vérité sur son assassin, de le traquer et de le traduire en justice en utilisant ses nouvelles capacités surnaturelles. Les joueurs ont la liberté d'explorer la ville de Salem : ses ma

Square Enix Murdered Soul Suspect - Edition Limitee Ps3

41.17 EUR
LE MEURTRE LE PLUS DIFFICILE A ÉLUCIDER EST LE VOTRE Quand Ronan O'Connor, un détective au passé mouvementé, intervient sur un cambriolage, sa vie est amenée à une fin prématurée par un tueur brutal et implacable. Choqué de se retrouver dans l'au-delà, son seul moyen pour échapper au purgatoire est de découvrir la vérité sur son assassin, de le traquer et de le traduire en justice en utilisant ses nouvelles capacités surnaturelles. Les joueurs ont la liberté d'explorer la ville de Salem

Square Enix Tomb Raider Edition Limitée Explorateur Micromania Ps3

Contenu de l'édition exclusive Micromania Tombe Défi o Une Tombe exclusive à parcourir pour Lara ! Dans ce nouveau lieu, Lara rencontrera des toutes nouvelles énigmes basées sur l¿environnement, qui testeront ces capacités. Amélioration d¿Escalade Rapide o Un accès anticipé à l¿aptitude Escalade Rapide qui permet à Lara de grimper les parois des montagnes beaucoup plus agilement. Pratique pour éviter que les ennemis ne prennent l¿avantage pendant un combat ! description du jeu Tomb Raider propose une nouvelle approche du jeu d'action/aventure. Avec cet épisode, le jeu se focalise sur l'exploration et la survie. Il se permet aussi des phases d'action particulièrement intenses à la mise en scène très cinématographique incluant explosions, chutes et vols planés en parapente. Ici, Tomb Raider part à la découverte des origines de l'héroïne Lara Croft : comment cette jeune femme d'à peine plus de 20 ans a-t-elle bien pu devenir la combattante que l'on connaît ? Avec pour seules armes son instinct et sa capacité à repousser les limites de son endurance, Lara va devoir se battre pour déjouer les sombres mystères d'une île oubliée et échapper à son emprise.

Square Enix Murdered Soul Suspect - Edition Limitee Xbox 360

45 EUR
LE MEURTRE LE PLUS DIFFICILE A ÉLUCIDER EST LE VOTRE Quand Ronan O'Connor, un détective au passé mouvementé, intervient sur un cambriolage, sa vie est amenée à une fin prématurée par un tueur brutal et implacable. Choqué de se retrouver dans l'au-delà, son seul moyen pour échapper au purgatoire est de découvrir la vérité sur son assassin, de le traquer et de le traduire en justice en utilisant ses nouvelles capacités surnaturelles. Les joueurs ont la liberté d'explorer la ville de Salem

Square Enix Murdered : Soul Suspect Edition Limitée - Exclusivité Micromania Xbox 360

64.89 EUR
L'édition limitée inclut un journal secret avec des dossiers confidentiels sur les meurtres. Pour beaucoup, la mort signifie la fin, mais pour Ronan O'Connor, un inspecteur de la police de Salem au passé mouvementé, ce n'est que le commencement. Au cours d'un violent cambriolage, il connaît une fin tragique aux mains d'un tueur implacable. Réalisant avec effroi qu'il se trouve désormais dans le monde des limbes, Ronan décide de s'échapper. Mais s'il veut quitter la "Pénombre", il devra d'abord retrouver son assassin et le traduire en justice, à l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs. Prenant place dans la ville de Salem, Murdered : Soul Suspect propose aux joueurs d'explorer librement ses maisons en bois de style Nouvelle Angleterre, ses ruelles sombres, ses églises gothiques et son asile psychiatrique, à la recherche de preuves. Ils devront affronter des spectres démoniaques afin de sauver leur âme, et faire éclater l'incroyable vérité sur leur propre meurtre. Un mélange sombre d'une enquête et d'un thriller, avec une particularité supernaturelle unique : résoudre votre propre meurtre après la mort. Enquêtez comme seul un fantôme peut le faire : possédez les humains et influencez leurs pensées, interrogez d'autres fantômes et utilisez des habilités surnaturelles pour créer des distractions. Explorez Salem, une ville où se déroulent d'étranges événements, pour découvrir les secrets les plus sombres du monde de la "Pénombre". Traversez les murs, téléportez-vous et dévoilez des souvenirs. Survivez face aux démons dévoreurs d'âmes grâce à une variété de tactiques. Qui vous a assassiné et pourquoi ? Un tableau riche en personnages et une intrigue noire et complexe dans laquelle n'importe qui pourrait être votre tueur.

Square Enix Murdered : Soul Suspect - Édition Limitée Ps3

67.4 EUR
Quand Ronan O'Connor, un détective au passé mouvementé, intervient sur un cambriolage, sa vie est amenée à une fin prématurée à cause d'un tueur brutal et implacable. Choqué de se retrouver dans l'au-delà, son seul moyen pour échapper au purgatoire est de découvrir la vérité sur son assassin, de le traquer et de le traduire en justice en utilisant ses nouvelles capacités surnaturelles. Explorez la ville de Salem et découvrez ses maisons en bois de style Nouvelle-Angleterre, ses rues étroites, ses églises gothiques et son asile psychiatrique, à la recherche d'indices. Combattez des esprits démoniaques pour sauver votre âme et faire toute la lumière sur le responsable de votre mort. L'édition limitée comprend un livret d'enquête de 32 pages.

Square Enix Tomb Raider Edition Limitée Explorateur Micromania Xbox 360

Contenu de l'édition exclusive Micromania Tombe Défi o Une Tombe exclusive à parcourir pour Lara ! Dans ce nouveau lieu, Lara rencontrera des toutes nouvelles énigmes basées sur l¿environnement, qui testeront ces capacités. Amélioration d¿Escalade Rapide o Un accès anticipé à l¿aptitude Escalade Rapide qui permet à Lara de grimper les parois des montagnes beaucoup plus agilement. Pratique pour éviter que les ennemis ne prennent l¿avantage pendant un combat ! description du jeu Tomb Raider propose une nouvelle approche du jeu d'action/aventure. Avec cet épisode, le jeu se focalise sur l'exploration et la survie. Il se permet aussi des phases d'action particulièrement intenses à la mise en scène très cinématographique incluant explosions, chutes et vols planés en parapente. Ici, Tomb Raider part à la découverte des origines de l'héroïne Lara Croft : comment cette jeune femme d'à peine plus de 20 ans a-t-elle bien pu devenir la combattante que l'on connaît ? Avec pour seules armes son instinct et sa capacité à repousser les limites de son endurance, Lara va devoir se battre pour déjouer les sombres mystères d'une île oubliée et échapper à son emprise.

Square Enix Murdered Soul Suspect Limited Edition Pc

5.99 EUR
LE MEURTRE LE PLUS DIFFICILE A ÉLUCIDER EST LE VOTRE Quand Ronan O'Connor, un détective au passé mouvementé, intervient sur un cambriolage, sa vie est amenée à une fin prématurée par un tueur brutal et implacable. Choqué de se retrouver dans l'au-delà, son seul moyen pour échapper au purgatoire est de découvrir la vérité sur son assassin, de le traquer et de le traduire en justice en utilisant ses nouvelles capacités surnaturelles.

Royal Canin Oral Care - 1,5kg

42.99 EUR
Aliment spécialement indiqué pour les chats adultes, âgés de 1 à 10 ans, qui ont tendance à accumuler du tartre sur leurs dents. Ces croquettes garantissent une santé bucco-dentaire optimale de votre chat, en luttant efficacement contre le tartre grâce à une double action.Elles appartiennent à la gamme Feline Care Nutrition, qui tient compte des besoins spécifiques des chats (poil, peau, obésité, problèmes dentaires, problèmes digestifs, etc.). Cette gamme de produits alimentaires pour chats est la seule du marché à garantir des résultats visibles.Les croquettes Oral Sensitive 30 contiennent en effet des nutriments spécifiques, qui réduisent de 59 % la formation de tartre, après 28 jours d'utilisation exclusive. Leur action est double:Elles réduisent la plaque dentaire, grâce à leur forme et leur texture uniques, qui produisent un effet de brossage des dents.Elles limitent également le dépôt de tartre sur les dents, grâce à leur apport en phosphate de sodium, qui piège le ca...

Royal Canin - Croquettes Maxi Joint Care Pour Chien - 10kg

106.76 EUR
Les croquettes Royal Canin Maxi Joint Care sont conçues pour répondre aux besoins des chiens adultes de grande taille ayant une sensibilité articulaire. Ces croquettes peuvent être données dès l'âge de 15 mois. Soutien de la fonction articulaire grâce au collagène hydrolysé et aux acides gras EPA-DHA, cela aide à faciliter les mouvements et améliore le bien-être des grands chiens Maintien du poids idéal grâce à une teneur adaptée en calories, cela limite la pression sur les articulations Le tempérament actif des grands chiens, associé à une masse corporelle importante, peut solliciter les articulations. Avec le temps, les articulations peuvent devenir sensibles, ce qui risque de provoquer une certaine raideur et une réduction ou un ralentissement du mouvement.

Royal canin veterinary chien renal special mousse 12 x 410g

69.77 EUR
Les pâtées chien ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY DOG RENAL SPECIAL sont des pâtées complètes pour chiens  destinées à soutenir la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur  réduite en phosphore et en protéines de haute qualité. Il est recommandé de demander l'avis d'un vétérinaire  avant de les donner à votre chien. Utiliser au départ VETERINARY DOG RENAL SPECIAL sec pour une durée allant jusqu'à 6 mois  en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique.

Royal canin veterinary chat renal select - 4 kg

75.31 EUR
Les croquettes chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT RENAL SELECT sont des croquettes complètes chat destinées à soutenir la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur réduite en phosphore et en protéines de haute qualité. Elles sont également indiquées pour la réduction de la formation des calculs d'oxalate, en raison de leur faible teneur en calcium et vitamine D, et de leurs propriétés d'alcalinisation de l'urine. Il est recommandé de demander l'avis d'un vétérinaire avant de les donner à votre chat. Utiliser au départ VETERINARY CAT RENAL pour période maximale allant jusqu'à 6 mois en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique et réduction de la formation des calculs d'oxalate.

Royal canin cat urinary moderate calorie 1,5 kg

28.95 EUR
Les croquettes chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT URINARY S/O MODERATE CALORIE sont des croquettes complètes chat destinées à dissoudre les calculs de struvite et réduire les récidives grâce à ses propriétés acidifiant lurine et sa faible teneur en magnésium.

Royal canin veterinary renal special 2 kg

24.36 EUR
Les croquettes chien ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY DOG RENAL SPECIAL sont des croquettes complètes pour chiens destinées à soutenir  la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur réduite en phosphore et en protéines de haute  qualité. Il est recommandé de demander l'avis d'un vétérinaire avant de les donner à votre chien. Utiliser au départ VETERINARY  DOG RENAL SPECIAL sec pour une durée allant jusqu'à 6 mois en cas d'insuffisance rénale  chronique.

Royal canin – renal – croquettes – chat – 2 kg

41.07 EUR
Les croquettes chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT RENAL sont des croquettes complètes chat destinées à soutenir la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur réduite en phosphore et en protéines de haute qualité. Elles sont également indiquées pour la réduction de la formation des calculs d'oxalate, en raison de leur faible teneur en calcium et vitamine D, et de leurs propriétés d'alcalinisation de l'urine. Il est recommandé de demander l'avis d'un vétérinaire avant de les donner à votre chat. Utiliser au départ VETERINARY CAT RENAL pour période maximale allant jusqu'à 6 mois en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique et réduction de la formation des calculs d'oxalate.

Royal canin veterinary chat renal poissons sachets 12 x 85 g

22.98 EUR
Les pâtées chat ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY CAT RENAL THON sont des pâtées complètes pour les chats destinées à soutenir la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur réduite en phosphore et en protéines de haute qualité. Les pâtées VETERINARY CAT RENAL THON sont également indiquées pour la réduction de la formation des calculs d'oxalate, en raison de leur faible teneur en calcium et vitamine D, et de leurs propriétés d'alcalinisation de l'urine.

Royal canin veterinary chien renal select 2 kg

24.36 EUR
Les croquettes chien ROYAL CANIN VETERINARY DOG RENAL SELECT sont des croquettes complètes sont pour la chien en vue de soutenir  la fonction rénale en cas d'insuffisance rénale chronique, grâce à sa teneur réduite en phosphore et  en protéines de haute qualité.

hayatospeed TRIWAToriwa Watch Women's Subalan White Dial Bracelet Link Belt Silver GRACE SVALAN SVST110-BS121212 Genuine Imported Product Swedish Scandinavian

149.27 EUR
Dial: Mineral crystal glass Belt: Stainless steel link belt Waterproof: Daily life waterproof (5 ATM) Warranty: 2 years regular warranty Included: Exclusive box, instruction manual (Japanese) official warranty)

hayatospeed [Ice Watch] Watch Unisex Ice Grace Medium ICE Grace Classy Red Purple 018647 [Item]

127.99 EUR
ice watch ice watch women's watch 018647 40mm Size Case size: H approx. 40mm x W approx. 40mm x D approx. 8mm Specifications Quartz (formula) / Japanese movement / Analog / Water resistant for everyday use (10 ATM) / Belt Arm circumference: Up to approximately 18cm / Buckle pin buckle Accessories Ice watch exclusive BOX, international warranty, instruction manual (specifications may change without notice) Color Dial color: Classy red (purple) / Case, belt color: Classy red (purple) Material Case material: Silicone / Belt material: Silicone / Glass material: Mineral crystal

hayatospeed Authorized Distributor [Ice Watch] Ice Watch Watch Ladies Unisex 018646 Ice Grace Classy Green Medium

212.08 EUR
[Material] Case: Silicone, Case back: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Silicone [Size] Case diameter: 40mm, Case thickness: 9mm, Arm circumference: Approx. 12.5-18cm, Weight: 43g, Movement : Japanese quartz Accessories: Genuine Ice-Watch (BOX, warranty), genuine product certificate Waterproofing: 10 ATM water resistant (reinforced daily life waterproofing) Series with integrated belt and dial Introducing the [Classy] collection, which uses deeper colors than [ICE] Simple, popular colors such as navy, deep green, wine red, and beige, with shiny stainless steel parts on the indexes and hands. A model with a sophisticated and adult atmosphere. This collection is easy to coordinate with your outfits throughout the year, and is perfect as a pair watch with the same color but different shapes or the same model in different colors. All waterproof to 10 ATM.

hayatospeed RORIOS watch Women's Watch Waterproof Made in Japan Quartz Square Face Mesh Band Popular Casual WorkSchool Watch Black B

88.99 EUR
[Specifications] Dial diameter: 23mm, case thickness: 8mm, band width: 10mm, circumference: 230mm, weight: 50g. Square face, mesh band, Japanese quartz movement, analog display. [Features] The simple dial makes it easy to use and can be used by people of all ages. An artificial diamond is used at the 12 o'clock scale, and when the light is reflected, it has a sparkling and luxurious feel and shines on your wrist like jewelry. ★Set contents: Main body *1, elaborate gift box *1, band adjustment machine *1, instruction manual *1. [Design]★Equipped with a waterproof function for daily life, so you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. ★The dial uses bar indexes for a clean look. Although it is simple, it has a presence. ★The slender belt, which is only 10mm wide, looks like a stylish accessory and has a charm that other products do not have. ★A wide variety of colors are available, so you can choose your favorite color. [Recommended occasions] Feel free to use it regardless of your age. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, etc. With its good quality and affordable price, this item makes a great gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed RORIOS watch Women's Watch Waterproof Made in Japan Quartz Square Face Mesh Band Popular Casual WorkSchool Watch Green

88.99 EUR
[Specifications] Dial diameter: 23mm, case thickness: 8mm, band width: 10mm, circumference: 230mm, weight: 50g. Square face, mesh band, Japanese quartz movement, analog display. [Features] The simple dial makes it easy to use and can be used by people of all ages. An artificial diamond is used at the 12 o'clock scale, and when the light is reflected, it has a sparkling and luxurious feel and shines on your wrist like jewelry. ★Set contents: Main body *1, elaborate gift box *1, band adjustment machine *1, instruction manual *1. [Design]★Equipped with a waterproof function for daily life, so you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. ★The dial uses bar indexes for a clean look. Although it is simple, it has a presence. ★The slender belt, which is only 10mm wide, looks like a stylish accessory and has a charm that other products do not have. ★A wide variety of colors are available, so you can choose your favorite color. [Recommended occasions] Feel free to use it regardless of your age. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, etc. With its good quality and affordable price, this item makes a great gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed Square Watch Men's Calendar Silver: Luminous Analog Stainless Steel Strap 3ATM Waterproof Three Dummy Dials Quartz Watch Fashion Watch - Birthday

76.99 EUR
[Men's Square Watch] Specifications: Luminous analog display, stainless steel strap, calendar, three decorative dials, quartz watch, 3ATM waterproof [12 Month Warranty] Returns, refunds, and exchanges are possible within 30 days of purchase. is. [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Men's watch [Material] Stainless steel [Size] Belt length (24cm) Case size: (5.8cm) * (4.7cm) Case thickness: (1.2cm) Strap width: (2.4cm) Weight] 144g

hayatospeed Men's Stainless Steel Pair Watch Couple: Analog Display Square Waterproof Simple Length Adjustable Quartz Watch Fashion Watch Gold - Boyfriend,

68.88 EUR
[Stainless Steel Gold Couple Watch] Specifications: Gold wristwatch, analog display, square case, stainless steel belt, waterproof for everyday use, quartz watch . [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Men's watch, cloth bag [Size] Longest wearing size: 17.5-24cm/Case: (3.7cm)*(3.1cm)/Thickness: (1cm)/Band width: (1.8cm) [Movement] Quartz [Weight] 54g

hayatospeed Women's Watch Simple Stylish Square Arm Watch Women's Watch Ladies Waterproof Casual Analog Quartz Business Brand Cute Stainless Steel Small Square

82.9 EUR
SKMEI Women's Watch Simple Stylish Square: Small Watch Women's Casual Watch, Fashion Shiny Square Case, Stainless Steel Band Watch has a gorgeous design that will make you feel gorgeous. Wear this watch for business, leisure, daily use indoors and outdoors, it is suitable for you and your friends. Women's Watches Waterproof Stylish Cute: Women's Watches Cheap Popular Know the time to arrange your daily tasks. Work efficiently and quickly. Easy to adjust the watch band. Waterproof 30M, waterproof for hand washing, swimming and daily use, not suitable for underwater activities. Note: Do not press any buttons underwater. Not suitable for swimming or bathing. Small Watch Women Cheap Popular Casual Fashion Watch, Using high quality anti-reflective durable coating dial window, synthetic sapphire lens is scratch resistant and durable. Original movement with accurate travel time. L1400 Ladies Watch Standards: Case diameter, 22mm. Case thickness, 9mm. Weight, 57g. Band width, 14mm. Band length, 200mm. Square Ladies Watch Simple Stylish Cute Stainless Steel: Gold Silver Black Strap. Simple square clock, stainless steel band has a gorgeous design that will make you feel gorgeous. Women's Watch Square Luxury Present Ideal Gift: Simple Fashionable Design, Suitable for Casual, Work and Travel. Applicable to young girls, women, wives, ladies, businesswomen. Also suitable for outdoor and indoor sports such as running, climbing, school season, Christmas, Valentine's Day, wedding, Mother's Day, birthday party, wedding, business events, etc.As a gift.

hayatospeed Women's Seiko Watch Copy Elastic Strap: Stainless Steel Watch Square Roman Numerals Quartz Precision Watch Waterproof Cool Bangle Watch Business

68.99 EUR
[Creative Design] The designer took inspiration from the classic works of the past and combined it with modern fashion elements to design this kind of jewelry. Its cutting-edge design and retro elements represent moving forward and moving forward. We believe that this accessory will make customers feel the fashion of the times. [High Quality Stainless Steel Material] Artificially cast from stainless steel, hypoallergenic and has a highly polished surface. Made of surgical stainless steel, this item can be used even by people with metal allergies. [Ideal Present] A very classic gothic element, perfect as a unique party or daily jewelry ring for men and women. Ideal Gift - Perfect for Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Anniversary, New Year or Christmas, Birthday, Party. [Convenient storage] It comes in a brand-specific box (watch case) or a special bag, and in the case of an adjustable stainless steel strap, it comes with an adjustment tool and is thoughtfully packaged so that it arrives with care. It is very convenient whether you give it as a gift to a customer or use it yourself. [90-Day Worry-Free Guarantee] 3-month exchange, return, and money-back guarantee. In the unlikely event that an initial defect occurs, please feel free to contact us. If you have any problems with your purchase, please feel free to contact us. I will do my best to help you.

hayatospeed [ZOMO Adore 3656] Quartz Swiss Movement Stainless Steel Bracelet Waterproof Men's Square Unique Regular Number Dial Multi-Hand Clock (Black)

291.04 EUR
Fashion design: The time is displayed on a rectangular white dial with a black line-like pattern, giving it a strong three-dimensional feel. The silver case is made of stainless steel with an ear pattern, making it a fashionable yet simple watch. The unique analog quartz and square shape also enhances outstanding visibility. Applications A simple and classic men's watch: The simple design is perfect for casual shirts and jerseys and business suits. Recommended as a special gift for a friend. Movement: Swiss quartz movement, time is accurate. It has a lifespan of about 2 years and is easy to replace by yourself. Waterproof performance: Waterproof for daily life Waterproof to 5 ATM (no showering, swimming, etc.) Case material: 316L high-precision stainless steel Band material: Cowhide + 316 stainless steel lock Included: Watch case, English warranty, English handling Warranty period: One year regular warranty

hayatospeed RORIOS Women's Watch Square Face Waterproof Diamond Glitter Made in Japan Quartz Mesh Band Elegant Watch Casual Commuting to School Watch Black B

101.91 EUR
[Specifications] Dial diameter: 27*24mm, case thickness: 9mm, band width: 14mm, circumference: 150mm, weight: 30g. Square face, Japanese quartz movement, analog display. [Sparkling and cute dial] Fantastic artificial diamond index: The dial has an artificial diamond decoration. It has a slightly mature design that will tickle the hearts of girls who admire diamonds. It reflects the light, giving it a sparkling and luxurious feel, and shines on your wrist like jewelry. [Design]★Equipped with a waterproof function for daily life, so you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. ★The movement is made in Japan, so it is reliable as a watch. ★A wide variety of colors are available, so you can choose your favorite color. [Recommended occasions] Feel free to use it regardless of your age. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, etc. With its good quality and affordable price, this item makes a great gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed Authorized Distributor [MATOW] Matou Watch Women's Tsuki Gekka Square Gold Green mw003003

294.99 EUR
[Material] Case: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Stainless steel, Movement: SEIKO VX00A [Size] Case size: 29mm x 19mm, case thickness: 6.8mm, band width: 9mm, wrist circumference: approx. 14.5cm/15cm (two-step adjustment), waterproof: 3ATM (daily life waterproof) [Waterproof] 3 ATM (3AT) M, waterproof for daily life) [Accessories]MATOW original BOX, warranty *Please note that it cannot be replaced with leather belts, mesh belts, bangles, or leather bracelets exclusive to [Shiki Collection].

hayatospeed [Henry London] Watch Heritage Square Heritage White Dial Stainless Steel Mineral Glass Quartz 26MM UK London Watch HL26-QM-0264 Women's Coupon [Item]

145.99 EUR
Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty included Waterproof for extraordinary life Stainless steel (RGPVD) case Stainless steel (RGPVD) belt

hayatospeed Lancardo Men's Japanese Quartz Waterproof Simple Leather Strap Analog Display Square Face Roman Display Blue Antique Style Casual Perfect for

78.79 EUR
Specifications: Japanese quartz, analog display, antique-style square face Roman display, calendar, leather belt, waterproof for everyday use Antique-style square face Roman analog display, combination of luxurious leather with a stylish shine stainless steel case is an elegant watch. It goes perfectly with casual fashion. It can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. This watch is recommended for your own use or as a gift for your close friend, lover, family member, or other important person. Package: Watch, cloth bag Warranty: 12 months warranty. Exchanges, returns, and refunds are possible within one month of purchase. If there is a problem with the product, we will respond quickly, so please purchase with confidence.

hayatospeed Women's Watch Simple Square Leather Strap Arm Watch Small Stylish Waterproof Ultra Thin Lightweight Business Brand Cute Casual Women's Watch Present

72.5 EUR
Watch Ladies Simple Square Leather Strap Casual Watch, Fashion Polished Round Case, Genuine Leather Strap with Release Pin Buckle is attractive and superior as it is carefully designed to withstand the test of time. Women's Watch Small Square Business Ultra Thin Lightweight Waterproof :Women's Watch Cheap Popular Know the time to arrange your daily tasks. Work efficiently and quickly. Waterproof up to 30 meters 3ATM, waterproof for hand washing, swimming, daily use, not suitable for underwater activities. Note: Do not press any buttons underwater. Women's Watches Leather Strap Cheap Popular Fashion Watch adopts stable quality Japanese quartz movement. Black brown strap, color fastness, genuine leather watch strap, breathable and comfortable wearing experience, Perfect for armwear. Women's Square Watch Waterproof Lightweight Simple Stylish Cute, LA362 Women's Watch Standards: Thickness 8MM, Diameter 25MM, Band Width 12mm, Length 225mm, Women's Watch Weight 22g. Women's Watch Gold Silver Gift Watch yourself, A beautiful gift watch for your lover, or your friend. A great design silicone watch for young women, girls and women. Recommended for Christmas, Mother's Day, birthdays, wedding gifts, Valentine's Day, etc. The best gift, the perfect gift.

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch Fragola Sweatproof Belt Square Case Watch H03321A-1 SVMOC Women's Brown

72.99 EUR
Case width: 28mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Sweatproof belt Splash-proof specification

hayatospeed costick Watch Genuine Leather Square Type Round Watch AROUND-WATCH Big Face Design Watch with Rotating Dial (White x Black)

157.82 EUR
AROUND WATCH, a watch with a rotating dial. A sparkling rotating motif on a clear skeleton face. Square face with skeleton sides and back. The small and cute dial with a playing card motif rotates according to the movement of your arm. As it sways naturally, the dial sparkles. The belt is made of crocodile-embossed [genuine leather], so it feels familiar and fits well. [Size] Overall size: (approx.) 34mm x 44mm, Dial: (approx.) 25mm x 30mm [Weight] (approx.) 70g [Material] Dial: Alloy, glass, Belt part: GENUINE LEATHER (genuine leather) ) [Arm circumference] 7-step adjustment Minimum (approx.) 17cm, maximum (approx.) 21cm [Movement] Quartz [Country of origin] China [Warranty period] 1 week from the date of arrival of the product [Note] *The motif on the dial rotates at random speed and direction, but it may be difficult to rotate depending on the way the product is tilted or moved. Please note that this is not a product defect. - There may be slight changes in design depending on the lot. We cannot accept cancellations or returns after an order has been placed due to customer circumstances such as a different image. ・As this is an overseas product, there may be some scratches, dirt, distortion of the rhinestones, some peeling of the metal parts, some adhesive protrusion, etc. In either case, the product will not be considered defective and will not be eligible for return or exchange. - The built-in one is for inspection purposes, so it may break easily. It may be stopped by the time you arrive. In that case, please contact your local watch store or home center. We cannot accept returns or exchanges if the product is not working when it arrives.

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch fragola Classical Square Watch N05423A-1 GR Women's Green

75.99 EUR
Case size: Approx. 25mm x Approx. 25mm (length x width/excluding crown) Arm circumference: 130-180mm Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed Datirzyx (Datirzyx) Upper case digital watch, men's, easy to see at night, multi-function watch, square shape, sports watch, waterproof arm watch,

75.82 EUR
[Features of men's watches] Uppercase letters make it easy to check the time even with presbyopia! Comes with an EL backlight so you can see clearly even in the dark! The soft PU band makes it easy to attach! It looks cool and fashionable and makes you feel a strong presence! The case and buckle are made of stainless steel and are shock resistant and can be used for a long time. [Multi-functional watch] Alarm, stopwatch, double time, timer, time signal, EL backlight, 12/24 hour display, waterproof function (daily life) Waterproof level) [Product specifications] Case length: Approx. 44 mm Width: 41.1 mm, Case thickness: Approx. 13.8 mm, Band width: Approx. 23 mm, Band length: Approx. 250 mm (Minimum arm circumference approx. 175 mm, Maximum Arm circumference approx. 220 mm), Weight: approx. 50.1 g [Applicable occasions] Cool design and sporty dial style for everyday use, commuting, travel, sports, men's employment, birthdays, Christmas presents, and graduations It is also recommended for school entrance celebrations [Long lasting! Made in Japan] Buttons imported from Japan, long lifespan, can be used for up to 2 years depending on frequency of use. Exchangeable! Please refer to the instruction manual for replacement instructions! There is a difference of about 30 seconds to 1 minute per month (please be aware of this before purchasing)

hayatospeed [Seiko Watch] Angenie Square Quartz Watch AHJK466 Women's Silver

167.99 EUR
Individual box, instruction manual, domestic warranty included Average monthly difference ±20 seconds

hayatospeed Men's Square Watch, Waterproof, Stylish: Luminous Analog Calendar, Stainless Steel Strap, Quartz Casual Watch, Black, Men's Fashion Accessories -

85.68 EUR
[Square watch] [3ATM waterproof] [Calendar] [Luminous analog] [Adjustable belt length] A simple and stylish analog men's casual stainless steel wristwatch. [Please note that the three small front panels are decorations and have no special functions] [From casual to business] Commuting to work, school, dates, weddings, birthday parties, parties, events, business gifts, etc. Perfect for [Perfect for personal use or as a gift] Recommended as a gift for your lover, friends, or family on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. [90 Days Money Back Guarantee] In the unlikely event that the product you receive is defective, please contact our store and we will resend or refund, so don't worry. [Gift box provided] Not only can it be used as a present, but it can also be conveniently stored for your own use. [Specifications] Movement: Quartz Material: Stainless steel Maximum inner circumference: (24cm) Case diameter: (5.8cm)*(4.7cm) Belt thickness (1.2cm) Belt width (2.4cm) Weight: 144g

hayatospeed Square Watch Men's 3ATM Waterproof: Luminous Analog Calendar Skeleton Stainless Steel Strap Star Moon Quartz Watch Casual Stylish Black Men's Fashion

80.79 EUR
[Square watch] [3ATM waterproof] [Calendar] [Luminous analog] [Stainless steel strap length adjustable] A simple and stylish analog romantic starry sky men's casual stainless steel wristwatch. [Please note that the three small front panels are decorations and have no special functions] [From casual to business] Commuting to work, school, dates, weddings, birthday parties, parties, events, business gifts, etc. Perfect for [Perfect for personal use or as a gift] Recommended as a gift for your lover, friends, or family on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. [90 Days Money Back Guarantee] In the unlikely event that the product you receive is defective, please contact our store and we will resend or refund, so don't worry. [Gift box provided] Not only can it be used as a present, but it can also be conveniently stored for your own use. [Specifications] Movement: Quartz Material: Stainless steel Maximum inner circumference: (25cm) Case diameter: (5.1cm)*(4.2cm) Belt thickness (1.2cm) Belt width (2.2cm) Weight: 125g

hayatospeed [Follow] Watch Kalanchoe Square Acetic Bezel Watch H05022A-1 MOC Women's Brown

84.99 EUR
Case width: 29mm Arm circumference: 140-190mm Waterproof for daily life

hayatospeed VICTORIA HYDE Watch Japanese Quartz Daisy Daily Waterproof Watch Genuine Leather Simple Retro Ladies Watch Women Popular Mother's Day Present Square

121.99 EUR
★Stylish watch: The dial has a beautiful floral pattern that makes women's arms look more beautiful and soft. It will be a wonderful accessory that will attract attention. ★Japanese quartz: Equipped with a Japanese quartz movement, you can measure time more accurately. Case diameter: 36mm*28mm, thickness: 7.2mm ★Adjustable genuine leather belt: Made of soft leather, it is gentle on the skin and comfortable to wear. You can also easily adjust the length of the strap to fit around your wrist. ★Waterproof for everyday life: Water resistant to 30m, can withstand splashes and short-term submersion, but is not suitable for swimming or bathing. Please keep it dry for long time use. ★Best gift: Delivered in a nice VICTORIA HYDE gift box. Perfect gift for women on weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, anniversaries, etc.

hayatospeed RORIOS watch men's business waterproof square multi-hand analog stopwatch calendar date display luminous multi-function Japanese movement quartz

99.99 EUR
[Multi-function]★Multi-hand analogue: 3 sub-counters (minute counter, second counter, hour counter) have stopwatch function. ★Date display: With a simple and easy-to-read calendar function, you won't miss any important dates. ★Luminous function: The hands of the watch are coated with luminous paint. Absorbs light in a short time and supports visibility in dark places. ★Waterproof for daily life: It can withstand a certain amount of flying rainwater, and can be used in daily life such as doing laundry or going out. [Excellent Practicality] ★Uses a high-quality Japanese movement and excellent durability, so it can provide accurate time display. ★Equipped with a high-quality mineral glass surface, it has excellent durability, is difficult to break, has high transparency and excellent safety, and can effectively prevent scratches. [Genuine Leather Belt] Leather bands are easy to express your taste and have a unique atmosphere, so you can create a more mature atmosphere such as [classic feel] or [formal feel]. It is also good for those who want to look like they are an expert on watches. [Great for a variety of occasions] Perfect for both business and casual wear. Suitable for everyday use, work, leisure, parties, and other occasions. Recommended as a gift for someone special on Christmas, Father's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, etc., or as a reward for yourself. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed Women's Watch Antique Square Leather Belt: Roman Alphabet Analog Waterproof Leather Belt Casual Business Fashion Watch Women's Accessories - Birthday

69.99 EUR
[Square watch] [Romaji analog display] [Quartz watch] [Waterproof for daily life] [Fashion watch] Stylish leather belt ladies watch Antique ladies watch [Perfect for personal use or as a gift] Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas Recommended as a gift for your lover, friends, and family. [From casual to business] Ideal for commuting to work, school, sports, dates, festivals, weddings, birthday parties, parties, events, etc. [90-day money back guarantee] If the product you receive is defective. Please rest assured that if you contact our store, we will be able to resend or refund the item. [ JewelryWe gift bag provided] Not only can it be used as a gift, but it can also be used for personal storage. [Specifications] Movement: Quartz Material: Alloy + Synthetic Leather

hayatospeed [Seiko Watch] Wristwatch Angène Square Quartz AHJK467 Women's Silver

132.99 EUR
Individual box, instruction manual, and domestic warranty included Average monthly difference of ±20 seconds White pearl dial

hayatospeed RORIOS watch Women's Square Face Waterproof Japanese Quartz Mesh Band Simple Popular Watch Casual WorkSchool Watch Black

99.99 EUR
[Specifications] Dial diameter: 29mm, case thickness: 8mm, band width: 16mm, circumference: 245mm, weight: 50g. Square face, mesh band, Japanese quartz movement, analog display. [Features] The simple dial makes it easy to use and can be used by people of all ages. Adopts bar indexes for a clean look. Although it is simple, it has a presence. ★Set contents: Main body *1, elaborate gift box *1, band adjustment machine *1, instruction manual *1. [Design]★Equipped with a waterproof function for daily life, so you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. ★The movement is made in Japan, so it is reliable as a watch. ★A wide variety of colors are available, so you can choose your favorite color. ★Length can be adjusted freely: Equipped with a belt adjuster, making it easy to adjust the length. [Recommended occasions] Feel free to use it regardless of your age. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, etc. With its good quality and affordable price, this item makes a great gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed [Raport] Wristwatch Rhinestone Square Face 165022 Women's Black

79.99 EUR
Target: Ladies Set contents: Main unit, instruction manual, warranty included Waterproof for daily life: Country of origin: China

hayatospeed AUREOLE Japanese Square Quartz Women's Watch Leather Band SW-590L-G

171 EUR
Reliable women's quartz made in Japan. The mother-of-pearl dial gives a sense of elegance. ■Size Length 30.5 x Width 19.5 x Thickness 7.0mm Weight 20.0g ■Materials Case: Stainless Steel Band: Cowhide (ice leather pink) Windshield: Crystal Dial: Mother of Pearl ■Features Japanese quartz (VX51E ), waterproof for daily life ■Made in Japan, 1 year warranty

hayatospeed RORIOS watch Women's Watch Waterproof Square Face Japanese Movement Quartz Stainless Steel Band Popular Casual WorkSchool Watch White

133.99 EUR
[Specifications] Dial diameter: 31mm, case thickness: 8mm, band width: 14mm, circumference: 170mm, weight: 40g. Square face, stainless steel band, Japanese quartz movement, analog display. [Features] The dial uses Roman letters, giving it a nice look. The simple dial makes it easy to use and can be used by people of all ages. ★Set contents: Main body *1, elaborate gift box *1, band adjustment machine *1, instruction manual *1. [Waterproof for everyday life] Since it has a waterproof function for everyday life, you can use it without worrying about water droplets when washing your face or light rain. [Recommended occasions] Feel free to use it regardless of your age. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, receptions, parties, etc. With its good quality and affordable price, this item makes a great gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed Pair Watches Couple Watches Popular Waterproof: Roman Analog Square Watch Antique Stainless Steel Silver Couple Accessories - Anniversary Valentine's

74.89 EUR
Antique design with a strong presence and excellent usability. This is a popular stainless steel square pair watch that goes well with any style. Applications: It can be used in a variety of situations, such as everyday use, commuting to work, school, daycare, Halloween, party events, etc. Recommended as a gift for yourself or as a gift for your father, friend, boyfriend, or girlfriend on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, etc. Returns, exchanges, and refunds are accepted within 30 days from the date of purchase. It's possible. If there is any problem with the product, please contact customer service.

hayatospeed [Raport] Watch Square Face 165026 Women's Brown

79.99 EUR
Target: Ladies Set contents: Main unit, instruction manual, warranty included Waterproof for daily life: Country of origin: China

hayatospeed Women's Stainless Steel Calendar Analog Display: 3ATM Waterproof Antique Rome Stylish Pair Watch Square Quartz Watch Silver Black Men's Fashion

84.18 EUR
[Couple watch] Calendar, 3ATM waterproof, stainless steel belt, square case, Roman numeral analog display, antique and stylish, men's and women's quartz pair watch, pair watch. [Perfect for personal use or as a gift] Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas Recommended as a gift for your lover, friends, and family. [From casual to business] Ideal for commuting to work, school, dates, festivals, weddings, birthday parties, parties, events, business gifts, etc. [90-day return and refund guarantee] In the unlikely event that the product arrives defective. If so, please don't worry, if you contact us, we will be able to resend or refund the item. [Gift box provided] Not only can it be used as a gift, but it can also be conveniently stored for your own use. [Specifications] Movement: Quartz Material: Stainless steel Longest inner circumference: (21cm) Shortest inner circumference: (16cm) Case diameter: (3.6cm)*(2.5cm) Belt thickness (1cm) Belt width (1.4cm) Weight: 58g

hayatospeed VICTORIA HYDE Women's Watch Stainless Steel Mesh Band Women Popular Mother's Day Daisies Present Square Arm Watch Japanese Quartz Daily Waterproof

123.99 EUR
[Simple and Fashionable Ladies Watch] Equipped with a Japanese quartz movement, it measures time more accurately. The simple design goes well with everyday clothes and is perfect as a stylish decoration! [Excellent Craftsmanship] High hardness and wear-resistant mineral mirror glass protects the watch from scratches, and also has an easy-to-read dial. [30M Waterproof Function] Can withstand daily water splashes and hand washing, but is not suitable for swimming or showering. [Adjustable Mesh Band] Compared to ordinary stainless steel, we use a mesh belt that is lighter, so your wrist won't get tired even when worn for a long time. It is easy to adjust the length of the band according to your wrist circumference. [Best Gift] Comes with a gift box, perfect gift for Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc.

hayatospeed Square Face Women's Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch Simple Waterproof Cute Silver Black

68.75 EUR
Fashion accessories for women's watches, everyday use, work, school, dates, etc. Waterproof: Daily waterproof, do not put it in water. Recommended gift for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas, New Year, family, lovers and friends. Length: 8.1 (20.5cm), Case length*width: 2.0 (5.1cm)*0.7 (1.8cm) 30-day money back guarantee. If you receive a defective item, Please contact us and we will replace it with a new one for free.

hayatospeed [Montre Seiko] Rukia Grow Square Design Solar Radio Wave SSVW212 Femme Argent + Lady Gold

599.99 EUR
Boîte individuelle et garantie incluses Fonction de correction des ondes radio solaires (reçoit les ondes radio standard du Japon, de Chine, d'Amérique et d'Allemagne) Environ 6 mois lorsqu'elle est complètement chargée, environ 1,5 an en mode économie d'énergie Fonction de calendrier entièrement automatique (jusqu'au 31 décembre 2099) Avec calendrier (rendez-vous amoureux) fonction

hayatospeed Men's Square Analog Waterproof Watch: Leather Belt Quartz Watch Rock Punk Fashion Watch White - Birthday Christmas Valentine's Day Boyfriend Gift

73.99 EUR
[Men's watch] Specifications: Analog display, square case, leather strap, quartz watch, waterproof for daily life. [12-month warranty] Returns, refunds, and exchanges are possible within 30 days of purchase. [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Watch, cloth bag [Material] Alloy + PU synthetic leather [Size] Maximum wearing size: (24cm) Minimum wearing size: (16.5cm) Case size: (4.8cm)*(4.6cm) Case thickness Size: (1cm) Belt width: (3cm) [Weight] 75g

hayatospeed Datirzyx (Datirzyx) Upper case digital watch, men's, easy to see at night, multi-function watch, square shape, sports watch, waterproof arm watch,

68.19 EUR
[Features of men's watches] Uppercase letters make it easy to check the time even with farsightedness! Comes with an EL backlight so you can see clearly even in the dark! The soft PU band makes it easy to attach! It looks cool and fashionable and makes you feel a strong presence! The case and buckle are made of stainless steel and are shock resistant and can be used for a long time. [Multi-functional watch] Alarm, stopwatch, double time, timer, time signal, EL backlight, 12/24 hour display, waterproof function (daily life) Waterproof level) [Product specifications] Case length: Approx. 44 mm Width: 41.1 mm, Case thickness: Approx. 13.8 mm, Band width: Approx. 23 mm, Band length: Approx. 250 mm (Minimum arm circumference approx. 175 mm, Maximum Arm circumference approx. 220 mm), Weight: approx. 50.1 g [Applicable occasions] Cool design and sporty dial style for everyday use, commuting, travel, sports, new jobs for men, birthdays, Christmas presents, and graduations It is also recommended for school entrance celebrations [Long lasting! Made in Japan] Buttons imported from Japan, long lifespan, can be used for up to 2 years depending on frequency of use. Exchangeable! Please refer to the instruction manual for replacement instructions! There is a difference of about 30 seconds to 1 minute per month (please be aware of this before purchasing)

hayatospeed [Seiko Watch] Watch Lucia Square SSVW098

563.99 EUR
Target: Women Set contents: Main unit, box, instruction manual, warranty card included Reinforced waterproof for daily life: 10 BAR Country of origin: Japan ・Overcharge prevention function・Immediate start function・Power save function ・Full auto calendar function (until December 31, 2099) ・Radio wave correction function (receives standard radio waves from Japan, China, America, and Germany) ・Auto reception function ・Forced reception function ・Reception result display function ・Time difference correction function ・Hand position automatic correction function

hayatospeed Men's Watch Strap Lancardo Leather Band 3ATM Waterproof Linear Dial Square Dial Simple Casual Quartz Analog Display Business New Year Preset Birthday

78.99 EUR
[Design] Suitable for men and boys, this watch has an extremely simple design and is easy to match with casual and stylish outfits. [3ATM Waterproof] Waterproof to 3 ATM Water resistance depth: 3atm 3bar Waterproof function that can withstand sweat in daily life, water droplets when washing your face, rain showers, etc. This is a recommended preset for anniversaries/Christmas/New Years/Birthdays//Enrollment/Graduation/Graduation gifts and gifts. Package: Watch, Box [Warranty] 12 months warranty. You can return, refund, or exchange items within 30 days of purchase.

hayatospeed Authorized Distributor [MATOW] Matou Watch Women's Leather Belt mw006003 [Tsuki Awatsuki -Tangetsu-] Mini Square Gold White Black Leather

338.74 EUR
[Material] Case: Stainless steel, Windshield: Mineral glass, Band: Stainless steel, Movement: Ronda-1042 (Quartz) [Size] Case size: 16mm x 16mm, Case thickness: 7.5mm, Weight: 18g, Waterproof :3ATM Warranty, exclusive BOX 1 year (movement section only) [Awatsuki] quietly enveloping the night [Awatsuki] Expressing the gentle and discreet shining moon. Its pale light creates a dreamlike atmosphere, as if you are in a dream, gently enveloping the surrounding scenery. [Awatsuki]'s light is not strong by any means, but its soft glow gives a quiet yet deep impression. Adopts a compact square case with a diameter of 15 mm, inspired by Awatsuki, which has an understated beauty and delicacy. The Roman numeral index and beautiful blue steel hands create a classic atmosphere, and you can feel the attention to detail. The movement is equipped with a Swiss made Ronda quartz movement.

hayatospeed Women's Watch Gold Square Arm Watch Women's Watch Diamond Waterproof Simple Stylish Casual Business Brand Stainless Steel Small Luxury Gift Brown

97.99 EUR
Women's Watch Rose Gold Square Fashion Business: Exquisitely designed and well set. Elegant dial design with exquisite watchmaking craftsmanship brings you the most ideal wearing experience. Wear this watch for business, leisure, indoor and outdoor daily use, it is suitable for you and your friends. Luxury watches for women are delivered quickly by Amazon and perfectly delivered to the address specified by the customer. Women's Watch Square Business Rose Gold Stylish Luxury High Quality: The analog display watch dial feature is the perfect gift or personal accessory for any occasion. The stainless steel waterproof women's watch is made of high quality anti-reflective and durable to prevent damage. Uses a gender-coated dial window. Women's Watch Stainless Steel Women's Watch Luxury, Waterproof 3ATM up to 30 meters, hand wash, rainwater, waterproof for daily use, not suitable for underwater activities. Note: Do not press any buttons underwater. Women's wrist watch, small, stylish, brand, screw-down crown. The bracelet can be resized. You can easily adjust it yourself. LA281 Women's Watch Standards: Thickness 10MM, Diameter 26MM, Band Width 14mm, Length 230mm, Women's Watch Weight 65g. Gold Watch Ladies Present Fashion Ideal Gift: Simple and lightweight design, suitable for casual, work and travel. Applicable to young girls, women, wives, ladies, businesswomen. Also suitable for outdoor and indoor sports such as running, climbing, school season, Christmas, Valentine's Day, wedding, Mother's Day, birthday party, wedding, business events, etc.As a gift.

hayatospeed Lancardo Men's Watch, Square Watch, 3ATM, Waterproof, Analog Display, Japanese Quartz, Genuine Leather Strap, Roman Math Calendar, Daily Life, Date,

79.08 EUR
[Daily life waterproofing] 3 ATM water resistant. Waterproofing function that can withstand sweat in daily life, water droplets when washing your face, rain showers, etc. Not suitable for diving, swimming, underwater work or underwater use. Clean the strap regularly with a soft cloth. [Men's Design] Suitable for men and boys, this watch has an extremely simple design and is easy to match with casual and stylish outfits. No matter what you wear, it will be a great addition to any occasion. This product is recommended for your own use or as a gift for your best friend, lover, family member, or other important person. Package: Watch, Box [Warranty] 12 months warranty. You can return, refund, or exchange items within 30 days of purchase.

hayatospeed RORIOS Men's Watch, Wooden Natural Wood Watch, Men's Square, Calendar Included, Analog, Popular, Quartz Watch, Stylish, Casual, Christmas, Birthday,

128.99 EUR
[Specifications]★Dial diameter: 40mm, case thickness: 12mm, band width: 25mm, band length: 210mm, weight: 60g. Wooden, 30M water resistant, analog display, quartz. ★Set contents: Main unit *1, elaborate gift box *1, Japanese and English instruction manual *1, belt adjuster *1. [With calendar] The analog display is easy to understand, and it also has a calendar function, so you can easily check the date and time. [Wooden watch] The natural wood material is lightweight, gentle on the skin, and does not put a strain on your wrist. The longer you use it, the oil and friction from your hands will cause the wood to develop a richer, more lustrous color. [Great for a variety of occasions] This design is suitable for both formal and casual occasions. It has a nice design that can be used not only for everyday use, but also for dates, banquets, workplaces, etc. We offer high quality, exquisite leather gift boxes. This item makes a great gift for Christmas, Father's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and weddings. [Service] RORIOS strives to provide the best products and services to our customers. Please rest assured that if there is any problem with the product while using it, we will respond quickly.

hayatospeed Watch Men's Leather Belt Calendar Antique: Square Roman Analog Display 3ATM Waterproof Stylish Quartz Watch Blue Business Casual Men's Fashion

79.08 EUR
[Men's Square Watch] A men's quartz wristwatch with calendar, Roman numeral analog display, genuine leather belt, square case, 3ATM waterproof, antique and stylish. [From casual to business] Perfect for commuting to work, school, dates, festivals, weddings, birthday parties, parties, events, business gifts, etc. [Perfect for personal use and gifts] Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day Recommended as a gift for your lover, friends, or family at Christmas, etc. [90 Days Money Back Guarantee] In the unlikely event that the product you receive is defective, please contact our store and we will resend or refund, so don't worry. [Gift bag provided] Not only can it be used as a gift, but it can also be conveniently stored for your own use. [Specifications] Movement: Quartz Material: Alloy + genuine leather belt + stainless steel Longest inner circumference: (23cm) Shortest inner circumference: (19cm) Case diameter: (4.5cm) * (3.5cm) Belt thickness (1.2cm) Belt width (2.2cm) Weight: 56g

hayatospeed Women's stainless steel calendar pair watch: 3ATM waterproof Roman numerals analog display square simple length adjustable quartz couple watch silver

89.07 EUR
[Stainless steel pair watch pair watch silver] Specifications: Couple watch, calendar, stainless steel belt, 3ATM waterproof, square case, Roman numeral analog display, quartz watch Exchange is possible. [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Women's watch, box [Material] Stainless steel [Size] Longest wearing size: 16-21cm/Case: (3.6cm)*(2.5cm)/Thickness: (1cm)/Band width: (1.4cm) ) [Movement] Quartz [Weight] 60g

hayatospeed Men's Roman Alphabet Analog Silver: Calendar 3ATM Waterproof Luminous Stainless Steel Strap Square Quartz Watch Fashion Watch - Birthday Christmas

75.09 EUR
[Men's Square Watch] Specifications: Luminous Roman numerals, analog display, stainless steel belt, calendar, quartz watch, 3ATM waterproof [12 Month Warranty] Returns, refunds, and exchanges are possible within 30 days of purchase. [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Men's watch [Material] Stainless steel [Size] Belt length (24cm) Case size: (5.8cm) * (4.7cm) Case thickness: (1.2cm) Strap width: (2.4cm) Weight] 144g

hayatospeed [MASTER WORKS] Masterworks Watch Quadrangle MW10SB-GCBRO8 Men's Made in Japan Quartz 33mm Leather Strap Men's Watch Square Black

254.99 EUR
Movement: Quartz (made in Japan) Case: Stainless steel 316L Case width: 33.8mm Case thickness: 8.5mm Glass: Mineral glass Belt: Italian leather Belt width: 18mm Weight: 56g Waterproof: 5 ATM water resistant

hayatospeed BERING Men's Analog Solar Square Collection Watch Stainless Steel Strap & Sapphire Crystal 16433-002 Genuine Imported Product 3 Year Internal

319.99 EUR
Function: Ecological solar Dial: Anti-scratch sapphire glass Belt: Stainless steel mesh belt with good ventilation Waterproof: Daily life waterproof (3 ATM) Warranty: 3 years regular warranty (Sapphire glass 5 year warranty) Included: Exclusive box, instruction manual (Japanese official warranty)

hayatospeed [JMW TOKYO] Men's Square Watch Blue & Silver Square Watch Rectangular Chronograph Limited Model Seiko Quartz Leather Band Genuine Leather Business

262.99 EUR
[Special Japanese movement] From the JMW (Japan Movement Watch) brand, which is particular about Japanese-made movements, the rectangular design of the curved case with a refreshing blue dial and matching blue genuine leather accents, and the serial number. This is a rare model that is engraved with [Limited to 300 pieces worldwide] and cannot be obtained anywhere else. [Product specifications] The unique blue-based dial is accented with silver sub-dials and indexes, making it suitable for executives. In addition, the blue genuine leather, which is the same color as the dial, creates a casual and mature look. [Serial number engraved] The back of the main case is engraved with an individual serial number [1-300] indicating a limited edition of 300 pieces worldwide, and [LIMITED EDITION] indicating a special limited edition model. This is a model that is not available. [Product specifications] It has perfect functions such as a chronograph, date calendar, and luminescent treatment. [Movement] Quartz manufactured by Seiko Instruments Inc. [Specifications] 1/10 second chronograph, date calendar, luminous processing, 30M (3 atm) waterproof [Size] Approx. 31mm x approx. 41mm x approx. 10mm [Weight] Approx. 53g [Arm] Circumference] Approximately 16-20cm [Accessories] Limited box, warranty, instruction manual, etc. [Manufacturer's warranty] 1 year warranty [As a gift] Gift for family, friends, bosses, etc. Perfect as a gift for celebrations, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas, anniversaries, and Father's Day.

hayatospeed [Citizen] Eco-Drive Waterproof Apple Leather SQUARE Collection Black White Pearl Shell EW5600-10E Women's

355.99 EUR
[CITIZEN L, a sustainable watch that is as beautiful as the earth] From the [SQUARE Collection], which is popular for its stylish appearance, a model with a timeless design and an easy-to-read model is now available. Equipped with photovoltaic eco-drive, so no need for replacement. This is a product that combines functionality and design. [Timeless and elegant design] The boldly cut sapphire curved glass, slightly rounded square case, and Arabic numeral indexes are used on the dial, with a rail placed for easy viewing. The cut position of the curved glass has been adjusted to reduce glare and improve visibility. [People-friendly functions and performance] Equipped with photovoltaic eco-drive for hassle-free operation. Converts a small amount of sunlight or light into electricity. Once fully charged, it will continue to work for a long time even in the absence of light, so there is no need for regular replacement. Water resistant to 5 ATM, safe for water work. The band is made of environmentally friendly material [apple leather]. [Product Details] Photovoltaic Eco-Drive, accuracy ±15 seconds/month, photovoltaic generation: 7 months, 5 ATM water resistant, curved cut sapphire glass, case/band: stainless steel, white pearl dial, dial parts : Partially recycled material [About charging] Solar tech that converts light into energy. Once fully charged, it will last about 7 months. When you first start using it, we recommend fully charging it under sunlight. Also, when you take it off your wrist, you can store it in a place where it is easily exposed to light, so you can use it in your daily life without worrying about it stopping. *You can also check the estimated charging time from the instruction manual on the manufacturer's website.

hayatospeed Square Watch Men's Waterproof Analog: Square Antique Leather Strap Simple Stylish Rectangular Watch Men's Accessories - Father's Day, Valentine's

68.99 EUR
This is a men's rectangular leather wristwatch with a unique and rock feel. If you're looking for rock charm, don't miss it. Applications: It can be used in a variety of situations, such as everyday use, commuting to work, school, daycare, Halloween, party events, etc. Recommended as a gift for yourself or for your father, friend, or boyfriend on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, etc. Returns, exchanges, and refunds are possible within 30 days from the date of purchase. is. If there is any problem with the product, please contact customer service.

hayatospeed Pair Watch Couple Stainless Steel Men's Watch: Analog Display Square Waterproof Simple Length Adjustable Quartz Watch Fashion Watch Silver -

68.79 EUR
[Stainless Steel Silver Couple Watch] Specifications: Pair watch, analog display, stainless steel belt, square case, waterproof for daily life, quartz watch . [Applications] Simple and casual design, can be used for any occasion, from holidays to business. [Perfect gift] Recommended for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones, such as your best friend, lover, or family member. [Package] Men's watch, cloth bag [Size] Longest wearing size: 17.5-24cm/Case: (3.7cm)*(3.1cm)/Thickness: (1cm)/Band width: (1.8cm) [Movement] Quartz [Weight] 54g

hayatospeed Men's Square Stylish Sports Watch Leather Belt Waterproof Casual Business Black Gift for Boyfriend Fashion Accessory

80.99 EUR
[Men's Watch] A popular analog quartz sports watch with a unique and stylish leather strap. [Daily life waterproof] [The small face is a decoration and has no special functions, please be careful] Movement type: Quartz [Material] Band: Synthetic leather; Case: Alloy Analog display Length 17-23cm Case diameter 5.2*5.9cm Thickness 1.4cm Band width 2.4cm Weight: 120g [Perfect for personal use or as a gift] Recommended as a gift for your lover, friend, or family member on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. . [From casual to business] Suitable for everyday use, work, school, dates, events, etc. for both business and private use. [ JewelryWe gift bag provided] Not only can it be used as a gift, but it can also be used for personal storage. [30 Days Money Back Guarantee] If the product you receive is defective, please contact our store and we will resend or refund, so don't worry.

hayatospeed Men's Square Watch Waterproof: Roman Analog Leather Strap Antique Simple Stylish Square Watch Men's Accessories - Father's Day, Valentine's Day,

76.83 EUR
Antique design with a strong presence and excellent usability. A leather strap square watch that goes well with any style. Applications: It can be used in a variety of situations, such as everyday use, commuting to work, school, daycare, Halloween, party events, etc. Recommended as a gift for yourself or for your father, friend, or boyfriend on birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, etc. Returns, exchanges, and refunds are possible within 30 days from the date of purchase. is. If there is any problem with the product, please contact customer service.